One of His Descendants,
Born and brought up in the good old town of
Plymouth, Mass., was the picture of health when
a child, and is now as a full-grown woman.
Her people have always kept Hood's Sarsaparilla
in the house.
Some time ago she was afflicted with eczema on
the palms of her hands, which cracked open
and bled, causing intense suffering.
Hospital treatment did not help her.
She then thought of the good old family rem-
edy, Hood's Sarsaparilla, and when she had taken
only three bottles of it her hands were healed.
She has never had any trouble with them since.
She says she is sure there is nothing better for
the blood than
and considers it, as her father did, the best of all
medicines for creating an appetite, making food
taste good, aiding digestion, promoting assimila-
tion, saving waste and building up the system.
Her name is Mrs. Carrie E Lantz and she lives
at 8 Gardner Street, Allston, Boston, Mass.
What Hood's Sarsaparilla has done in relieving
diseases and ailments in her family it will do in
yours. Give it a trial.
In cases where a gentle laxative or active ca-
thartic is needed, take Hood's Pills.
Sold and recommended by Your Druggist
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio