At Dixon, Ill., May 4, has been the subject of much comment, and very severe judgment has been pronounced upon Treusdell, the inventor and architect of the bridge, which giving way with but a comparatively small weight caused such terrible loss of life. We know nothing of the facts save thoes gleaned from the papers; but we judge that gross ignorance or cupable greed lay at the foundation of theplans of that awful engine of death. No structure skillfully built and of proper material should have broke down under the circumstances attending the catastrophe at Dixon. As it is, a wholesale murder has been committed; nearly eighty persons having been hurried into eternity, and half a hundred homes turned into houses of mourning. We trust that this sad warning may be heeded by those whose duty it is to look after life and safety of the public.
We briefly announced the death of Hon. James Brooks, Member of Congress from New York City, at his residence in Washington, little thinking that the present issue would contain a notice of the decease of Oakes Ames the member of Massachusetts, whith whose transactions in certain directions, Mr. Brooks was so unpleasantly associated. But so it is that both of those who were designated their fellow Congressman as subjects for discipline and disgrace, have ceased their earthly existence, within a brief space of time. It is not our purpose to revive unpleasant memories, but we feel assured that their deaths were accelerated by the excitement and mortification growing out of the severe, and seemingly well grounded accusations against their characters. Witht he death of these men the notoriety of the gigantic robbery known as the Credit Mobilier scheme, will pass away; but we trust the lessons taught by their experience will not be wholly forgotten, for in their lives was it verified that "he that doeth wrong shall receive of the wrong that he hath done, and there is no respect fo persons"
Is a demonstrated success, and the sanguine hopes of its originators have been fully realized in every respect. The organization of a chorus from societies of different places and of varied attainments, that would give reasonable satisfaction, was entered upon with some doubt; but such fears need no longer be entertained. The chorus numbered about six hundred, yet they sang as if with one voice, so carefully and they studied their scores and executed their practice. The professional singers sang "well their parts" and gave an eclat to the Festival that was well deserved and the conductor, Theodore Thomas, gained many new laurels for himself. The singing of the children at the Thursday Matinee evidenced not noly the opportunities, but the real merit of the musical training in our public schools. Notwithstanding the high prices charged for admission and reseerved seats, the large audiences present despite the unfavorable weather that prexailed most of the time, evinced the firm hold which a love for cultivated music has upon the people, not only of the city, but on the towns and country for many miles in all directions. We regret that the admission to one or two concerts had not been placed at popular rates, so as to have afforded those of smaller incomes an opportunity to have enjoyed the pleasures of the Festival. We hope that in the Festival we made a permanent institution of our city, as we trust it will be, such an arrangement will be made. The people need amusements, and there is nothing so edifying and elevating as good music.
Caused a profound sensation throughout our country, and all who are at all acquainted with his life and usefulness, most feel that a great man has fallen. His history is parallel with that of the great struggle in our country between despotism and libery, slavery and freedom, which has but just terminated in our land in the triumph of thruth, right and justice in the acknowldegment of the great principle that "all men are born free and equal and have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." In his early life he saw the impossibility of the peaceable perpetuity of slavery, and although not going to the extremes of denunciation and action that other anti slavery men did, he labored diligently to create and cultivate a healthy public sentiment against the aggressions of the slave power, especially in its extensions into the territories. He sought diligently to keep it as a local institution, until it should ultimately be extinquished. In whatever position he occupoied before the great struggle began on the field of battle, he kept the idea of personal freedom for all steadfastly in view; and his acts as Governor, Senator, or in other offices of trust, were guaged by the strictest ideas of rights in this respect. When called by President Lincoln to a place in his Caminet, in the dark hours of our country's history, his calm judgment and great wisdom where manifested in his management of the finances of the Nation, so that the money of the land became that of the Nation, and not of the State, as before. But few, if any, would have solved the problem of finanaces as he did under those trying circimstances. Our present system of banking, though not without its faults, is a proud monument to his judment concerning the necessities of the people. His promotion to the office of Chief Justice by Mr. Lincoln, on the death of Mr. Taney, was a fitting acknowledgment of his rare judicial abilities, and the decision of the United States Supreme Court under his administration, show that Mr. Lincoln's confidence in this respect was not ill placed. Some have ridiculed the late Chief Justice for his openly manifested ambition to be President of the United States; but those who have carefully analyzed the character of the man will fail to discover at the bottom of this ambition mere desire for personal promotion. His motives were of the most exalted character, and if he sought to be the Chief Magistrate of our Nation, ti was because of his confidence in the ability to adminster its affairs for the highest good of all. If, however, he failed in realizing this desire, his record for excellence of purpose and power for good is not denied thereby, and his memory will be handed down to coming generations as that of an upright man in all his ways.
The entire world has suffered a loss which may be said in some respects to be irreparable, as in the fields of science, philosophy, history, and politics, he had but few if any equals. Born May 20, 1806, he was educated under the direction fo his father, who himself was a superior scholar in languages and metaphysics. During his boyhood he was a servere student, and devoted himself to a wide range of subjects, and occupied his holidays in scientific explarations. He was, as might be supposed, a radical thinker, although many of his opinions were quite novel. He advocated the equal rights of women in all social and political rights of women in all social and political privileges. Concerning government he held that the people should not rule, but should have security for good government. Although far in advance of many of his fellows, he did not, as too many reformers do, isolate himself from those whom he desired to benefit, but maintained such relations as enabled him to exert a healthy and direct influence.
Dr. Chapin's Silver Wedding - Grand
Occassion - Addresses - Munificent Gift -
A $10,000 Testimonial - Chapin's Reply, Etc
{From the Extra Christian Leader}
It is nearly superfluous to say that the hour appointed for the formal ceremonies of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Dr. Chapin's settlement over the Fourth Universalist Society of New York, found the Church of the Divine Paternity filled to its utmost capacity with the menbers of the congregation, guests from sister parishes, strangers and friends. The interest of the occasion drew together an assembly which ony that spacious edifice could well accomodate. And while there may have been here and there an idle spectator, it was obvious that the multitude came out of sincere regard for the man and the preacher in whose honorthe celebration was held. The hertiness and enthusiasm, shown equally by the various speakers and by the large audience, attested the genuineness of the interest felt by all.
The church had been decorated with elaborate care and exquisite taste, in floral emblems, mottoes, reliefs and ornaments.
Over the pulpit was hung the portrait of Dr. Chapin, encircled with a wreath, and on either side of it to the left and right, were the dates "1848" and "1873", thefigures being wrought of scarlet flowers, raised in relief on shields of white camelias and roses. On the front of the pulpit, wrought and displayed in the same manner, was the  motto "God is Love." Massive pulpit and altar were decorated with other emblematical devices, the whole presenting a unique and artistic combination of the beauty and grace.
Jas. Cushing, Jr., presided on the occassion. He called the attention of the assembly to the puroses for which they were convened, and invited Rev. J. Smith Dodge, jr., to invoke the Divine blessing. The first speaker of the afternoon, Rev. Moses Ballou, was then introduced, and spoke as follows:
Rev. Moses Ballou's Address.
I lack words somewhat, my dear friends, to express the fullness of my joy on this occasion; it is an occasion very rare, I am sorry to say, for the relationship of our pastors of Churches in modern times, is very different from what it was anciently.  Instead of taking charge of a parish as a man takes a wife, for better or for worse, and for life, the changes of our relations of this kind have be come so very rapid that our annual Register, if it recorded them all, would need to be issued at every change of the moon. I go back naturally in my recollections and thoughts to the early period in my denominational history, forty years ago, when I began the work of the ministry, and I contast the condition of things with that which I see around me today-the contrast is a very pleasant and a very sharp one. I remember the old fathers that have done their work and passed on-men who wielded their war clubs with such terrible vigor and earnestness, and who would hvae been rejoiced could they have lived today to have seen the era of peace, the era of comparative peace, when men might have performed their work in a way which must have been, doubtless, more agreeable to themselves and to others.
Take a period less distant than forty years, go back but thirty years to the earlier history of this Church, when I took charge of it as pastor thirty years ago. We had a house of worship, called, I believe, when erected, the Old Bowery Church, or the Bowery Church, with a very pleasant opening, with a beautiful lawn on the Bowery, but pecuniary difficulties closed up that passage and we went through the rear out there, in the narrow and now always cleanly Elizabeth street.
