Animated Backhoe


NEW SERIES VOL VI NO 9                           WEEKLY EDITION             JANUARY 18, 1883




In a long-vanished age, whose varied story

No record has to-day-

So long ago expired its grief and glory-

There flourished, far away.


Ina broad realm, whose beauty passed all maesaure,

A city fair and wide.

Wherein the dwellers lived in peace and pleasure,

And never any died.


Disease and pain and death, those stern marauders

Which mar our world’s fair face,

Never encroached upon the pleasant borders

Of that bright dwelling-place.


No fear of parting and nodreadof dying

Could ever enter there;

No mourning for the lost, no anguished crying

Made any face less fair.


Without the city’s walls death reigned as ever,

And graves rose side by side;

Within, the dwellers laughed at his endeavor

And never any died.


O happiest of all earth’s favored places!

O bliss to dwell therein!-

To live in the sweet light of loving faces,

And fear no grave between!


To feel, no death-damps, gathering cold and colder.

Disputing life’s warm truth,-

To live on, never lonelier or older,

Radiant in deathless youth!


And hurrying from the world’s remotest quarters

A tide of pilgrims flowed,

Across broad plains and over mighty waters,

To find that blest abode.


Where never death should come between, and sever

Them from their loved apart-

Where they might work, and win, and live forever,

Still holding heart to heart.


And so they lived, in happiness and pleasure,

And grew in power and pride,

And did great deeds, and laid up stones of treasure.

And never any died.


And many years rolled on and saw them striving,

With unabated breath;

And other years still found and left them living,

And gave no hope of death.


Yet listen, hapless soul whom angels pity,

Craving a boon like this,-

Mark how the dwellers in this wondrous city

Grew weary of their bliss.


One and another, who had been concealing

The pain of life’s long thrall,

Forsook their pleasant places and came stealing

Outside the city wall.


Craving with wish that brooked no more denying,

So long had it been crossed,

The blessed possibility of dying,-

The treasure they had lost.


Daily the current of rest seeking mortals

Swelled to a broader tide,

Till none were left within the city’s portals,

And graves grew green outside,


Would it be with the having or the giving,

The boon of endless breath?

Oh, for the weariness that comes of living,

There is no cure but death!


Our’s were, indeed, a fate deserving pity,

Were that sweet rest denied;

And a few, methinks, would care to find the city

Where never any died!

                                -[Elizabeth Akers.




The Second Richest Man in the Country – How Russell Sage Grappled With Fortune and Won the Fight-What He Says of Himself and Other People.

Special Correspondence of The Post and Tribune,


New York January 11. – If the reader were asked who is the second richest man in this country, what would he answer? Probably, if he were pretty well informed, he would say Jay Gould. But he would be mistaken, I think. It is the general opinion on Wall street that Russell Sage, with $75,000,000 to his credit, comes next to Vanderbult, and that Jay Gould follows Sage, several millions behind.



I desire in this letter to tell you something about Russell Sage, or “Old Straddle,” as he is familiarly and euphoniously called on the street – certainly one of the most remarkable men of this generation. A man who began with nothing and has added to it till his income is at the very least $15 a minute, waking or sleeping, has lived a life which is worth study and full of absorbing interest. He is still quite young enough to double his property again; and there he lives in a big house up Fifth avenue, with no family but a frugal wife – I wonder who will inherit his vast wealth and where it will be 50 years from now. I know a person who would appreciate it very much; but Sage is in danger of overlooking him, and modesty prevents me from mentioning his name.



The least remarkable thing about Russell Sage is that he is self-made – that he began poor. This is the common lot of all Americans of genius to-day, and it is almost uniformly true of prominent men in this city. Peter Cooper was a hatter’s apprentice; Charles O’Conor was born in a shanty, of the poorest of Irish parents: H. B. Claflin, who now pays his confidential clerk $25,000 a year was a Vermont school teacher; Leonard J_____ was an itinerant printer: Henry Vil____ was a reporter; John G. Moore ran ___ from home to start himself in life; ______ Watson Webb was a clerk in a country store; D. Appleton once kept a grocery in Haverill, Mass; James R. Keene came to this country from England with $20 in his pocket; Cyrus McCormick was a miners boy; Rufus Hatch began by dealing in “garden sass;” Jay Gould was a cowboy on a rugged farm of Delaware county; Sidney Dillon was an errand boy of the New York Central; William H. Vanderbilt at 30 was Commodore Vanderbilt’s thriftless son, trying in vain to get a iving on a Staton Island farm, while his father freely alluded to him in common conversation as a “fool.”



So Russell Sage was born on a very poor farm in Verona, Oneida county, N. Y., August 15, 1816. His parents, of course were from Connecticut. The wooden nutmeg state has strong breeding qualities.


Almost everybody’s father was a Connecticut man. Thurlow Weed’s father was a Connecticut man. Jay Gould’s father was a Connecticut man. Gov. Morgan’s father was a Connecticut man. Beecher’s father was a Connecticut man. The father of Cyrus W. Field and David Dudley Field was a Connecticut man. Daniel Drew’s father was a Connecticut man. Samuel J. Tilden’s father was a Connecticut man. Sidney Dillon’s father was a Connecticut man. Erastus Corning’s father was a Connecticut man. Gen. Sherman’s father was a Connecticut man. Gen. Grant’s father was a Connecticut man. And, when come to that my father was a Connecticut man.

These are something more than mere coincidences.



On Monday I called on the subject of this sketch at his office in the famous ramshackle of a building at 71 Broadway, looking down on Trinity’s old church yard. Jay Gould occupies the front rooms, Russell Sage the offices next, then the Manhattan railroad company. There are not fewer than 15 millionaires in this old building, and their aggregate property would foot up over $200,000,000. There are probably 20 states in the Union any one of which the men in this building could buy and pay every dollar down. From the side of the door which I sought, a small plain wooden sign projected into a narrow hall being the name “Russell Sage.” I entered, and was in an outer office, where a dozen clerks were active behind desks, and several brokers (all under 30, I should think) walked anxiously up and down, pausing every moment to examine the tape that flowed from the ticking stock reporter by the wall. My card was taken and the messenger presently returned and let me through to the room. Mr. Sage, whom I had often seen upon the street, greeted and seated me, handed me a paper and said, “I will see you in five minutes.” He was talking with Mr. Sawyer, the cooper union evangelist and temperance minstrel, about getting some poor reformed drunkards out west where they “could have a chance.”

Outside the window where I sat was the grave of Alexander Hamilton – a broad pedestal of brown sandstone supporting a huge monolith of marble surmounted by a pyramid, and ornamented only with antique funeral urns at the corners. The room was plainly furnished, with three or four lithographs on the walls, and Mr. Sage sat at a square table covered with thirty or forty piles of little envelopes bearing his name. There were so many of these piles that there was hardly room enough for the great speculator to write.



He is a tall thin man, inclined to a bony aspect, chestnut hair grown thin at the top  and combed forward over the ears, a long crooked nose that might have been slightly warped in following some elusive rumor around the Wall street corners, small grey eyes that almost shut up when they look at you, a smooth shaven face with brownish grayish whiskers around under his chin from ear to ear, like Horace Greeley and Peter Cooper; a plain black scarf and a $40 suit of clothes. He has the nervous bilious temperament, active, strong, self poised – the temperament possessed by almost all overmastering men. He talks like lightning – so fast that the words tumble over each other – and he frequently goes back to pick them up.

As I took his inventory the Evangelist, rising to go, showed me passes to the west and letters to Sidney Dillon and Henry Villard recommending half rate tickets, with the comment, “That’s the kind of man he is. I never come here in vain.”



“Well,” said Mr. Sage, turning to me with a smile, “what do you want me to say!”

I told him my errand.

“I don’t believe the public has any interest in me,” he said

“The public,” I persisted, “is deeply interested in any man who has succeeded with out assistance in raking together such a fortune as yours. He is a phenomenon that they like to study.”

“Very well,” he said, “tell your readers that I am in good health and am reasonably prosperous.”

I urged that there was no harm in being more explicit in response to a curiosity that was complimentary, and finally, in answer to my questions he said:



“My parents were poor. My father was Elisha Sage, and I was the youngest of a family of five children. The others were all born in Connecticut before father moved to Oneida county, and I have one brother still living – a farmer up in this state. Of course my youth was one of more or less hardship like that of most country boys. I got some schooling every year when I was small, but at the age of 15 I went to Troy and entered the small grocery store of my brother Henry as a clerk. I had my board and $4 a month wages. It was probably all that I was worth – all that other boys of my age were getting. But I saved some of it. I knew the value of money at that early age and I put away some of my wages every month. I was always ready for a ‘swap,’ and made some money in that way, for I was usually lucky. School? No. 1 couldn’t go to the public school any more, but I hired a private instructor, who gave me lesson nights. After three years of this service I went into business for myself there with my brother, Elisha Sage, and we dealt in groceries and good, for we always paid promptly, and we prospered. We went so far as to buy a sloop to run to New York with country produce, and we made this pay, too. After two years more we dissolved partnership, and I went in company with Mr. Bates. We did a wholesale business. We went into grain and flour, and in packing beef and pork in the west. I was lucky always. Well, I kept getting deeper and deeper into things and making more and more money till finally some 10 or 11 years ago I drifted down here and took a hand with the boys. That’s the whole story.”



He smiled broadly and winked his eyes, and I thought he looked exactly like some old Connecticut deacon in one of this cheerful moods. But he had skipped a little. He had skipped about 30 years! I called his attention to it, and he merely said it was “of no consequence.” I must briefly fill the hiatus with what I happen to know of that period.



While in Troy Mr. Sage became one of the founders and directors of the Commercial bank – the most profitable and successful bank ever organized in that city. When the several railroads between Buffalo and Albany were consolidated into the New York Central about 1852, he made a good deal of money in the transfer of the Troy and Schenectady. The “pile” he pocketed in the single transaction is said to have been $100,000. In 1855 the La Crosse railroad, now a part of the Milwaukee and St. Paul system, got Russell Sage to discount a note for $25,000. In the crash of ’57 that note went to protest. Steps were taken by bond holders to wipe out all outstanding obligations by foreclosure, but Sage organized a party of creditors who opposed the motion, and put in more money to save what was already in. So it happened that he was a large owner of stocks and bonds of the road when the rebellion opened and the tremendous advance in prices came. There was any number of lawsuits, but Sage came out on top. He had mottle and pluck. As they say out west, he had “sand in his gizzard.”



For 20 years Russell Sage had quite a career as a politician. He was a Troy Whig alderman for ten years. He was county treasurer. He was a trusted friend of Weed and Seward and a member of several national conventions. He was in congress from 1853 to 1857, and rose to commanding influence, mainly on account of his personal skill in accomplishing desired results. A re-election was within easy reach, but he declined further honors, and soon after plunged into the vortex of Wall street.



It may be remarked incidentally that he always plunged in where it wasn’t over his head. He brought here about a million dollars, which he did not risk in speculation, but lent to speculators on good security and shaved notes for solvent financial firms. A man who knows him well says, “Nobody ever went to Mr. Sage with collateral to borrow money and went away empty handed, be the security U. S. bonds or a pair of opera glasses. On the other hand, nobody ever succeeded in borrowing any thing of him without security.” Mr. Sage made a heap of money a few years ago selling out the Atlantic and Pacific telegraph company to the Western Union.



It was not till about 1870 that Mr. Sage began the novel methods of speculating, with which his name is identified. He originated the system of “puts” and ‘calls” and “spreads” and “straddlers” and now in a booming market it is no uncommon thing for him to take in $15,000 in a single day for the “privileges” disposed of. He never offers them for sale and never accords a would be purchaser an audience. It must all be done through brokers. All offers for privileges are submitted in writing – not a word is spoken by unannounced, lays a slip of paper before him containing the offer, and silently waits the answer. The broker’s queer slip might be for a “put” as follows: “$95 – 100 W. U. Tel. @ 78 – 60 days,” the meaning being that $95 is offered for a guaranty of 100 shares of Western Union stock – 60 days to run. If he concludes to issue the privilege he opens a small book and enters the transaction, while a clerk in the other office fills a blank and the magnate signs it,: or else answer by writing on another slip of paper a proposition which he will accept.



“I introduced these privileges,” said Mr. Sage to me, “to assist brokers of moderate means. With my credit and vouchers they can operate without the use of money. I pay brokers more than $50,000 a year in commissions alone.



“You ask me if I would advise anybody to come here and go into Wall street.” He stuck his eye-glasses on his nose and looked at me. “No, sir!” Not the shrewdest man I know. I have seen hundreds-thousands- go down and lose every dollar. Some of my old acquaintances have come here and gone out of sight in no time. It seems, when I look back, as if I was about the only one of those who came here when I did and as I did that has survived.



But the brokers live pretty well while they do live, and one thing I will say – there is more honor and generosity among them as ever met. They help one another more; they keep their word more. If one of their number is unfortunate they don’t pounce on him and strip him. They cry ‘give him another chance,’ and accept his terms of settlement.



When I came here there was no selling of puts and calls and straddles, and now it is estimated that half the business of the exchange is done with these privileges. I never sell a spread running longer than six months, and I charge correspondingly so as to cover contingencies. I could not do this business successfully without a large capital. I keep more ready money than any bank in New York.


“How about your saving Gould from bankruptcy by lending him three millions?” I asked.

“No! No! Gould can take care of himself. When the combination of Keene and others was formed to crush him he was worth more than all the rest put together. I told them so, plainly. They pinched his fingers a little, and I lent him some money, and told his enemies that I was ready to lend him a million or two more. Mr. Gould is a great financier. He can take care of himself.”



Mr. Sage is straight as a reed, polite, genteel, and he does not seem hurried or look overworked. He goes to bed at 9:30 or 10 every night, and sleeps nine or ten hours. A story is told me on the street on excellent authority. At a recent meeting of the board of audit of the Western Union, Cyrus W. Field interrupted an explanation by the secretary with, “There! There! That’s all right of course. Go on to the next business.” He is always in a hurry. Mr. Sage responded, “I want to hear all this matter. We are placed here as judges. If any gentleman is in such a hurry as to be unable to listen, I propose that h ebe excused from attending.” Mr. Field subsided.



“May I ask your opinion about the present financial situation?” I inquired of Mr. Sage. “Certainly,” he answered, and he put his hands in his pockets and walked the room. ‘You may say that I think we may look for continued and increasing prosperity. Ours is a tremendous country, full of riches not yet touched. The railroads are prospering and paying large dividends. All the signs are favorable. During the next 10 years the west is going to have a growth that will astonish her own people. The tide is turned and there will be a ‘boom’ this next summer. I am trimming my sails on that theory, and you can say so if you want to. More of my money is in railroad stocks than ever before, because I believe there is going to be a rise in all sorts of property.” And I took my leave.



Perhaps I ought to have said in the proper place that a “put” is the privilege of selling at a certain stipulated price at a certain stipulated time, and a “call” the privilege of buying at a certain stipulated price; while a “straddle” is the privilege combining the two.



While people on the street constantly talk about Russell Sage’s “luck” the talk is but superficial; everybody knows that it is pluck and not luck, shrewdness and brains and not fate, that has enabled him to accumulate a colossal fortune, fling it upon the flood of Wall street, and not only keep but constantly increased it in that maelstrom of treason and Hades of lying.




Arthur Carr, a youth who lives near Magnolia, N. C. is “a hero.” The lad was in charge of a carriage containing Mrs. Mary C. Forlow and her four little children, whom he was taking to the house of ex-Sheriff J. T. Carr, Mrs. Forlow’s father. While crossing Maxwell swamp near Magnolia, the wheels sank into a “wash-out” and the vehicle was over turned, all its occupants being thrown into a deep stream. Young Carr’s feet were entangled in the wheels, but the boy extracted himself and reached the surface of the water. As he came up he saw two of the children floating down the creek. He swam after the little ones, grasped each and bore them to the shore. The struggle was desperate. He placed the rescued children on a hill and ran back to see a third child lying under water. He took the child in his arms and grasped a bit of shawl, by which he pulled the drowning mother from under the carriage. Not forgetting the baby, he brought that little creature to the surface also. Then mounting his horse he rode bare back in a furious run to Sheriff Carr’s home for help. All recovered, and so the boy saved five lives.


End of front page.




ALL who want a paper oftener than once a week should try the Tri-Weekly or Daily Post and Tribune.


The senate postoffice committee has agreed to report the house bill providing  for the issuance of postal notes for transmission in the mails of sums less than $5, for which a fee of 3 cents is to be charged for each note issued.


To always get the best for the money is a safe investment. We can therefore recommend THE WEEKLY POST AND TRIBUNE at $1 per year.


THE Christian Herald of Detroit advertises to club with the WEEKLEY POST AND TRIBUNE for $3.75 for both papers one year. The Herald is the representative Baptist organ of the state, and is always up with the times in general news and religious intelligence.


THE 250THanniversary of the Center Congregational church of Hartford, Ct. will occur this year, it having been founded in Newton, now Cambridge, Mass., in 1633. The society emigrated to Hartford in a body in 1636, with pastor, teacher and ruling elder, so that the church is three years older than the town of Hartford. The day is to be duly honored by the church.


There was a big snow slide Friday on Musquito mountain, 15 miles from Leadville. A body of snow nearly a quarter of a mile long 100 yards wide, and 15 feet deep swept down the mountain side with great velocity scarrying everything in its course. Two miners unable to escape were caught in the avalanche and hurled 100 yards down the mountain side. Though still alive when found they were frozen in a shocking manner and recovery is doubtful.


The letter from the secretary of the treasury transmitting to the house a copy of a dispatch from Commander Merriman of the United States steamer Adams referring to the shelling of an Alaskan village, emphasizes the necessity of withholding liquor from native Alaskans and recommends that authority be given to enforce the prohibition of selling beer as well as liquor. Keepers of bar rooms there have a practice of mixing alcohol with the beer, rendering it as intoxicating as whiskey, and most of the trouble Merriman thinks comes from the sale of liquors.


The bill for the relief of Fritz John Porter authorizes the President to nominate and with the advice and consent of the senate to appoint Porter to the position of colonel in the army of the same grade and rand held by him at the time of his dismissal, and in his discretion to be place on the retired list as of that grade, the retired list being thereby increased in number to that extent. Provided said Porter shall receive no pay, compensation or allowance whatever prior to his appointment under this act.


The contest for the speakership of the next house is being pushed with a degree of activity unusual for such an early day in the canvas. Democratic members of the present congress who have been elected to the next are being wined and dined to an alarming extent. They are button holed and pumped on all occasions, and many of them seem to greatly enjoy their new born properity. Ex-Lieut. Gov. Dorsheimer of New York, has recently become possessed of an idea that he would ably fill the speaker’s chair.


Many Democrats think that the President will call an extra session of the 48th congress in the event that no action is taken upon tariff measures now before congress. The Democrats will have as much if not more trouble in harmonizing upon the tariff question than the Republicans, and it is said that President Arthur is not averse to letting the fight begin next March instead of December. If this question of tariff legislation is thrown into the next congress it will have considerable influence in determining the speakership in question and will probably upset all the slates now being so carefully made.


By an error in the transmission of the civil service bill on the night it passed the senate, a clause was retained which provided (in the original bill) that “promotions shall be from lower grades to higher on a basis of merit and competition.” This clause was stricken out by the senate on motion of Mr. Brown in the proceedings of the day, as then stated in the press reports. The bill as it passed the house is identical with the bill passed by the senate. The argumentative “preamble” of the original bill although stricken out during consideration of the measure in the senate, erroneously prefaced the copy of the bill telegraphed to the newspaper.


The managers of the Holland international exhibition hope congress may be induced to appropriate $100,000 to provide suitable representation of American industry and products. This is only half the sum voted for the Vienna exhibition while the trade of the United States with the Netherlands in 1881 was more than eight times as large as with Austria. It increased three fold in the past six years. As showing the importance of the government  Netherlands attaches to trade with the United States, Commissioner Wheelwright cities the fact that it appropriated $92,000 to enable its subjects to make the exhibit which they sent to Philadelphia in 1876.


CHIEF Engineer EdwinWells of the United States navy is found, in a less degree than charged, guilty of assaulting an enlisted man in the navy, by court martial, which convened at Portsmouth, N. H. navy yard, and sentenced to be publicly reprimanded in general orders by the secretary of the navy. The secretary has issued an order of reprimand, which concludes: “Chief Engineer Wells should have remembered that he who would govern, others should first learn to govern himself, and that nothing is more productive of discontent and a consequent lack of prompt obedience on the part of sub_______    (THERE IS A PIECE OF TAPE ON THE NEWSPAPER AND I AM UNABLE TO TRANSCRIBE THE BALANCE OF THE ARTICLE.)           


A JOINT resolution has been submitted in the house and referred to the committee on commerce, providing for investigation of the subject of railroad transportation in all its relations to the agricultural, commercial and industrial interest of the United States. It directs the commissioner of railroads to consider and investigate the subject and inquire generally into the conditions affecting commerce with foreign nations and among states, the character and extent of discriminations made by railroad corporations and the rates charged by them, whether exorbitant or unequal, and the sufficiency, for the traffic throughout the country; to ‘ascertain as nearly as may be the cost of construction and equipment of roads, the amount of stocks issued by the companies, the amount issued in excess of cost of construction and equipment and the rate and amount of dividends declared and paid. The resolution also directs that the commissioner shall have power to send for persons oaths and examine witnesses, and in prosecution of his inquiries visit such portions of the country as he may deem advisable.


The house commerce committee will formally commence work this week on a river and harbor bill. A member of the committee informs a correspondent what the policy of the committee will be. “We will select such rivers and harbors as are considered by the war department as needing improvement for the benefit of commerce. We will have to avoid such as he thinks are not needing improvement. Then we shall take the estimates, and with that as a basis we will allow about a third of the usual amount. That, with the unexpended balances now remaining to the credit of the rivers and harbors, will make an amount probably sufficient for present purposes. The aggregate of the bill will be small, and it will be reported and passed without the trouble that was experienced over the last one.”



Es-Senator Lot M. Morrill of Maine died at Augusta, January 10. His age was 67. He was governor of the state in 1858-1860, and senator from 1861-1869. He was a man of influence, ability and character.

Col. Greenbury L. Fort, ex member of congress and ex Union soldier, died at Lacon, Ill. After seven hours illness

Gen. H. de Valdan, chief of staff to Gen. Vinoy during the siege of Paris, and signatory to the capitulation of that city in the Franco German war, died of apoplexy on hearing of the death of Gen. Canzy.

Clark Mills, the sculpter of the equestrian statue of Washington at the national capital, and other similar works, died Saturday.

Sir Samuel Martin, baron of the British exchequer from 1850-1874, is dead.

President Taldua of Columbia, South America, died December 21, and Dr. Jose E. Otalora has been sworn into office.

Bishop Talbot (Episcopal) of Indiana, died of paralysis Monday. He has been in poor health some time.


A NEW form of human brutishness was developed last week near Philadelphia. David McWilliams, a coal miner living in Plymouth, Luzerne county, and Robert Tavish, a saloon keeper at Manayunk, were matched some time ago to “Purr” for $250 a side. “Purring” is scientific shin kicking and the contestant who is most agile and best able to stand punishment wins. The battle was fought shortly after midnight Thursday night in Camden, and was won by McWilliams in the 23d round. The men were barelegged from the knee to the ankle and each wore No. 7 brogans. Both were very much exhausted after an hour’s kicking, and Tavish wanted to quit, but his friends insisted that he should go on. McWilliams’ shins were badly cut and bruised, but they were nothing when compared to Tavish’s. In the next four rounds McWilliams went as he liked and every time he kicked he left an ugly cut or bruise. In the 23d round Tavish’s seconds could not stop the flow of blood. They wanted to apply bandages, but were not allowed. McWilliams kicked Tavish five times in the 23d round, and Tavish dropped like a log and refused to go on. His legs from the knee to the ankle were covered with cuts and raw as beefsteak. Tavish’s legs were washed in apple Jack and he was driven to the ferry. Before the “Purrers” reached Philadelphia their legs were swelled out of all proportions.


To tell all the good things the people say of THE POIST AND TRIBUNE would more than fill the whole of these eight pages, but we can only afford space this week to give a few  as samples of the whole:

W. E. M. – Fremont Centre, Mich., says “The POST AND TRIBUNE is the best paper in the country, but suppose all your readers have found this out before.”

J. R. D.  Ottumwa, Ia., says: “Please find $1 for the best weekly in the United States – it is the coming paper.”

H. G. B.Allegan, Mich., says: “I send you 44 new subscribers to THE POST AND TRIBUNE. Many of them have stopped the Echo and other papers to take THE POST AND TRIBUNE.”

A. D. H. – Grand Lodge, Mich., says: “Enclosed find subscription to POST AND TRIBUNE. I get the News and Free Press, but they do not fill the bill.”

L. McL. – Ionia, Mich., writes: “I have taken THE POST AND TRIBUNE  or its successors for over 20 years continuously, and I think every number improves. I cannot do without it, and I know many of my neighbors feel just as I do.”

Go on, gentlemen. Every word of approval of this kind is another brick that helps us raise the pyramid of 50,000 name that we want to THE POST AND TRIBUNE. Next week we will give you some facts and figures to show you how fast we are succeeding.


THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH company is a large corporation, having nearly 400,000 miles of wire, enough to girdle the earth 16 times, and 12,600 offices scattered in every state and territory of the union and in the provinces of Canada from the borders of Newfoundland at the gulf of St. Lawrence to Puget sound in British America. It has also cables to London so that it now requires its line, and the feat has been performed of publishing in the San Francisco morning papers quotations and transactions of the closing of the London exchange at 3 P. M. of the same day. Dr. Norvin Green, the president, recently stated to a congressional committee that the company was performing better telegraphic service than was being done anywhere in the civilized world and taken all in all at a lower rate of tolls. There was perhaps in the continent a larger area of the 25 cents rate but the Western Union had a considerable area of 15 and 19 cents rates which those countries had not and the 50 cent rate covered a much larger territory than any of the compound rates of England and the continent. Nowhere in the world can a message be sent the distance from Boston to Portland, Oregon, for $1.50, the rate of the Western Union between those points. A New York banker had told him that when he was in London he could get messages from New York or Chicago a great deal quicker than he could from Paris.


OLD WORLD news has no new features. Ireland is in turmoil and deep distress from threatened famine. The harvest of 1882 fell short of the previous year by $20,000,000 three fourths of it in the potato crop. People cannot engage in prolonged general rebellion and attend to their business at the same time. A lively correspondence is again progressing between Egan and Pigeott declares that $500,000 of the funds are not accounted for. Patrick Higgins, one of the murderers of the Huddys, was hung Monday. He behaved with firmness on the scaffold. Some 20 persons have been arrested in Dublin for conspiracy to associate police and higher officials. They are said to belong to a secret society, and two fo its members betrayed its existence and purposes. The arrests have created not a little consternation among the agitators. – In England, the prince of Wales unveiled the statue at the royal military academy, Woolwich, erected to the memory of the French prince imperial by subscription of 5,000 officers and men of the British army. There was a large attendance of notabilities. – Gladstone has gone to Cannes, France, for a season of much needed rest. – The floods in Germany and Hungary are subsiding but have inflicted immense damage and great loss of life. Only the promptest efforts will prevent famine. – Gambetta’s body has been taken to Nice, Italy, for burial. The Suez canal company propose to expend $4,000,000 in improving that great highway. – An attempt to assassinate the sultan is reported from Turkey. Several men were killed in the attempt.


SOME 30 members of the national Republican committee will be in Washington this week to settle the question of representation on the district plan, in accordance with the resolution of the national convention of 1880. Several elaborate methods will be laid before the committee. The matter of proxies was mentioned to a prominent member of the committee. He said he believed there was a rule that the holder of a proxy must bail from the state for which it is given – this will be enforced as far as practricable. In the case of territories it will not be enforced. It is understood that plans of the apportionment of representation are to be submitted to the committee, viz.; Mr. Chandler’s for four delegates at large for every state, two delegates from each district, and three delegates for every Republican senator and representative making a total of 1,306; Mr. Forbes, for two delegate for each district and one for every Republican senator and representative, total 671; and Mr. Martin’s for four delegates at large for each state, ____ delegate for each district and one for every 12,000 Republican votes or major fraction thereof, total 867, on the basis of the last election.


The collector of customs at Stitka, Alaska, states that the very rich mineral deposits of Alaska will not fail to attract great attention in the near future. Lodes are found at the base of the mountains, which can be traced up their sides, and are worked by surface diggers to such advantage that last season a small force of men made over $250,000. Quartz diggings have been much interfered with by reason of the little respect paid to proprietary interests and others. Considerable Pacific coast capital is funding its way into Alaska, and has already brought into prominence lines of mineral as large as the whole Comstock lode. He believes that mines will show the largest body of ore in sight in the worlds, and says eastern capitalists have already sent machinery for the purpose of developing the great mineral regions of Alaska. He predicts that Alaska is destined to occupy a front rank in American possessions, not only on account of the valuable fisheries, mines and rich mineral deposits, but also for great ship building facilities. Unfortunately Alaska is badly in need of recognized authority for the enforcement of laws. This necessity is growing more urgent every day. There will soon be interminable conflicts between antagonistic mining interests unless the government establishes a system of laws with authority to enforce them.


SENATORIAL elections are progressing this week in various states as well as our own. – In Maine Senator Wm. P. Frye has been reelected; in Tennessee Senator Isham G. Harris; in Arkansas Senator A. H. Garland, where even the Republicans voted for him; and in Illinois Gov. Shelby M. Cullom is chosen in place of David Davis. In Massachusetts the first day’s balloting brought Senator Hoar so near an election that in the senate the Democrats abandoned their own candidate and went over in a body to ex – Gov. Long (Rep.), and gave the vote of that body to him, a few Republicans voting for Long as their preference, there being no caucus nominations in this state. The house adjourned upon hearing this, and the two houses will now meet in joint convention, but not in time to report the result this week. In Minnesota, Senator Windom leads, but some 50 Republican refused to be bound by caucus action, which renders the outcome as yet uncertain, although the general opinion is that Mr. Windom will be reelected as he surely ought to be. -  Senator Saulsbury has been renominated by the Democrats of Delaware, which is equivalent to an election. – In Colorado, the Republican caucus has been so far unable to agree, ex Gov Pitkin, Gov. Tabor and others running pretty evenly in the contest for the nomination.


The Presidential succession bill as it finally passed the senate last week enacts:

In case of removal, death, resignation or inability of both the President and Vice President, the secretary of state, or if there be none, or in case of his removal, death, resignation or inability, then another member of the cabinet, in this order of precedence: secretary of the treasury, secretary of war, attorney general, postmaster general, secretary of the navy and secretary of the interior, shall act as President until the disability is removed, or until the vacancy is otherwise lawfully filled such officer being eligible to the office of President under the constitution, and not under articles of impeachment by the house of representatives at the time the powers and duties of the office shall devolve upon him; provided, that whenever the powers and duties of the President of the United States shall devolve upon any of the persons named, if congress be not then in session, or if it would not meet regularly within 20 days there after, it shall be the duty of the person upon whom said powers and duties shall devolve to issue a proclamation convening congress in extraordinary session, giving 20 days notice of the time of meeting.

During the discussion Mr. Logan (Rep, Ill) expressed the opinion that a majority of the people would vote to extend the presidential term to six years and make the President ineligible for re-election; and said he would vote for this himself if the question were presented.


THE British note to the European powers in regard to Egypt, proposes that, in order to avoid any abuse of freedom of the Suez canal, it shall be enacted that in time of war, a limitation be placed on the time during which vessels of a belligerent power are permitted to remain in the canal, and that no troops or munitions of war shall disembarked and no hostilities be permitted in the canal or its approaches, or anywhere in the territorial waters of Egypt, even in the event of Turkey being one of the belligerents. Recurrence of an emergency resembling the late rebellion is provided for by a clause excepting measures for defense of Egypt from the above restrictions. Every power shall be bound to bear the cost of immediate repair of any damage its vessels may cause in the canal. Egypt shall take all measures in her power to enforce the conditions imposed upon ships of belligerent powers using the canal. No fortifications shall be erected on the canal or in the vicinity. Nothing in the agreement shall be constructed as curtailing the territorial rights of Egypt further than is expressly stipulated. Among other subjects the note declares the question of the suppression of slavery and the slave trade to be one which the British government has much at heart, and that it will miss no opportunity to advising the knedive to take steps calculated to obtain the end in view.


Fires have added horror to loss the past week. We give full details of that in Milwaukee on our fifth pages. – At St. Louis Sunday night a rear addition to the Planters hotel was burned, and four laboring people perished in it, while 300 guests in the hotel were panic stricken but escaped without harm, as the hotel proper was not reached. – F. G. Mandt’s extensive carriage works at Stoughton, Wis; loss $100,000, insured $70,000. – Ten or a dozen stores in Neenah, Wis; loss $100,000, insured $30,000. – The First Presbyterian church at Memphis, Tenn. Shortly after service Sunday; loss $25,000. – Brossley & Co.’s large paper mill, Bangor, Maine. – The Chicago smelting and refining company’s works; loss $110,000, insured $30,000. – Samuel C. Lewis’s fine residence at Tarrytown, N. Y., with elegant pictures and furniture; loss $100,000. – The forge and bolt departments of the Elba iron works at Franktown, a few miles from Pittsburg; loss $40,000. – Clapp’s block, Desmoines, Iowa, pretty well burned out loss $160,000; insured half. – J. E. Croswell’s north star flowing well at Minneapolis; loss $26,000. – During a performance Saturday at the circus in Berditacheff, Russian Poland, a fire broke out and before the spectators could escape the whole structure was a blaze. There were 800 people in the audience and only one door and that opened on the side, so that the rushing crowd held it shut beyond any possibility of opening. The building was of wood and was in a blaze almost in an instant. The horses running about wildly increased the confusion. It is stated that 400 persons were suffocated, crushed or burned to death. Those who escaped did so by leaping from the windows, many of them all aflame. The fire lasted two hours. Eye witnesses state that when the doors were finally opened a mass of burning persons was visible within.


