Animated Backhoe



1 Dol. 75 Cents per ann. Payable in advance  MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1812 Vol IV-No 26_Whole No 182


Is hereby given to the Stockholders of Union Company, that a meeting os said Company will be held at the dwelling-house of John Bennett, in the city of Hartford on Monday, the 28th of Dec. inst. At 2 o’clock, P> M> By order of the President and Dirctors, T Dwight, Clerk December 13.


SADDLE TREES; SKIRTHING; HOG SKINS And all kinds of SADDle and HARNESS WORIK for sale by                      NORMAN SMITh Dec 21


BEERS & ALLEN Almanacs, and Green’s REGISTERS FOR 1813 For sale at this office


Edinburgh Encyclopedia No 4 IS received and ready for delivery  G J PATTEN Dec 18


A WATCH FOUND The owner can have it by applying at this office, and paying charges.

Dec 21   $1



From the pasture of the Subscriber, on the 21st day of Ovember last, one Heifer past two years old, brown with a lined back. One yearling Heifer pale red. Whoever will return the above creatures or give information where they may be found will be generously rewarded by

             William Cowles  Farmington Dec 14


FOUND A short time since,, a WATCH. The owner can have it by proving property, and paying for this advertisement RUFUS DUNFORD Hartford, Dec 21


District of Connecticut, to Wit


Be it Remembered, That on the Nineteenth day of November, in the thirty seventh year of the Independence of the United States of America, Hale & Hosme, of the said District, hath depostited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietorsm in the words following to wit:

“A collection of the most useful Arithmetical Tables,. Among which are, Monies of account, in most Foreign Commercial Countries, their Exchanges, Value of their Exchanges in Federal Money, Rules for reducing Versa, superseding intirely the necessity of Pupils in common schools, making use of any other Arithmetic. Wo which is added, a perpetual Almanac; making in the whole, a useful Pocket Companion. By John J White

In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States,m entitled “An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such Copies during the times therein mentioned.”

              H. W. Edwards,

 Clerk of the District of Connecticut

A true Copy, Examined and sealed by me,

             H. W. Edwards

 Clerk of the Dirstrict of Connecticut



Six months from the date are limted by the Hon. Court of Probate for the District of East-Windsor, for the creditors to the estate of Daniel Bissell, jun. late of East Windsor in said District deceased, to exhibit their claims against said estate to the subscriber, executor of the last will and testitment of said deceased.-All those indebted are requested to make immediate payment


  George Barber, Executor

East-Windsor, December 15, 1812



Probate Office, Farmington District,  

December 7th, 1812

Six months from the date of notice is by the Judge of Probate for said district limited for the Creditors of the estate of Zebina Gridley late of Southington deceased, to exhibit their claims to Noah Gridley, of said Southington, Administrator on said estate

              Martin Bull, Clerk



HAS Imported by the late arrivals from  England an extensive and general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY; and PLATED GOODS, which he offers for sale at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, for cas or approved credit;-most of the Goods are now in store and the remainder daily espected.

400 gross buck, bone, wool, tip, and ivory handled table and dessert Knives and Forks, comprising a general assortment.

Carvers, table and butchers Steels.

2000 dozen pen Knives and Pocket Knives in great variety.

Real Barlow pen Knives, Cutteaux.

Razors, Scissors, Shears, cast steel Sickles.

220 dozen Wilson’s best cast steel shoe Knives.

70 dozen cross cut, tenon, hand, panel, dovetail, sash, frame, compass, and other Saws, of German and Cast Steel.

An assortment of Plated Saddlery, and harness furniture.

60 dozen Plated Pelham, Sharp, Portsmouth< Dukes, chaise, spaffle, and military Bits, a great variety of pattersns.

Plated stirrups, Spurs, Bradoons, curb chains, bridle buckles, and sildes, martingale hooks and rings, terrets, hooks, harness, collar, and  tug buckles, loops, pad screws, circles and spots, oranaments, bradoon runners, saddle nails, ladies’ clog slippers.

8300 feet plated cat___le and chase molding, very low.

Plated side and dasher handles, gig worm springs, boot knobs, scrolls, wheat ears.

125 pair plated wheel bands, at old prices. An assortment of tinned and japanned saddlery.

450 dozen tinned Pelham, shapr, chaise and snaffle bits.

Polished plain and twisted, pipe check snalfles.

Best potted double an dsingle curb chains, potted bits.

200 dozen best and common tinned stirrups.

Tinned and japanned inlet buckles.

Japanned, bright filed, and tinned, roller buckles, japanned sunk bar, tinned flat sets,

Japanned cockeyes, collar and tug buckles

Japanned iron terrets and hooks.

Polished and common iron hames, stump joints, polished saddle tree bars.

Brass terret, hooks, harness buckles, circles and spots, pad screws portmanteau locks and fastenters.

Straining and girth web, scarlet and military web.

Flemish tacks, fine and coarse clout nails.

Brass and white metal nails.

180 dozen low priced steel frame specteacles and cases.

500.000 warranted old patent, and stampt White Chapel needles.

Yarn needles, fancy steel bodkins, fish hooks, needle cases.

Best elastic steel, and common iron knitting pins.

Brass, steel and white metal thimbles, sleeve links, iron Jew’s harps.

Bright brass warning pans.

200 pairs common and brass head shovels and tongs.

Plated spoons and sugar tongs.

Plated sniffers and trays.

Steel spring snuffers, japanned snuffer trays, tea trays and waiters.

Tinned iron, and tutania table and tea spoons

Screwed and common iron candlesticks.

150 dozen japanned and brass lamps, japanned lanthorns.

Coffee mills, some of the best quality.

Cast iron digesters, glue pots.

Sheet iron sauce pans and pots.

Sheet iron mslin kettles tinned inside, from 2 to 12 gallons each.

20 cwt sad irons, assorted.

A good assortment of files.

2200 gross wood screws of all sizes from ½ inch to 3 inches.

Patent cast but hinges.

H & HL hinges, chest, flap, and shutter hinges, 400 dozen best rivitted table hinges.

Japanned wrought iron trunk handles, cast lifting handles.

Knob Latches, round and flat bolts.

Japanned Norfolk & common thumb latches.

Iron rim knob & ring door locks, closet locks

Chest, cupboard, trunk, pad, till, desk, clock case, common and fine plate stock and horse locks.

Brass commode handles, and knobs, escutcheons, bed caps, hinges, clock balls, caps, and bases, castors, quadrants, knobs, cupboard turus, rings, handles, and roses, door knockers, brass cocks, and other brass foundry.

Plated commode Knobs

Cast iron Castors, sash rollers, side pulleys, cow knobs.

Best braces, with bright and black bits.

Plated and common squares, spoke shaves, bevils, saw pads, screw drivers.




Here just received a quantity of

Best London White Lead

Fresh green Copperas

Best English Allum

Mudder, Oil of Vitriol.

Spirits of Turpentine.

Rosin of superior quality

Window Glass, &cc &c

Their present assortment is very complete, and prices moderate common for thie


New Muff and Tippet Store

Lewis P Countant

Furrier from New York

HAS taken the Brick Store opposite Dr. Isaac Bull’s at the sign of the Leopard, main-street; where he intends carrying on his business in all its brandhes- He has on hand an Elegant Assorment of the most Fashionable Muffs and Tippet, consisting of Northwest Coast Martin, Canada Martin, Mock Martin, Silver and Black Bear Skin, Jennet Skins, &c and constantly adilieg to his manufactures Genetlemen’s Caps, Fur Gloves, &c. Sadlers supplied with Holster Caps and Helmets. Muffs and Tippets repaired on short notice.

Purchasers will do well to call and examine his Muffs and Tippets as he has had long experience in manufacturing and in the choice of Furs he flattlers himself that he shall be able to give satisfaction  to all those may please to favour him with their custom.

N. B. Wanted, an apprentice to the above business from 14 to 65 years of age, of good morals, one that can come well recommended-Also one or two seasmstresses wanted.

Nov 16


NEW GOODS Superfine West of England Broad Cloths and Cassmeres.

GEORGE B CORNING, Merchant Taylor, Has received, selected from the late arrivals at Boston, a large and valuable assorment of GOODS, which with those before on hand, makes his assortment as good as can be found in this State and will be sold as cheap as at any state in this City.


BLACK, NAVY BLUE, BOTTLE GREEN, BOTTLE GREEN MIXED, OLIVE, DARK MIXED, STEEL MIXED, London BROWN, First quality Superfine Weat of England Broadcloths as good as is generally imported to this Country.

Fancy Blue, Black, Brown, Olive, Corbo, Mixed, Bottle Green Mixed, Superfine, fine and Common BROADCLOTHS.

Blue, Black Brown, Light Mixed, Dark Mixed, Bottle Green, Light Green, and Drab Superfine, double and Single Milled CAssimeres -- A good Assortment of Fine and Common Cassimeres.


Grimson, Scarlet, Blue Black, Green, Brown, Drab and purple Silk VELVET - Manchester and tabby Velvet.

BLACK, BLUE, MIXED and DRAB, Fine Brunswick and Elastic Cord.

Fine Drab Spanish Cassimere.

Cloak CAmlet.

White and Black Canton Crape.

White Jean.

Red, white, black, blue, and green Flannels. Fashionable single, double, and treble. Gilt and Plated Coat and Vest Buttons.



Superfine and fine Scarlet Broadcloths. Superfine Scarlet, White and Buff Cassimeres. Red and white Rattinet. Red Silks and Twists. Military Buttons.

MILITARY and DRESS CLOTHES made as usual in the Newest Style.

Wanted immediatley, two or three Journeymen that are good workman. Nov 16.


Two articles covering Public Acts fromt he October Session 1812... mentions the names of

Sylvanus Backus, and John Cotton Smith




The house took up the order of the day, viz the report of the committee of the whole, on the sujbect of the merchant's bonds. The question being -- will the house concur with the committee of the whole in their disagreement to the report of the committee of ways and means? Mr. Quincy spoke an hour with much ability, in favour of a concurrence. He was followed by Mr. Newton, on the other side. Messrs. Brigham and Widgery also spoke in favour of a concurrence. The house adjourned at half past two.
Tuesday, December 15.
Mr. Basset from the naval committee made the following report:
The committee on the naval establishment, by their chairman, report the following resolution, in the relation to the brilliant achievments of Captains Hull, Decatur, and Jones.
RESOLVED, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby requested to present to Capt. Hull of the frigate Constitution, Capt. Decatur of the frigate United States, and Capt. Jones of the sloop of war Wasp, each a Gold Medal, with suitable emblems and devices, and a Silver Medal, with like emblems and devicesto each Commissioned officer of the aforesaid vessels; in testimony of the high snese entertained by Congress of the gallantry, good conduct and services of the Captains, Officers, and Crews of the aforesaid vessels in their respective confilicts with the British frigates, Guerriere, and the Macedonian, and sloop of war Frolick: thereby entwining the American brow with a tripple wreathe of Victory, and exhibiting examples highly honorable to our nathional character, and instructive to the rising Navy.
And the president is also requested to present a silver medal, with like emblems and divices to the nearest male relative of Lieut. Bush, and one to the nearest male relative of Lieut. Funk: In testimony of the gallantry and merit of those deceased officers in whom their country has sustained a loss much to be regretted.
The unfinished business of yesterday was taken up. Mr. Cheves moved that it lie on the table for the purpose of taking up the bill from the senate on the same subject. Agreed to.
The bill from the Senate for remitting the fines and fofeitures incurred by the importation of certain goods &c. from Great Britain, was read a first and second time.
Mr. Cheves moved to refer it to a committee of the whole house for this day.
Mr. Bibb moved to postpone the further consideration of the bill indefinately.
Mr. Williams opposed indefinite postponement and advocated the remission of the bonds.
Mr. Randolph followed in favour of remission.
Mr. Stanford on the same side.
Mr. Gholson moved to amend the motion of Mr. Bibb by adding, "and the report of the committee of ways and means on that subject." He offered some observations in support of his motion and the House adjourned.
Wednesday, December 16.
The House of Representatives resu__ed the consideration of the bill from the Senate for the relief of the merchants. The question was upon Mr. Bibb's motion - "shall the bill be indefisively postpones" - Mr. Rhea spoke in favour of it, and the ayes and noes being taken it was negatived - ayes 61, noes 63. On motion of Mr. Roberts, it was committed to the committee of ways and means.
A resolution was agreed to, introduced by Mr. Quincy, requesting the President of the U. States, to inform the House what has been done in pursuance of the Resolution passed March 5th 1805, directing a gold medal with emblems and deevices to be presented to Commodore Preble, and swords to his commissioned officers, in testimony of the sense of congress of their gallant conduct in the Mediterranean, and also containing an appropriation of 20,000 dollars; and requesting the President of state the names of the officers who have been noticed in pursuance of said resolution.
The House resolved itself into a committee of the whole, on the bill from the senate for the increase of the navy of the United States. Mr. Sawyer of N. Carolina moved an amendment, to add "teen" to the word "four" so that the number of ships of the line would be fourteen. Mr. Seybert was against the amendment, but in favour of an increase of the navy. Mr. M-Kee of Tennessee, was in favour of the amendment, if there is to be any increase; but said distinctly that he was against any increase, and that he would not consent to tax the farmers, or his constituents, for the protection of commerce.
Messrs. M-Kim and Mitchill spoke in favour of an increase of the Navy.
No other buisness of any importance was done. The House adjourned at about 3.

Thursday December 17.
Mr. Bacon presentedthe petition of several armourers in the services of the United States at Springfield, Massachusetts, residing on the territory ceded to the United States, stating that they have for years resided on that territory and never expected that they were deprived of the rights of citizens of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, but by a late decision of the supreme court of that state it was determined that they were not entitled to those rights, and praying Congress to take the subject under consideration, and grant them relief. Referrred to a select committee of five.
The house in committee of thewhole Mr. Bacon in the chair on the bill to increase the navy of the U. States.
Mr. Seybert moved to strike out the four 74 gun ships, meaning, as he declared if that motion prevailed to move an increase of the number of frigates.
Mr. Gold opposed this motion.
Mr. Widgery was in favour of striking out; he was willing to vote for 30 frigates.
Several gentlemen spoke on different sides, and the question was taken on striking out, and negatived by a large majority.
The committee rose, reported progress and had leave to sit again. Adjourned.
Friday, December 18.
The Speaker presented to the House several resolves, passed by the Legislative Council and house of Representatives in the Mississippi Territory, approbatory of the war.
Mr. Quincy introduced a resolution which was laid on the table, for the appointment of a committee, to enquire into the principles and practice which have been adopted by the treasury department, relative to the revenue law, in remitting & mitigating fines and penalties and report thereon to the House.
The house again went into committee of the whole, on the bill from the Senate for increasing the navy. Hr. Harper, of New Hampshire, moved to strike out the four ships of the line for the purpose of inserting two, stating, he should be in favour of 6 sloops of war -- negative, ayes 45, noes 52.
Mr. Cutts then moved to strike out the four ships of the line and insert 10 ships to carry 44 guns each. He said he would prefer 10 frigates and 10 sloops of war. Mr. Cutts supported his motion, and was opposed by Mr. Basset. The motion was carried, ayes 56, noes 53. Mr. Cutts then moved to add 10 sloops of war, which was negatived. On motion of Mr. Roberts, the committee then rose and had leave to sit again. The house adjourned till Monday.
NEW-YORK, December 21
By the Dick, from Bordeaux, we have French papers to the 4th ult. They contain the French Bulletins to No. 23, the last of which is dated at Moscow Oct. 9. It states that the advanced guards of the Grand Army was posted 25 leagues from Moscow; that the Russian Army was quartered upon Kolougs; that skirmishes took place daily, in which French (of course)were victorious; that the Duke of Eichmgen, with his division, was at Boghorodock; and that Murat's division was at Troitsa. It also states, that the able Russion General Prince Bagration had died of his wounds; and that the inhabitants of Moscow were returning to their homes, and that Napoleon was in good health, and was doing all he could, to make them comfortable.
On this news the Evening Post observes, "It will be recollected, that Bonaparte entered Moscow on the 15th of September; from the above mentioned Bulletiin it appears, that on the 9th of October he remained in the same situation, having done nothing more towards theconquest of Russia. This is certainly against him; and if he is obliged to remain there through the winter, although he may be in "good health" he will be indisposed before spring.
WE learn, verbally, that Massena was still at Bayorpe, waiting for reinforments; and the French troops in Spain and Portugal were suffering from the necessaties of life.
It was reported in France, that the Emperor had sent for Mr. Barlow to meet him at Wilna.
Mr. Barlow had left Paris for Wilna, where Bonaparte was to meet him.
In the followning translations from Paris papers, received at the Office of this Gazette, it appears by a publication from the Police Office, that a conspiracy had been discovered at Paris, and that three French Generals had been arrested for propagating among the National guard a report of the death of the Emperor. One of the three Generals is said to have been in habits of intimacty with Gen. Moreau; and that Madam Moreau, who had lately arrived in Paris from N. York, had been ordered to be confined to her lodgings.
Moscow, 9th October 1812
The van-guards, commanded by the King of Naples is on the Nara 20 leagues from Moscow. The enemy's army is on the Kalouga, skirmishes take place every day. The king of Naples has had the advantage in every one of them, and has always driven the enemy from its positions.
The Cossacks are rambling on our flamks. A patrole of 150 dragoons of the guard commanded by Major Marthod has fallen into an ambuscade of the Cossucks on the road between Moscow and kalouga. The drogoons have sbred 300 of them, and made their way through; but they lost 20 men left on the field of battle, who have been taken among whome is the Major badly wounded.
The Duke of Elchingen is at Beghorodock. The van-guard of the vice-roy at Troisa on the road to Dunitrow.
The colors taken by the Russians from the Turks in different wars, and a number of  other curious things found in the Kremlin, are on their way to Paris. A Virgin-Mary, enriched with diamonds, has been found. It has also been sent to Paris.
It appears that Rastopchin has ahenated himself. At Voronovo he set fire to his Castle, and left in its place the following writing nailed up to a post.
"During 8 years I have improved this country residence, and lived happy within it in the bosom fo my family. The inhabitants of this land to the number of 1720 abondon it at your approach (1) and I set fire to my house in order that it may not be defiled by your presence--Frenchmen, I have forsaken my two houses in Moscow, with movables to the amount of one million of roubles. Here you will find nothing but ashes."
(Signed) Count Fedor Rastopchin.
This 29th of Sept. 1812, at Voronovo.
The palace of Prince Kourakin is on of those we have succeeded in saving from the fire. Gen Count Naneonti has taken his abode in it.
With much labour we have succeeded in drawing out of the hospitals and burnt houses a part of the Russian sick. There still remain about 4000 of these unfortunate wretches. The number of those who have perished in the conflagration is very considerable.
For these eight days past the sun has shone; and it is warmer than in Paris at this season of the year. We scarcely percieve being in the North.
The duke of Reggio, who is at Wilna, has entirely recovered.
The enemy's general in chief, Bargration, has died of the wounds which he received at the battle of Moskwa.
The russian army disown the conflagration of Moscow. The authors of this most wicked attempt are held in execration by the Russians. They behold Rastopchin as a species of Marat. He may have found consolation in the society of the English commissary Wilson.
The staff is busily employed in causing the particulars of the combat of Smolensk and of the battle of Moskwa to be printed: it will point out those who have distinguished themselves.
The Kremlin has just been strengthened with 30 pieces of cannon, &c. It forms a fortress. The ovens and magazines are established within it.
[At the end of the Bulletin is an offical account of the state of Moscow from 1st January to 1st June 1812, signed by the Russian Governour of the police --It makes the total population of Moscow amount to 198,914, of which there were 5,100 Priests, 9,300 Nobles, 3,190 Soldiers, 19,000 Merchants, 18,000 of the middle rank, 47,000 Slaves and 96,400 of other classes.]
(1)They have returned.
(2) In effect he sat fire himself to his Country-house, but his example found no imitators--all the houses in the neighbourhood of Moscow remain entire.
December 23
Latest from England
By the ship George Washington, arrived at Philadelphia, the editors of the New-York Gazette have recieved their files of London papers to the 29th of October inclusive, and have made such extracts from them as appear most interesting.
In the London Courier of the 28th of October, we find the Prince Regent's Proclamation, dated the 25th, declaring alt English sailors found on board American vessels fighting against their native country, or giving aid or comfort to the enemies of H. B. M. subjects, Traitors and "liable to suffer the pains of death." The same paper contains a Proclamation for the distribution of prizes during the war.
Preparations were makeing at Portsmouth for the accommodation of the Russian fleet, which was to be sent there for safety.
Fifty thousand stand of arms from England had arrived at St. Petersburg, a large additional supply was on its way there; and, says the Courier, 80,000 there are going.
It will appear from our extracts, that the French army in the North, was in an aukward predicament. The report of the death of the gallant Prince Bagradtion, is confirmed.
The news from Spain and Portugal by this arrival, is not so late as our former advices, direct.
The ministrerial party in England has been completely successful at the late elections in England, and it seemed to be determined to prosecute the war against theis country with all possible vigour. -- On this subject the Courier, a ministerial paper, breaks out in the following bitter, and groundless expressions:
"Such are the blessings of this democratic government-formidable only to its own citizens, feeble against a foreign enemy.
"Merchantmen rotting in the Americans ports: merchants either ruined, or suspending all commercial operations; a third of the houses in the large towns untenanted; faction at its height; the cbinet encouraging dissentions amoung the democrats and federalists; no unity of action; no co-operation between the government and the people; meetings in all the towns against the war; the negroes rising in some parts, and apprehensions of similar rising in others.--Such is the picture, not exaggerated, not overcharged, of the United States, one and indivisible; and such are the first consequences of the unnatural war into which they have entered at the instigation of France."
The price of bread in England was raised one penny, and the making of starch from corn is prohibited. The brewers are ordered to use sugar instead of grain in brewing. Wheat is quoted at 132 to  140; barley 55 to 56; flour 105 to 110.

LONDON, October 27.
The advices received last night by the Gottenburg mail, five a very favorable account of the state of things in Russia. Bonaparte, it appears, is confined to the ruins and the immediate viciniity of Moscow, surrounded on every side by Russian armies, which are daily increasing in strength and cinfidence, and alreading acting on the offensive, driving back the enemy's corps upon the ashes and ruins of the burned capitol whenever they attempt to open a passage or to effect an escape. The Russian Generals appear to have drawn a circle round the site of Moscow, and to be closing upon the French quarters in that position, from all the great roads round. Kutusow, Tormosow, Winzingerode, and Wittgenstein, each at the hed of a formidalble army, occupy the principal posts in as many distinct lines, cutting off supplies, resources and communications, preventing advances, repelling excursions, and retraining expeditions. Under these circumstances Bonaparte awaits the commencement of the Russian winter in his quarters at Moscow. We are anxious to learn how Bonaparte and his soldiers will bear the visitation of this new and hitherto unknown enemy.
It is confidently stated, that the Emperor Alexander, as a further proof of his firmness and fidelity to the common cause, has resolved to send over to this courntry all his sips and vessels fo war. Theis measure must be considered,however, not only as proof of His Imperial Majesty's attachment to us, and ofhis persevering resolution to resist Bonaparte, but also as a tacit acknowledgment of an apprehension that the French army succeed in obtaining possession of the Russian ports in the Baltic. His Imperial Majesty is resolved that in such an event, those ports shall be found as naked and as as unfurnished with military means and resouces as Moscow-- These inferences are cinfirmed by accounts of the removal of the most valuable property, public and private, from  Petersburg and the neighbouring cities to the more remote and inaccessible places in the interior.
Despatches were received by his Majestry's ministers last night from Lord Cathcart, at St. Petersburg, brought by the packet which conveyed from Gottenburg the mail that has furnished the articles given in this paper. The following abstract of Lord Cathcart's despatches has been published from Downing-street.
"Despatches have been received from St. Petersburg, dated the 4th inst.
"The reports from Prince Kutusow, of the 22d September, state that the army was on the Culurgena raod, towards Toula, kalouga, Otel and with a strong party on the Majaisk road. On the 19th he sent Gen. Floraiski, with the 11th division of Cossacks, and the Mere Polski hussars to watch the enemy, who discovered four regiments of cavalry in the village Saumenska, and made prisoners 480 men, 16 officers, and 40 petty officers, leaving great numbers dead on the field. On the 21st and 22d September, the Russian parties, brough in 500 prisoners. On the 23d, the day he writes, he had sent Gen. Dorocoff on the Majaisk road, who reports having taken 6 officers, and 200 men. In the meanwhile, Lieut. Col. Davidoff, whith 50 light cavalry, had been active in cutting off the enemy's communications between Gjaick and Mojaisk.
"And Adjutant General Winzingerode, was active in the Majaisk, the Twer and Jasvierlaff roads. The abstract of Gen. Dorcoff's report is just recieve:-- He states, that having sent Capt. Udina on the Mojaisk road, he had taken 2 captains, 5 officers and 92 men, with 36 waggons of artillery stores.
"Other accounts state, that in successful affairs of parties, 20 large waggons with artillery stores, and 300 men had been taken.
"In addition this official entelligence there are private accounts of the 4th from Petersburg, which state that Winzingerode had had a brilliant affair with Murat's cavalry, and had taken 2 guns and 3000 men prisoners."

A letter from St. Petersburg, of the 2d Oct. contains as follows: "The emperor's manifesto has had a magic influence on all classes - every one takes up their arms and marches off, and this they do voluntarily; and although we have the best hopes of a happy result, yet preparations are making to meet the worst that may happen, and I bleieve, should Napoleon get possession of St. Petersburg (which God prevent) he will not there by be a greater gainer than he was by nothing but mere articles of household furniture. All the inhabitants had left the place-all merchant goods were long before sent away, and there was nothing more left him to take.
From Gen. Baron Winzingerode, dated
Town of Dawrdowka, Sept 28
"Without giving up the road to Twer I, with the greater part of my detachment, have taken post here at Dawrdowka, certain of my here being able more easily and more frequently to receive reports from my vanguard, as well from the detachments which I have upon the roads from Wladimir, Jaroslow, Dmitrien, to Woskusinsk, and in the low lands about Mojaisk. All the detachments daily continue to do the enemy considerable damage, which we can perceive by the following motions made by the enemy.
"The detachment which is posted on the road toTwer, has informed, that on the 25th it made a reconnoisance to the town of Norve, 24 wests from Moscow but afterwards withdrew. Our Cossack patrole even scour the country as far as the town of Jevanowa, towards Moscow. The French Piquets are five wersts from me. Up to the 27th, nothing further had taken place on that road, neither has any thing occurred on the road of Jaroslaw and Dmitrien. The advanced posts maintain their former positions, as likewise the road to St. Petersburg. Colonel Jalowarsky, who commands my van-guard, had required my assistance to surprise the French van-guard on the night of the 25th. He attacked it in the town of Hinks, cut the greater part to pieces, and pursued the enemy several wersts. We have taken 1 officer and 570 men. The enemy's loss in killed must have been very considerable, where as our side it was very trifling.
Exclusive of this official report, we have later accounts, which state that a Russian detachment had entered Smoiensko, and there captured a considerable quantity of winter clothing, which had been intended for the French army. A large quantity of gun powder had been taken in the vicinity of Mojaisk.
Prince Kutusow had posted himself five wests from Moscow, and has cut off all communication with that city. Very bloddy actions have taken place for four successive days, during which the king of Naples endeavoured to push forward to Mojaisk with his cavalry, but was continually repulsed, and obliged to throw himself into Moscow.
Extract of a Letter from St. Petersburg, dated October 2.
"Gen. Winzingerode stands i the road to Moscow, near Twer, with a corps of aobut 30,000 men. Kutusow is to the southward of Moscow-- It is endeavoured to close Bonaparte in, so that he can enither receive supplies nor troops, and will be forced to cut his way out from Moscow. In one word, we entertain the best hopes, but use prudential methods as if all hopes were lost -- which is most assuredly the best way.
"the left wing of Prince Kutusow's army has defeated a lesser corps of the French army, and taken two pieces of cannon, and 3 or 4,000 men. The garrison of Boorinsk, which had recieved orders to march to Tosmasoff's corps, had taken 7 pieces of cannon and 1,500 men, from the French detachment. Techetschagoff's and Tormasoff's joint force has already arrived at Pinsk, and consequently harrass Napolean's great line of open ration. This joint corps is now marching on Smolensko. Gen. Winzingerode's right wing, which stands at Workusinsk, began to join itself with Kutusow's left wing, being at Mojaisk, by which the communication in the rear of the French army is cut off. French troops arrived at Riga on the 22d of September. They have commenced their operations with defeating the enemy, and taken 800 prisoners. We every moment expect information of the enemy's corps being totally defeated. He has been weakened on this point by Napoleon's haveing called Marshal macdonald from thence to his assistance.
"French officers, who were taken prisoners in the battle of the 7th state that the French army was in the greatest disorder, and that it was merely through the superiour talent sof the Duke of Elchingen that the army was rallied ____ to the affair.

HARTFORD, December 28
By the 4th section of the law of Congress, passed on the 1st of May, 1810, commonly called the non-importation law, it is declared ---
"That in ease either Great Britain or France shall before the third day of March next, so revoke or modify her edicts as that they shall cease to violate the neutral commerce of the United States, shall declare by proclamation, and if the other nation shall not within three months thereafter revoke or modify her edicts in like manner, then the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, thenth, and eithgteenth sections fo the act entitled" An act to interdict the commercial intercourse betweent he United States and Great Britain and France and their dependencies, and for other purposes, "shall from and after the expirations of three months fromt he date of the proclamation aforesaid, be revived and have full force and effect, so far as relate to the dominions, colonies and dependencies of the nation thus refusing or neglecting to revoke or modify her edicts in the manner aforesaid. And the restrictions imposed by this act shall, from the date of such proclamation, cease and be discontinued in relation to the nation revoking or modifying her decrees in the manner aforesaid."
By the expression -- "which fact the President shall declare by proclamation" - Congress undoubtedly meant, that he President should in a public manner, in his official copacity, give notice to the nation, that such revocation had taken place. The "edicts" here alluded to, were the British Orders in Council of January, and November, 1807.  At that time, the blocading Order of May, 1806, was not considereed by the Administration as belonging to the number of those edicts which violated our neutral commerce. However, for the present purpose, it is of no importance whether it be excluded or included. On the 23d of June, 1812, the British Orders in Council, involving the blockadingOrders complained of, were formally revoked, leaving no edict of theirs in existence which violated our neutral rights. The fact then of the revocation of the British edicts, contemplated by the law of Congress, has actually taken place; and the merchants ought, on the plainest principles of justice, to be subjected to no penalties. A question however, arises-has the President made his proclamation? By saying, that the President should decalre the fact of revocation, Congress gave no form of proclamation. Nothing more could be meant, than that he should, by a public declaration, proclaim that is publish-give notice, to the nation such revocation and its fact taken place. The word Proclamation, altho in great use in this country, has no technical meaning. In the Message at the opening of the present session of Congress-the most solemn, & important declaration, & proclamation which is ever made, of the state of our national affairs-the President says-"ALTHOUGH A REPEAL OF THE ORDERS (alluding directly to the Orders in Council) SUSCEPTIBLE OF EXPLANATIONS MEETING THE VIEWS OF THIS GOVERNMENT, HAD TAKEN PLACE BEFORE THIS PACIFIC ADVANCE WAS COMMUNICATED TO THAT OF GREAT GRITAIN, the advance was declined, from an avowed repugnance to a suspension of the practise of impressments during the armistice, and without any intimadon that the arrangement would be accepted." here is in terms, from the President's own mouth, a declaration proclaimed to the representatives of the people, and through them to the nation at large, that the Brittish edicts violating our neurtral rights have been revoked - this proclamation is dated the 4th day of Nov. 1812 - of course the restrictions imposed by the non importation act, mest from the day cease and be discontinued, with respect to the goods imported from Great Britain - and as necessary consequence of the whole, the merchants have a complete defiance, at law, against any attempt to enforce the collection of their Bonds. We trust, then, they will reject all the attempts that Mr. Gallatin may make, to force a loan from them, and place themselves, if called to it, upon the integrity and independence of the courts, and the laws of their country.
In the last Mirror, we stated briefly the "account current" of the first six months of the war. If we are not mistaken, the footing shews a balance much against us. It woud seem, however, nothwithstanding the disasters we have already experienced, the disgrace we have been called to bear, and the miserable prospect of doing better in future, that Mr. Madison, flushed with his own success in the election, and bent on  his own, as well as his country's ruin, is resolved on the prosectuion of hostilities; unless, indeed, he is best off from his pernicous purpose, by the astonishing change of sentiment which a large portion of the nation has undergone since war ws declared.
The sole avowed object of the war, is-to force Great Britain to abandon the irght of searching neutral merchant vessels for her own subjects. We have often stated, what our Administration well know to be the fact, that Great Britain will never yield this right, until reduced to such distress that she cannot avoid it. That is - she will never abondon it, until ___  __ ___ sacrifice that , to preserve her independense. The only means that we possess, to enable us to force her to this sacrafice, is the withholding from her our t__. For, though we have captured the Guerriere, the Frolic, and the macedonian, yet we do not believe that our Administration weak, vain, vapouring, and swaggering as they are, are yet silly enough to imagine, that these successes have made any solid impression on the Brittish navy. The British have, indeed, learned, that we have brave and silful seamen, and that it is more difficult to conquer one f our frigates, than they supposed; and that, in order to answer their purposes, they must send more and larger ships than they have heretofore considered necessary. This they can do; and if the war is continued, this they undoubtedly will do. As for the military operations on land, we have lost as much character by them, to say the least on the subject, as we have gained on the water. Our mode of reducing Great Britain, then, must be - by withholding our trade-or in other words, through the meduim of Bonaparte's Continental System, to which we have long been a real party.
We will attempt to shew the effiency of our means to accoplish this end. The trade which Great Braitin carries on is not exclusively with this country. This remark is made merely because it would seem as if our Statesmen from the Forest supposed, that our trade is essential to the very existence of that nation. The following extract from a Report, made by Lord Sheffield, at the meeting of Lewes Wool Fair on the 27th of July, 1812, will shew some interesting facts on this subject.
"The real value of the exports from Great Britain to the American States, previously to the American Non-importation and and Embargo Laws, and to the Brittish Orders in Council- Average of three years, ending 1807 inclusive 12,136,811 pounds       And to all other parts of America, including the British and Foreign West Indies  10,599,514 pounds. Total for the whole of America 22,736,325 pounds.
"The real value of the exports from Great Britain to the American States, average of four years ending 1811 inclusive, during which period the British Orders in Council and American Non-importation and Embargo Laws were in operations  6,464,059 pounds        And to all other parts of America, including the British and Foreign West Indies 17,133,553 pounds   Making for a total for the whole of America 23,597,612 pounds.
"In the latter period, therefore, the deficiency in the direct exports to the American States was more than compensated by an increased exportation to other parts of America; mentioned period, the goods exported from hence in American vessels were by no means consumption of those States, but that a large proportion of them must have been conveyed by the Americans to the West Indies and South America; which we have ourselves since supplied directly in British ships; and that an equivalent proportion fo the exports to the British North American Colonies and the West Indies, must, in the latter period, have indirectly found their way into the American States to make up the deficiency in the direct inportation there."
Here we are presented with the important fact, that though the exports from that nation to the United States were reduced during the existence of our restrictive system, yet the trade was turned to different channels in other parts of America, & that the average amount of exports for four years, ending in 1811, excceded the average amount for the four years preceding, ending in 1807. Here, then, is the practical proof of the efficacy of that ridiculous system of policy, which the "illustrious Jefferson" envented, to subserve, under a nick name, Bonaparte's "Continental system." And yet, the Foresters in Congress, are every day declaring, that the true mode of subduing Great Britain, is - by withholding our trade.
But a more interesting enquiry remains to be made on this important subject. What probability is there, that the loss even of all the trade with this country, if it were in our power to terms of submission? We are much habituated, in this country, to talking of the nation, as if she were o the brink of ruin from her own internal distresses, that, with those which are external, she is tottering to her fall; and that, if we only add our weight to the preponderating scale, her fate is inevitable. This unfounded and ridiculous idea, comes to us from a source, to which we are indebted fro a large proportion of the evils which we expercience in our political affairs-viz. from a foreign corps of ignorant, unprincipled desperadoes, who, from having been suffered to interfere in our public concerns, have become our teachers, and our oracles. If individuals suffer themselves to be inposed upon from this quarter, it is insumbent on the nation, and particularly its legislature, to ground their faith upon a different basis. Great Britain never was as powerful as at this moment. We argue this, in the first place, from her capacity to raise money- and in the second, from her ability to resist the attempts that have been made, and are still making to destroy her.
1. From her capacity to raise money  It will be recollected by our readers, that a few weeks since, we stated, that Great Britain raised in the year 1811, a revenue more than double the amount of all the sums which had been raised for the same purpose in the United States since the establishment of our government. We will now go a little more into particulars. By a return made to the House of Commons, it appears that the following sums were raised for the service of the United Kingdom, for the following years ending the 1st January each year viz.
1802 --78,441,000           
1803 --73,546,000
1804 --58,500,000
1805 --68,893,000
1806 --84,823,000
1807 --84,226,000
1808 --88,895,000
1809 --94,747,000
1810 --97,203,000
1811 --99,109,000
1812 -103,718,000
Making in the whole in elelven years ....... 934,101,000 pounds sterling - that is, four thousand one hundred and fifty one million, five hundred and sixty thousand dollars.
Now, any man, or number of men, may clamour till they are weary, about the immeasurable size of the Brittish national debt; here is demonstration, that they have raised more money, by some hundred millions of pounds, sterling, in the short space of eleven years, than would pay the whole of their debt. Is it not, then, worse than childish to pretend, that by depriving them of an export trade of twelve or even fifteen millions sterling, if it were in our power to do it, we should break down the power of that nation, and force her to yield a point which she considers not only essential to her independence, but to her very existence. But even this niserable end, we have shewn, it is not in our powerto accomplish; for when we cut off our trade, they find other parts of the continent where it is received, to an equal amount.
2. Let us now for amoment, enquire, -what ability Great Britain possesses to resist the attempts that are making, or may be made to destroy her. A pretty fair experiment has been made for ten years past, by the only power on the globe that had any reasonable expectation of success. His efforts have indeed been astonishing; and almost every other evil, besides the destruction of Great Britain, has been brought by them upon the human race. Every nation in Europe has been dragged into the contest-almost every nation in Europe has been subjugated and enslaved, merely for the purpose of enabling the shocking monster of iniquity, whose mad ambition, and diabolical tempts, to destroy Great Britain. The royal family of Portugal have been driven into exile from their European dominions-the Pope has been degraded and inprinsoned-the monarchs of Naples, Spain, Prussia, and Sweden, have been dethroned-the King of Denmark, the Emperours of Germany and Russia, have been reduced to a state of vassalage-Holland, and a large part of Europe besides, has been annexed to France-sovereighnties have been changed and transferred like beasts in the stall-Kings have been created and uncreated-millions and tens of millions of lives have been butchered-deerecs of the most tyramnical and sanguinary nature have been established and enforced in the most rigorous and cruel manner-every art, and every base and vinditcive passion has been enlisted into the contest-and all for the purpose of destroying Great Britain-for nearly five years past, a most bloddy and exterminating war has been carrying on in Spain and Portugal-at this moment the whole christian world is in arms, and the terrible cause of all the misery is at an immense distance from the throne which he has usurped, and the empire which he has enslaved and bound in fetters of brass, for the purpose of adding one more nation to the long catalogue of his vassels; the strife is tremendous, the slaughter immense; and the contest is distinguished by every mark of vengeance and destperation- and all for the purpose of destroying Great Britain-and yet, Great Britain, stands unshaken and unawed-a monument of power and vigour, the most extraordinary that the sons of men ever witnessed.
When this power is reduced to low as to traffic for its existence, then and not till then, may our Administration expect to find them yield a point essential to their being. This view of the subject will enable us to calculate, with some degree of certainty, the fate of our war. Are we able to successfully to maintain a contest, which the mighty force of France, with the aid of all continental Europe, has hitherto proved incompetent to bring to a successful issue? Suppose what, indeed, may be considered improbably, but which is not impossible, that Bonaparte should prove unsuccessful in Russia, in what plight shall we stand with our adversary? However Mr. Madisonmay deceive a portion of the people of this country with regard to the real object of the war, the British nation, and particularly the British government, are not so easily duped. They know that it is intended to co-operate with Bonaparte in accomplishing their over throw. Should he succeed in humbling Russia, we may perhaps expect to obtain from them as favorable terms as have already been offered. Should he fail, the consequences to us are very apparent. Ouor government will be under the necessity of negociating without delay-but we imagine the negociation will be attended with pretty serious disadvantages.
We are much gratified to learn, that the legislature of New Hampshire have adjourned, without choosing a Senator to supply the place of the war monger, Cutts. Although there was a demoncratic majority in both houses, there were some of them honest and partiotic enough not to lend their aid in support of the most unnecessary and disgraceful war that was ever entered into. In the senate of that State, the appointment of Cutts was arrrested by the firm and resolute conduct of the Hon. Josiah Sanlony, who is entitled to the thanks of the nation for his integrity and public spirit. The legislature does not meet again until after another Election, when, we trust, the enlightened people of that State will convince his Excellency, Gov. Plumer, that they require some stronger precedent to justify the war, than the case of the Jew and his Concubine.

On Thursday the 24th inst. in pursuance of an order from His Honour Lieut. Gov. Smith, directed to General Charles Jencks, the associate company of Volunteers in the first parish in the Town of Windsor were led to the choice of Officers, when the following persons were chosen to the offices respectively set to their names, viz: Col. Oliver Mather, Captain; Col. Job Allen, Lieutenant; Capt. Martin Dinslow, Engsign; Lieut. Ezra Hayden, Lieut. Gideon Barer, Capt. George Belden, and Ensign George Warner, Sergeants; Ensign David Dexter, Lieut. Jonathan Loomis, Lieut. Levi Hayden, jr. and Ensign Allyn M. Mather, Corporals.
On Thursday the 12th of November, in purssuance of an order from His Excellency the late Governour Griswold, directed to Col. Willliam Cogswell, the company of State volunteers, composed of military exempts in the town of Warren, (a town containing less than one hundred freeman) consisting of sixty abled-bodied effective men, whereled to a choice of officers. The company made choice of Nathaniel Swift Esq. Captain (a man conspicuious in the ranks of patriotism in our glorious struggle for freedom and independence); Ebenezer Tanner, Esq. Lieutenant; and Lieut Homer Sackett, Ensign- Capt. Abner Everit Lieut. Amos Fowler, Judah Eldred, and Reuben Beach, were chosen Sergeants; and Piatt Starr Esq. Capt. Isaac Sturtevant, Augustine Curtiss, and Salmon Brunson, Corporals. The cheerfulness with which the company volunteered their services, evinced an ardent desire to be enrolled among the protectors and deffenders of our invaluable constitution. Their appearance was truly impressive, and furnished strong grounded of expectation that the privileges we have acquired, by the sacrifices of much blood and treasure, will never be surrendered until every hand is cold upon the musket.
On the evening of the 15th inst. a number of young men belonging to Mr. Morris's school in Litchfield, were amusing themselves with skating on the great Pond, so called, in said town, when two of them near together in full speed on their skates, run into a glade in the pond where the water was about twelve feet deep, and were both drowned. Their names were William H. Bennett, of South Carolina, and William Ensign, a son of Mr. Isaac Ensign of Litchfield. By great exertions their bodies were taken out of the water in about one hour. Every effort was made to resuscitate them, but in vain. On the 18th inst. their bodies were committed to the grave-a great concourse of people assembled on the occasion. A sermon was preached by the Rev. Zephaniah Swift, from Eccl. xiir. l. "Remember they Creator in the days of they youth" After the sermon, the Rev. Lyman Beecher made a very solemn and pathetic address, well adapted to theo ccasion. Youth are herby warned not to rashly venture on ice for their amusement.   Con. Herald.
CHARLESTON, December 11.
On the 3d November off the Island of Saba, the privateer schooner Blackade, of New York, was captrued by H. B. M. sloop of war Charybdts. Captain Clephan, of 18 32 pounders, after an action of one hour and twenty minutes, in which the Charybdis had 28 men killed, and several wounded; the privateer lost 8 killed, and several wounded.
BUFFALO, Dec. 8.
To the Editor of the Buffalo Gazette
Sir--A friend has just handed me the proof sheet of your paper of this morning, in which is contained what purports to be, Gen. Smyth's official account of the affairs of the 28th of Nov. and 1st of December.
I beg that you will suspend in publication so long as to assure the public that in your next, I will give a true account of some of the most prominent transactions of those days.
When our lives, our property: when the precious and dear bought gift of our ancestors--the sacred honour of our contry:  When every thing that we prize as men, or ought to hold dear as patriots are falling and fading before us, it is time to speak out, what ever be the hazard.
In ascribing, as I shall not hesitate to do, the late disgrace of Gen. Smyth, I beg to be understood as not intending to implicate the characters of the officers whose opinoiins he has brought forward to bolster up his conduct. Several of them I know to be as brave men as ever wielded a sword; and their advice, if indeed they gave the advice imputed to them, may be accoutned for in the abvious consideration, with which everyone who saw him must have been impressed, that any military attempt under such a leader must, in allhuman probablility, prove disgraceful.
Your very humble servant,
The following is a letter from Malta; "I have to acquaint you of a phenomenon which has appeared at Demascus, in Syria, in April last. A pillar of fire of an immense light, was seen towards the east, and remained in view three days and three nights: during which time no sun, moon or stars were seen, yet the light was sufficient for seeing any object. This has given rise to many conjectures among learned men in the place. The Nile has risen two months before the usual time." --London paper.
It is confidently rumored, that the Rev'd Mr. Mendola, the Portuguese rabbi, received a letter a few days since from the rabbis of jerusalem, informing him that there had been no darkness in the sacred city for three days and three nights, iin consequence of a cloud of fire which rested on a tree in the vicinity, and that the thrid day it vanished to the general consternation of all the inhabitants. The tree it is obsered, was not damaged by the miraculous and awful event. We are confidently assured, by very serious authorities that no doubt exists amoung the children of Isarael in this metropolis as to the very of this extrarodinary communication.   Morning Herald
In this Town, Mr. Jeremiah Seymour, of Wethersfield, to Miss Emily __sming.
At East Windsor, Mr. Jeremiah Antrum, of Somers, to Miss Ann Elmore, daughter of Mr. Timothy Elmore
Mr. Chauncey Heath, to Miss Lydia Burnham
At New Haven, Mr. Phinehas Sexton, to Miss Phebe Thompson
At Hemden, Mr. Ezra Tuttle of New Haven, to Miss Hannah Ihimiston
At Ridgefield, Mr. David Burr, of Reading, to Miss Betsey Taylor
At Weston, Capt. Joseph Rowland to Miss Anne Gray
At Waterford, Mr. Robert Bowser, to Miss Frances Williams
In this City, on the 23d inst. Mrs. Abigail Colton, aged 34, wife of Mr. Reuben Colton;
in the west society, on the 19th inst. Mrs. Abby Goodman, aged 23, wife of Mr. Timothy S. Goodman
At East Windsor, of a consumption, Miss Mary Loomis, aged 31
At Salisbury, Rev. Joseph W. Crossman. The death of this gentleman is not only a loss to the people of his charge, but to the Church in general
At Lebanon, Cordelia Lovina Huntington, aged 3, daughter of Mr. Eliphalet Huntington
At Southwick, Mass Miss Anna Humason aged 23
At Enfield, on the 14th  iinst. Mr. George Parsons, merchant, aged 25, of the prevailing fever
At Wallingford, Miss Catherine Bull, formerly of this city
At Groton, Mrs. Prudence Bailey, wife of Mr. Ezekiel Bailey
At New London, Mr. Lodovick Limrick, aged 27
At Danbury, Mrs. Esther Gray, aged _5, wife of Mr. John C. Gray editor of "The Day"
At Weston, Mrs. Naomi Baldwin, aged 43, wife of Mr. John Baldwin
At Canfield, (Ohio) Ann Maria Mygalt, aged 13, daughter of Comfort S. Mygalt, Esq. formerly of Danbury, in this State.

THE annual Town Meeting of the Town of Hartford, stands adjouned to THIS DAY, at 1 o'clock, P. M. at the State House. Dec 28.
Wish to purchase any quantity of black, blue, and cloth coloured Sewing Silk, at the first quality.   Hartford Dec. 28.
THE next convocation of the Washington Royal Arch Chapter, will be held at the house of William R. Swathell, in Middletown, on Friday, the 1st day of January, 3813, at 9 o'clock, A. M.
Dated at Middletown December 20th, 3812
St. John's Lodge No. 4, Hartford will celebrate the approaching Festival of St. John the Evangelist on Monday the 28th of inst. December at the Coffee House of Brother John Bennett. The Lodge will open prescisely at 10 o'clock A. M. The procession will move at 11 o'clock from the Lodge room to the Episcopal Church, where public prayers and a Sermon will be delivered by our Rev. Brother Philander Chase, after which the procession will return to Br. Bennett's Dinner on the table precisely at 2 o'clock P. M. The Brethren of the neighboring Lodges are respectfully invited to attend.
Per Oder
Anno Lucis 5812
All person indebted to the subscriber for services rendered the past year are requested to be prepared to settle them at the commencement of the new year, either by cash or note- for this purpose, their accounts will be made out and presented, in the course of the coming month.
Mason F. Cogswell
Hartford, Dec. 28.
Probate Office, Farmington District
21st day of December A. D. 1812
Six months from the date of notice, is by the Judge of Probate, for said district limited for the creditors of Philiman Potter, late of said Farmington Deceased, to exhibit their claims to Ashbel Tillotson, Administrator on said estate.
Martin Bull, Clerk
And the highest price given for OLD BRASS
Ward & Bartholomew
June 22
Blank Deeds
For the conveyance of PEWS in the brick
Meeting house for sale at this office.
District of Connecticut
Stratford December 23d A D 1812
Notice is hereby given, that the certificate of discharge of Samuel Marsh, of Hartford, in said district, a bankrupt, will be allowed by Piepont Edwards, Judge of the district court fo the United States, for the district aforesaid, unless cause he shows against it, by fiting exceptions at the office of Henry Waggaman Edwards, Esq Clerk of the said district court, in the city of New Haven, in said district, on or before the first day of January  next, of which, all concerned are to take notice.
Pierpont Edwards District Judge of said Conneticut District.

Has imported by theships Magdalen and Cornelia from Liverpool, and Ganges, from London, SIXTY FIVE CASKS & PACKAGES OF HARD WARE GOODS, comprising a very extensive assortment of Goods. These are now opening, and are offered for sale, both at WHOLESALE & RETAIL  for Cash or short approved credit, at prices which, although greatly increased from former prices, are as reasonable as the Double Dutica, the very great expenses to which imported good are now subjected, and the extraordinary hazards of trade, can permit them to be sold at; and consisting of the following articles.
Anvils, vices, screw-plates, smith's hammers, bick-irons.
Bright, and black smith's bellows pipes.
Files of almost every descriptions, large painted scale beams.
Cast burt hinges, table hinges, H and HL hinges.
2570 gross of wood scres from 3-8 inches to 3 inches.
Japanned and other thumb latches, door knockers.
A very great variety of stock locks, padlocks, check, desk, and drawer locks, horse locks, iron plate door, and mortise locks, trunk locks, and trunk handles.
6d 8d 18d 20d 24d English rose head nails.
Flemish slating nails, tinned tacks for bellows makers.
Brass nails, tinman's rivets, iron and brass candlesticks.
Shovels and spades: iron trace chains in sets land chains and gate chains.
Nealed iron and brass wire, three casks card wire, fine steel wire.
Cast and sheet iron tea kettles, sheet iron fish kettles, sauce and stow pans.
Coffee mills, few pair of waffle irons.
Chaffing dishes, shovel and tongs plain and with brass heads, shovel pans.
Japanned tea trays and waiters, japanned lamps, japanned hearth brushes.
Japanned dressing boxes.
Japanned and steel spring snuffers, japanned snuffer stands, bread baskets.
Japanned inlet buckles, collar and tug buckles, caskeys, and other harness furniture.
Tinned bits of various kinds, steel, potted, and plated, snaffle, Pelham, sharp, Portsmouth, Dukes, couch, and half guard bits.
Tinned and plated stirrups.
Plated saddlery and harness furniture of almost every description.
Steel springs for gigs and coaches, grasshopper springs.
Coach, and curricle steps; double steps for gigs.
Iron and plated hames, stump joints.
Plated spurs, plated gig lamps and whiskey joints.
Plated candlesticks, plated cruet frames with glasses of a great variety of patterns.
Plated teapots, tea and table spoons, tinned, iron and tutania spoons.
Plated fruit baskets, mortarts and pestles.
Britannia metal teapots of various patterns plain and engraved.
440,000 W. C. needles of various qualities.
Elastic and common iron knitting pins; fish hooks of various sizes.
Low priced steel and white metal frame spectacles.
A complete assortment of watch chrystals from No 20 to No 30.
Cards of watch keys, seals and chains.
Cards of silver and plated pensil cases.
A great variety of black lead pencils, some of the best quality.
Balck lead crayons.
Hatters bow strings; hatters irons.
2 cases slates and slate pencils.
Best old English boot soles, boot web.
250 pieces of silk boot cord; shoemakers tools.
Silk and cotton suspender web, and suspenders.
Black silk coat buttons in bags, silk buttons for ladies dresses.
Black glass buttons, cotton cap wire.
White and yellow metal, gilt and plated coat and vest buttons.
Few pair horseman's pistols: fowling pieces
Horseman's officers and artillery swords, and sword blades.
Patent silk, and worsted sashes.
Gold and silver, white and yellow cords.
Gold and silver, Prussian and vellum lace.
Common yellow, and white Prussian lace.
A quantity of scarlet and black military feathers.
Scarlet, white, black, blue, and yellow vluture plumes from 12 to 24 inches.
White military web.
Worsted and mohair plushes for saddlers.
A great variety of red morocco pocket books, purses, thread cases, and razor cases.
Ivory and common combs, and combs in cases.
Gold, and apothecaries scales.
Six casks of table and desert knives, of almost every description, pen, pocket, and Barlow knives, shoemaker's, bookbinder's, butcher's, painter's knives, shears, and scissors.
Saws, and joiners; tools, Turkey oils stones, gimblets and augers.
Cross cut, and large capenter's saws, boxwood rules.
A quantity of east steel, in bars from 1-8 inch to 1 3-4 inch square.
Best English blistered steel.
Sadd irons-hatter's and taylor's irons.
7, 14, 28, and 56 lb. weights, cast iron round weights in sets.
A quantity of 4 and 6 plat whip thongs, and silver mounted whips.
A great variety of brass commode handles, rose handles, hinges, and other cabinet furniture.
Brass cocks, a variety of brass and irons.
Patent glass paper, emery.
Painter's brushes, cloth, horse, shoe, currier's, hatter's, dust, hearth, and chamber brushes.
White's warrented clothier's shears.
Patent Ontario shearing machinges for clothiers.
Clothiers' screws, press plates, press papers
Writing and wrapping paper.
60 casks of 8d 10d 12d 20d cut and wrought nails, and 4d cut shingle nails by the cask.
Cut brads and tacks of various sizes.
Six tons 1 1/2 inch chaise tire iron.
Glue, Scott's patent window springs.
Windsor soap - an assortment of cast iron ware.
Pollock's patent stoves-sheet lead.
Bed cords, clothes lines, packing twine.
Screw sugers, steel yards.
A large assortment of coarse and fine India cottons.
Dining sets of blue and white Conton China
A quantity of 8 by 10 Swedish window glass
6 by 8 window glass of the best quality,
from the Boston Glass House.
The advertiser has also a variety of other goods, some of which are exceedingly scarce, on board the ship Euphrates from Liverpool, and the brig Rebecca from London, which vessels have been captured by American privaleges, and sent into Newport and New London, and the goods on board of which willl be for sale as soon as they can be released from the unlawful detntion fo the privateersman.
Hartford October 5.

