The London Gazette
by Authority
Monday July 14 to Thursday July 17, 1690
June 24
parted from hence the Gallies of Naples, Sicily and Turfis, being 15 in number, to the Weftward. We have an accounty from
Savey, That Monfieur Catinat endeavours to lay a Bridge over the Po, but that the Savoyards have hitherto hindred the execution of his design.
June 28.
Our Governor
is on his march wich the reft of the Forcesof this State, towards Savoy, to
joyn thofe that are now incampt near Tarin, where there will be a very fhortly formed an Army of above 30000 Men. In the mean
time, we are told, That Monfieur Catinot has fent feveral Meffengers to the Duke, with new Propofals for an Accommodation,
but that his Highnefs will not now hearken to any. Some of our Troops defeated this week a Franch party of Horse, of whom
they killed divers, and took 36 Prifoners, with their Horfes.
June 30.
The laft
Letters from our Fleet, lying before Napoli di Malvafia, told us, That the Captain General Conaro had landed fome Forces to
attack the lower Town, and doubted not but to be in few days Masters of it, which would very much facilitate their approaching
to the Caftle, though without an attack, its believed the Garifon there cannot hold out much longer, being in want of many
things neceffary as well for their Defence as Subfiftence.
June 17
We are
expecting the return of the Exprefs that waslately fent to Vienna, with the Treaty of Marriage between the Prince of Poland,
and the Princefs Palatine of Neubourg, and fo foon as he arrives with the Emperors Ratincation thereof, the Bishop of Pofnia,
whom the Kinf of Poland has named to be his Ambaffador Extraordinary, for the performing the Ceremony of the Marriage, and
the Conduting the Princefs hither, will begin his Journey towards the Imperial Court with a Splendid Attendance. The Envoy
from the Kam of Tartary continues ftill here, not having yet received a final Anfwer to the Propofals he was charged with,
but its believed he will now be very fuddenly difpatch’d.
July 2
Louis of Baden arrived here the 29th of the laft month from Bohemia,
and will fet out in 3 or 4 days towards Bulgaria, to Command
the Imperial Army afainst the Turks. The Letters from Niffa of the 17th intant, tell us, That the Grand Vifier
was with 12000 Men at Pirilippopeli, and that 10000 Turks and Tartars were come to Kazanecke. The Imperialifts have taken
Ufeiza, a very ftrong Caftle on the Frontiers of Bofina.
July 6
The Emperor
has fent County Maximilian
of Walftein to meet and receive on the Frontiers of Auferia, the Elector and Electorefs Palatine, who are on their way hither.
The Letters from Niffa of the 24th paft, tell us, That the Imperial Forces were drawing together on that fide;
but that by their beft Informations it did not appear the Turks would be able to bring any great Army into the Field this
Summer. We have advice, that a Detachement of 2000 Croats and Rafciens, having
poffeffed themfelves of the Town of Belzart near Bagnatucca, they fet Fire to
it and returned with divers Prifoners, and a confinderable Booty. Prince Louis of Baden will part from
hence the next week for Bulgaria.
From the
Imperial Camp at Bruchfal, Jul 10.
The Forces
of Saxony are marching this way. So foon as they have joined us, we fhall decamp from hence, and march, as its believed, towards
Friburg, to joyn with Genral Soucher, who is at prefent potted with 10 or 12000 Men between Bofle and Hunningen. At the fame
time the Elector of Saxony will remain near the Rhine with the Forces of Suabia and Francoma, to block
up Plilipsburg. The French Army continues about Wackenheim, their out Guards reaching as far as Spire and Wormes.
July 12
The Forces
of Saxony will be in a Body o n the 16th inftant at Merhenthal; from whence they will march to joyn the Imperial
Army, which continues encampt at Bruchfal near Philipburg. The Snaphans have bearen a French Convoy near Luterne, and got
a good Booty.
July 14
The Elector
of Brandenburg had yefterday a Conference with the Bishop of Munfier at Schermbeck, about 4 Leagues from Wefel, and within
2 or 3 days his Electoral Highnefs will be at the Head of the Army, which in the mean time marches rowards the Meufe. The
Forces of Munifter and Paderborne are incampt at Meckenheim, about 5 Leagues from Bon; where they expect Orders for their
continuing their march in order to joyn with thofe of Beandenburg; and together they will make an Army of about 30000 Men,
without reckioning the Troops of Neude Stirum Major General of the Imperial Army, pafted yefterday through this place his
Journey towards Wefel, being fent by the Elector of Bavaria, to the Elector of Brandenbourg, and Prince Waldeck. The Marquis
De Boufflers marches with fome Horfe and Foot, towards the Country of Eyffelt. Of 11 Battalions that were at Mont
Royal 6 are gone to joyn the Army Commanded by the Dauphin, ho continues encamped between Spire and Wormes.