And then also to think of the corgregation that assembled there. Why, if I could count two hundred and fifty in the house, on a Sunday, you don't know how glad it would make me feel; I would be proud of it for a whole week! And now contrast the condition of things then, and nwhat I see now every Sunday. Then, too, I think of the difficulties that we encountered in those earlier times, contrasted with those we have to meet at present. Difficulties from our connection, or rather relations with those around us, and other religionists; not merely the difference of dogma and opinion, but a difference of feeling I can not explain to you.
Som eof the oldest among youmay recall something of it, the actual bitterness of feeling that prevailed in those times very widely among the different denominations: Then Baptists had been swept out of Evangelical circles in Massachusetts; the Methodist had hardly emerged from a condition, I may say, of scorn and contempt with which they were regarded.The Unitarian Church which even the eminent Doctor Beard pronounced, a little while afterwards, to have frown out of a want of piety in the Church; even that was not exempt. And the Universalists! Dear me! they were regarded as almost absolutely beneath contempt! Hostility was so bitter on thepart of all those aboutus; and now look and see what it is today. See how we have come apparently together. The change is not so much of opinion, of dogma, because of different denominations do not hold essestially to the leading truths of their different creeds with such closeness and tenacity almost as then; the difference, the change is one of feeling, of spirit rather. And while they have held each to its own peculiar religions, that they come together in the sweet harmony to a very great extent, and do not hesitate to mingle their prayers and their praises together. I think I commenced the ministry with two or three very common mistakes in my view of things. Please don't ask me if I had any more than that. But, I think there were those at least, which I may acknowledge here today, I think I had something very like the vague impression that anybody out of our own little religious circle, little it was then indeed-ought to be converted, well, not particularly to God or to Christianity, but to us and the reason for it was, that we had about all the truth there was to be had in the world, and they had but very little, if any. Then too, somehow I had the notion that this work of conversion for them would last but a very little time. For them it would require but a very few years at least to bring them all over. Well I don't know, but I have outgrown such things somewhat. I feel today as though from the beginning each denomination has had its sphere of labor assigned it by a higher power, than that of man; each class of the sect has had its work to do and all have been laboring, to some extent, at least, in forwarding the interest of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth.
Now, what has effected this change? we had very few agencies at work at the time I referred to-forty years ago-save a few bold men. We had no colleges, we had no schools, and I think we should have had to go to other sects for teachers for them, if we had them. At that time, we were literally with out the means of support, now, we have a number of collegiate institutions, our schools are established widely over the country-our Annual Register will give the details of these things, which I will not detain you with now. How different the condition of things now. We tried very hard some years ago to enow our first college with the small sum of one hundred thousand dollars, it was a great labor then, as we supposed. Now, your own Chruch here would found a college and enow itmore liberally than that and yet make no fuse about it.
I ask, what has effected this change of things? Let us not hug the delusion that we have been chiefly, as a denomination, instrumental in this altered state of affairs. It is true, we have had our share of the work of thansforming the spirit of the time, no doubt, but the Unitarians, and a branch of the Friends, and some others have halped us. Let us bear in mind them, that all denominations during that period, have fown-have grown spiritually, have grown religiously, and that they are now in a higher and better spiritual condition than they were then, because growing, they grow gradually nearer to each other. There is a broadening of the intelligence, a widening of observation; they know each other better and come to love each other more, as you will see by the fact, that two of the eminent denominations of this city outside of our own, are resprented on this occasion.
Do you believe, dear friends, that we full appreciate the amount that we owe to our dear brother, your beloved pastor? He early seized upon the gigh and better phase of our religion, he grasped it spiritual elements more fully and has exemplified, has illustrated, has enforced these until all around him and around us have come to see more of their grandeur, their beauty and their power; to see that they really have a force to do Christ's work among men, to bring the hearts of the people into a submissive state toward the Father and into a condition of penitence toward our dear Saviour Jesus Christ. O, yes, I feel deeply today, how much we owe to his eloquence, hardly matched, never perhaps excelled in the world, which has been heard all over ourland, which has come back to us on the plaudits of some of the most eminent in Europe, years ago met in the Worlld's Convention. O. Yes, much much we owe to him. And, as I have said, we owe much to those around us, while we have been gradually drifting toward other Churches, in spirit-I trust, in temper and in desposition as much-I recongnize the fact joyfully and thankfully.
I spoke of the fathers of our Church, and I intimated the oy that hey would have felt today could theyhave lived to be here and witness the present condition of affairs. But will it be considered orthodox for me to say that they really, truly do live to witness it. Ah! they exist just as really as when they were clothed in flesh, I have no doubt; have theynot carried into that upper world all the intelligence that God blessed them with here-have they not carried there the sympathies and affections that adorned and beautified them here,-that made their lives so pleasant in connection with some of us here-have they lost all this? Oh, it seems to me if there is any thing in ournature that survives the grave, any thing truly immortal, it is the attachments that bind us together here, that these continue with us and will remain with us forever. Is it too much for me to say that they join with us today in the fervent prayer, first in thanks to the Great Father, and then in the fervent prayer that your dear pastor, our beloved brother, as he contmplates a pleasant and profitable journey abroad, that he may come back to you soon, renewed with reinvigorated health and stregnth, and that some of you, at least your children, will be here, in '98 to celebrate his golden wedding with the Church.

A deep sense of debt inspires gratitudein my breast to the pastor and committee of this congregation, for their partiallity in making me a guest at your household festival today. This gratitude finds emphasis in the fact that your kindness tenders such hospitality to a member of another religious body, which differs so very widely with yourselves on many marked points in Christian faith and practice. I shall therefore, feel more thankful, if I can contribute, so much as one mite to the aggregate of happiness whichmust distinguish this great gathering in your history. At another historical wedding albeit not a silver wedding, we read that "there stood six water pots filled with water to the brim," just as there stand on this printed programme today, six so called  reverend vessels, chosen to the honor of bearing refreshing drafts at these nuptials. I will not venture to say, that we are all of like capacity one with another, or that the six contain "three firkings apiece,"-much less dare I hope that if we did, the whole eighteen firkings would be miraculously turned into wine here. But really I would like it hugely if one particular firkin of original unfiltered Jordan water might be miraculously turned into wine at Dr. Chapin's  Silver Wedding. I confess to you, in all candor, that it would require a miracle to do it. If wine is allowable anywhere, it certainly is at a wedding; and if it is desirable to distill it anywhere by miracle, where so suitably as that Dr. Chapin's Silver Wedding? And who is so fit a subject for the miraculous agency, as a good sturdy old Baptist firkin? I dare say, that with the Dr.'s Stern temperance habits to the contrary notwithstanding, he could be induced to "tak a wee drap" of wine, distilled from pure water, by miracle. Surely, this new, refreshing, celestial juice from the true vine, would be sweet to his taste.
"For when self seeking turns to love, Not knowing mine nor thine, The miracle again is wrought and water turned to wine."
Was it not a mistake tosay, a moment ago that this is a household festival? Well, formally and locally it does partake of a household character, but really and truly this occasion is festive for New York as a whole. There was a time when it was your sole privilege to love, and honor, and trust your pastor, because then he belonged to you. So there was a time when the Koh-i-noor diamond belonged exclusively to the men who discovered, and prized, and horded it. But its position in the diadem of Great Britain for a quarter of a century or so, has made it the property of the whole empire; just as the weight and worth, and soul light of your pastor, for five and twenty years, have made him the property of this whole metropolis. There are many strange people in New York, I know, but you shall find none so strange as to suppose that New York could spare Dr. Chapin and remain New York. Universal suffrage would turn such a man over to our friend Mr. B___ at once, as a rare specimen of uncommon capacity for hearing, though quite unmusical in speaking such a sentiment.
It has not beein my fortune to claim personal intimacy with your honored pastor, but as a neighboring minister, I have seen much of his public life, and have felt a deep interest in it at every turn, and in every phase. I trust therefore that you will not take it amiss, if I venture to tell you what impression his long pastorate here has made upon my mind. And, although I represent nobody here, and therefore, that the great body of our citizens outside of your own denomination as well as in it, whatever he their creed, woud heartily acquiesce in these views. The occasion neither calls for nor allows the discussion of our serveral religious preinciples, nor the utterance of our vaious but honestly cherished religios opinions. In fact mere opinions amount to but little at the most, while our principles ever demand our reverence. Most heartily do I subscribe, here and everywhere, now and forever, to the avowal of that great man, John Wesley, when he says, "I am sick of opinions. I am weary to hear them; my soul loathes ths frothy food. Give me solid and substantial religion; give me an humble, gentle lover of God and man; a man full of mercy and good faith, with out partiality and without hypocrisy; a man laying himself out in the work of faith, the patience of hope, the labor of love. Let my soul be with these Christians, wheresoever they are, and whatsoever opinion they are of."
One of the most reassuring things in life, is to note the axioms, which a man deliberately adopts for the government of his vocation, and them to observe that these axioms are wrought out practically in the results of his calling. Has your pastor done this? If so his example will greatly strengthen us today. Let us see then. Certainly he started out in the ministry with a well defined ideal of what a Christian pastor should be. Has he reached the altitude of his own standard? We have means of judging. My first knowledge of his name was somewhere about the year 1842, through an ordination sermon on "The Pastroal Office," which he had preached at Roxbury, Mass., and it is in the light of that discourse that I have read his ministry all these years, and read it now. Among many other grand things which the young preacher said were these: "The study that is required for the faithful prechings of the word, demands that the preacher should be set apart from the ordinary turmoil of life. The duties of pastorship, the visiting of the sick, the comforting of the afflicted, the praying with the living, the burying of the dead, all these require a special minister." He says, that minnisters are "no peculiar mystical order offunctionaries, no select cast above other men, no more learned and no better from extraneous, circumstances than others; but an ordeer of social, sympathising sincere men, devoting themselves to labor and sacrifice for the intellectual and moral welfare of their fellows, and for the glory of God." Again he says of a inister, "He will act from principle in the discharge of his office, he will feel that he is a man, and that he is but a man. OH! he must love his office, its labors, its conflicts must still be dear to him. He must wear outwardly no ephod breast plate, garnished with precious stones, but he must wear one within, even a loving heart, a heart warm for God and for humanity; and that he must carry unchanged and unsullied through every scene, and let this precept as though it came from those sacred lips, and from that old dungeon in Rome, ever sound heedfully in our ears: 'Preach the work; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and doctrine.' "Let the precher, then, speak as he thinks, speak as a man, speak for his duty, his whole duty, and bide the issue. Let him preach from knowledge, from the Bible, from the heart, adapting his teachings to the wants of his hearers." "And let me say further, that the pulpit should labor for the improvement and salvation of the world. It should wall itself around with and base itself upon the Bible as a munition or rock. It should exhibit Christ to the world. Not the Christianity of the Church, not the Christianity of the creed; but Christ as he lived, Christ as he taught, Christ as he appeared in all his moral power and loveliness; apart from the systems and the tenets of men; Christ as he spoke at Olivet, Christ as he prayed in Gethse mane, Christ as he wept at the grave of Lazarus, Christ as he died upon the cross, Christ as he arose from the sepulchre. Here is enough to move the heart, to start the penitential tear, to call forth from the welling fountains of the spirit, gushings of tenderness and love. Oh! there is a boundless theme opened for the precher in the character of Jesus." As if in direct elucidation of his own beau ideal of the Christian preacher you will read with myself today that his pastoral life has been that.
I. Of a Thorough Student-Everything that falls from his lips orpen, leaves evidence of deep and assiduous thought. Like the oil of the old temple, it has been well beaten before he puts it into the lamp of the sanctuary. His work shows that he has given himself unreservedly to the attainment of every auxiliary acquisition, and the mastery of all sorts of knowledge for his work. Seldom is he content to descant on vague genealities, they are not lucid enough- or on metaphysical sbutletlies, they are practical enough-or on themere poetry of truth, that is not substantial enough. His sermons ahve a great deal of the old deep sea soundings about them. There is an elaboration about his thoughts, which shows that the predominant feeling of his heart is to do justice with all his powers, to the subject which he expounds and enforces. Evidently he taxes his capacities to their utmost tension under the consciousness that his task is most high and holy. When the classic pagans of antquity prepared the statues and temples of their deiteis, they were so intensely alive to the sacred nature of their work, that they lavished as much art and toil on those parts which were invisible to the spectator, as on others that were exposed to the public gaze, believing it profane to offer anything imperfect to the immortal gods. What was superstition in them, is piety in him who has such a sense of the snctity of his pulpit work, that he expends upon it the stores of an affluent mind, as ansiously as if it were to be delivered in the hearing of God alone. It is also a matter for recent congratulation, that in the long and wonderful drafts which twenty five years have made upon his brain and heart, in the vaious capapcities of author, lecturer, platform speaker, editor, counselor and preacher, the loving kindness of the Lord has vouchsafed to him such constant physical vigor. The constant activity of his entellect combined with an exquisite sensitiveness, and a susceptibility too refined and delicate to endure rudeness, has caused the flame of life to burn with an ardor that would have consumed the socket in which it glowed, but for the daily sustainings of Jehovah. The friction of his mental faculties, and the sympathetic emotions, has been adaquate to exhaust and prematurely destroy his corporeal frame. Few constitutions could endure the expenditure of sensorial power which he bestows upon an ordinary service, so that truly God has preserved him as in the hollow of his hand. His ministry is one of
II. Moral Boldness-It is marked by that untramelled independence which dares to investigate until a conviction crystalizes around aprinceple, and then honestly and openly avows it because he thinks it is right. It is a happy thought, that in his twenty five years labor among you, no man has ever supposed him capable of being intimidated from the performance of any known duty. Liberty of thought with him, is one of the holiest rights of humanity. His loftiness inspirations and most sublimest examples of style, have been uttered upon this sacred theme. It is a passion which was born with him, and it has glowed all through his ministry. Its exercise has, therefore, ledhim to take invincible postions again and again. Not as those who are enthusiastic for soul liberty when deprived of it themselves, but woh exclusively arrogate it to themselves when they have the power to deny it to others. Different men need different degrees of moral evidence to lead them to the same conclusion. This arises out of a difference in the strength of the original principles of moral reasoning in different minds-out of the subjects of such reasoning, with regard to their speculative or ethical character- and out of the vivid or obtuse reoal idiosyncarsies of the man who reasons on these topics. Hence, on all the great public questions that have arisen in his ministry he has displayed the greatest faculty for moral distinction, by which he has seemed to feel instinctively what was right and what was wrong.
He has taken a leading part in discussing all the mighty moral, social and patriotic quesitons, which have agitated his times-questions involving the freedom of man, theliberty of the press, popular education, civic and criminal jurisprudence, the amelioration of poverty, and the rescue of the degraded of all classes; but he never has seemed perplexed, or doubtful, or indefinite, about the right, in the positions which he has felt obliged to assume. He has taken those positionswith a keenness of conviction and a stern outspokenness, which has been terrible to evil doers, inflexible enough to tear up an evil by the roots, yet with a calm courage, a candid dignity and an amenity ..  CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE  ....

Congregational - Rev. Henry D. Moore, for six years pastor of the Vine Street Congregational Church in this city, has resigned, and will commence a new movement in Roinson's Opera House on next Sunday. The object of the new Church is to unite on a common basis persons not affilliated with the other organizations - Rev. Dr. Thompson, pastor of a Congrgational Church in New Orleans, says that the power of Romanism is not increasing over the colored people of that city, but that his own Church is doing good service among the Cahtolic freedmen. - The Aurora Congragational Association of Illinois refused by a Mr. M. R. Peck, because he refused to renounce Free Masonary. - The Congrgational Convention of the Northwest requested the Western Aid Society to refuse aid to any student using tobacco.
Baptist, - Eutaw Place Baptist Church, Baltimore, Rev. Dr. Fuller, pastor, has doubled its membership in two years, and now numbers three hundred. - During the recent revival at Plainfield, N. J., the Baptist Church added about one hundred and fifty members. - The Baptist of England fovoring close communion, have sent Revs. John Howe and David McClellan to this country as agents to solicit aid in the establishment of a Theological School in Manchester, where close communion, and their students generally adopt their sentiments, which does not please the restrictionists. - Several hundred dollars have lately been given to Re. Daniel Bryant of Urbana, O., who has spent fifty of seventy two and a half years of his life in the ministry, chiefly in missionary fields which afforded small compensation. - Rev. J. D. Fulton, (Dickens Damner), left Tremont Temple Baptist Church, Boston, because the members did not deem it advisable to start apaper in which to publish his sermons the secular press also having declined that honor.
Methodist. - On account of the illness of his wife, Bishop Bowman has been released from going to South America, Bishop Foster taking his place. Revivals in the Irish Methodist Churches have been very numerous the past winter. - The colored Methodists of Washington City are erecting a fine church to cost $90,000. - The Central Ohio Conference at its late session in Lima, voted in favor of congregational singing and responsive Scripture reading. - The Warren Street Methodist Church, New York City, has refused to accept the minister appointed by at the recent Conference, and locks its doors against his admission. They are now served by Rev. Mr. Johns, of England and intend keeping him. - The Bishop of the Southern Methodist Episcopal Church held their annual session at Nashville, Tenn., beginning May 8. - Centenary Methodist Church in Chicago has grown from fifty or sixty members to over one thousand. - The Wesleyan and New Connection Methodists have agreed on terms of organic union. - Rev. G. Bowen, formerly of the American Presbyterian Mission, has joined that of the Methodists in India. - A Methodist minister who wanted to join an Eastern Conference, was advised that their pulpits were all full, and that he had better "go west."
Presbyterian. - Rev. John Ross of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland has just completed fifty years of missionary labor in South Africa. - Rev. Dr. Joel Parker, died in New York City, May 2, aged seventy four years. - The New York Presbytery has voted an address to the approaching General Assembly, asking that each candidate for the ministry be examined by himself, and not with a class, and that he give full satisfaction of piety, learning and sptness to teach in the Churches, and if he is licensed the term of probation be extended. The object of this is to secure a more efficient ministry.  - Four presbyterian Churches in Auburn, New York., hvae spent in as many years the sume of $208,00 in church erection.
Episcopal. - Rev. Mr. Gerritt, late of Congregational Minister, has been ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church, at Keene N. H. - A new Episcopal Church ni Columbus, O., called the Church of the Good Shepheard, has been consecrated by Bishop Bodell. - Rev. Dr. Burr, for thirty years Rector of All Saints Church, Portsmouth, O., has resigned in consequence of increasing age and infirmities. He remains in theparish and the vestry has made honorable provision for his remaining life. - The Society for the increas of the ministry in the Protestant Episcopal Church added one hundred and sixty nine young men in their studies last year. Over three hundred clergymen, doing good service for the Church were aided by this Society. - The funeral services of Bishop C. P. McIlvaine took place in Christ Church this city last Friday morning, and were largely attended. Several bishops of the American Church and several dignitaries of the Church of England participated in the exercises. - St. Clement's Church, Philadelphia, held a service on good Friday intended to represent the act of Sacrificing the Saviour on the Cross. It consisted of seven brief sermons delivered by the same minister, in quick succession, on texts expressing the words and exclamations of Christ on the cross. The ceremony lasted three hours. - It requires 10, - 154,000 pounds annually to sustain the Church of England.

By Rev. J. H. Campbell
WE may not assume to be authorised always to use the language of Christ with all the force with which he used and applied itl. But in matters of simple reasoning or of obvious fact, there is no cause to hesitate; and certainly it may be siad of some theorists, briefly to call attention to some manifest defects in prevailing religious opinions. It will be seen that some of these are inconsistent alike with reason and revelation; some are opposed to visible and tangible facts; and others reflect discredit upon the character of the Deity. We class them in this manner for the purpose of distinction.
Take for instance, that strange incongruity, the doctrine of the Trinity. Let us look at it in the light of that intelligence which all should respect as the best gift of God to his moral creatures. Is it consistent with our reason that three whole, seperate, units are not more thanone unit? - that three distinct and seperate individuals are only one bing? or, that Peter, John, and Paul, associated in a union are only one Peter, or John, or Paul? or, indeed, that under any conceivable modification or extension of their being, they could, without losing their idenity, become in substance, or fact, one? And yet this is the very principle, or want of principle, implied in the mental process that receives or teaches the notion of the tri unity of God. But men do not reason in this way on any other subject. And the fact that they do not must be taken in evidence that the idea, that three are only one, while they are at the same time distinctly three, is a great defect in theological speculations.
Thisdoctrine is equally absurd when claimed as a matter of revelation. Nothing is or can be revealed, that our reason can not accept, and upon investigation approve. For the very reason why a revelation was made to us, is, that it assists us to know and appreciate what could not else be known: just as a telescope enables one to see nebular and stars not else visable. But as no system of astronomy that destroys the harmony of the universe, can be admitted: so no religious theory can be acceptable, that sets at naught those peculiar attributes of mind by which alone religious knowledge is made practical to the good of the world. And so, because of these defects in the trinitarian dogma;- its incomsistency with general truth and its contradiction of the scriptural teaching of "only one God" - we discard it as an unauthorized "commandement of men."
The theory, that since the transgression of ADam everyindividual is born with a totaly corrupt nature, is disproved by facts as well as by every form of sound reasoning. Every observer may testify to unmistable sets of goodness - of even positive virtue, in almost constant exhibition among all classes of individuals. Certainly these instances - so numerous and so varied - imply the existence of some general priciple of goodness; they can not be mere chance work, or even the result of altogether selfish promptings, or the instinct of self love. If we grant that the mutual affection of parent and child is instinctive, still it will not account for the truth, honor and integrity so often illustrated by even children. It is known the world over, that children, uninfluenced by bad associations or teaching, are far more incliined to virtue than vice. The first lie or wrong of any kind, is always learned from the example or influence of others before being perpetrated by the child.
Besides, there are in every community, more - far more - virtues than vices practiced. Vices, like our pains, or, like stormy days, are remembered with keener sensibility, than are virtues. A thousand right and generous actions are performed in all the various relations of life, which like the dews, fall so silently as scarcely to be seen, except in their rereshing and benignant results. Let all these be properly estimated and appreciated, and it will be evident that there is a wider prevalence of good than we carelessly suppose - more good than evil, perhaps, we shall not belong in learning that it is more consistent with the nature God has wisely given us, to obey than to disobey the law. He has written upon our hearts, as best adapted to all our needs. Any view inconsistent with this, must be defective, and hence must be rejected as not in accord with the Divine will.
But there are two praticular views which not only are revolting to all rational and human feelings, but which reflect the greatest dishonor upon the Deity. We mean the associated doctrines of Vicarious Atonement and Endless Punishment. That they should exist in the Church  another day - nay, that they should be tolerated as even incidentally a part of Christian faith - proves that men prefer to take their opinions upon trrust rather than examine them in the light of reason, facts, and revelation. Surely reason, in its fairest and freest exercisse, could never have suggested the idea that the infinite God could be swayed by a vindictiveness that nothing but the blood of the innocent and holy Christ could appease! And since by some pervesity of mind, this great defect in the popular Christian profession has been suffered, it is strange, beyond all accounting for, that any atonement with either human or Divine benevolence. There is not to be found in all the history of our race a single instance in which the principle involved in it, may be commended for either its justice or mercy. It finds no sanction in the righteous dealings of man with man, and has been no where practiced with public approval, except among the most benighted of the heathen; and its practice there has been the horror of all Christians, even of those whose belief in "substituted satisfactions" to an offended law giver evidenced the inconsistency of their condemnations.
Nor is there any countenance given to this dogma in the Bible. The teaching that " the Lord will by no means clear the guilty" is fatal to the delusion that Christ's sufferings and death were a substitute for the punishment justly due us, and brings us to learn that "he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done; and there is no respect of persons." The Holy Scriptures sanction no sentiment countrary to this. To say that they do, would be to make them not only contradictory to themselves, but at variance with all enlightened and established principles of justice and mercy - contrary, indeed, to every form of right recognized by civilized men.
The same general objections lie against the doctrine of endless punishment in each and all of its forms. God created you and me; and it can never be reconciled with goodness that He should expose his creature to such a fearful result. He is the responsible Author of all final results, and his creations weere all subject to his will in the first case, certainly; and if so then, so must they be now and evermore, for an infintie power can permit no divided sovereignty. His will is supreme over all influences in the universe, and no more prominent expression of his will has ever been proclaimed than that He "will have all men to be saved, and tocome unto the knowledge of the truth." We must therefore rejet the theory which makes void the purpose of God in his special prerogatives of Creator, Governor and Father of mankind.
Now from all these monstrous theological defects, the system of Universalism is entirely free. NEither reason nor Scripture is abused in the doctrine of the Divine unity. No proposition can be simpler, nor more rational than that one person implies distinctly one being and no more, even though that one may be superior in essence or power to all others. And the emphatic assertion of the old Scriptures, sanctioned and reiterated by the SAviour, that "the Lord our God is one Lord," confirms and harmonises with the primary teachings of nature.
And then, in this system, the moral sentiments of mankind are not insulted by the denial of our natural capacity to do good. universalism teaches men that obedience to the Divine will is the natural condition of all souls, as they were originally created in the image of that excellence; and no perversion of the understanding can change this natural condition, or status, or God's children. The germ, at least, of goodness is an essential part of our moral constitution, and we may all, without special intervention or a radical change of our nature, cultivate and improve our moral principles in accordance with the requirements of the Gospel. In the sure progress of this improvement, we see the power of the Atonement, so called, ormore properly speaking, "the ministry of the reconciliation; to wit, God in Christ, reconciling the world into himself." This is the influence of the doctrine and example of jesus working by the Holy Spirit, general reform, and so reconciling man to God. And thus Universalism recognizes the deductions of reason and the teachings of Scripture, in looking joyfully forward to see a world of intelligences redeemed, and God acknowledged and worshiped as the Father and Saviour of all.
By Rev. T. J. Sawyer. D. D.
If Calvinism, as it is exhibited in the acknowledged confessions of our Calvinistic neighbors, is true and worthy of all acceptance then it is also true that a part of the human family, and as it used to be believed, a very large part, were from eternity foreordained to "everlasting death." they were created to be damned. In calling them into existence the Almighty proposed to do them no good, but only to get glory to himself, and as they were created with no benevolent purpose, so it is reasonable and even necessary to suppose that he never loved them, or felt any interest in their welfare, and must find his plesure in making them miserable both here and hereafter, in time as well as in eternity.
But such a statement as this provokes several quesitons which the advocates of this pleasant theology would do well to consider. For instance if God made them as mere fuel for the fire, if he hates them as we should suppose he must in order to create them for such an end, how are we to account for his manifold belssings and mercies, which he confers upon them in this present life? We observe that they are made with the same bodies, have the same natural senses and faculties, are intelligent, moral and religious beings, and are in all respects precisely like the elect. They live on the same earth; they have the same sky over their heads; the same sun gives them light ans warmth; the same showers fall upon their fields; the same winds blow over them, and nature, as far as we can see recognizes no difference between the elect and the non elect, the heir of heaven and the heir of hell. The sun rises and the rain falls alike upon all. The Apostle told the idolaters of Lystra that the living God, whom they did not know, had in times past suffered all the nations of the Gentiles to walk in their own ways, and yet had never left himself without witness ofhis own beneficence since he had done good and given them rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling their heart with food and gladness. NOt only so, but since God's eternal election was made without any foresight of any thing in the creation moving him thereto,
we have every reason to suppose that elect and non elect are to be found in every family!
They are born of the same parents, live under the same roof, eat at the same table, are objects of the same parental love, and in all that makes the sanctity or the joy of home they share alike. Human laws and social institutions recognize no difference between them. They are equally citizens or subjects of the STate, have common duties and responsibilities, and in case of transgressing the law, suffer the same penalties.
And yet God creates the reprobates for the sole purpose of promoting his own glory by tormenting them in hell fire forever! It is not marvelous, is it not utterly unaccountable, that with such an end in view, he should begin their existence under such favorable circumstances, and surround them with so many good things? We confess that these facts would stagger us were we grounded in the Calvinsitic faith. Is this the way in which God deals with beings whom he hates and whom he is about toconsign to everlasting torments? Perhaps our brethren of that amiable school can manage the matter better, and therefore find no difficulty in it.
But leaving the conduct of God to vindicate itself, there are, if possible, still graver questions which touch directly our human duty, and especially our duty as Christians towards our non elect fellow beings. If, for instance, God hates as he must, these unlucky creatures, and has called them into existence only to manifest his power in making them wretched, we should have no little difficutly in adjusting our sentiments and conduct towards them. We assume, of course, with all good Calvinists, that we are in the happy number of the elect. This is a peculiarity of that remarkable school. And Calvin tells us that "Satan never attacks the faithful with a more frievous or dangerous temptation, than when he disquiets them with doubt of their election." To doubt here is emphatically to be damned; and among all the miracles of faith, we know of none greater than that by which some people are persuaded that they are favorite of God and heirs of heaven, while, to all human view, they woud seem the most unlikely persons in the world to be set apart from their race for such eminent distinction and good fortune.
It is readily seen what a sad thing it would be if we, God's elect, shoud come to love what God hates, or on the other hand, should hate what God loves. That would be to place ourselves in direct opposition to him and his holy will. And yet what can we do? We are in constant danger of falling into this deplorable condition. In the first place, beyond ourselves, our family and friends - whom all good Calvinists believe to be among the elect - we are quite unable to seperate the elect from the non elect. We do not, therefore, certainly know who the reprobates are. Now this is most unfortunate, for in our profound ignorance upon this point, it may bery liely happen that we shall lavish a great deal of misplaced affection on those whom he created only to curse forever. These reprobates about us, we ought to regard no more than we do the dust under our feet. All this love and good will lthat we are thus worse than wasting on the non elect, should have been reserved with scrupulous care for those of our own favored caste, the children of God. To love and do any kind offices to any soul that God hates and always meant to damn, is like taking the children's bread and giving it to dogs.
But this is only the beginning of our difficulties. We are at an utter loss how to treat our enemies. We assume that they are the reprobates. As we are elect, we take it for granted that all the elect are our friends, and all our enemies are reprobates. Now Christ is very express in teaching us that we are to love our enemies, to do them no good, to bless and forgive them. But how are we to do this if they are non elect? Are we to love those whom God hates? Are we to bless those whom he curses? Are we to forgive such as he will never forgive? This would be unreasonable, and we think wicked, besides. Then we do not well know how to pray on this Calvinistic principle. St. Paul exhorts that first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men. Does he mean all men, in fact, or is it all the elect? This perplexes us. If Calvinsim is true, it would be wrong to pray for the non elect. Why should we in our prayers fight against the eternal counsel of God? Thus, what could be the use? Millions of years before these reprobates were born, nay, "from all eternity," God determined that they should all go to hell, and his desire is immutable. He set his heart on their damnation, it is the very end of their existance, and can we suppose that he will turn aside from it on account of our ignorant, foolish and rebellious prayer? Saints should know better than to do this.
We are glad tosee that Dr. Fulton of Boston, has been considering this point, and his wisely corse tothe conclusion to pray no more in the common, loose and general way. Henceforth, we suppose, he will waste none of his prayers on reprobates, but reserve them all for saints and elect sinners. This seems tous eminently cinsistent. We know of no fully greater than for men to set themselves up as better and more benevolent than God. It is enough for the disciple to be like his Master. - Gospel Banner.

If thre is any ambiguity in the title of our article, we haste to remove it. We assert that the destiny of all humanity is the same. One molety of fraction is not created for holiness and heaven, the other for sinfulness and hell; but all our race have been created for the same purpose, and will reach a common home.
The words of the Apostle, in his first letter to the Corinthians, remind us of this fact. "And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it" (xii:2v). Of course, we are aware that these words were penned specially of the Christian Church. Believers in Jesus are collectively spoken of as one body. Some of them occupy posts of higher eminence than others, but the lowlliest member has a position of dignity. It is a great deal to entertain faith in God and immortality. It is no slight honor to be counted a friend of Christ. One may well indulge a feeling of grateful pride, as he thinks that Christ died for him. It is a real boon to be accepted of God, and the Saviour, as a co worker with them. He who holps his brethren in the faith by sympathy and prayer, is not living in vain. He may be neither Apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, nor elder, and yet his services are almost indispensable. As in the human body every member, every organ is essential to the common health and vigor, so in the Chruch of Christ the genreal weal is secured by every member's cherishing the right feelings, and doing his proper work. Is any one sulky, envious, listless, undervout, he lessens the moral power of the Church, introduces alienation, and repels souls. Christian thruth can not wield its full power, the Church can not be stainless and spotless, when its members are cankered by jealousy, or soured by ill will.
The same princilple holds with regard to humanity. Mankind constitute one great body. There is a sympathy which binds together all souls in the universe. Great that the Chruch of Christ, constituted as it now is,  or as it may be in some grand millennial age, are all saved at last; grant that all who have reposed faith in Jesus on earth, are at last redeemed by him - some by a service consistently rendered to their Lord in this world; some saved as through fire - they constitute but a fragment of humanity. And it is essential for even their happiness, that the rest of mankind be sanctified and blessed. This conclusion is as obvious as a truism; for, in the first place, every genuine Christian must cherish sympathy. The Gospel does not deaden man's domestic affections. Even if fidelity demand that we forsake father or mother, brother or sister, or dearest friend, for the sake of Christ, this does not shut them from the pale or our sympathies. How natural and how noble Paul's solicitude for his countrymen, bigoted and cruel though they were! "I speak the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kindred according to the fresh." Now, other Christians may be expected to cherish a similair feeling, at least toward their own kindred. What Christian is there, however, but that has some kinsman that isunconverted? Let doomsday come, andmake its solemn division between different classes of humanity; and will there be a single one in the great army of the redeemed but that can descry among the lost some one who was related to him on earth by ties of blood? Can a parent calmly behold a wayward son or daughter resigned forever to the liquid flames? Wouldnot heaven be shorn of its bliss, immortality of its glory, if the sanctified are compelled ever to think of the hopeless anguish of some who were dear to them as their own souls?
We know not what is the last popular interpretation of theparable of the rich man and Lasarus. If any of its representations are to be literally understood, heaven and hell are in sight of each other. The blessed must behold the agonies of the damned, and hear every hour the plaintive cry from some weary sufferer, "Send, O send, a pitying messenger with one drop, at least, of cold water to cool my parched lips and fevered tongue." Now we have always felt a kind of admiration fro that sufferer in hades, of whom the parable speaks. When he finds that there is no hope for himself, he does not settle down into heartless indifference, and say, "Misery loves company, and I hope that others shall come to share my wretchedness." In spoite of his own anguish, he thinks of his brotehrs yet on earth. "I pray thee, therefore, Father Abraham, to send Lazarus to my father's hourse, for I have five brothers, that he may earnestly testify to them, lest they themselves also come to this place of torment." There was more than a germ of nobleness in that soul. There's not a Christian in the universe but that would say, "It were a pity for such a man to suffer forever!"
Now there is one result which gennuine affection always secures. It finds out the better elements in the nature of one's own kindred. The mother can not think her son hopelessly depraved. Love will yearn toward the sufferer. He is a member of some household, and all the members suffer with him. On earth we muster resignation under the moral shipwreck of a dear friend, from a secret hope that he may yet reform. Dissipate that hope forever, and endless despair, and heaven ceases to be heaven for his friends. Sympathy outlives times and burns bright in eternity; and while it exalts the spirit to rapturous joy, if all its friends are redeemed, ti hurls it down to unfathomable anguish, if any of them are hopelessly cursed.
Nay, this principle reaches farther. In proportion as the spirit of Jesus animates any soul, his love stretches beyond the narrow circle of his immediate dindred. "Who is my neighbor?" he asks; and he feels that there is not a person created in the image of God, but that is related to himself. It is a pleasing thought that love is indestructible. In this world many a man of genial sympathies is tempted to hedge them in, because he has not means to benefit allhe could desire to help. Caution whispers, "Reserve some gifts for your family and friends." The feeble faith, or slender ability which here cripples our liberality, will cease to fetter us in the world to come. "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." "And love never faileth;" that is, it is immortal. Such love as fired the heart of Paul, John, Howard, Fenelon, Oberlin, will sway every Christian in the unseen world. That love will overleap the boundaries of nationality, kindred or neighborhood. It will pray and plead for the forgiveness and happiness of all. Were any doomed to an endless hell, their hapless fate would shroud heaven with gloom. If one member of the great body of humanity suffer forever, all the members will forever suffer with it. Has God then put into the noblest of hearts these tender sympathies which will doom them to utter wretchedness? Absurd! The warmth of Christian affection for all humanity is the prophecy of the final salvation of every soul.
And this conclusion is strengthened by another fact. God has woven cords of sympathy which bind nobler intelligences to humanity, and makes them sharers in human joy or woe. It is not an exceptional circumstance, that the noblest Christian hearts feel for even the most degraded of their kind. They have a profound instinct that the vilest are the most wretched of our race. And their emotions are but a type of angel's feelings. That holy race take a deep interest in human virtue. They pity human depravity, for they know that sin is a fountain of death. Do they witness a sinner forsaking his crime? Their hearts are stirred with transports of delight. "There is more joy in heaven, among the angels of God, over one sinner that reformeth, than over ninety nine just persons that need noreformation."
The point with which we started, thes, is established. jA sbutle sympathy links all souls together. Plunge any to hopeless despair, to useless, aimless wretchedness, and you doom the universe to woe. Place is of minor importance. There can be as deep anguish in a palace as in a hovel. Fragrant flowers, fine paintings, sumptuous upholstery, can not comfort the mother whomourns her lost babe. The glory of heaven. if it is simply material, can not give bliss. Love is the primal law of the realm, and love rejoiceth not in iniquity, but in the truth. - Universlaist.

When Dr. Johnson asked the widow Porter to be his wife, he told her that he was of mean extraction; that he had an uncle hanged. The widow told him that she had no money herself and though she had not a relative hanged, she had fifty who deserved hanging. So they made a match of it.
Macaulay, once having to review some bulky memoirs of Lord Burleigh and his times, began his notice with the delicately satirical statement that the book consisted to two thousand closely printed quarto pages, that it occupied fifteen hundred inches of cubic measure, and that it weighed sixty pounds avoirdupois.
There is a good story told of Bishop Macrorie. He - the Bishop - was sitting next to a Yankee navy captain, who said to him: "You have in your province two rical Bishops, C---- and another fellow; which of them do you incline to?" "I am the other fellow," said Macrorie.
Under the title, "A Tinker Wanted," a Connecticut clergyman sends the following anecdote:
It is well known that Jonathan Edwards the second, was settled for twenty six years in the town of New Haven. His younger brother, Pierpont Edwards, who lived a while in the same town, was a lawyer of great ability and a man of keen with, not at all unwilling to perpetrate a joke upon his brother.
It must beremembered, also, that Jonathan Edwards was a Strenuous advocate of the peculiar ecclesiastical polity then and still prevailing in Conneecticut.
On one occasion a tinker inquired for a job at the lawyer's house. Mr. Edwards, discerning his opportunity, replied that he had no work for him, but "there, in that house" said he, "lives a man who has a famous job for you." "What is it?" asked the repairer of tin pans. "Why, his Saybrook Platform has got unsoldered and wants soldering up again."
The tinker, in his simplicity, quickly found his way to the house and presence of the ologian. "I understand you havea  job for me," said the artisan. "Why - no. I have nothing for ou to do."  "They told me your Saybrook Platform had got unsoldered, and I could mend it."
I am not aware that this incident was ever published. It comes from an aged Deacon of my Church, who was living at the time of its reported occurrence.
Doubly Wrong - One evening at the Royal Institution, when a lecture on the English language was being delivered, the lecturer mentioned as a common vulgarism the habit of using "don't" in the third person singular, and cited, as an instance, "He don't pay his debts." Faraday, who was sitting in his usual place tothe right of the lecturer immediately exclaimed aloud, "That's very wrong!"
The literature of epigrams and epitaphs comprises some of the smartest Jeuz d'esprit written by men against women, and by wives against their masters. Ther German poet, Besser, produced the following epigram on Adam's sleep:
He laid him down and slept; and from his side a woman in her magic beauty rose; Dazzled and charmed, he he called that woman "bride," And his first sleep became his last repose.
To a German poet also we are indebted for the "Eptiaph on a Scolding Woman," which has been rendered in English:
Here lies, thank God, a woman who Quarreled and stormed her whole life through, Tread gently o'er her mouldering form, Or else you'll raise another storm.
OWEN MEREIDTH, now Lord Lytton, wrote in Lucile:- "We may live without poetry, music, and art; We may live without conscience and live without heart; We may live without friends; we may live without books, But civilized men can not live without cooks. He may live without books-what is knowledge but grieving? He may live without hope-what is hope but deceiving? He may live without love-what is passion but pining? But where is the man who can live without dining?
Some interesting facts are given in an article in the Edinburgh Review respecting Solomon's Temple. In size, the great pyramid of Egypt is the only structure on the earth which could be compared with it.
"The Great Pyramid demanded, indeed, a larger amount of naked human labor; but in Moriah there is a compulsion of the features of Nature herself to the services of the builder. Temple rock as five to nine, if we descend but as far as the sills of the five double gates or the mountain of the house. If we carry the comparison down to the level at which the lowest foundation of the walls is inlaid in the rock at the angles of the enclosure, the bulk is three times that of the Great Pyramid. The cubic contents of the mason's work may not amount to a tenth part of that piled up by Soupis. But the hill has been honeycombed with chambers and galleries; and the declining part to the south covered with vaults and arches, to which Gizeh can show no parallel. The length of the eastern wall of the sanctuary is rather more than double that of one side of the Great Pyramid. Its height from the foundation on the rock at the south and near the northern arngles was nearly a third of the of the Egyptians structre. If to this great height of 152 feet of solid wall be added the descent of 114 feet to the bed of Kedron, and the further elevation of 160 feet attained by the pinnacle of the temple porch, we have a total height of 426 feet is only 59 feet less than that of the Great Pyramid. The area of the face of the eastern wall is more than double that of one side of the pyramid. Thus the magnitude of the noble sanctuary of Jerusalem far exceeded that of any other temple in the world Two amphitheatres of the size of the Coliseum would have stood within its colossal girdle and left room to spare."
It is estimated that the temple, when all its parts were filled, woud hold two hundred and ten thousand persons. A careful examination of the probable sits of the brazen alter has led to the discovery of an appareatus for furnishing a current of air to the fires, on which the best devices of modern science can suggest no improvement. In connection with this fact, "it is remarked by the rabbinical writers as a matter partaking of the nature of miracle that, during the whole continuance of the first temple, not only were the three fires that burned day and night on the hearth of the Great Altar unnextinguished, but that, What ever was the weather or the current of the wind, the smoke always rose straight toward heaven."
The sanctuary is neither square nor rectangular, but trapezoidal in shape. The inquiry is suggested as to what circumstance determined its form The question is answered by the survey. The north and south lines correspond with the meridian. jThe east and wet lines do not run exactly east and west, but with a variation of 10 degrees 9 north of east. The line points to the place where the sun rose on themorning of the day the temple was founded.
Rev. DeWitt Talmadge, who has and does so many foolish things, occassionally gives us a healthy utterance, as witness the following touching bigotry:
"Another evil of bigotry is, that it prejudices people against Christianity. The Churches of God were not made for war barracks. This perpetual bombardment of other sects drives men away from religion. People are afraid of riots. You go down the street and you see a contest - men fighting with men, and missiles thown. You hear the report of fire arms. You are not foolish enough to go through that street; you go round the block. Well, men have looked off sometimes upon this narrow path to heaven, and they have said: 'I believe I will take the braod road. There are so many ecclesiatical brickbats being thrown in that narrow path, and there is so much sharpshooting, I think I will take the broad road' Ah! y friends, that religion is not worth much which is not tall enough to look over the fence. I have more admiration for a Spanish bull fight, and believe it to be more merciful and honorable, than the combating of these carnivorous ecclesiastics. Francis the First was so predudiced against the Lutherans that he said if there was a single drop of Lutheran blood in his veins, he would puncture them with a knife, and let that drop out. If men have such hostility against other denominations of Christians, they drive men away from the cross.
An English write suggestthat the clergy of that country strike for higher salaries. It is a dark picture that he draws of their pecuniary condition. He says that they are absolutely poor; that while some are well supported, many others are obliged to pursue trades at the same time that they manage churches; that during the last ten years, the cost of living in England has increased out of all proportion to the rates of salaries, and that he knows many ministers who would find it a most profitable change to leave their flocks and go and hew coals in the mines. And the same is true of almost every other country. The very class of men, whose calling and service do more than those of any other class to bring about those conditions of society in which allhonorable business is sure of reward, get little but crusts and neglect for their pay. To be sure, a good many clergyman get all they earn, and more. It might be well even to pay some of them no trifling sum to leave the pulpit altogether. But generally they are in the condition of those English shepherds who would find it advantigious to change from the care of their flocks to secular pursuits. Who is to blame? - Morning Star
A writere, giving his reminiscences of these enthusiasts, says: Some of the societies were so sure that the end was at hand that they put their individual possessions, which were usually very slender, inot joint stock, in imitation of early Christians, who had " All things common." In Oneida County N. Y., a well to do farmer being converted to their doctrine, came to join their church, and on being told of this rule, said he would think of it awhile and pray over it. He went away sorrowfully, for he was very rich. At the next meeting he appeared, and, upon being called upon for his answer, he said he had received a message from heaven, and was prepared to obey. "While engaged in prayer for divine directions," said he, " Ihave had one passage of the Bible so powerfully impressed upon my mind that I know it is from God, and I shall do as I am commanded." The brethren and sisters were in breathless expectation of the tremendous sacrifice he was about to make. The elder bads him be of good courage, and declare the mesage. The rich man said, "That passage came to my mind, and which I am resolved to obey, was in these words, 'Occupy til I come.'"
In the course of his lectures on Religious Revivals before the theological students of Yale College, at New Haven, recently, Rev. Mr. Beecher astonished his hearers with some original observations on the necessity of humbling one's self before the Almighty:
I beseech you to avoid that kind of crawling, that prostration that takes the manhood out of a man. I don't think that God wants to have a man crawl before him like a woman. I don't think that he is any more pleased to see that than you would be to see your children act so. Ihave a little dog at the farm that when I come home is so exceedingly glad that he lies down and squirms and rolls over on his back, so that I want to kick him. That same dog, although he is so affectionate, will steal chickens. Now, a dog don't know any better, but a man does, and it seems to me as if men think that if they humble themselves before God and say all manner of scrouching things, that will fit them for the work. There is no manliness in this. No doubt they have enough to confess, but God wants men to come to him as though they were his sons.
The more I think of it, I find this conclusion more impressed upon me-that the greatest thing a human sould ever does in this world is to see something, and tellwhat it saw in a plain way. Hundreds of people can talk for one who can think, but thousands can think for one who can see. To see clearly is poetry, prophecy and religion-all in one.
CONFUCIUS SAID: To dwell with a good man is like entering a house wherein are the fragrant "lan" flowers; after a while you may not seem to small the frangrance, because your whole person has beome impregnated with the frangrance.

Would you think it? Spring has come, Winter's paid his passage home; Packed his ice box, gone half way To the Arctic Pole they say. But I know the old ruffman still Skulks about from hill to hill, Where his freezing footsteps cling, Though tis Spring
Heed not what the poets sing, In their rhymes about the Spring; Spring was once a potent queen robed in blossoms and in green. That, I think, was long ago; Is she buried in the snow; Deaf to all our caroling- Poor old Spring?
Windows rattling in the night; Shutters that you thought were tight Slamming back against the wall; Ghosts of burglars in the hall; Rearing winds and groaning trees; Chimneys shuddering in the breeze; Deleful damps in everything-Such is Spring.
Sunshine trying hard awhile On the bar brown fields to smile; Frozen ruts and slippery walks; Gray old crops of last year's stalks; Shivering hens and moping cows; Ourdled sap in leafless boughs, Nipped by winter's icy sting-Such is Spring.
Yet the other day Iheard Something that I though a bird. He was brave so come so soon; But his pipes were out of tune; And he chirped as if each note Came from flannels round his throat, and he had no heart to sing-Ah! poor thing.
If there comes al ittle thaw, Still the air is chill and raw, Here and there a patch of snow, Dirtier than the ground below, Dribbles down a marshy flood, Ankle deep you stick in mud In the meadow-while you sing, "This is Spring."
Are there violets in the sod? Crocuses beneath the clod? When will Boreas give us peace? Or has Winter signed a lease For another month of frost, Leaving Spring to pay the cost? For it seems he still is king-Though 'tis Spring.