Has just received a new supply of goods, making his assortment better than at any time before, containing many articles scarce at this time. They were purchased in New York, a few days before a rise on Goods in that market, and will be sold by the piece as low as they could now be purchased in New York, and by retail at a small advance.
Hartford, 5 rods west of the Court House.
PROPOSES to commence a SCHOOL, on Monday the 14th inst. in the house where he now lives, North-east of the Theatre, for the instruction of youth in the higher branches of English education, and in the Latin and Greek Languages.
Hartford Dec 10.
50 hhds. best St. Croix Rum.
5 do. Grenada do 10 hhds. Lp. Sugar.
2 do. first quality brown sugars.
14 bbls. first and second quality do.
8 hhds Molasses - 2 ps Cognac Brandy
1 do. best Holland Gin.
2 pipes Madera Wine
2 do. best Vidonia do.
50 bbls. and half barrels Haddam Shad.
10 kegs best Richmond Tobacco.
Best writing, letter, and wrapping Paper,
A quantity of Tow Cloths and Bed Ticks.
Also a variety of Groceries at retail.
Hartford December 14
The Festival of St. John the Evangelist, will be celebrated at Farmington by the brethren of Frederick Lodge, No. 14, on Wednesday, the 30th  day of December instant. The Lodge will be opened at the Inn of brotehr Simon Wells, in said town, on said day, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The brethren of the neighbouring Lodges are respectfully invited to attend, and assist in the celebration. A Sermon is expected
By order
L. Whitman, Sec'y
Farmington Dec. 10, 1812
Zechariah Mills,
Manufacturer and Dealer in Paper-Hangings, a few rods south of the Court-House, and two doors south of Mr. William H. Imlay and Co's Store.
Having resumed his business in Hartford solicits the partonage of his former friends and the public. His present assortment of
Will be found far superior to any he has formerly offered for sale. He has in addition to those of his own Manufacture a pleasingselection of Papers from the Philadelphia and Boston Manufacturers, from which he will be regularly supplied in future, with the newest and most approved patterns - Those who purchase by the quantity, may depend onhis usual accommodating terms. All favours, however small, will be duly acknowledged.
September 28

Directly West of the State House,
Have this day received a large assortment of goods, consisting of plated Tea Sets, plated and Britannia Tea Pots, in pairs or single, plated Castors, Fruit Baskets, Candlesticks, plated Snuffers and Trays, Britannia and iron Table and Tea spoons, Tea Trays, Tea Caddies, Dressing Cases, and Tongs, hearth, coth, and hair Brushes, morocco Pocket Books, Ladies Indeispensables, Thread Cases, and Purses.
They have on hand and are constantly manufacturing gold Beads, silver Spoons, and Jewellery of every description-ALSO, a large assortment of Tortoise Shell Combs. '
All kinds of gold and silver Watches sold, repaired, and warrented.
Hair braiding done of all kinds.
November 9
And possession given immediately, The House in the flourishing village of Warehouse Point, lately occupied by the Rev. Mr. Huse.
The House was originally designed for a tavern, and used as such, by Mr. Jabez Heath, and is an excellent stand, and well calculated for that purpose, or for a boarding house- Belonging to the premises, are a barn, wood house, shed, and excellent garden, a well of good water, and an aqueduct coming into the sink of the kitchen.
The House has two large front rooms, a spacious dining room, a kitchen, pantry, and three bedrooms, in the first story, iwth a good cellar under the whole. A hall and three bed chambers in the second story, all finished, above and below. The House is new, and in complete repair, and every way remarkably convenient.
For examination, or further information, apply to Mr. Huse, or to Mr. John Abbe, adjoining the premises. The above will be sold really cheap.
Warehouse Point, Dec 14.
Has this day received from Boston, a very large supply of GOODS, and new offers for sale, at Retail or Wholesale, the following articles:
200 pieces Prints, at 1s9d, 2s, 2s3d 2s6d, 2s9d, 3s3d, 3s6d, 2s9d, 4s, & 4s3d the last mentioned are the best uperfine underessed Cambrica.
120do 4 4, and 6 4 combric Muslins.
40 do. 3 4, 4 4, and 6 4 blk & coloured do.
60 do. dressed and undressed cotton shirtings.
20 do. brown cottong and linens.
Superfine light and dark cambric ginghams
Dimities, cambrie do furniture do furniture calicoes.
50 pieces broadcloths from 10s to 72s
40 do. cassimeres, from 9s to 26s
Bottle green, brown and blue Pelice Cloths
Flannels, white, yellow and crimson.
60 pieces black, coloured and figured Bombazetts.
16 do. black and cloured Wildbores.
Superfine and common Vestings.
Silk Velvets, tabby do common do
Black, plaid, and coloured Lustrings.
Best Florence Lustring, black, olive, brown, and silver grey.
Plain white Lustrings, twill'd do figure'd do black satin
Canton Crapes, black, pumb, snuff, lilac, buff and pink: Italian do.
Black and white 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 cotton shawls
Black and coloured twil'd silk hkfs.
Red, blue, and chocolate Bandannas do
Madrass do children's do
Gentlemen's and ladies black, white and slate Hose.
6-4 and 7-4 damask table Cloths
White cotton Lace, black Pattinet Lace.
Black and coloured Ribbons.
26 and 28 inch cotton Umbrellas
100 yards homemade fulled cloth.
250 pieces India Cottons, which he will sell at his old prices, previous to the Embargo and War.
Hartford, main st. directly fronting Morgan's Bridge.

