Dear Friend,
2927 W 25th pl
I am so busy that I can't find much time to write, am writing this in the shop on Heaths time isn't that doing well?
I haven't worked much on the spars as I was here alone last week, but will expect to get it done this week sometime.
Meye was sick last week, so I had to take care of the shop myself, we have all the ribs, except the box ribs. Which
ought to be done soon.
ON the spars you will find marks which will show you where the strut and alerone blocks are, keep within a sight of the
lines or 1/16 any way.
How are you getting along with your crate. We don't do much as it is pretty cold, just Nov.
The boss will be coming pretty soon so will have to close for this time, will try and write more next time.
If there will be anything concerning the spars, that you will want to know don't be afraid to ask.
Your Friend