WASHINGTON gossip is quite light. – So much opposition having been created to the nomination of J. F. Olmstead as one of the commissioners of the district of Columbia, the President has withdrawn the same. – The house elections committee adopted a resolution declaring no election in the second Mississippi district. The seat occupied by Manning will consequently be declared vacant and the case will go to the people. – The sub-committee of the senate and house committees on public buildings and grounds have agreed to recommend the purchase of the house in which Abraham Lincoln died for $15,000. – The house elections committee have also decided to report in favor of seating Cain as a delegate from Utah. – Virginia Cameron, daughter of Senator Don Cameron of Pennsylvania, was married Friday to Lieut. Alexander Rogers of the army. This will afford another opportunity to jump a subordinate officer into some sort of soft place on a general’s staff because he has rich and influential relations, as has been done with Lieut. Fred Grant. – The total issue of gold certificates to date is $65,519,840, of which amount $46,208,350 are in circulation and $19,311,490 still in the treasury. – The house elections committee decided by a vote of 7 to 6 to dismiss the Lee vs. Richardson, South Carolina contest. – The census office has dropped 105 clerks; 150 remain, and they will go in 30 days unless a new appropriation is passed and the office will be closed. – The first National bank of Midland, Mich., is authorized to begin business with a capital of $60,000. – Prof. Mitchell of the coast survey, before the Mississippi river committee pronounced himself as unqualifiedly in favor of the works in progress on the river. He thought the work of improving the river may be completed for $40,000,000. He thinks when the work is done a channel 15 to 20 feet deep will be secured in places now most shallow. – The secretary of the treasury has authorized the coinage of a new five cent nickel piece of a new design a little larger and thinner than the present coin. – The secretary of the interior decides that lands in Bitter Root valley, Montana, are subject to the grant of the Northern Pacific railroad. The land is occupied by settlers. – The naval advisory board recommended the completion of four monitors now unfinished in the navy yards, at a total cost of $5,691,605. – The President has signed the new civil service bill.


Miscellaneous items: Marsh T. Polk, the defaulting state treasurer of Tennessee, about whose arrest we were in doubt last week, was finally captured and has been brought back. He bought one detective off, but the second he couldn’t bribe. – A severe storm of cold and snow, a regular blizzard, raged throughout the west last week, and there was quite a fall of snow at the east and as far south as Virginia. – The auction sale of pews of Henry Ward Beecher’s church netted $37,001. The highest sum paid was $725. The decrease in more than $1,000 compared with last years rentals. – At Toronto, Samuel Miles, a 7 year old boy, was found frozen fast in the ice in the bay. He left home to skate Saturday afternoon and, it is thought was driven out by a strong wind, and being unable to return, lay down and was frozen to death. – Business failures of the week, 202. – A bill has been introduced into the Florida legislature for the construction of a ship canal from the Atlantic to the gulf of Mexico across the peninsula. – W. B. Rich has been appointed postmaster at Camden, Me., over the present incumbent, Alden Miller, Jr. a wounded soldier, who did not pay the assessment on his salary. The citizens have very properly held an indignation meeting. – At Woodstock, Ont. A foot race was run Monday between

F. W. Stone of Romeo, Mich and J. Crossley of Phiadelphia, for $400 a side. Crossley won by four feet. A race for $500 a side between M. K. Kettleman, Kansas, and George H. Smith Pittsburg, was won by Kettleman by six inches.- John Welles Hallenback of Wilkesbarre, Pa., has presented Lafayette college at Easton a second $50,000 to endow the chair of the president. The marquis of Lorne and the Princess Louise are visiting Richmond. – The relatives of C. M. Woodruff, killed in the Long Branch railroad disaster last summer, have recovered $25,000 damage from the company. – Clay Sexton, chief of the St. Louis fire department, in riding along the streets saw a miserable cur on the sidewalk insulting ladies who were unattended by vile remarks, frightening them greatly. Sexton watched the pup long enough to see that there was no mistake, then got out of his buggy, got another man to hold his horse, and whipped the fellow soundly, making him howl with pain, and attracting a crowd of 200 or 300 people, who cheered him lustily.

The Illinois house have adopted a resolution declaring any one inelligible for United States senator if elected while an officer of the state. The resolution is intended to bar Gov. Cullom. The vote stood 80 to 65. The senate must also adopt it to make it good for anything. – The general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church at Napanee, Ont., adopted the proposed basis of union 74 to 20. – William Bucknell of Philadelphia on Thursday handed the board of trustees of the university of Lewisburg, Pa. (Baptist Theological seminary), a check for $100,000, including his own subscription for $500,000 made on condition that $50,000 more be secured. – The Union league club of New York have elected Wm. M. Evarts president and adopted the civil service bill with applause. – In the suit in a Brooklyn court of Alice Livingston against Henry Fleming a New York merchant, to recover $75,000 for breach of promise of marriage, the jury gave a verdict for the full amount claimed. – An association for the preservation of Niagara falls has been formed in New York city. – At Lyon, Mass., Dr. Wm. A. McDonald has brought suit claiming $10,000 damages against the Rev. Patrick Strain, ST. Mary’s Roman Catholic, who charged that the physician was unskillful and advised people not to employ him. – Rev. A. F. Beard of Syracuse, N. Y., is chosen to the pastorship of the American chapel, Paris and the secretaryship of the American and foreign Christian union. – The work for the Garfield statue to be placed in the hall of the old house at Washington, for which the Ohio legislature appropriated $10,000 last winter, has been awarded to Carl Henry Nelhaus of Cincinnati. The statue is to be a military figure, full size, and to be completed in six months.


In Congress the Past Week.

Monday – In the senate the presidential succession bill was debated the entire session. In the house a resolution was adopted to investigate John Bailey, chief clerk of the house, charged with lobbying to influence legislation. The shipping bill was then debated till adjournment.

Tuesday – In the senate a resolution to terminate the reciprocity treaty with the Sandwich islands was debated at length and finally referred. In the course of the debate Senator Ingalls said the treaty as it now stood simply gave a bounty of $4,000,000 to a citizen of California. A resolution was adopted directing the postmaster general to suspend service on a certain star route in Colorado which he denounced as a barefaced swindle. The presidential succession bill was further considered and finally passed, 40 to 13. In the house the shipping bill was debated.

Wednesday – In the senate a joint resolution abrogating the fisheries treaty with Great Britain was introduced and referred. The senate tariff bill was then considered at length. In the house the shipping bill was further considered.

Thursday – In the senate an amendment to the Utah bill of last session was reported from the judiciary committee. The bill for the relief of Fitz John Porter was then further debated and finally passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Messr. Barrow, Beck, Brown, Butler, Call, Camden, Cameron (Pa.), Cockerell, Cooke, Davis (W. Va.), Farley, Garland, George, Gorman, Groome, Hampton, Hoar, Jackson, Jonas, Jones (Fla.), Lamar, Maxey, Morgan, Pendleton, Pugh, Ransom, Saulsbury, Sewell, Slater, Vance, Vest, Voohees, and Walker – 33.

Noes – Messrs. Aldrich, Anthony, Blair, Cameron (Wis.), Chilcott, Conger, Davis (Ill.), Dawes, Edmunds, Frye, Hale, Harrison, Hawley, Hill, Ingalls, Kellogg, Logan, McDill, McMillan, Miller (Cal.), Miller (N.Y.), Morrill, Platt, Plumb, Rollins, Sawyer, Windom – 27.

The following pairs were announced: Messr. Allison with Bayard, Grover with Van Wyck, Jonston with Mitchell (Pa.), Lapham with McPherson, and Williams with Saunders, Ferry with Harris, Jones with Fair.


A resolution was adopted instrusting the judiciary committee to inquire what legislation is necessary to provide for ascertaining the existence and termination of presidential “inability” and to report by bill or otherwise. The tariff bill was then further considered. In the house the shipping bill was discussed during the entire session.

Friday – In the senate, nearly the whole time was consumed in executive session considering the Mexican treaty. In the house the railroad committee reported a bill authorizing the Southern Pacific and other railway companies to unite so as to form a continuous road between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The senate bill to increase the fees of star route witnesses coming from west of the Mississippi river was passed. The shipping bill was then considered at length and finally passed.

Saturday – In the senate the bill to make the department of agriculture a full department with a cabinet officer at its head was considered throughout the session. In the house the pension bill was taken up the following proceedings had thereon:

The home went into committee of the whole the chair, on the pension appropriation bill. It appropriates $81,575,000 of which $80,000,000 is for army pensions. $1,000,000 for navy pensions, $273,000 for fees and expenses of examining surgeons, $280,000 for pay and allowance of pension agents, and $10,000 for countingencies.

Mr. O’Neill (Rep. Pa.) under authority of the committee on appropriations, moved to increase the appropriations for any pensions to $85,000,000.

After some discussion the motion was adopted.

An amendment was also adopted making immediately available $50,000 of the appropriation for fees and expenses of examining surgeons.

Mr. O’Neill explained that at the close of the present fiscal year there would be an unexpended balance to the credit of the pension bureau of $15,800,000, which would bring the appropriation up to the estimate of the departments, viz., $101,750,000.

Mr. Blackburn (Dem. Ky.) said that the amendment was all right so far as it went, but the question was whether it went far enough. The estimates amounted to $101,750,000. This bill to appropriate $86,000,000 reappropriated the unexpended balance which should be on hand at the end of the current year. He feared a deficit bill at the next session.

The committee then rose and reported the bill to the house, when it passed.

Mr. Joyce (Rep. Vt.) called up the bill providing that any person who while in the naval or military service shall have lost the sight of one eye, shall be entitled to receive a pension of $12 per month, and in cases in which the injury to one eye manifestly affects injuriously the sight of the other eye, shall be entitled to an equitable increase in his pension not to exceed in the whole amount $25 per month, and all those who under like circumstances have lost the sight of one eye, the sight of the other having been previously lost, shall be entitled to a pension of $30 per month; and all those who; while in the military or naval service of the United States in the line of duty by injury received or disease contracted shall have lost the hearing of both ears, shall be entitled to a pension of $25 per month, and for any loss of hearing less than total deafness in one or both ears they shall receive an equitable portion of full pensions.

Mr. Bragg (Dem. Wis.) opposed the bill. The evil of the pension law was that congress under a guise of doing justice to a few, did the rankest, foulest injustice to 50,000 person. Before laws it should appoint a committee to grade the pension list so that justice should be done all alike.

The bill passed, yeas 126, noes 55.

The fortification bill was then briefly considered and passed. It appropriates $325,000.


The Way of the Transgressor.

Christina Sherwood, daughter of the chief engineer of the United States navy, was robbed of a pocketbook and ear rings the other day while ascending the stops at Murray Hill, an aristocratic part of the city to take the Fourth avenue horse cars. No arrests were made. The young lady in resisting the thief was thrown violently to the ground. – The Washington (Pa.) Savings bank case against Thompson and Ruth for conspiracy and embezzlement, has been compromised by Thompson paying $10,650 and attorney’s fees of $2,000. Ruth has been re-arrested on a charge of perjury, embezzlement and false pretenses on oath of W. A. Mickey, a stockholder of the bank. – Mayor Frederick Roth of the Swiss confederation was arrested on board the steamer Rhineland, when she arrived in New York, Monday, charged with appropriating government funds to his own use. – Shaw, the cashier of the suspended Jersey City bank, is held in $10,000 bail, charged with perjury in swearing to the false statement of the banks condition. – Reeder Moore of Waterford, Pa., who killed himself a few days ago, made a confession before death that his false testimony convicted Charles Stafford eight years ago of rape, for which he is now serving a 20 years’ sentence. – Chas. W. Cook, committed to the New Hampshire state prison in 1879 for the murder of Susan Hanson, died on the 9th. On confession of Cook, Buswell was hanged for hiring Cook to shot Miss Hanson, after a noted contest before the supreme court and legislature. Cook left a confession which admits the shooting, also that he testified falsely concerning Buswell being present when the deed was committed. He says after Buswell got to Wolfboroughon the day of the murder he relented and drove back at break neck speed to Brookfield to prevent Cook from doing the killing, but arrived 20 minutes too late, Cook having killed the woman and gone to bed as Buswell had directed.

Phillip Matthews, aged 20, was hanged at Belleville, Ill, Friday, for the murder of Annie Geyer May 28, 1882. The execution was in the jail, in the presence of 50 spectators. Matthews was attended by three ministers, and conducted himself with great firmness, bidding good-by in a clear, strong voice. Although the drop was nearly eight feet, his neck was not broken, and it was more than 20 minutes before the physicians decided that he was dead. Matthews was a young German, desperately in love with Miss Geyer, but he became dissipated and was discarded, and because the lady would not renew the engagement with him he shot her. – Irishman known as Drunken Jack Sheehan was arrested at St. Louis on a charge of having murdered his son James, a lad of 17 years. It seems that Sheehan went home drunk, quarreled with his wife, drove her outdoors, and is then said by one of his little children to have struck his boy James who was lying sick in bed a heavy blow on the chest, which shortly afterwards resulted fatally. Sheehan denies striking his son or having any trouble with him. On the contrary he claims to have given the boy medicine and otherwise treated him kindly. – John A. Hoffman, tailor, living in Cincinnati, fatally hot his son Robert, aged 22, at their home. Hoffman was drunk and had a quarrel with his son Thursday night. Friday morning he arose early and hid behind the door till the son started to work when he fired, the ball taking effect in the abdomen. Five years ago Hoffman killed another son but was not convicted. He has escaped. – Geo. W. Cushman who joined the Concord school of philosophy last summer, had himself introduced at the bank, and issued two forged drafts purporting to be drawn by the First National bank of Chicago and the Chicago branch bank of Montreal on the bank of New York, has been arrested in St. Louis. – Mrs. Hettie Cunningham, a widow, at Wheeling West Virginia, threw her 3 year old boy from the suspension bridge at Fairmont into the Monongohela river, a distance of 52 feet, and then jumped in herself. Both were rescued after floating over the dam below the bridge, and with difficulty rescuscitated. No cause is assigned for the act.

Austin Risley, 69 years old, who lived alone in a miserly manner on a farm near Aurora, Ohio, was found Saturday lying in a barn in an unconscious condition and partly covered with snow and ice with two ugly wounds on the head. Risley evidently had been lying helpless where found for many hours exposed to alternate snow and rain which beat in a wide open door. A neighbor who discovered him called in aid and efforts were made to revive the unfortunate man, but he died a few hours later without being able to tell how he was hurt. Some think he was murdered for his money, but as he kept it secreted no search will be likely to show whether the house had been robbed, nothing indicating that the premises had been ransacked and it is probable that Risley fell from a hay loft, receiving injuries which stunned him and that death ensued from exposure.

At a ball in Bedford county, Va., a lady, Idelle Read, said to Scott Clayton, who was calling the figures, that he was not calling correctly. He made some sharp response which was resented by one of Miss Read’s admirers, Armstead Barksdale. The latter called Clayton out hot words passed; Barksdale drew a knife, sprung on Clayton and inflicted a horrible gash, severing the jugular vein and causing immediate death. The scene in the ball room was sickening. Women in fancy ball dresses fainted, falling in pools of blood, and a regular melon followed among the partisans of the two men. Barksdale escaped unobserved, and wandering to another part of the county borrowed a gun from an acquaintance and shot him self through the bowels, and died a few hours after. – Some months ago a man named Abram Burrow brought suit against S. H. McCrea, a prominent, wealthy and respected citizen who has held many important offices of trust in the community, to recover $2,000 alleged due him fro detective services. Burrow claims that his work had extricated McCrea from a scandal. McCrea refused to make a settlement, and in the trial which has just concluded it was clearly shown that this so called detective, with a friend named J. J. Fenes, had deliberately planned a job by which it was proposed to blackmail McCrea out of several thousand dollars. McCrea had, however, made a firm stand. He refused to be bled, kicked the blackmailer from his office and in court made so strong and clear a case that the jury without hesitation found a verdict in his favor.



Annual Meeting of the Michigan Sportsman’s Association – Report of their Doings.

The Michigan sportmen’s association convened its eighth session in Detroit last week. This association was organized eight years ago for the purpose of securing the enactment of effective laws for the protection, at proper time, of wild game of all kinds and the enforcement of all laws for such purposes. There were in attendance a large number of members from all parts of the state. The present officers are:

President - E. S. Holmes, Grand Rapids.

Secretary – Wm B. Mershon, East Saginaw

Treasurer – N. A. Osgood, Battle Creek

Director for Four Years – S. E. Rogers, Jackson

Director for Three Years – W. C. Colburn, Detroit

Director for Two Years – E. C. Nichols, Battle Creek

Director for One Year – D. H. Fitzhugh, Jr., Bay City

The Meeting was called to order by the president, who stated that he had no introductory remarks to make, as he saw many anxious members present, and he hoped that the business would be proceeded with rapidly and the point and in the interest of game protection.


The committee on credentials reported the following list of delegates from auxiliary clubs;

Bay Point Shooting Club, Eire, Monroe CountyA. J. Keeney, J. S. Hilton, Levi Morrin, Harry Conant, Horace W. Avery.

East Laginaw Game Protection Club – A. Hettershon, J. R. Livingston, Hosea Pratt, Vincent Kindler, W. B. Merson.

Detroit Hunting and Fishing Club – Stephen H. Ives, Geo. H. Parker, J. W. Winckler, John Belknap, John H. Bissell.

Lake St. Clair Club, DetroitW. C. Colburn, E. O. Durfee, L. L. Barbour, S R. Woolley, L. W. Tinker.

Central City Sportsmen’s Club, Jackson – S. E. Rogers, C. W. Higby, G. H. Mann, N. W. Burkhart, Frank S. Clark.

Kent County Sportmen’s Club, Grand RapidsL. D. Norris, H. Widdecomb, J. C. Parker, L. D. Follett, G. W. Locke.

Point Moullie Shooting Club, DetroitE. H. Gillman, E. S. Barbour.

Battle Creek Sportsmen’s Club – E. C. Nichols, N. A. Osgood, Eugene Harbeck.

Bay County Sportmen’s Association, Bay CityChas. C. Fitzhugh, C. G. Gibson, Benj. Whipple, Benson Conkley, D. H. Fitzhugh.

North Channel Shooting Club, DetroitF. A. Baker, E. F. Conely, R. D. Robinson, Geo. M. Savage, Julius Hess.

Individual Members Proposed – F. M. Barnes, W. F. Walton, Ionia; Joseph Dewey, W. C. Sterling, Monroe; John McKay, F. C. Percival, Detroit.


Miscellaneous Business.

The north channel shooting club, Detroit, and the Detroit hunting and fishing club were proposed for membership as auxiliary clubs, and were duly accepted.


Retiring Address:

Dr. Holmes then delivered his retiring address. He said that he had prepared nothing which might properly be called an address, but simply wished to offer a few suggestions. A retrospect of the past year was very gratifying, and most of them had enjoyed an outing on the streams and in the fields.

He recommended a uniform open season for all land game in this and adjoining states, commencing on the 1st of September. He also advised the association to five the subject of prohibiting hunting and fishing on Sunday a careful and calm discussion. He thought the work of the association could be carried on to much better advantage. If it were chartered under state law, and advised that steps be taken to that end.

He thought the best way to secure the enforcement of game and fish laws would be the appointment of a state officer, who would give his whole time and attention to that end, and who should have the power to appoint deputies in various parts of the state to assist him. Much good had been accomplished by Mr. Cyrus W. Higbee, who had been employed by the association and who would make a report during the session.



Mr. R. P. Toms, as a member of the committee to report on trespass laws and the mutual right of sportsmen and land owners, read an interesting paper on that subject which was listened to with much attention.

Mr. Toms moved that the association approve the enactment of a law now pending, prohibiting battery shooting, which motion was adopted, and the president and secretary were instructed to affix their official signatures to a petition for that purpose.


Second Day’s Session.

R. Widdecomb of Grand Rapids, Hosea A. Pratt of East Saginaw, and Profs. H. C. Allen and D. C. Franklin of Ann Arbor were elected to membership.

Mr. C. W. Higby from the committee on game and fish laws reported in favor of the appointment of a game and fish warden and the offering of a reward for killing predatory animals and birds. Mr. Higby recommended that the legislature be asked to so amend the game laws that the having in possession of any game or those classes of fish which are protected during the close season be prima facil evidence of killing. The report was accepted and placed on file.


At the opening of the afternoon session F. N. Clark of Northville read a paper upon fish, food and food fishes. Premising his statement with the declaration that the subject of food for fish had not received the attention it merited, he stated that too much had been expected of nature. Fry was sometimes planted in waters which had no proper food for their maintenance. It was necessary to provide suitable food for fish just as for any other kind of life. Fish culturists ought to properly


Of the state before stocking them and ascertain what varieties of fish they could support; waters not adapted to supplying whitefish with proper food might be adapted to trout or some other kind of food fish.

Dr. Parker of Grand Rapids said that by examinations he had made he was convinced that while fish subsisted largely upon minute shell fish. Unless these abounded in any given water it would be useless he thought to plant white fish there.


A very droll and humorous letter from A. H. Mershon of East Saginaw to Frank N. Clark was read to the association by request. It is as follows:

East Saginaw, August 10, 1882.

Frank A Clark. Northville, Michigan

Dear Sir.- A deep interest is game and fish culture and protection in our forests and inland waters, prompts me to write you. I feel it to be the duty, as it should be the pleasure, of all claiming to be sportsmen, to assist by information, advice and experiment, in increasing and protecting the fish and game supply of our state.

Some ten years ago a few gentlemen procured some speckled trout and a few land-locked salmon from Canada, and planted them in some spring brooks tributary to the Tobacco river, in Clare county. I understand that the institution over which you preside has since stocked numerous streams and small lakes in the same region. They have lived and increased, at least the trout have, for I have caught quite a number during the past three years, of all sizes from six to over 18 inches in length – the proceeds of our first planting pursuing will soon exterminate them, as they catch them with nets, in and out of season, drive them into bags from their spawning grounds, net them below the dams which, by the way, have no fish ways, catch them through the ice, and in any and all ways to get them at any and all seasons. There will doubtless be title, if say, increase in the future, under such circumstances. Some principle in their disposition seems to prompt them to pursue and capture all animated nature during the breeding season. They slaughter more deer while the helpless fawns are by the side of the dams than at any other season. Every summer night the lakes and rivers are dotted with their torches and the frequent reports of firearms betray the wanton and cruel butcher. More fish are probably speared upon the spawning beds than are caught in all legal ways.

During a recent business trip north and west of Saginaw, mostly in Clare and Gladwin counties, I found an earnest desire, amounting to an intense hankering for eels. Now, if there is anything still unsolved about the time, or manner, of the reproduction of its species, as far as regards the eel, it can be ascertained by planting a few in Clare and Gladwin counties. If an eel ever lays an egg you can bet they’ll catch her at it. They allow nothing to spawn or breed in peace, except vermin. They know all about, when, where, and how all other fish spawn. They have investigated with spear, torch and net until it is a very smart fish that can lay an egg and get away into deep water again alive.

There seems to be no encouragement to plant any speckled trout, salmon, California or Rocky mountain trout, or in fact; any game fish. Better give them eels; they suit their complexion to a shade. There are lots of dwellers in that Gomorrah of Michigan who have put mud holes in their mind’s eye in which eels could doubtless exist without suffocation. Now, if eels were introduced therein and the resident scientist found it out, they would spend so much of their time in “pursuit” and “capture” that a few trout or other game fish might be overlooked or neglected and allowed to get up the small spring brooks and deposit their spawn in safety. They might even occasionally forego shining deer at night during the summer months. I have taken pleasure in giving your address to a large number of anxious inquirers and assured them that you are just dying to furnish young eels to all the great northwest. So, if you know of any particularly disgusting variety, please encourage its introduction. The nastier it may be the better it will suit them. A good sized healthy lizard might become popular with a little judicious advertising, if protected by statute at certain seasons. It is a pity that alligators cannot be acclimated!

But I digress. Eels is their present fancy. They want something they can hunt nights. Send’em eels: they are just hungry for some! They have netted the speckled trout upon their spawning grounds until they are about exterminatd, and they hope to see to it that they don’t get the start of them and increase again.

They are having a little more trouble in getting rid of the black bass, pike, perch and pickerel, but they will, in time, clean them out. They say a blue gill sunfish is better than a trout anyhow, and not half the trouble to catch. I saw a mar in cars, whose woolen wampus was that full of deer that he had to scratch himself constantly, who told me he knew sweet sylvan, secluded lake whose bottom was “more n twenty foot of clear mud, and I just knew eels would live there and get fat.”

I told him to write to you, but he could not remember quite certain whether he could write or not; he had been so busy nights since the 1st of June, catching deer “for scientific purposes” that he had neglected his evening school. If he applies to you, try and send him some eels.

In order that they may be able to give their time more fully to the subject, would it not be well to encourage the extermination of deer and introduce the wild boar from the Black Forest of all Germany! Should it not prove a ­­­­____ game animal, it would be good company for the inhabitants. I will only add, in conclusion, that I hope you will find it convenient to send them some eels.

Yours piscatorially,

A. H. Merson.


On motion the association went into committee of the whole, with President Holmes in the chair.

The reading of the first section was taken up, clause by clause. There was long debate as to the advisability of changing the present provisions regarding killing or capturing deer in the water, as to narrowing the period of killing woodcock, and as to prohibiting spring shooting of any kind of duck. Ti was decided not to amend the clause referring to deer and woodcock. The discussion regarding the spring shooting of duck was quite protracted and developed decided difference of opinion.

It was moved to include water fowl and snipe in the spring prohibiting class. Lost. The question then resulted on the original motion of Mr. Nichols, prohibiting the spring shooting of all duck and any wild water fowl, and the motion was carried unanimously.

The remainder of section 1 and both sections 2 and 3 were passed without amendments being presented. In section 4 the matter of shooting water fowl at night was discussed at length, and the “clause” forbidding killing for molesting “the same at night, or at any time, on their resting places,” was so amended as to prevent shooting or molesting water fowl at any time between sunset and sunrise.

The association proceeded as far as that portion of the game laws concerning the tax upon dogs without material change in the intervening sections.

Mr. S. E. Rogers of Jackson, from the committee on taxation of dogs, reported recommending that male and female dogs be placed upon an equal footing. Agreed to and $1 tax recommended.


The act of regulating fishing in the waters of this state was taken up. It was recommended that the act be amended so as to protect streams stocked by anybody for three years after the first plant of brook trout therein.

The act concerning the netting and spearing of fish caused some discussion and it was finally recommended that the act be so amended as to forbid spearing entirely except in the great lakes and the St. Clair and Detroit rivers, mullet, suckers, red sides and sturgeon being unprotected during the months of March, April and May.

The act providing for fish shutes was next taken up and provision was recommended for shutes in the months of September and October as well as in the months of March, April, May and June.


Mr. C. C. Fitzhugh of Bay City, from the committee on Sunday shooting, submitted a written report concluding with a recommendation that the committee having in charged the game law amend the existing law, or draft a new law, on Sundays. The pupose is to make provision for the arrest and punishment of people from adjoining states who come into this state to shoot Saturday night, referred to the legislative committee with power to act in the matter.




Commander J. B. Coghlan, U.S.N., write to us from the Navy Yard at Mare Island, Cal. – An enforced residence of two years in California made me the subject of most painful attacks of rheumatism. Consultation upon my case by eminent Naval and other surgeons failed to afford me the slightest relief. Dr. Hoyle recommended to me St. Jacobs Old, the happy result of the use of which was my complete and wonderful cure. Washington (D. C.) Army and Navy Register.


Lansing – Association of Agricultural Societies.

Correspondences of The Post and Tribune.

Lansin, January 11. – The state association of agricultural societies of Michigan will begin its 10th annual session in this city on the evening of February 7, and continue during the day following. This convention p0romises to be one of unusual interest to lovers of agricultural and horticultural interests, as every possible effort to this end is being made by the president of the association, Wm Ball of Hamburg, and Secretary Frank Little of Kalamazoo.

Delegates will be present from the different local societies throughout the state, and a cordial invitation is extended to others interested in the association and its works.

Among the topics to be discussed are: Agricultural exhibitions their true character and scope; apportionment of rules and regulations; memberships; admissions, exhibitors tickets; viewing committees, awards, appeals, etc; general character and utility of amusements; booths, beverages, game devices, tent shows and side enterprises; revenue and permanent support of societies. There will also be read papers upon special braches of farm husbandry – altogether a most interesting program.







Detroit and Vicinity.

The mayor’s annual message was delivered to the new council last week. The city debt, exclusive of means in the sinking fund, is $356,000, and if this sinking fund is not tampered with, in one year more the debt will be reduced to $37,244. The city is guarantor besides to the water work’s debt of $1,651,000, but the commissioners who have charge of that also have a sinking fund to provide for it, and already are in advance of their debt as it matures, so there is no probability it will ever be called upon to take care of any portion of that debt. The assessed valuation of property in the city is $94,891,407. The police department cost last year $158,065; the fire department, $117,290; the water works $278,482, including $106,260 paid for interest and $122,112 for extending pipes and other construction work; the public schools cost $241,769, while $70,830 was spent in new buildings. The number of children between the school ages is 40,210, and there was an enrolled attendance of 17,272. Many of the remainder attend the Roman Catholic parochial schools. The house of correction earned net last year $35,000 which will be paid into the city treasury; in 1881 it earned $35,000 and in 1880 $30,000. Ald. James E. Vincent (Rep.) was elected president of the common council after 62 ballots, and will be acting mayor whenever the mayor is absent from the city. – Dennis K. Sullivan, one of the oldest detectives and police officers in Detroit, died suddenly Sunday evening of heart disease. He was a valuable officer. He leaves a wife and several grown up children. – Mr. E. W. Wetmore has been re-elected president of the Detroit young men’s Christian association, and E. W. Porter corresponding secretary.


The Michigan Almanac.

The demand for this manual this year is inprecedented since its first publication by THE POST AND TRIBUNE. Its tabulated, official, postal and railroad departments are annually complete, including a list of the cities of Michigan containing over 1,000 inhabitants, judicial circuits, congressional districts, etc. Each copy also contains a fine railroad and county map (including the upper peninsula) of Michigan, especially corrected for us up to the time of publication. The almanac is for sale by all news dealers in the state, by newsboys on all railroad trains, and will be mailed direct from this office on receipt of 15 cents. The Detroit News company are wholesale agents.


Annual Meeting of the Detroit Protestant Orphan Asylum.

The annual meeting for the election of officers and a board of managers for the Protestant orphan asylum was held last week.

The annual report of Mrs. E. C. Brush, the first director, gives an interesting resume of the work of the year. Fifty children have been brought to the asylum during the year. The average number of children in attendance during the same period has been 40. Just at the present time there are only 20 children at the asylum. Then are out on trial with a view to adoption. Six have been adopted by families as their own, and five have been given to the asylum by indenture. No death has occurred among the children at the asylum during the past twelve years.

The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows:

First Director – Mrs. E. A. Brush

Second Director – Mrs. T. K. Adams

Third Director – Mrs. Luther Beecher

Treasurer – Mrs. D. R. Shaw

Recording Secretary – Mrs. P. E. Curtis

Corresponding Secretary – Mrs. R. H. Fyfe

The annual report of Mrs. D. R. Shaw, the treasurer shows the total receipts to have been, including cash on hand at the commencement of the year, $3,136.04; the total expenses of the year have been $2,452.07; leaving cash on hand $683.97.


Thompson Home for Old Ladies.

The annual meeting of the Thompson home for old ladies was held at the residence of Mrs. David Thompson in Detroit last week.

The annual report of the treasurer, Mrs. R. G. Evans, shows that the total receipts of the year just closed have been $4,020.08; total expenses, $3,472.54; balance on hand $548.54.

The annual report of Mrs. C. C. Bowen the corresponding secretary indicates a prosperous condition of affairs. There are 11 females of the home whose ages vary from 60 to 82 years. Four of them are natives of this country and seven are from some portion or other of the United Kingdom. There have been during the year applications for reception for want of room. It is expected that this trouble will be obviated soon by the erection of new buildings. The old officers were all reelected.


Holstein Cattle Breeders Association

This association held their annual meeting last week in Detroit. Nearly all the breeders in the area were present, numbering about 25.

The old officers were re-elected for the next year.

The secretary has published a very neat catalogue of all the breeders and their cattle in the state.

Mr. C. Baldwin of Ohio delivered a long and interesting address on points of dairy cattle, and gave an interesting account of a late visit to Holland.

The interest in this breed is increasing in this state. About 80 head have been brought into the state the past year.


Extension of Express Facilities.

The American express company has perfected arrangements so as to receive freight for the following points  on the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad: Aston, Mich.; Avila, Ind.; Betteurs, Mich.; Boynes Falls, Mich.; Cadillac, Mich.; Cedar Springs, Mich.; Fife Lake, Mich.; Kingsley, Mich.; Kalkaska, Mich.; Kendallville, Ind.; Le Roy, Oscoala county, Mich.; Lockwood, Mich.; Linia, Ind.; Mayfield, Mich.; Manceloun, Mich.; Manton, Mich.; Morely, Mich. Monteth, Mich.; Mendon, Mich.; Paris, Mich.; Petoskey, Mich.; Pierson, Mich.; Rockford, Mich.; Summit, Grand Traverse county, Mich.; South Boardman, Mich.; Stanswood, Mich.; Sand Lake, Mich.; Sturgis, Mich.; Traverse City, Mich.; Tustin, Walton West End, Wayland, Wasepi.


Upper Peninsula.

The Sault Ste. Marie News finds much fault with the management of the postoffice at St. Ignace, concerning which there are other complaints also. – At Ontonagon, a week ago Saturday night, a burglar entered the building occupied by T. H. Emmons, hardware and W. J. Coulter, drugs, and stole $75 from Coulter and $30 from Emmons. – The house of S. Livingston at Ontonagon was burned last week Wednesday, with most of its contents.


Northern Michigan.

Postmaster commissioned January 6: Chatford A. Howell, Mungor.

Present jobs will finish the lumbering for ever upon the Little Muskegon river.

Evan Lefevre, aged 24, was killed at North Bradley, January 10, by a log rolling off as led over him.

G. W. Reed of Youngstown, Ohio, has moved to Reed City and will locate a large machine shop and foundry there.

The question of raising $5,000 to build a jail will be submitted to the voters of Wexford county at the spring election.

B. C. Lark of Pinora township, Osceola County, took a 250 bushel of grist to mill in Reed City last week. What farmer can beat that for a grist?

Hugh S. Scranton has been found guilty of keeping his saloon open on Sunday in Paris, Mecosta county, and was fined $30 and rests. He appealed the case.

Wm. Ross has been arrested in a lumbering camp in Mecosta county, for assault with intent to murder. He very nearly carved the life out of John Alberts in Reed City, last fall.

The Deer Lake branch of the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad has been extended from Luther to Cary’s mill, a distance of three miles, and regular trains are now run there daily.

Postmaster commissioned January 3; Tyler W. Richmond, Bear Lake; Walter S. Platt, Fremont; Evan M. Potter, Hasty; Chauncey Porter, Chauncey, Kent county new office. January 4; Charles W. Hildreth, Delta; Lyman Murray, Littlefield.

Saginaw Herald: Richard Welch cam down from the woods Thursday, suffering from injuries received there. He had received a blow on the chin from a cant hook, which struck him with such force as to cut his chin to the bone and split nearly all the double teeth on the upper jaw. Dr. Morris C. L. Kitchen attended to his injuries, and found it necessary to remove portions of several of the teeth, which was done.

The citizens of Baldwin, the county seat of Lake county, have inaugurated a movement to annex the four north tier of townships of Newaygo county to Lake. Newaygo is a large county, comprising eight more townships than the other counties in that part of the state. Those living in the north townships are very much incommoded by being obliged to transact their county business at Newaygo, could attach to Lake it would accommodate there much more. The people of Baldwin held a large meeting the other night and appointed committee to circulate petitions in Newaygo county. The same meeting also decided to incorporate the town as a village. Another reason why Baldwin is interested in this movement is this: Chase, the former county seat, wants it removed there again, while Luther, in the north part of the county, which has grown to be the largest is only one year old, also wants the county seat. If the four north tier of townships of Newaygo were annexed it would make Baldwin the geographical center of the county, and forever settle the county seat question.


Eastern Michigan.

The house of Isaac C. Tompkins of Caro was burned January 9; insured.

The board of supervisors of Bay county have purchased the Third street bridge in Bay City and made of it a free bridge.

While hunting rabbits Sunday near Saginaw, a la named William Priem was accidentally shot and killed by Martin Kempt.

John Atherholt, aged 65, dropped dead of heart disease in a drug store in Caro, Friday morning. He was a widower, and left a daughter, Mrs. Conner.

Chauncy Streeter of Flushing, Genessee county, who has been wanted for some time on a charge of bastardy, was captured in Montrose last week.

Jan. 7, a young woman named Fay had her skull cracked by being pitched from a cutter which ran against a post in the township of Oregon, Lapeer county.

While John Flynn, a farmer of Deerfield Livingston county, was chopping in the woods a tree fell, glanced and hit him on the head, instantly killing him. The deceased was 42 years old.

The shingle head and a large quantity of shingles belonging to Beardslee, Gillies & Co., at Flint burned January 10. Their large planning mill, was only saved by the deperate efforts of the firemen. Loss about $900.

Thursday morning the dead body of Mrs. Henry Cody was found in the ice in the river at St. Charles. Her shawl lay on the ice with an ax with which she had broken a hole through the ice. From appearances, after going into the water, she repented and tried to climb out. Her arms were extended on the ice, her head and shoulders thrown back, and she was frozen stiff in an attitude of trying to pull herself out of the water. Her husband was a drinking man and is said to have abused her. He says that he was awake at 3 o’clock in the morning, when she was in bed beside him. He then fell asleep and she was gone when he awoke after daylight.


It is proposed to add 40 acres more to the county poor farm.

The city offers the county the use of the city jail until a new county jail is built.

Edgar White offers to give the county block 133, in the Sixth ward, if the county will erect a jail thereon. The offer is a liberal one.

It costs St. Clair county $12,000 a year to take prisoners from Port Huron, the county seat, to the county jail at St. Clair city. The jail is a dilapidated, unsafe institution. A committee has submitted a report to the board of supervisors, now in session here, recommending the building of a new county jail at Port Huron during the present year.


Frank Pixley, aged 36 years, and having a family, was kicked in the head by a young horse which was being broken, January 9, and died from the injury 12 hours afterwards.

The Hon. John M. Norton, state senator from this district, returned to the railroad companies the passes they had honored him  with over their roads, assigning as a reason therefore some of the bonds of his political platform – he being a Greenbacker elected by the Democrats.


Alva Arnold, a pioneer of this county, died at his home near this village at the age of 80 years on Thursday night. He had been sick for seven months with an incurable disease.


Southern Michigan.

The Presbyterian society of Hudson, now talk of erecting a new office.

Whitney  & Co. have added the manufacture of broom handles to their already large establishment in Hudson.

About $5,000 worth of repairs are being put on the Addison flouring mills, 10 miles north of Hudson in Lenawee county.

Mrs. H. C. Hanford of Hudson received as a Christmas present from a New York relative a set of Japanese ware comprising a teapot, sugar bowl, and pitcher, said to be over 900 years old.

Last week fire destroyed the state line cheese factory and large grange store, a short distance south of Morenci, Lenawee county. Loss $5,000, insured $2,000 Mr. Peleg Lee was the owner of the buildings and contents, and the disaster is to him a very serious one.

George Gareis, the murderer of Thos. Connelly at Blissfield, Lenawee county, made a daring attempt to get out of jail last week at Adrian, and it was only after a severe clubbing and a desperate struggle on the part of both the sheriff and turnkey that the fellow was secured. Gareis is a fellow of remarkably fine physique and exceptionally strong.

At the annual meeting of the Lenawee and Hillsdale county farmers union, held in Hudson, January 9, the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: President, R, H. Rogers; Secretary, C. B. Stowell; treasurer, Geo. D. Moore; vice presidents, Hudson, V. Wenzell; Medina, G. W. Moore; Pittsford, H. Carmichael; Rollin, Porter Beal; Somerset, F. Hart Smith; Wright, T. J. Anderson; Wheatland, Perry Knapp, and Woodstock, A. Underwood.

Monday night the postoffice safe was blown open at Blissfield, Lenawee county, by burglars, also the safe in Bock’s book store $112 in stamps and $8 in cash, stolen from the postoffice, $80 worth of gold pens from Bock’s and several hundred dollars worth of jewelry and watches from Doan Brothers. They then stole a span of horses harness and sleigh from the farm of Robert Pollard, and fled to where the team was subsequently found hitched and blanketed in the streets.

At the annual meeting of the members of the union agricultural  society of Litchfield, Hillsdale county R. W. Freeman was elected president, L. B. Agard secretary, and D. H. Mills treasurer. The company will hold a spring fair upon their grounds, commencing May 1 and continuing three days. This fair is held more specially for the show and sale of stock and farm machinery. A sheep shearing festival will be held in connection, together with such other features as may seem feasible or profitable. The fall fair of the society will be held October 9 and continue four days.

Mr. E. L. Hough formerly of Muskegon but now of Tecumseh, and Miss Alice K. Fairfield, daughter of Rev. M. W. Fairfield, pastor of the Congregational church of Muskegon, were married in the latter city January 3. The church was thronged with friends of the young couple. The ceremony was performed by the bride’s father, assisted by her uncle, the Rev. Dr. E. B. Fairchild of Manistoe. The presents were very numerous, elegant and useful, from friends in Chicago, Oberlin, Ohio, Romeo, Cadillac, and other places. The newly wedded pair are to reside in Tecumseh where the groom is engaged in a successful jewelry business.


Western Michigan

Frank Myler of Buchanan, cut the front part of his foot nearly off while splitting wood.

Tobias Bergy, at Caledonia, Kent county, button manufacturer, made an assignment Wednesday to Adam B. Shirk for the benefit of creditors. Liabilities $10,000.

An 11 month old child of Madison Weaver of Buchanan, swallowed a safety pin with the point unshielded. It went down point last and passed safely into the stomach.

John Cody, aged 60, died at Manistee, Jan. 9, after fasting 103 days, during which time his weight was reduced from 190 to 107 pounds. His disease was ulceration of the stomach. He left a wife and five married children.

Sunday, 7th, near Vandalin, Isaac, son of Jas. E. Bonine, went out to do the chores at the barn and not returning, was sought and found insensible. He had either fallen or been struck by some one on the back of the head. At last account he had not recovered  sufficiently to tell how he was hurt.

Alfred B. Turner, for some years deputy sheriff in Kent county, died at Grand Rapids a few days ago. He was one of the old residents, a son of Eliphalet H. Turner, and a cousin of the Hon. A. B. Turner of the Grand Rapids Eagle. He settled in Grand Rapids with his father’s family in 1833. He was 55 years of age and left a widow and three children, one son and two daughters.

The Hon. Edwin A. Thompson of Paw Paw died January 3 after an illness of several years. Mr. Thompson was the first register of deed elected by the Republicans of his county, in 1854, and, in January, 1856, was appointed deputy secretary of state under John McKinney, holding the position from 1856 to 1858 under McKinney, and from 1858 to 1860 under his successor. Following this he filled other responsible positions under the Republican administration at Lansing. Later he returned to Paw Paw again, and for several years was deputy assessor of internal revenue. In 1866 and 1868 he was a prominent candidate before the Republican state convention for the nomination of secretary of state. He was later enrolling clerk of the house of representatives at Lansing and for a year or more filled an important clerkship in the census bureau at Washington. Some five years ago he had two strokes of paralysis, since which time he has been almost a helpless invalid. He leaves a widow and two daughters, one a teacher in the city of Indianapolis and the other in the union school of Paw Paw. He was exceedingly prominent in the earlier anti-slavery agitation by Garrison and his compeers.


Central Michigan.

Owosso spent $60,000 in building during 1882.

Jan. 9, Geo. Wood, near Grass Lake, tried to cross the railroad track ahead of a train, and had both his horse killed.

The venerable Judge Lovell and his wife were thrown from a cutter, by a runaway horse, in Ionia, Jan. 6 sustaining some serious bruises.

A framers’ institute will be held at Galesburn on the 7th and 8th of February, Professor Abbott, Kelsie and Cook of the agricultural college will lecture.

Monday evening, January 9, while doing chores in his barn at Grass Lake, William Furguson, aged 31, fell dead of heart disease. He left a widow but no children.

Jan. 8, at Tompkins, Jackson county, Mrs. John Wilson, while lifting a kettle of hot water, hit her leg of the kettle, spilling the boiling water on her 18 months old baby, scalding it so that it died two days after.

By far the finest house in Charlotte, and probably one of the finest in the state, is just being completed by Dr. Mary E. Green. It is situated on a delightful site looking onto the court house square. The rooms are furnished in different kinds of natural wood, the doors and casings all hand-carved, which work was done by Mrs. Green’s own artistic hands.

Saturday evening, Dr. C. H. Haskins of Jackson laughed while at supper, and some catsup got in his windpipe. The red pepper in the catsup caused contraction of the air passage, and for an hour it was doubtful whether he would live or die. Two other doctors were called and saved him after using chloroform and other powerful remedies.

On Sunday, January 7, B. F. Kneeland, a farmer living six miles northwest of St. John’s, found that six of his sheep had been killed the right before by a wolf. He and his neighbors organized a hunting party and on Wednesday succeeded in shooting him. He was of a grayish color and weighed 70 pounds. He had killed and injured 29 sheep and one hog.

A man named Joseph Rhodes, living five miles east of Baldwin’s, was killed at Jackson, January 11. his sleigh was struck by a freight train at Greenwood avenue crossing in the southern part of the city, killing him and one horse on the spot. The other horse was hurt and the sleigh broken in pieces. The dead man was a prosperous farther.

Mrs. Eugene Helber of Saline, Washtenaw county, died very suddenly Thursday of heart disease. She and her husband had just started for a sleigh ride, and had gone not more than two rods when she fell against him, throwing up her hands and was gone. She had been subject to attacks of the heart for sometime before. She was 28 years of age, and leaves no children.

The farmers’ mutual benefit association of Calhoun county held its annual meeting January 8. The association now has a membership of 742, of whom 483 were added during the past year. Officers were chosen as follows: President, Charles Hamilton, Marshall; vice president, H. R. Smith, Marengo; secretary and treasurer, Wm F. Hewitt, Mashall; directors, H. N. Ryder, Coresco; G. W. Thwing, Marshall; Perry Mayo, Convis. J. L. Kinyon was re-elected agent.

Samuel H. Crissey, postmaster at Galesburg, died of quick consumption, his death probably hastened by a diarrhea that set in a few days ago. He had only been confined to the house some three weeks. Mr. Crissey was an excellent businessman, having grown up in Galesburg, and by his excellent qualities of head and heart won the esteem and confidence of all. He leaves a young wife with a fair property. He was brother of Prof. T. W. Crissey of Midland.

An exciting fire occurred at Marshall, Friday night. The barns of F. W. Dickey, who is known throughout the state as dealer in fine horses, burned down and the house was saved with difficulty. The wind blew a gale right toward the house which is on the outskirts of the city. There were about 20 horses which were all got out, but the other contents of the barns were destroyed. The loss on the barns is $3,000, insured $1,500; on the furniture, $300, fully insured.

The Citizens’ mutual fire insurance company of Calhoun county met in annual session January 9. Lewis Townsend of Marengo was chosen president, Francis Francisco of Newton vice president, Thomas W. Huggett of Marshall secretary, Christian Houck of Marengo director. The company now numbers 570, and has at risk $1,171,995. The company voted not to pay the loss of J. Kelleher. This loss was occasioned by a defective stove pipe, and it is claimed that he violated a by law of the company by running it through a partition without a thithbis. His loss was $1,200, and he will probably attempt to enforce collection by law.

Mr. Kellogg, the new sheriff of Calhoun county when he entered the office, found himself surrounded by a hungry horde of Democrats, who have had no chance at the public crib for 20 years. He couldn’t appoint them all, and concluded that since he couldn’t please anyone, but must make 99 out of 100 angry, he would run the office himself for all there was in it. He accordingly appointed only three deputies, one of whom he paced on in salary, binding him to account for all fees and deduct them from the salary. There are a good many disappointed Demo-Greenbackers in that vicinity and a considerable amount of lefty kicking.



Prof. Stowell, of the university, is very low, with little hopes of his recovery.

The red ribbon men are elated over the appointment of Nelson Sutherland, a prominent member of the reform club and a stanch Republican, to the office of deputy sheriff by Sheriff Wallace, who is a Democrat.

Paul Minnis, who came to this city 51 years ago, died at his residence on Division street Thursday night, aged 84 years. During all these years he worked at his trade, that of shoemaking, until a short time since, when he was compelled to abandon the bench. He leaves a wife and a large family of grown sons and daughters.

George A. Peters, postmaster at Scio station, mailed his quarterly report for the year ending December 31, 1882, and $8.60 in money, a few days ago to postmaster Codd, Detroit. The letter was sent on the Grand Rapids express west, by the way of Jackson. Before the letter reached the Detroit office it had been opened and a $5 bill extracted. Mr. Peters immediately on receipt of the information notified postmaster Knowlton of this city, and the case has been turned over to the proper officers for investigations.

Another old pioneer and a highly respected citizen, the Hon. Newton Sheldon, died Friday morning after a brief illness of inflammation of the lungs, in his 73d year. In politics Mr. Sheldon was a Democrat and at different times he was honored with office. He was a member of the legislature for two terms and had held the office of justice of the peace, supervisor, and up to three years ago was the secretary of the Washtenan Mutual Insurance company, which position he held for eight consecutive years. Mr. Sheldon was also a strong temperance man and a prominent member of the Reform club. He took a deep interest in the question, and two years ago consented to run on the temperance ticket for justice of the peace, but was defeated.

The annual meeting of the Washtenaw mutual insurance company was held at the court house Wednesday. The following shows the condition and affairs of the company for the year ending December 31, 1882; Number of members belonging to the company, 2,080; net amount at risk, $4,105,580; capital stock, $4,105,580; liabilities, $6,201.65; total increase for the year, $19,618.16; expenditures, $19,283.33; balance on hand, $384.27. The salary of the board of directors was fixed at $2 per day each and their expenses. A motion to increase the salary of the secretary from $500 to $700 per annum was laid upon the table. The following directors were chosen for the coming year: H. D. Platt, Pittsfield; J. W. Wing, Scio; E. M. Cole, Superior; Floratio Burch, Manchester; Stephen Fairchild, Ann Arbor. Resolutions of respect were presented and passed by a riding vote, on the death of the late Truman B. Goodspeed of Pittsfield. The salary of the secretary was fixed at $599 instead of $500 as heretofore. After the meeting adjourned the directors met and elected H. D. Platt, President; Secretary and treasurer, S. Fairchild.



Pope’s Creek – The Birthplace of Washington – A Visit to the Historic Spot.