(Twenty Rods North of the Episcopal Church)
From New York, which with those before on hand, make their assortment complete and will be sold on the most reasonable terms.
Hartford, maint street Dec 14.
At. Wholesale and Retail.
The subscribers have this day added a fresh supply to their former assortment, consisting of Northwest, Canada, and Mock Martin Muffs and Tippets, direct from their own manufactory; and as they are costantly receiving new supplies, they flatter themsselves that those of their friends and the public, who may please to call, will find the style and variety of their assortment such as cannot fail of pleasing. The above articles will be sold as low for cash or good homemade Flannel, as at any store in this State. Cash given for good Fox and Mink Skins by Orin Beckley & Co.
Hartford, Dec 10
E. & R. Terry,
2000 bushels T. Island, Isle of may, St. Ubes, and Liverpool blown Salt
12 hhds. Sweet flavoured St. Croix Rum
5 do Boston Rum
12 hhds retailing Molasses.
2 pipes Cognac Brandy: 1 pipe Gin, Lisbon, Sicily, Vidonia Teneriffe, and Malaga WINES.
22 chests hyson, young hyson byson skin, sonchong, and bohea Teas.
30 hbls. 1st and 2d quality brown Sugars
5 hhds lump Sugar; 1 tierce Rice
1000 lbs Coffee; 7 kegs Ginger; pepper; and spice.
10 bales Cassia, nutmegs, cloves, and mace.
2500 feet 6 by 8 and 7 by 9 Window Glass
60 quintals Cod Fish; Lamp Oil
12 kegs Bryar's manufactured Tobacco
4 bbls. and 4 jars Snuff and Tobacco
7 bales prime Upland Cotton
2 bbls Spanish and New Orleans Indigo
15 casks cut and wrought Nails, assorted sizes
10 doz English and American Shovels, Frying pans; quart, pint and half pint tumblers.
A good assortment Crockery, Stone, and Iron Hollow Ware.  Iron and Steel
15 tons Russian, old Sable, Swedes, and country Iron, suitable for cart, one and two horse waggon and chaise Tire; Share Moulds, Axeltree Drafts, Hoop Iron, Spike and Nail Rods.
4000 lbs. American Blistered Steel, first quality
100 sets Cart and Waggon Boxes
Hartford, November 2.
of every size. Apply at the Manufactory, in Simsbury or to the Subscriber, in Hartford.
N. A. Phelps Jr.
July 13
Has just received large additions to his WAR SUPPLY, and will positively sell any article in the Dye Stuff  branch on as good terms (and perhaps better) than can be found within ONE HUNDRED MILES
30 tons Fresh Logwood, Fustick and NIcaragus Wood.
3 tons warranted Rasped Camwood
1 1-2 do refined Allum
1 1-2 Blue Vitriol, just received from England at New York prices.
1000 lbs Oils of Vitroil, warranted.
500 lbs best Spanish Flote Indigo, do.
300 lbs Monilla flote, do
300 lbs Guatimala Indigo, superior.
300 lbs New Orleans do
200 lbs Verdigrise
10 lbs Cochineal, first quality
6 lbs Cudbear - 10,000 Teasils, &c
20,000 Tenter Hooks-Clothiers Brushes.
Also, on hand before the War,
A large supply of best Madder, and 8 tons English Copperas (which will not be under sold) together with a comfortable supply of Dye Wools, Indigos, Jacks, Press Papers, Clothiers Shears, Press Plates, Screws, &c making the best assortment in America.
Also - a large addition to his Store of
Spices, Fine Paints, &c A quantity of uncommonly f__ sillad Oil- 100 gallons common sweet Oil, and a large supply of very fresh Caster Oil, remarkably cheap-100 gross Velvet Corks, Spirits of Turpentine and gums for VArnishes; fine scented Soaps, Court Plaster, Tooth Brushes, camel's hair Pencils, Reeve's genuine Colours in boxes, lok powder, Wafers, roll Pomat___, &c--
For the rest please to call and See
Hartford  Nov 30
At his Looking Glass and Picture Store Main street, opposite the State House, city of Hartford, offers for sale, by
A complete assortment of gift and mahogany framed LOOKING GLASSES, which he is selling 20 per cent under the New York and Boston prices.
He has also received from Russia, 62 boxes Looking Glass Plates, of a suuperiour quality, viz. from 52 by 26 inches, down to 14 by 9 inches, which he will dispose of on reasonable terms for Cash or approved credit.
N. P. Pictures and embroidery framed in elegant style.
March 9
Offers for sale,
66 Hhds. high proof sweet flavored w. 1 Rum
21 do New England Rum, first quality
3 pipes real Bordeaux Brandy, 4th proof.
18 hhds. retailing Molasses.
3 do brown Sugar.
16 barrels do do
80 hhds Corn Meal
50 barrels do do
100 kegs first quality Virginia Tobacco, part Harris's brand
2000 bushels Rock, T. Island, St. Ubes and American Salt
30 barrels mess and prime Shad warrented. Lump Sugar, Coffee, hyson skin Tea, Providence stone Lime, and a constant supply of East Hartford Glass Bottles.
Harford August 10.
WARRENTED first quality, constantly fo sale wholesale and retail, by ANSON BREWSTER & CO
Hartford September 7
AMERICAN GUN POWDER, The subscriber keep constantly for sale American Gun Powder, manufactured for them, from the best materials, and war ranted first quality.
Hartford May 27
Directly west of the State House, Hartford, are now opening for Best Dutch, West of England, and French Broadcloths, and Kerseymeres, Superfine London Print, and Silk Vestings. Gilt and Plated Buttons, by the Groce or Doz. Navy and Artillery do. Also, just received, A large assortment of Fancy Goods. Clothes made as usual.
November 17.
An assortment of stoves and pipes for saleon accommodating terms by
November 9.
The public are hereby informed that the new Fire proof public Powder House, situate on the bank of Connecticut river, is completed. All those who wish to store Powder there in, can have an opportunity by applying to ANSON BREWSTER & CO.
Who have constantly for sale, Gun Powder, warrented the first quality, by the cask, or less quantity.
Hartford September 7.

Or to be rented for one or more years, The house lately occupied by Jonathan Ramsey a good situation for a Tavern, or Boarding House, with or without a large barn in which is Stabling for 100 horses, and one other barn adjoining in which is a Hay Press with Iron Screws. For terms enquire of    John Caldwell
November 9
Have lately made addictions to their former stock of GOODS, which with what they are daily manufacturing, make their assortment as good as usual, which will be sold on as favourable terms as the times will allow.
FIFTEEN different patterns of Stoves, Stove-Pipes, and Sheet Iron
Brass Kettles, Warming Pans, and Irons.
Hollow Ware, Stills & Worms, Waffle Irons, Coffee Mills, Gold Beads, Silver Spoons, Metal Spoons.
Plated Ware, Japaned do. Sad Irons, Iron Wire.
Dutch Crucibles, Church and School bells.
Sleigh Bells, surgeons Instruments
Watch Materials, Brass Wire, No 18.
Snuffers and Trays, Penknives.
With many other articles too numerous for in advertisement.
November 23.
30 puncheons West India Rum,
Of the best quality, this day received and for sale on accommodating terms, by   KIMBERLY AND BRACE
October 26
A few rods north of the Court House, City fo Harford, a large and general assortment, Direct from the Manufacturies, on he Lowest terms for Cash.  N. B. All Kinds of Bank Bills Exchanged as usual, on the most accommodating terms.
Harford Oct. 12
11,000 Bushels Isle of Sal Salt, very coarse and clean. A few Pipes and Qr. casks L. P. madeira Wine, Oki and of superior quality. I Q cask malmsey do Apply to  CALDWELL & SCARBOROUGH.
August 24
THE HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY will receive propposals for Insurance against loss and damage by FIRE, at their office in the City of Harford, each day in the week, Sundays excepted. Mr. John Leffingwell is surveyor for the town of Hartford.
Walter Mitchell, Secretary  Harford, August 26
Canaan and Providence Lime, constantly for sale, by
August 31
A large assortment of Copper Kettles for Clothiers, Hatters, and Family use 4,000 lbs Block Tin, and many other articles as usual for sale on a liberal Credit, by
Sept 21
All persons who have a State tax due the town of East Harford, on list 1811, are hereby warned to pay the subscriber by the first day of January, 1813; and to accommadate noon residents and others, I will attend on the 24th inst. at Othniel Allen's, from 10 to 12 o'clock, A. M. and at Lemuel Butler's from 1 to 4 o'clock, P. M. in the first Society; and on the 26th at Deodat Woodbridge's, in the 2d society. Those who neglect to pay by said time, may expect to pay lawful fees. Non-resident's land will be sold if not settled by the time.
East Hartford Dec 10
At a Court of Probate, holden at Hartford, within and for the District of Hartford on the 8th day of December A D 1812; Present, Jonathan Brace, Esquire, Judge -
On motion of Caleb Goodwin and Emily Williams, Executors of the last will and testament of Samuel W. Williams, Esq. late of Wethersfield, within said district, deceased: This court doth decree that the creditors of his estate, be limited to six months to exhibit their claims to said Executors, after they shall have given notice of this decree, by causing the same to be published in one of the newspapers printed in said Hartford, and by posting a copy there of, on a public sign post in sasid Wetherfield.
Certified from record,
Jonathan Brace, Judge of Probate.
Six months are allowed by the Court of Probate for the district of Simsbury, for the creditors to the estate of Ezra Huskins, late of Simsbury in said district, deceased, to exhibit their claims against said estate.
Elisha Phelps, Executor
Simsbury, Dec 7, 1812
Probate Office, Farmington District
8th day of December 1812
Six months from the date of notice is by the Judge of Probate for said district, limited for the creditors of the estate of Moses Dickinson, late of Berlin, deceased, to exhibit their claims to Jesse Dickinson, Executor of the last will and testament of said deceased.
Martin Bull, Clerk.