July 16.
The Deputies
of the States General that came to confer with Prince Waldecke about the State of their Army, are returned from Holland, having
left all things in fuch good Order, that Prince Waldecke who is now encamp’d at Digbern, a League from this place, will
march in a few days towards the Enemy, who lye along the Sambre between Farfiennes and _____leroy. The Elector of Brandenbourg
will be to mor___ his Forces, which are come to Vifet between Laege and Maltricht, being 23000 Men. And the marquis de Gaftanaga,
our Governor General is going to put himfelf at the Head of the Army, with which he is to act feperately on the fide of Flanders.
The advices from Swifferland continue to give a very good account of the posture of Affairs in Savoy;
the French Trooops under Monfieur Catinat being very much ftreightned and their Parties daily cut off by the Vandois and thofe
of Mandovi; who have befet the paffages of the Vallies.
The Letters
from Paris bring the following Lift of General and other principal Officers killed
and wounded on their fide in the late Battle of Flerus.
The Count
de Gournay Lieutenant General and Goveneor of Manbeuge; the Sieur du Metz Lieutenant General of the Artillery; the Marquis
de Vallarceaux Marefchal de Camp, the Maruis de Soicourt Colonel of the Regiment of Vermandois; the Sieurs de Sallart, de
Bareteac, de Fuflac, de Fanvry, the Chevalieer de Soiecort Colonel of the Dauphins Gens d’ Arms; the Marquis Verderonne,
the Sieur de Laubespine, and the Sieur de Bekefonriere, with a great number of Inferior Officers killed. The Sieur de Vivans
and the Sieur Zimenes, both Marefschals de Camp, the Sieur de Creder Brigadier, the Count Albert, Son of the Duke de Luynes,
the Marquis de Livarot, the Count de Marchin, the Marquis de Movy, the County de la Solre, the Sieur de la Riviere, with many
others wounded. They own likewife, that divers Regiments fuffered extremely in this Fight, and particularly the Royal Pumont,
thofe of Picardy, Normandie, Languedoc, Champagne, Vermandois, the Royal german, the Dragoons of Furfliemberg and Salbourg,
the Foot Guards, and the Gens D’Armes; there remaining of the latter (who were 600 before the Battle) but 175, and of
the Suifs Regiment of Stoupa, moft of the Officers were killed.
Letters add, That there Sailed from Breft on the 6th inftant feveral light Frigats bound tor Ireland,
under the Command of the Sieur Forant.
July 13.
The Duputies
of the States General having hada Conference with my Lord Durfeley Envoy Extraordinary from England, on occafion of the late
Engagement at Sea, the States, upon their Report, refolved to return their moft hearty Thanks to Her Majefty for the Directions
fhe had been pleafed to give about refitting in England the Dutch Ships that were Difabled : And at the fame time they fent
Orders to the Admiralties of thefe Provinces, not only to haften away the Men of War that are now near ready to Sail, but
likewife to fit out what frefh Ships, can be fpeedily got ready; and writ particularly to the Admiralty of Zealnd, to put
to Sea with all pofible diligence the Zelandia, a Ship of the Firft Rank. The Pentionary Heinfius, and the Heer Dyckvelt and
Schwurmans, are come back from Bruffels, and have brought with them 21 of the Standards that were taken from the French at
the Battle of Flerus, the other to remaining with the Spaniards. They write from Wefel, that the Elecotr of Bradenburg would
part from thence the 14th inftant to joyn his Army newar the Miefe
July 10.
General Mackay is with the Forces under his Command, ftill at Innerlochy, where he defigns to make a Fort, and to leave a
good Garifon in it, and in feveral frtong Houfes in the Highlands. Three of the Heads of Clans or Chiefs
of the Name, are come in and fubmitted to hime.
July 11.
feveral Dutch Seaman are come on Shoar upon the Coaft of Suffex and Kent, having left the Ships that were difabled in the
late Fight, Thefe are to advertife them, and all others whom it may Concern, That Her Majefty has tgiven Directions, that
the Commiffioners of the Navy at the Navy Office in Crouched Fryers near the Tower, do immediately upon the Application of
fuch of thm as are not Sick or Wounded, give them Conduct Money for the carrying them to Chatham, where they will be further
taken care of by the Commiffioner of the Navy refiding there, and provided with all Neceffaries for their going on Board the
Dutch Ships that are lying near that place; And as for fuch of them as are Sick or Wounded, the Commiffioners for Sick and
Wounded Seamen in George theet in York Building are liwife ordered to take care of them in what place foever they be until
they shall be able to repair to their Ships; and have to that purpofe appointed Officers near the places were they where put
on Shoar, who are to provide them with all __cing Accommodations. The like Care is alfo taken for Englifh Seaman, both for
their Care, and Enabling them to return on Shipboard.
the letters for Newport and Whitchurch in Shropfhire, and parts adjacent, have
heretofore been promifeoufly fent in the Brumingham Bag, This is to Notifie , That all Letter for the faid places fhail for
the future be fent in two particular Bags, viz One to Mr. Richard Haines at Newport, and the other to the Widow Rycroft in
Whitchurch, both which Perfons are appointed refpectively to Receive and Difperfe all fuch Letters, and duly to Collect and
Return Anfwers accordingly. To begin on the Second day of Auguft next.