Pore’s Creek, Westmoreland County

VA., January 3, 1883

Westmoreland is the most celebrated county in the United States. It lies between the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers in the northeastern portion of the state. The exact date it was first settled is hard to obtain. I am satisfied that it was several years prior to 1653. It length is about 20 miles, its width from 8 to 10 miles. Perhaps no other tract of land of equal length and breadth has produced so many eminent men – men whose names and fame will survive and gain additional luster through all the ages to come. Years ago it was called “the Athens of Virginia.” Here were born


All within a few miles of one another, viz.: George Washington, James Madison and James Monroe. Within her borders were also born Richard Henry Lee, on of the most brilliant men of any time, and his three brothers, all celebrated men, Thomas, Francis Arthur and Gen. Henry Lee (Light Horse Harry), and Busrod Washington, the favorite nephew of Gen. Washington. He was an eminent lawyer; educated at William and Mary’s college; studied law in Philadelphia, a member of the Virginia house of delegates in 1781; the author of two volumes of the decisions of the supreme court of Virginia; in 1798 appointed associate justice of the supreme court of the United States, and died in November, 1829. Monroe was born at the head of Monroe’s creek, in what is known as the


Ten miles northwest of the birth place of Washington. Mr. J. E. Wilson, the present owner of “Wakefield,” the early home of Washington, says he remembers seeing the house in 1850. It wholly disappeared about 1860. The plantation subsequently passed into the hands of a Mr. Bell of Georgetown, Maryland, who cut a large amount of timber from it. The estate was a few years since subdivided and is now owned by colored people. Washington was born on


About a half mile from where that stream effects a junction with the Potomac. Pope’s Creek is a large sized, but rather sluggish stream, and possesses no beauties worthy of mention. The Potomac at this point is quite wide, and an excellent view of it can be obtained from the site of the original residence. The residence was, I believe, called “Wakefield,” after a residence of one of the early Washington in England. It burned on Christmas day during the revolution, either in 1779 or 1780, the exact date not being known. The house was of a style of architecture to be seen in this region even to this day. It was a low pitched or nip roofed frame building, one story high, with four rooms one each floor, an attic, and with an enormous chimney at each end. On the spot where stood the western wing of the house is now a clump of fig trees and bushes, varying in size from the finger to the wrist. It is claimed that the originals were brought from England by the first Washingtons. The room in which Washington was born was in the west wing, and so I cut off a fig tree to have made into a cane on my return to Detroit. There is very little doubt but what the locality mentioned is the spot on which Washington was born, and my reasons for saying so are as follows: In 1813 George Washington Parke Curtis places, according to Mr. Jones, a


Six feet long and 3 feet wide on this very spot. It is quite probably that he had had the place pointed out to him either by Washigton or some member of his family. On the slab was the following inscription: “Here on the 11th of February (O. S.) 1732, George Washington was born.” Those in eradicable pests of every country, the relic hunter, have for upwards of half a century past worked so diligently at that stone that not a piece of it remains. Congress during the administration of President Hayes made the generous appropriation of $80,000 to erect a suitable monument upon the spot, after having obtained a deed of a sufficient quantity of ground and the right of way from the landing at the mouth of Brydges creek on the Potomac to the locality. President Hayes with his cabinet visited the spot on one occasion, and the Hon. William M. Evarts, the secretary of state, two or three times. St. Claire, Secretary Frelinhuysen’s private secretary, was here only a few weeks since to make some necessary arrangements for the commencement of the important work. The monument will be


About 60 feet in height and suitably inscribed. It will have about it a durable and handsome iron fence, and will be made secure from relic hunters, if there be any efficacy in human ingenuity and heavy fines. When Col. George Washington disposed of the estate a few years since he reserved 60 feet square around the birthplace, and the same number of feet around the family vault and half a mile distant, which I shall presently describe. When he died his son Lewis deeded it to the state of Virginia, on the condition that a monument be erected. The state legislature appropriated $5,000, but the war came on and the amount was never expended. Congress in making its appropriation for the monument made no provisions relative to the vault in which the remains of the early Washingtons repose. When Mr. Evarts visited “Wakefield” in November, 1880, Mrs.


the great grandniece of Gen. Washington, proposed to him to have the remains in the vault placed under the monument. It is thought that this will eventually be done. A few rods from the house where Washington was born are some very ancient plum, apple and pear trees, which it is believed were still in existence at that time. Many years ago quite a large orchard surrounded the birthplace, but the trees have gradually disappeared with the years. The field in which stood the house has been regularly cultivated for nearly 200 years and is reasonably fruitful of crops at the present period. About a half mile northwest of the spot where Washington was born is the family vault, or what remains of it. For upwards of 100 years it has been in a dilapidated condition, and at the present period is caved in and covered over with earth. Mrs. Sarah Taylor Washington informed me that a few years since a vandal named Aldrich, from Massachusetts, visited “Wakefield” and the vault. Seeing a skull he took possession of it and brought it to the house and exhibited it, saying he was going to take it to his home in Boston and have it made into a


Mrs. Washington ordered a servant to take it from him and restore it to the vault. It was then decided to place the vault in its present condition Mr. John E. Wilson, the owner of “Wakefield,” very kindly accompanied me to the vault as he had already escorted me to the spot where Washington was born, and took great pains to show me everything of interest on the place. On arriving at the vault Mr. Wilson dug down a few inches and brought to light a sandstone slab. With his knife blade he carefully scraped the dirt from out the lettering on the stone, when could be deciphered as easily as if carved yesterday the following inscription:

Here lies ye body of Jane, Wife of Augustine Washington. Born at Pope’s Creek, Virginia, Westmoreland, ye 24 of Xber, 1699, and died ye 24 of 9ber, 1729. Who left behind her 2 sons and one daughter.

In a similar manner was treated a stone on which was carved the following:

Here lies ye body of John Washington, eldest son of Capt. Lawrence Washington, who departed this life ye 10th of January, 1690, aged 10 years and 6 months. Also Mildred Washington, eldest daughter of said Washington; who departed ye 1st of August, 1696, aged 5 months.

Capt. Lawrence Washington ws the grandfather of Gen. Washington. Scattered about on the ground were several fragments of tombstones which could not be so easily deciphered. The last of the family buried here was Washington’s father. The home of the first Washingtons who settle in America was somewhere in the vicinity of this vault. The exact spot is not known. At the mouth of Brydge’s creek, in an oak grove 400 yards northeast of the vault, are to be seen evidences that a house stood there at some time. Near by is a very ancient plum tree, which bears only once in eight or ten years. It is not a native, and evidently was imported. Mr. Wilson is of the opinion that the first Washingtons who came to America erected their roof tree in that oak grove. In all the deeds the land about the vault is designated as the “great quarter,” probably from the fact that near here stood the overseer’s house and the quarters of the slaves.


Was 9 years of age, his father, Augustine Washington, removed with his family to Stafford county, on a farm opposite Fredericksburg. The place is still known as the “Washington farm.” It was at this point that Washington is reputed to have thrown a stone across the Rappahannock river when a lad. The house disappeared many years ago. Augustine Washington died on this farm April 12, 1743, at the age of 49. His remains were deposited at Brydges Creek, but I was unable to find the stone which covered his grave. He died possessed of large estates and each of his sons inherited a separate plantation. Lawrence, the eldest, received an estate near Hunting Creek, afterwards called Mt. Vernon, which then consisted of 2,500 acres. The second son had for his share estates in Westmoreland. George had left to him the lands on which his father died.  Each of the other sons were bequeathed an estate of 600 or 700 acres. A suitable provision was made for the daughter. “Wakefield” has passed through many hands since the immortal Washington was born within its domains. On the death of Augustine it passed into the hands of his son, William Augustine. The latter bequeathed it to his son, George Corbin Washington, who sold it to a gentleman named John Gray of “Travelers Rest,” Stafford county. Gray subsequently sold it to Daniel Payne and Henry T. Garnett. They sold it to Charles Jett of Westmoreland, who failed to pay for it. Finally, in 1847, it passed into the hands of John F. Wilson of Ann Arundel county, Marland, and is now owned by the latter’s son,


a very agreeable and intelligent gentleman. The estate at present consists of 1,360 acres. The present residence, also called “Wakefield,” is situated on a gentle eminence over looking Pope’s creek, 200 yards southwest, and affords a fine view of the Potomac river. The house was built in 1846-7 and is a two story frame, ample in size and the home of unostentatious hospitality, as I cheerfully bear witness. Washington city is 80 miles north. The only mode of reaching “Wakefield” from Washington is by boat or private conveyance from Fredericksburg, 40 miles distant. Mrs. Wilson, the lady who at present presides with such unaffected grace at “Wakefield,” is the daughter of Mrs. Sarah Taylor Washington. The last named lady resides with her daughter, and is now in her 83d year. I had the pleasure of dining with her and was struck with the close resemblance with which she bears to her distinguished uncle. Her father was Col. William Augustine Washington. He was a son of Washington’s eldest half brother, Augustine Washington. She is, therefore, a


of Gen. Washington and reputed to be his nearest living relative. Although in her 83d year her faculties are only slightly impaired. Her features are finely cut and remarkably impressive. Her hair, of which she has a goodly quantity, is of snowy whiteness, and her large and expressive gray eyes are still undimmed with age. She amuses herself with gathering relics from the spot where Washington was born, and in making them into pictures which consist of much artistic merit. These she sells to those who care to buy, and the proceeds are donated to the funds of the parish church located near here, and now undergoing repairs. She was born at “Haywood,’ on Brydges creek, April 4, 1800, and at the age of 19 was married to Lawrence Washington, third son of Henry Washington, a near relative. Her husband died March 15, 1875, at the age of 82 years, on the “Wakefield” estate. There are a number of persons bearing the name of Washington residing in the northern neck of Virginia, but, strange to say, few of them can claim relationship to Gen. Washington. The lady above mentioned has a daughter who is married to Dr. Walker Washington who is not related in any way to the family of Gen. Washington. He was born in Caroline county. The immediate collateral descendants of Gen. Washington residing in Westmoreland are Mrs. Sarah Taloe Washington, the venerable lady above mentioned; her daughter, Mrs. John E. Wilson, Robert J. Washington, an eminent attorney, and whose wife is a granddaughter of the eminent William Wirt; George of Alexandria; William Augustus of Stockton, California; Lawrence who resides at “Blenheim” near Wakefield; Loyd, a wholesale merchant in Chicago, and Mrs. Mary M. Washington, wife of Dr. Walker Washington. The other branch of collateral descendants reside in Clark and Jefferson counties in the Shennandoah valley and in Texas. Dr. Lawrence A. Washington, grandson of Samuel, a brother of the general, who served during the revolutionary war, died in Texas in July last leaving his family in


When Washington died he left to his brother Samuel one of his swords. The family now offer it for sale, and Mrs. Washington informed me that a short time ago she received a letter from England containing an inquiry as to the authenticity of the sword. The sword worn by Washington at Braddock’s defeat is owned by Fielding Lewis of King George county. The heirs are also quite poor and desire to sell it. A few years ago they were offered $5,000 for it. Speaking of relics, Mrs. Washington exhibited to me a mahogany table which was rescued from the residence of the father of Washington while it was burning. It is said to have descended as an heirloom to Washington’s father, and was brought over from England. It subsequently fell into the hands of her father, whose father was the half brother of the general. It was used by Washington’s father as a


It is a simple round table and shows evidences of age. Gen. Washington usually kept his seal upon it. The seal is now owned by Mrs. Dabney C. Wirt, wife of the son of the celebrated William Wirt. Mrs. Washington says when her father was a resident of Georgetown he was frequently visited by the famous inventor, Robert Fulton. The latter was then in them midst of his labors in endeavoring to invent a steam engine, and when explaining his ideas to her father would make his drawings on this table. While I am on the subject of relics I will state that I saw when in Fredericksburg a dinner bell which belonged to


and owned by Gabriel Johnston of that city. On it was engraved the following; “Schmel me Faecit Anno Domini 1667.” Jacob Herndon, an old resident of Fredericksburg, bought it at the sale of Mrs. Washington’s estate. It afterwards fell into the hands of the latter’s son, John P. Herndon. Mr. Johnston, the present owner, bought it of a butcher named Roher. It was discovered in the cellar of the Herndon house, and presented by Herndon to Roher. The house in which Mrs. Washington, the mother of the President died, is standing in Fredericksburg on the southeast corner of Charles and Lewis streets. It is a plain, substantial two story dwelling, contains eight rooms, besides a basement and closets, and is painted white. It is now owned and occupied by a jeweler, W. J. Moon. He occupies the bed chamber in which Mrs. Washington died. Mr. Moon paid for the property $1,365. It has an 80 foot front, running back 185 feet. The house is still in good order. He has added a story to it, otherwise it remains the same as when Mrs. Washington died, which event occurred in the fall of 1789 at the age of 85 years. I visited the spot where her remains repose. It is located on a commanding eminence, a short distance from the city, in a northwesterly direction, near the burial place of the Gordons. Above the grave is a half completed.


defaced, as usual, by relic hunters in the most outrageous manner. On the ground near by is a large stone, unfinished, intended to crown the present tomb. Within a few steps from the tomb is a ledge of rocks, to which it is said, she often used to resort for private meditation and devotion. She died of a concerous affection of the breast. She was a woman of great excellence of character, as well will readily believe. She was the daughter of Col. Ball of Lancaster county, Va., and was the second wife of her husband. His first wife was Jane Butler, by whom he had three sons and one daughter.


as is well known to all students of American history, are an ancient and honorable family. Alfred Wells, who has written a very elaborate history of the Washingtons, dates the family back to Thorfin, the Dane, who settled in England 1000 A.D. I do not vouch for the correctness of all that he says about the Washingtons. The patrons of THE POST AND TRIBUNE may read his statements and believe as much as they choose. Wells traces Thorfin’s ancestors back to Schleswig, Denmark, and even Odin, the founder of Scandinavia, B. C. 70. Thorfin settled in Yorkshire, England, prior to the Norman conquest. Wells then proceeds to trace the descendants of Thorfin through the succeeding centuries, for 20 generations, including branches in several shires, to John Washington, the great grandfather of Geo. Washington. The family of Washington drive their name from the


now called Wharleton, in the parish of Kirby-Ravensworth, in the north riding of Yorkshire. The people of this part of the country were all of Scandinavian descent, and it is said spoke the language of the Normans, which was the language of the ancient Angles. The Saxons for some reason never settled in this section and were of a different race. York was especially a Danish city, and the chief city at one time of all England. The Angles, a branch of the Danes, came over to England, men, women, children and beasts, and left Schleswig desolate for 300 years, as is confirmed by the Saxon chronicles. Thorfin, the Dane, was earl of the Orkney Isles, and also bore the double barreled title of Torkill of Richmondshire and baron and lord of Tanfield.

If Wells knows of what he writes Thorfin was born in 1030-’35, and died 1060. The first of the name of Washington was Walter fil Bondie de Washington, born 1180 and died 1245. The first of the family named John is mentioned as having been born 1305.


the first to emigrate to America, was born in 1627 and died in 1677. His son Lawrence, born in 1661, died in 1697. The latter’s son, Augustine, born in 1694, died in 1743. The last named was the father of Gen. George Washington. Col. John Washington and his brother Lawrence arrived in America in 1659, in a ship owned by Edward Prescott and which was commanded by John Green. They settled on Brydges’ creek and died within a few days of one another. John Washington married in England, and brought with him to this country his wife and two children. They died soon after his arrival, and his will requests that he be buried by their side. In 1660 he married Ann Pope, the issue being Lawrence, John, Elizabeth and Ann. He became an extensive planter, and in time a magistrate and a member of the house of burgesse.  The Washington in England were an agricultural people and their descendants in this country still adhere to the soil, their major portion of them being possessed of


interests. I met several of them when a resident of Virginia, and during my present visit They are a worthy race of men and women, highly intelligent and refined. They live in a simple and unostentatious manner and dispense an extremely cordial and refined hospitality. My visit among them will always be remembered as among the happiest events of my life.

L. D. S.


Farmers in St. Clair, Sanilac and Huron counties should attend the farmers’ institute to be held at Jeddo, St. Clair county, next week. As will be seen, the narrow gauge road will sell return tickets at half fare. It will be held at Juddo Grange hall, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 23 and 24, under the auspices of the state board of agriculture. The Port Huron and Western railway will issue return tickets at half fare, good for the 23d, 24th, and 25th. The following is the program:

Tuesday, January 23 – AFTERNOON SESSION, 1.30.

Prayer by Elder Barber.

Opening Address by David Quaile, Jeddo.

Stock Breeding ………………Ira H. Butterfield, Jr.

Agricultural Experiments……….. Prof. W. J. Beal

Mixed Farming…………………George Hickson


Prevention of the Ravages of the Wireworm…… Geo. Smith

Practical Physiology………………………Prof. A. J. Cook

Essay………………………………………James Anderson

Essay………………………………………..Mrs. Dickinson


Drainage……………………………….. Richard Newkirk

How Shall we Keep Our Boys on the Farm?.... Prof. E. J. McEwen

Sheep Husbandry………………………..Lucius Beach

Potato Culture…………………………...Harry Harrington


Can Farmers Handle Their Own Productions with Profit?..Paschall Lamb, Wm Ellithorpe

Expreiments with Insecticides………….Prof. A. J. Cook

Essay……………………………………M. F. Carleton

This institute was first originated by and through the action of St. Clair Pomona grange No. 12, and in answer to their requests the state board of agriculture will give it material aid. Every effort that can, will be put forth to make it beneficial to all that are interested in agriculture who will attend. It is expected that the lectures and essays will be criticized by those present, with a view to gain knowledge, as that is the whole object of the institute, to learn from each other, and to bring the farmers in closer communion with each other. All are requested to bring samples of grain, vegetables and fruits for display. It is hoped that the farmers will fell that this is their institute, the success of which they are all and each particularly interested in. As it is expected that ample provisions will be made to entertain all those attending, but no one stay away.


Twenty Years a Sufferer.

R.V. Pierce, M. D. Buffalo, N. Y. – Dear Sir – Twenty years ago I was shipwrecked on the Atlantic Ocean, and the cold and exposure caused a large abscess to form on each leg, which kept continually discharging. After spending hundreds of dollars, with no benefits, I tried your “Golden Medical Discovery” and now, in less than three months after taking the first bottle, I am thankful to say I am completely cured, and for the first time in 10 years can put my left heel to the ground.

I am yours,

William Ryder,

87 Jefferson street, Buffalo, N. Y.


The family of Mr. Malley, a German living in Eckford, Calhoun County, is greviously afflicted with diphtheria. One has died and six others are seriously ill.








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The death of Lot M. Morrill of Portland may possibly make an opening for that upright and experienced office holder, The Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. The ex – vice President and ex – senator has lately made himself ex – minister to Spain, and would no doubt be willing to settle down into some snug and quiet berth like a collectorship during the placid evening of his days.



THE Chicago Inter-Ocean, in a Lansing dispatch which bears the marks of Special Agent Gavett’s fine hand, attempts to break the force of what this paper has said upon this senatorial question by ascribing its utterances to its “Democratic editor,” Col. Beard. It is not a matter of grave public importance, but it may perhaps as well be stated that Col. Beard is not the chief editor of THE POST AND TRIBUNE. Mr. Stocking holds that position.

Col. Beard is a writer upon the staff of the paper, subject to instruction from its chief editor and from the board of directors. He has nothing to do with shaping the policy of the paper. He is a man of marked ability, doing a large amount of political and literary work, and doing it well, and is employed because of his ability.

As to his politics, Col. Beard was a good enough Republican to be employed by Mr. Chandler in 1878 and by the Republican state central committees in 1880 and 1882 to stamp this state. He is a good enough Republican for the state central committee in 1880, and who sought his services again in 1882. He is a good enough Republican to suit the state central committee of New York and Ohio, where in 1879, 1880 and 1881 he was in the list of campaign speakers, and rendered valuable service upon the stump.

The same dispatch to the Inter-Ocean refers to a message sent to Senator Ferry in October last, requesting that Special Agent Gavett be retained in this state. About the first of October Collector Bell said to Mr. James F. Joy and others that Mr. Gavett was a Michigan man, and that Congressman Hubbell, in a spirit of persecution, was seeking to have him transferred to North Carolina. Upon this representation Mr. Joy and Mr. C. H. Buhl attached their signatures to a paper, already signed by a number of leading Republicans in this city, requesting that Mr. Gavett be retained on duty in his own state. This was long before the election, when the kind of political work that Mr. Gavett was engaged in was little known.

The course of the paper upon the senatorial question was decided upon after the election, and was determined largely by the results of the election.

The Republican party had then met with serious disaster. A spirit of discontent pervaded its ranks. There was loud complaint at the work done in packing caucuses and conventions by Collector Bell, Special Agent Gavett, Consul Sutton and other federal officeholders. There were complaints that members of the legislature had been defeated because they would not pledge themselves to aid in the re-election of Senator Ferry; that the canvass for state officers and members of congress had been neglected in order that Ferry men might be elected to the senate and house; and that the whole ticket had suffered from the manner in which conducted. After a full discussion of the situation the directors of THE POST AND TRIBUNE unanimously decided that a continuance of the existing state of affairs and of feeling would result in the complete overthrow of the Republican party in Michigan two years hence, and it was their duty, if it was in their power, to oppose and break up such management. They came to this conclusion too slowly, perhaps, but having arrived at it they have acted in perfect harmony in their effort to carry out their purpose.

That decision was not made by the editor nor by any writer on the staff of THE POST AND TRIBUNE. It was made by the directors of the paper, after full consideration and after consultation with leading Republicans. Those directors are James F. Joy, C. H. Buhl, James McMillan, Gen. R. A. Alger, Allan Sheldon and George Jerome. They have been earnest Republicans ever since the party was organized. They are among the first applied to in every campaign for subscriptions to campaign funds. They have been liberal with their money and some of them have devoted much of their time to promote the welfare of the Republican party. They have but one sole aim in the present contest and that is to retrieve its fortunes and to restore its ascendancy.

They are not and have not been candidates for political position. They are largely business men and have been engaged exentsively, not only in mercantile and manufacturing but in other enterprises calculated to promote the welfare and develop the resources of the state. To some of them the state owes much, for to their enterprises it is indebted for several of its most important lines of railway.

But few men have larger interest in the state or in its prosperity. But amid all their business operations they never forget that the good of the country and the highest success of all business enterprises are involved in the ascendancy of the Republican party. Hence their solicitude for its continuance in power. In the present controversies they are moved by no other consideration than a desire to promote that ascendancy. Attacks upon Mssrs. Joy and Buhl for alleged inconsistency will fall harmless, when the causes of their action and the action of the board are considered. Assaults upon any of the editorial staff of this paper are of but little moment so long as the arguments which the paper uses are sound and convincing, and the course and policy of the paper tend to the best welfare, as the directors feel sure they do, of the Republican party.







The Newhall House at Milwaukee Burned.

Some 70 Lives Lost – Distressing Scenes and Hairbreadth Escapes.

The Newhall house, a six story brick building, in Milwaukee burned to the ground last week Wednesday. The fire was discovered at 4 A.M. in less than half an hour the whole building, long designated as a death trap, was enveloped in flames. Scenes of the utmost terror prevailed, inmates of the doomed building jumping by dozens from the upper stories, covering the stone sidewalks with lifeless bodies. The


filled the air in a heartrending manner, people below being unable to render any aid. Quite a number of terrified guests and employes of the hotel appeared at the windows and seeing the distance to the ground below fell back to parish in the flames. The employes of the hotel, which accommodated 800 guests numbered 88, mostly lodged in the sixth story. Exit by way of the roof was cut off by fire and two stand pipes with five ladders were not available for the same reason. Very few were saved by jumping on canvas.


issuing from the attics of the Newhall house was scarcely noticed until a general alarm was given, when people saw to their horror that almost the entire south front of the Newhall house was one sea of flames. There were but few person on the scene, the police and night operators and some belated stragglers for home, but the scene developing before


was one which none of the eye witnesses will ever forget. In a moment every window of the large six story hotel was filled with struggling guests frantically and piteously beseeching the few below for aid which it was impossible to render. But few of the unfortunate inmates gained the front entrance on Michigan street, although many might have been saved in some immediate attempt if a systematic rescue ha been made. The halls of the hotel were the scene of


men, women and children rushed up and down the halls in the dense, suffocating smoke, avoiding the blinding flames and the roaring blaze, and in their frantic efforts rushing by the stairways and windows landing to the fire escapes, stumbling over bodies lying unconscious on the carpeted walks, only to join soon the many prostrated forms whom a kind fate had touched with the dark wing of that messenger of death, unconsciousness.


apparently on the third floor of the doomed building over the side entrance on Michigan street, and before the department got the steamers fairly in position the flame had enveloped the whole southeast corner of the building, the fiery element licking its way greedily and with lightning rapidity towards the southern wing. The multitude, which by this time had swelled to thousands.


but few having self possession and resolution enough to lend a helping hand on the canvases stretched out to receive those of the despairing inmates of the burning pyre who risked the leap down to the stone sidewalk 100 feet below. At first there were only Lieut. Rockwood, detectives Rieman and McManus, officers O’Brien and Campbell, and a few Sentinel men, stretching the heavy canvas which required fully 30 strong men to handle successfully. A poor fellow stood in the cornice of the fifth story corner window for 20 long minutes, not daring the fearful leap. Finally he became bewildered, to judge by his actions, or dumfounded by the smoke, and slid off his perch to the canvas below. The few who held it could not give it the necessary resistance, and the body fell unhindered by the canvas with a crash which sent a shudder through every witness. The shattered body was carried into the American express office. All the while hundreds of people had been looking on, nobody responding to the demands of the officers for aid. Everybody seemed to be spellbound. The terrible spectacle seemed to have paralyzed every bit of will power. In the sixth story window, right over this unfortunate sat the figure of a man.


gazing like one absent minded into the fiery abyss below, motionless, but from time to time setting up a heartrending shriek. Steadily the flames increased upon him, he did not seem to mind it. Then the flames singed his hair and licked his night clothes. One despairing look he gave to the crowd below and then tumbled back into the sea of fire. A man and a woman appeared at a window of the third story. They were recognized as Allen Johnson and his wife. A canvas was stretched below the windows of their apartment formerly occupied by Prof. Haskings, and lady, and a thousand voices called, beseeching them to jump. Mr. Johnson kissed his wife, then leaped into the air and shot downward into the canvas, but his weight was such that the canvas was pulled out of the hands of the few who held it and he alighted on the ground with deathly force. His wife followed. Her body struck the veranda and fell to the ground lifeless. Mr. Johnson died shortly afterwards in the express office and his dead body was laid beside that of his wife until they were borne away. About a dozen jumped from the Michigan street front.


or shattered limbs, and not less than four unfortunates at one time lay upon the icy sidewalk in night shirts, blood and brains oozing from the wounds through which the bones protruded. Some were carried to the express offices, others to the ground floor of the Mitchell building where cots had been partly arranged, and from there they were carried off to private houses of kind hearted people. The scene in the alley was of the burning building was sickening. As early as 6 o’clock the bodies of seven unfortunate waiter girls, once blooming in youth, were stretched upon the snow and ice with broken limbs, writhing in agony until death ended their sufferings. After almost superhuman efforts ladders were stretched from the roof of the bank building across the alley to the sixth story of the hotel, and the brave ladies carried 10 girls across the frail bridge, four of them dead. The


encircling the building on the south and east sides played sad havoc with the unfortunates who made the frightful leap for life. Several of the bodies were fairly cut deep into by the wires, and then the torn and bleeding forms would drop to the ground. Others would hit the wires crossways rebound and be hurled to the ground with a dreadful crash. To the poor unfortunate waiter girls all lodged in the sixth story and the attics, the saddest lot has fallen. Of the 60 young girls only 11 were heard from as alive as late as the following evening. The police soon commenced their dreadful work of gathering the dead and wounded. The former were taken to the morgue, which was soon filled; the latter to the central police station, where they were cared for by physicians. From 5 o’clock the interior of the building was one mass of flames, the upper floors soon giving away and carrying the lower floors with them. A thundering crash was heard for blocks and then the fire shot up fully 50 feet, sending a shower of sparks and cinders over the whole northern portion of the city, carried ahead by a brisk southwesterly wind. Had it not been for a inch coat of snow on the roofs many a building north of the hotel would be a mass of smoldering ruins today. Long after the flames had raged in the interior Miss Chellis, head dressmaker at T A. Chapman & Co.’s was seen at her window on the fourth floor. She was recognized by friends below and implored to make the leap upon the canvas, but she remained standing at the window of her burning room until the flame enveloped her and she sank to be


on earth. In three quarters of an hour after the discovery of the fire the building was a total loss. At 5:30 o’clock the Broadway front of the building, unsupported by rafters from within, gave out and came thundering to the pavement. Shorthly after that the tottering walls of the south east corner of the building followed, tearing a heavy telegraph pole to the ground which felled Ben Van Hoaz, a truckman of hook and ladder company No. 2, beneath the weight. Poor Ben favorite in the department, received fatal injuries. He died a few hours after, faithful to his post unto death.


are received praise. Ed. Rymer and Herman Strauss of truck one appeared on the roof of the building at a critical juncture directly opposite the servant’s quarters, a ladder in hand. For a moment the unwieldy thing perched mid air, then descending with a crash through the window of the hotel, it formed a bridge across the alley, and before it became steady to position the men had crossed into the hotel; then, amid the cheers of the multitude below, they dragged the helpless creatures across the bridge until fully a dozen were rescued, all of them in their night clothes, and many were badly frozen before taken to shelter. A woman in a dead faint unable to help herself was dragged across in safety, but at one time the whole of her body was hanging over clear of the ladder, while the brave man held by one of her ankles. The crowd below held their breath in suspense, expecting every moment to see the ladder turn over or break beneath the terrible strain. The man, however, was equal to the emergency and by a Herculean effort pulled her upon, the slender bridge, and finally placed her out of danger, while the crowd, which had endured the most painful suspense for fully ten minutes burst forth in round after round of applause. Twelve poor waiter girls were rescued by these brave men. Two brothers, Clayton, rescued four women, carrying them bodily out. The police rescued a dozen persons.


Regarding the origin of the fire Mr. Antisdel said: “The nightwatchman saw the fire first, but before he could do, anything the flames shot up the elevator, burning on every door. I am confident it started in the elevator, but how it originated I cannot say. I was awakened by the noise and rushed out to find the building filled with flames and smoke, people flying for their lives. After saving my wife I tried to save others, I met my father and mother in their night clothes and tried to get them to leave the building, which was fast becoming a furnace of flames, but father was apparently out of his head. He said he was bound to go into the flames to save those in the building, but by force I got him to the street, and being afraid if I let him go he would again enter the flames, I conducted him by force down Michigan street and when near the alley some one fell from the upper floor to the ground, a few feet away, and caused him to become frenzied.” A number of rescued guests say the fire started in the basement and went through the elevator to all parts before an alarm could be given. A man employed in the baking department who arrived on the scene about 4 o’clock states that at 5:30 he passed to the third floor and assisted in rescuing a number of lodgers. It is stated on good authority that there was no fire in the rear portion of the building where was a wide pair of stairs by means of which all those quartered in the upper floors could have made their escape. However, the smoke was dense and those who were not suffocated lost their presence of mind. One of the most trying scenes incident to the fire was witmost trying scene incident to the fire was witnessed at the morgue. At 6 o’clock 15 bodies laid upon the marble slabs and the floor. The allotted space was too small to accommodate them all. One of the first bodies recognized was that of Mrs. John Gilbert, wife of Mr. Gilbert of the Minnie Palmer company. They were married only the day before in Chicago, and the bride of the night lay upon the cold marble, bruised almost beyond recognition. It is said she was Miss Sutton of Chicago.


from a terrible death is related by Lizzie Augland, one of the dining room girls. She awoke and heard a noise about 4 o’clock A. M. She awakened her room mate, Mollie Conners, and the two girls hastily dressed and attempted to descend by the stairway, only to find themselves confronted with the flame. Miss Conners, terribly frightened, screamed out, “My God, Lizzie, we can’t get through there.” With this Lizzie rushed through the flames and succeeded in reaching the office floor, where she fell insensible. She was terribly burned about the neck, lower portion of the face, arms, and limbs between the feet and the knees. Her injuries, though severe, are not fatal and she is cared for at the Axtel house. From Miss Augland the fate of Mollie Conners is learned. She says that when she started through the flames she turned so see if Mollie was coming and saw her fall on the stairway. This leaves no doubt that Mollie Conners perished in the burning building. Another escape to be recorded is that of a man whose name could not be learned, who was seen swinging himself from the fifth floor of the burning building until his feet touched the window below. Kicking in the window he dropped and grabbed the sash. This was repeated until he reached the bottom, from which he was rescued with his hands cut.




Manager Bleeker of the Tom Thumb party states that himself and wife were in a room on the Michigan street side, three stories up. The fire was roaring and cracking in the hall when they were awakened by some one rushing through the hall and giving a single knock at each door. He sprang up, and to keep to keep out the smoke, closed the transom. When they had clothed themselves he opened the door, but the blast of smoke and flame which entered scorched the lintels, and to protect himself he closed it and made for the window. It was the work of a few moments to improvise a rope out of the sheets and bed clothing, and with this he attempted to lower his wife to a balcony two floors below. Either through fright or because she was not strong enough to hold it, the rope slipped through her hands, and to her husband’s horror, she fell heavily upon the balcony. He signaled the firemen to rescue her, but got no response. Just then a man covered only with a blanket came rushing into the room, and the smoke which came in after him made it impossible for either of them to remain there any longer. So they hastily tied the sheeting around the lounge and lowered themselves to the balcony. The rope gave way as Mr. Bleeker was descending, and he fell a portion of the distance, hurting himself only slightly. He carried his wife into the room off the balcony, and there met Gen. Tom Thumb and his wife and Maj. Newell, who had escaped hence from one of the upper rooms. They were joined by a policeman, officer O’Brien, whose bravery deserves special mention. The party forced their way through doors until they reached the dining room, and thence reached a point where the smoke was less dense, and where Maj. Newell was able to engage the attention of the firemen. “Tom Thumb is on that window sill, save him,” he cried and forthwith a ladder was run up to them. The policemen carried Mrs. Warren down the ladder in his arms. The remainder of the party got out safely. The little general came very near loosing his life, however, by an accident. The policeman attempted to lower him by means of a sheet rope, but he had not calculated that tom was so heavy, and the cable would parted had he not seized him and drawn him back to the window sill. Mrs. Bleeker was found to have been very seriously injured. Her right leg sustained a compound fracture, her arm was broken her head and entire body badly bruised and slightly cut. She was resting as comfortably as could be expected last evening, but it is quite impossible to say how she will come out.


MR. S. A. Dixon is a gentleman who was a guest of the ill fated hotel. He is a traveling salesman for the Consolidated brush company, and he evidently kept his wife about him during the terribly trying ordeal which he passed through.