The Commiffioners
appointed by Their Majefties for the Diftribution of the Monies Collected fro the Relief of the Poor Proteftants of Ireland,
do moft earneftly dfire all Perfons concerned in the Receipts of any Money upon their Account, That they do with all poffible
Speed remit the sume into the Chamber of London, forafmuch as there are many Thoufands of the faid Poor Proseftants that woule
forthwith repair to their own Country, where they would be very Ufeful, but cannot for want of a little Money to pay their
Debts, and to carry them to the Water-fide, and hereby you will prevent their being any further burthenfome to this Kingdom.
The Hiftory
of the Wars of Ireland. In Two Parts. By Richard Cox Esqr
Publifhed by Authority. Printed for Jofeph Watts at the Angel in St. Paul’s
A new
Map of Piedmont and Savoy, with the Countries adjacent, having an Alphabetical
Table Annexed for the ready finding any place therein. Sold by Chr. Brown at the Globe near the Wft-end of St.
Paul’s Church-yard, and Tho. Batchelor at the Globe near Charing-Crof.
is hereby given to the remaining Creditors of John and Tho. Temple, late of London.
Coldfmiths, who have not yet received their proportiona of the prefent Dividend of 6 d. in the Pound, that they come to Caraways
Coffee Houfe in Exchange Alley, on Thurfday the 24th inftant, to receive the fame, and bring with them their Bonds,
or other Securities for their refpective Debts, this being the laft time the Truftees do defign to attend there for that purpose.
Run away
from Captain Thomas Hart’s Company in the Earl of Marlborough Regiment of Fuziliers, Alexander Turner, a Yorkfhire Man,
formerly a Miller, aged about 30, John Cafford a Shoemaker, A tall Flender Man, aged about 30, John Venhear a Barber, aged
about 20, fore Eyes; John Richardfon, a fat Man aged about 20. Whoever fecures them, and gives notice to Major Hawly in the
Tower of London, fhall have a Guinea
Reward and Charges.
Dale, aged 18, a middle ftature, a fair Complexion, then Fac’d, his Nofe high, his Eyes fae fit in his Head, his Hair
brown, and of a waving Curl: Run away from his Mafter Dr. Salvtor Winter, the 3d of April laft, fuppofed to be deluded by
one who went by the Name of Benfon in the North, of James in the Weft and Wales, whofe right Name is Burton. Whoever brings
Tidings of him, fo that he may be fecured, to the faid Dr. Winter, at the Sign of St. Paul in New King __reet, between Long
Acre and St. Giles’s in the Fields London, fhall be well Rewarded.
from a Waggon the 9th inftant, between Bagfhot and Balcwater, a black Gelding, near 15 hands, all his paces, a
little white in his Forehead, a Crimfon Velvet Saddle, and Houlfters trim’d in Silver, and a pair of Piftls, mark’d
G. Taylor, with Silver Caps. Whoever gives Notice of the Horfe and Things, to Mr. tho. Evered, at the Bell
at Hook near Harford-Bridge in Holbourn, fhall have 2 Guineat Reward and resfonable Charges.
away by 5 Highway-men, on the 9th inftant, on Blackwater Heath, a dark bay Mare, above 14 hands high, trots all,
a burnt mark on the near Buttock with a dung Fork, and a crofs branded on the Buttocks, feveral white Saddle fpots, the near
Foot behind half white, they left a black Mare with 3 white Feet, and a bald Face, and the near Eye wall’d. Whoever
brings her to the Swan with two Necks in Ladd-lane, I ended, or to the White Hart at Blackwater, fhall have a Guinea Reward;
and the Owner of the other Mare may have her again; paying the Charges of keeping.
away from a Young Man the 9th inftant, near Maiden-head, a white Mare, the near Eye black, and the far Eye fpeckt
with white, blew Spots about the Lysk, bob-tail’d, 14 hand high, 7 year old, a fore place on the near hind foot, and
a Crimfon Velvet Saddle, with Gold-lace and Twift. Whoever gives notice of her to Mr. Achlom, Apothecary, at the Block-Boy
in Brook-fteer, London, or to Mr. George higgs at the George in Briftol, fhall
have a two Guinea’s Reward.
by Edw. Jones in the Savoy, 1690