“I went up to Milwaukee,” said he, “on Monday last, and arrived there at about noon. I had always stopped at the Newhall while there, and this time I was assigned to room No. 227, which was on the Michigan street front, overlooking the building of the board of trade. You know the Newhall house was six stories and a half basement high. First came the half basement, then a clock of stores on the first floor. Above these stores was the hotel proper and the office. My room was on the floor above the office, so that I was actually upon the third floor, about 45 feet from the ground. Mr. Cook and I went to my room, and I shortly after undressed and laid myself in bed, little thinking of the calamity which was so soon to overtake the house. The first intimation I had of the fearful fire was the crashing of glass by the heat. I raised up and jumped from my bed. I opened the door and found that the smoke was too dense for me to escape that way through the hall. The front was then on fire, and the blaze of it lit up my room. I opened the window and looked down upon the cold, cheereless street, but no escape was there for me. To thin was to act. I bethought me of a door that I had seen in the rear of the hall. I got down on my hands and knees, I had then nothing on but my thin cotton nightshirt. I took my pants, undercoat and overcoat under my arms and made way through the blinding smoke of the hall to the door, which I remembered by instinct where it was. I reached for its knob and it opened – opened onto a bridge connecting with the bank building opposite. To me it was a dispensation of Providence. I heard the crackling of the flames and the groans of the burning, and the cries of the living to be saved. I was almost suffocated, but I was perfectly cool. What a scene! It horrified me. I put on my pants and my two coats. The bridge led to the roof of the bank building, in the upper floor of which lived some people who took their board at the hotel.  I surveyed the scene a moment and concluded to go back and save a life if possible. In coming out on my hands and knees I lost all my papers, order book and $22 in money out of my coat and pants pockets, but I did not find them again. From the roof of the bank building I saw the engines working on the streets and I heard the people jump from the windows and strike the hard, cold streets, many of them breathing their last but a moment or two after they had struck the ground. Well, as I said before, escape by way of the front of the building had long before been cut off. I crawled back toward my room and as I got near its door I saw a woman in her night gown sink almost exhausted to the floor. She had some of her clothing under her arm. I at once grabbed her and carried her as best I could through the door and over the bridge to the roof of the bank building, where some people took her away down stairs, and that was the last I saw of her. I looked down again upon the street. It was thronged with a mass of excited people. I determined once more to return, and I went up this time by way of the rear stairs to the fourth floor. There I met one of the dining room girls. Her hands and arms were so frightfully burned that the flesh dropped off, and her face was as black as my hat. I did not recognize who she was, but she happened to be the girl who waited on me, and she knew me, and she begged me for God’s sake to save her. I procured some sheets and wrapped her up as best I could and carried her down the back stairs on to the bridge and over it and down through the bank building, where I placed her in a sleigh, and Mr. Cook went with her, when she was taken to the Axtell house, where they cared for her. I was sick now of the scene. I was tired and cold, and my feet nearly frozen. The whole place was a mass of seething flame, in which many human beings were being roasted alive. I went out to the front of the house and saw the corpses of five of the girls who had jumped from the roof. It made my heart sick. I went over to the Plankinton house, where the parlors had been thrown open and converted into an improvised hospital. Here I saw some seven persons lying on cots, several of whom were dead. I had no vest or underclothes on, and the drummers who were in the house took me in and gave of their own clothes all I needed.


Several days ago Mr. Claflin went to Milwaukee from Chicago, where he lives, on business connected with the Wilcox & Gibbs sewing machine company, with which he has been engaged several years, and put up at the Newhall. Nothing was heard of him by the members of his family, and it was taken for granted that he was all right. Early Thursday morning, however, Mr. Tolman, of the sewing machine firm, called at Dr. Claflin’s house and inquired for him, Mrs. Claflin, who knew Mr. Tolman slightly, received him in the doctor’s absence, and in the gentlest possible manner was informed that her son had been burned in the Newhall house fire and that his blackened and charred remains were at that time at the morgue with others of the dead. Only those who have passed through similar ordeals can know anything to which the mother was thrown by the dreadful intelligence, which was substantiated by a telegram from a lady friend of the family. Almost distracted, she hurried to her husband’s office and communicated to him the sad news which spread rapidly with the intelligence regarding the fire. Dr. Claflin lost no time in preparing himself for the journey to Milwaukee to take charge of his son’s remains, and he left as soon as possible.

The grief of the mother was indescribable, and all hearts were saddened by the awful disaster that had fallen upon the family, when about 11 o’clock a carriage drove up in front of Dr. Claflin’s house and a man hobbled out as best he could with the assistance of a gentleman. The joy of the household when it was discovered that the decrepit stranger was the son who was suppose to be dead, can be pictured only by the imagination. Gilbert, as he is called by the family, was tenderly cared for, and the story which he and his friends rehearsed last evening to the reporter was told to the overjoyed family and friends. The gentleman friend referred to was Mr. J. L. Roberts of Troy, N. Y., who shared with Mr. Claflin the perils through which he passed during that half hour which will ever be vivid in both their memories.

Mr. Claflin said he retired to his room, No. 249, located on the first floor above the parlor, almost directly over the office of the hotel, about 10 o’clock on Tuesday night. He was quite tired and was not long in dropping off to sleep. The next thing he remembered was being suddenly awakened from a sound sleep by a voice which he thought said, “Follow me.” He jumped from his bed and on opening the door saw that the entire structure across a court ever the rotunda over the hotel, perhaps 20 x 60 feet, was a mass of flames. He was horrified at the sight, so suddenly it burst upon him, and he was thoroughly dazed. Regaining control of his faculties, however, he followed a man who went by him to a room a few doors down the hall which they were then in. The man entered a room which was somewhat smoky and acted very singularly. He bent as though in search of something. Recognizing the fact that it would be useless to remain longer there, Mr. Caflin turned and broke the pane of a window opening into the court with his hand. The heat by this time was intense, and every avenue of escape was cut off, so far as he knew at least, for he did not know which way to turn. There was no one in the hall where he was, and no confusion of any kind; nothing save the almost deafening roar of the flames as they fairly drove themselves through the tinder box toward the sky. Looking down from the broken window at which he stood he saw a sort of bridge in the center of the glass roof of the office in the court about 15 feet below him, and he resolved to jump. He swung himself out and dropped. By great good fortune his left arm caught upon a telephone wire stretched across the court, and his fall was thereby so broken that he was not hurt, or even stunned. When he straightened himself up he found that he had a companion in what then seemed to be his fiery death pen, whom he subsequently learned was Mr. Roberts, already spoken of, Mr. Claflin was entirely naked, with the exception of his nightshirt, but Mr. Roberts, who seemed particularly calm considering the surroundings and the few chances of escape, was entirely clad, having on even his overshoes. The scene surrounding them language was inadequate to describe. Nearly the entire building was in flames, and they were obliged to work most industriously to keep the sparks which fell upon them off each other. And above them the scene was sickening. From nearly every window on the right side of the fifth and sixth floors could be seen girls and women piteously begging to be saved from the awful death which was so soon to overtake them. And there they were not only unable to help the poor creatures, but absolutely powerless to render themselves assistance. Perhaps 15 minutes, which seemed almost as many hours, were passed in this way, the fire in the meanwhile raging terrifically about them. Apparently the only means of even taking a chance of escape was a jump to the bottom of the court, a distance of 50 feet, and this was at last considered. But as it was almost certain death they resolved to stand as long as possible where they were. At length while looking about through the windows on the side which was not yet ablaze near them, Mr. Roberts chanced to see a very dim gas jet burning in a room down the hall. They succeeded in groping their way to it, and turned it up. The smoke was quite dense, but by the light furnished by the jet they found a winding stairway leading down to the floor below. They felt their way cautiously down this and were gratified to find a woman, evidently a Swede, sitting at the foot of the stairs with two children by her. They hurriedly asked her is she could show them an exit, and she promptly replied in the affirmative. “For God’s sake, what are you doing here so long! Why don’t you get out?!”asked Mr. Roberts of the woman, and she replied in a dazed way, “I don’t know”; and when she had directed them through a hall leading to the alley she returned to her children, and was very likely destroyed with them. They hurried along the hall pointed out, and at last, almost exhausted with the heat and suspense, they reached the alley and were conscious that they were saved. Just as they stepped over the threshold two bodies dropped upon the pavement beside them with a sickening sound. They were of a man and woman who had jumped together from the fourth story. They were dead when examined. Each was wrapped in a blanket, one of which Mr. Roberts took and wrapped Mr. Claflin in, as he was suffering severely from exposure. He was then removed to the Plankinton house, where he was cared for by a physician. It was found that he had only sustained a slight sprain of the right ankle, a cut on the left heel, a cut on the hand, and his left eye was somewhat congested, none of which were considered serious. While the doctor was caring for him, Mr. Roberts was busy collecting some clothing for him, and soon returned with a complete outfit.


James Maxwell arrived at the hotel last night from Chicago. He remarked to the clerk that, as that was an unlucky corner, Friend Brothers having burned out across the street lately, he had better not send him up too high. “I was given a room on the court,” said Mr. Maxwell, and was soon fast asleep. When I awoke my room was full of smoke, and I could hear the crackling of the flames in the hallway. I put my key in the door, and, at the first turn, it broke off short. I was so weak and nearly suffocated with the smoke that I could not break down the door, so I made my way to the window, broke it, and jumped, regardless of consequences. I struck on a building in a court a few feet below. I could not see any way of escape, and as I could hear the people snoring in their rooms within my reach I began breaking in windows and giving them the alarm. I then entered one of the rooms, passed through it and into the hall, but the smoke was so dense that I had to crowd along with my face close to the floor. I went up a flight of stairs and down again, when I met a man and asked him to show me the way out. He replied, “Follow me,” and was soon out of sight. I crawled about until I struck a current of air, which I followed, and finally gained one of the parlors on the office floor. There were a number of persons lying around and standing about in the room, apparently dazed. A man then came to the door and shouted “You want to get out of here as quick as God will let you” I then grabbed a bedspread near by and started out. I had nothing but my shirt on and the bedspread to cover my nakedness. On gaining the street I proceeded north, and finding a stairway lighted up in a building, I think it was the next to the hotel, I attempted to go up but was stopped by a hackman, who told me I could not go up. I then tried to engage him to take me to a hotel, but he would not do so. While we were parleying a woman came down the stairs and said “My poor man, you shall come up stairs, and I will give you a pair of my husband’s pants” and these are the garments I have on” said Mr. Maxwell, as tears gathered in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.


Samuel Martin says: I roomed on the third floor of the hotel, and had enjoyed a sound sleep. When I awoke to a realizing sense of the danger which surrounded me. I sprang out of my bed, put my pants on, and rushed out into the hall. Hall and room alike were filled with blinding volume of smoke, and I rushed along wildly I knew not whither. Reaching a stairway I descended, and at the foot of the first landing stumbled across the apparently inanimate bodies of three persons whom I took to be women. A little further on I encountered a woman who seemed to be crazed. I asked her to follow me but she would not. I then caught her in my arms, and putting her on my back continued the descent. When about half way down the second flight of stairs I stumbled on another inanimate form and fell, and we, the woman I had on my back and I, rolled to the foot of the flight. Here I lost my hold upon the woman and disappeared, I know not whither. I did not see her again. Continuing onward and downward I finally reached a door leading into the alley, and a moment later was in the alley and in the snow in my bare feet. Once in the open air and out of danger I hastened to the Kirby house for shelter, and right here with the thought of those poor, inanimate bodies over which I stumbled recurring to my mind, I have this to say; “Had there been a watchman on each floor to awaken the sleeping occupants and direct them whither to proceed for safety, the hotel might have been cleared in less than ten minutes” time without the loss of single life. But there was no watchman on duty, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief; no effort was made to arouse the sleepers on the upper floors. Speaking for myself, I can safely avow that no effort was made to awaken me. “How I came to waken up I do not know, unless it was from a feeling of suffocation caused by the smoke which filled my room. After I got into the hall, as before I stated, I know not whither I went, but found on escaping that I had taken the back or servants stairway down into the basement.


and his wife had a narrow escape. Their room was on the second floor, in the southeast corner of the building. Mrs. Cramer, who is a light sleeper, was awakened by a rushing noise in the direction of the elevator. She looked out and saw the flames, when she called to her husband, who was awakened with some difficulty. Both partially dressed themselves and went down stairs, and were the first to reach the sidewalk. Mr. and Mrs. Cramer were burned and blistered, but their injuries are not serious. The heat was so intense that their feet were blistered on the stairways, and their hands, faces and necks were scorched. At this time the heat was like that of a blast furnace. The rooms of Mr. and Mrs. Cramer were very elegantly furnished, and contained a very fine library, together with some valuable art treasures and bric-a-brac collected at various times in Europe and this country. The furniture and library was valued $10,000, on which there was an insurance of $2,000.

In this connection it might be stated that Mr. And Mrs. Cramer were obliged to remain shut up in Paris for three months during the siege of that city by the Germans. They escaped in a carriage with the Hon. E. B. Washburne, then minister to France, under whose protection they passed through the German lines.


The more people think about the condition of the house as regards fire the more indignant they become. There was not a brick partition in the building. They were all wood, which burned like shavings. The owners of the building knew that it was unsafe and they are severely criticized. Mr. Race, secretary of the local board of underwriters, made an examination of the building about two weeks ago. He considers that the building was very unsafe and he is authority. He examined the cause to see what risks should be taken on. The fire was very apt to catch in the in laundry.  Mr. Antisdel regarded this as that kept dangerous part of the house. In the ____ the walls of the chimneys were _____. The cook said they had set it a fire a few days before, but he succeeded inputting it out.


There were 110 guests and 60 employes in the building. Of these 20 bodies have been identified among the dead. Sixty are missing, and 67 are known to have parished, leaving 42 unaccounted for, who are suppose to be in the ruins. The dead are:

Allen Johnson of Milwaukee, Mrs. Allen Johnson of Milwaukee, D. G Powers of Milwaukee, Walter Scott of Milwaukee, T. E. VanLoon of Albany, N. Y., Mrs. John Gilbert of Chicago, J. J. Hough of Maroa, Ill., Maggie Sullivan of Milwaukee, Mary Conroy of Milwaukee, Mary McDade of Mukwanago, Mary McMahon of Lyndon, Bessie Brown of Milwaukee, Ottelle Waldersdorf of Milwaukee, Augusta Giese of Milwaukee, Bridget O’Connel of DuPrairie, Wis., Nora Fannigan of Waukeshaw, Mitchell Burke of Milwaukee, T. B. Elliott of Milwaukee, Mary Anderson of Doylestown, Julia Fogarty, Oconomowoc.  The missing are, of the guests; R. Howie, Milwaukee; Miss. Libbie Chellis, Milwaukee; Prof. B. Mason, Milwaukee; Capt. Geo. P. Vose, Milwaukee; L. A. Brown, Philadelphia; Mrs. L. W. Brown, Allegheny, Pa.; John H. Foley, Milwaukee; A. H. Claflin, Chicago; Bradford Kellogg, Milwaukee; Louis K. Smith, Milwaukee; Quintass Bram, St. Louis; Dan Martel, Milwaukee; Charles Kelsey of the Tom Thumb company; W. A, Hall, Laporte Ind.; Geo. H. Reed, Manitowoc, Wis.; R. Goggin, Milwaukee; W. D. Rowell, Freeport, Ill.; Wm. Smith, Chicago; R. G. Butler and family, Milwaukee; James A. Ernst, Shullsburg; a child companion to Miss Chellis, Wyman E. Fulmer, Oconomowoc. Of servants missing: Lizzie Kelley, Mary and Maggie Owens, Geo. Lowry, Milwaukee; Fred Barber and Norah Ganigan, Penwaukee; J. Schoenbucker, Milwaukee; Walter and William Gillet, Milwaukee; Mollie Conner, Augusta Tripp, Jane Dunn, Annie Casey, Kittie Conners, Mary Miller, Katie Monoghan, Martha Schlossner, all of Milwaukee; Justus Hoak, Oconomowoc; Amelia Geesler, and Mary Burk, Pat Conroy, Chas. Gillon, Gussie Fredericks, Tom Cleary, Sam Mason and Ida Daniels, all of Milwaukee. The 48 missing are mostly known to be in the ruins which would make the total number of lives lost in the terrible calamity 68.


In the midst of numerous expressions of sympathy and offers of aid for sufferers from all parts of the Union the common council this afternoon engaged in disgraceful action squabbling over the expenses for rescue of the dead bodies, some members even demanding to quit work if the stockholders of the Newhall house association should not be willing to reimburse the city. The scene has caused indignation amounting to threats wherever it became known and to be alderman at present is the meanest position in the city. The council, after two hours; hard fighting, concluded to go on with the work of rescueing the bodies but made no appropriation for night work. The board of supervisors acted handsomely, appointing a committee with unlimited power to act.


The servants’quarters in the Newhall were on the fifth floor, and ranged along the alley at the side of the building from a point about 20 feet north of Michigan street to a point about 20 feet south of the of the north end of the building, and the rooms were built along the hall, which ran north and south, and at each end was totally separated from the quests apartments by heavy doors. The girls themselves say that the first they knew of the fire was when Linehan, the engineer, ran up and yelled to them to wake up, ran out, and follow him and not wait to dress. He says the hall swarmed full of maids, and he thought they were coming; consequently he made his way down, only to find that but one was behind him. It appears that the rushing air, the moment Linehan and the one girl got through the separating doors, closed them with a bang, and that they never opened again. This also prevented the heat and smoke from entering their headquarters, so that those who did not escape met death with a full realization of what was upon them, and were not half dead from suffocation.


Mary McCauley, who lies at the Axtell house in a bad nervous condition, and was carried out in a faint by fireman Strauss, says: “I was awakened by the shouts and screams of the others and ran into the hall. It was full of girls rushing up and down crying and screaming. I rushed to the end of the hall, peered through the door, and saw everything was smoke and fire outside. I then ran back, and passing a room where seven girls had taken refuge, joined them and we all knelt down in prayer. One of the girls had a crucifix and a woman prayed out loud. Just as we had given up all hope a window was crashed in our room and I fainted. It so happened that the firemen with the ladder had found the room out of 30 others, and we with a few others were saved. I knew nothing after fainting till I woke up here. Ought I not to be thankful?”


At the latest date 96 person out of 177 are known to be saved; 51 bodies have been recovered, 28 of which are burned beyond recognition leaving 30 still missing. This makes the total loss 81, which is believed to be nearly accurate.