[C. P. Cranch, in Independent]
Mr. Carlyle invented a happy phrase to describe the great employers of labor, who play soimpertant a part in our modern world. He called them "Captains of Industry." But this Thomas Brassey, the famous English railway contractor, might more properly be styled a tractor, might more properly be styled a Generalissimo of Industry; for he and his partners had in their employment, at one partners had in their employment, at one time, eighty thousand men, whose wages amounted to sixty or seventy thousand dollars a day.  He thought nothing of giving an order for three thousand wagons, or ten thousand wheelbarrows. In the course of an active life of nearly forty years he constructed, in whole or in part a hundred and fifty railroads-in England, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, South America, Australia, Canada - which cost, in all, about four hundred millions of dollars. He had, at one time, as many as ten thousand men employed in Spain alone, besides thousands more in other remote countries.
As a specimen of his grand way of doing business, take this anecdote. In arranging the details of a contract with a Spanish banker, the Marquis of Salamanca, the nobleman proposed to issue to this Mr. Brasey, the nobleman by nature, objected, as not honorable. After much discussion, Mr. Brassey said to the Marquis:
"Look here, Mar. Salamanca; if you and your friends will put five hundred thousand pounds down on the table any day you like to name, I and my friends will do so too. Then the shares will be paid up, and there can be no possible objection to the bonds being issued."
The Marquis did not see the matter in that light, and the project was given up. This incident shows something besides the mere magnitude of Thomas Brassey's operations. It is one more illustration of a truth, which the whole history of business exhibits, that no business of the first class which has endured thirty years, has had any other foundation than fair dealing. There never was a more striking case in point than the success of this man. On one occasion when he was hurrying to completion an important railway in France, and enormous brick viaduct, one third of a mile long, a hundred feet high, and built at a cost of a quarter of a million dollars, suddenly fell in, and was utterly ruined. Within a few minutes after hearing of the disaster, he had set on foot measures for the reconstruction of the work; and, although the downfall was not his fault, he refused to represent the facts to the Company, in order to induce them to bear their fair share of the loss.
"No." said he. "I have contracted to make and maintain the road, and northing shall prevent Thomas Brassey from being as good as his word."
That was the great secret of his lasting success. He was absolutely trustworthy. His word was as good as his bond. He put as good work in the bowels of the earth where no one would ever inspect it, as he did on the surface where thousands would see it every day. If he had engaged to open a line of railroad on a certain day, his part of the work was invariably done in time. In the whole of his career he never missed once.
Next to this, the most important secret was, his admirable treatment of those who assisted him. The greatest captains of industry, like the greatest captains of war, allexcel in this particular. Brassey, besides taking great pains to surround himself with the right men, made their interest and honor his special and thoughtful care. He trusted them a great deal, like to let them do their jwork in their own way, and judged them by results only. Nor would he ever hold one of his subcontractors to a ruinous bargain. It frequently happens in constructing a railroad that a cutting turns out to be a rock instead of earth, and the literal fulfillment of the contract would ruin a man. Brassey always took upon his own broad shoulders such losses as would cripple or crush a sub contractor.
One example of this will suffice toshow his way of doing it. Inspecting a road one day, he came to a cutting of this kind, the price of which had been fixed on the supposition that only clay had to be removed. Upon coming up to the work, and perceiving that the wagons were all loaded with rock, he said to the "sub":
"This is very hard."
"Yes" replied the man, "it is a pretty deal harder than I bargained for." "What is your price for this cutting?" asked Mr. Bassey.
"So much a yard, sir."
"It is very evident," said the master, "that you are not getting it out for that price. Have you asked for any advance to be made to you for this rock?"
"Yes, sir," answered the man; "but I can make no sense of them."
"If," said Brassey, "you say that your price is so much, it is quite clear that you do not do it for that. I am glad that you have perservered with it, but I shall not alter your price. It must remain as it is but the rock must be measured for you twice. Will that do for you?"
"Yes, very well indeed. and I am very much obliged to you, sir."
"Very well," rejoined Mr. Brassey; "go on; you hae done well in perservering, and I shall look to you again."
One of these walks along a line of railroad would sometimes cost the contractor a thousand pounds in rectifying similar mistakes. He greatly liked the principle of giving men a pecuniary interest in the work they were doing. He not only gave his chief agents a share in the profit of his contracts, but he liked very much the plan of letting out small contracts of mere digging to a dozen laborers, the proceeds to be equally divided among them, except a little extra allowance to the foreman. Several of his agents made consderable fortunes in his service.
LIke many other men who have made colossal fortunes, he seemed to care very little about money. He wa interested in his work, took pride and delight in doing it well, and was perfectly aware of the necessity of money as a means to that end; but when once the game had been won, he never seemed to value the stakes much for their own sake. And in fact, to a man in his profession, millions are only what chissels and planes are to a carpenter-tools that he must have. One consequence of his being so free from the taint of avarice was, that he could bear alarge pecuniary loss, not only with equanimity merely, but with cheerfulness and gayety.
"Mr. Brassey," said one of his agents, "never appeared so happy as when he has lost twenty thousand pounds."
One night, during a terrible financial crisis in London, which threatened to sweep away his whole fortune, he went home fully convinced that he must lose at least a million pounds sterling.
"Never mind," said he. "We must be content with a little less; that is all."
On another occasion, in Spain, he received a telegram, saying that a certain bridge had been washed down. Three hours after came another, stating that a large bank had been washed away. Other messages followed, of similar purport, and begging him to come at once to the scene. He turned to a friend and said, laughing:
"I think I had better wait until I hear that the rain has ceased, so that when I do go, I may see what is left of the works and estimate all the disasters at once; and so saved a second journey?"
On such occasions he often quated the old proverb: "It is no use crying over spilt milk."
Thomas Brassey had none of those early struggles which mark the career of most able men of business. His father was a rich farmer of ancient family, and he served a regular apprenticeship to the business of land surveyor and agent. He gave such signal proffs of ability, that his employer took him into partnership when he was but twenty one; and he was already a thriving man, maried, and twenty nine years of age before he ever thought of constructing a rialroad. He was accidentally thrown into company, one day, with George Stephenson, who urged him to engage in the new enterprise. Being well established in business he hesitated to change it, and especialy for a business so new and untried. His wife's advice turned the scale, and he became the greatest contractor of his time.
He died in 1870, aged sixty five, leaving three sons, one of whom is amember of the British Parliament. His life has been lately written by Sir Arthur Helps, who edited the works of Queen Vicotria. It is not creditable to our publishers that a work so peculiar and interesting has not been made accissible to the people of the United States. It ought to be universally disseminated; especially in some factory towns that I could mention, where the mill owners are brutally indifferent to the rights and feelings, the comfort and dignity, of those who work for them.- New York Ledger.
What blessed things Saturday nights are, and what would the world do without them. Those breathing moments in the tramping march of life; those little twilights in the broad and farish glare of noon, when pale yesterdays look beautiful through the shadows and faces "charnges" long ago, smile sweetly again in the hush, when one remembers "the old folks at home," and the old fashioned fire, and the old arm chair, and the little brother that died, and the little sister that was "translated."
Saturday night makes people human; sets their hearts to beating softly, as they need to do, before the world turned them into wardrums, and jarred them to pieces with tattoes.
The ledger closes with a clash; the iron dorred vaults come to with a bang; up go the shutters with a will; click goes the key in the lock. It is Saturday night, and business free again. Homeward, ho! The door that has been ajar all the week gently closes behind him; the world is shut out. Shut in, the rather. Here are his treasures after all, and not in the vault, and not in the book-save the record in the family Bible-and not in the bank.
May be you are a bachelor, frosty and forty. Then, poor fellow! Saturday night's are nothing t oyou just as your nothing to anybody. Get a wife, blue eyed or black eyed, above all, true eyed-get a little home, no matter how little, and a little sofa, just to hold two, or two and a half in it, of a Saturday night, and then read this paragraph by the light of your wife's eyes, and thank God and take courage.
The dim and dusty shops are swept up; the hammer is thrown down, theapron is deffed, and labor hasten with a light step, homeward bound.
"Saturday night!" feebly murmurs the languishing, as she turns wearily upon her couch, "and is there another to come?"
"Saturday night, at last!" whispers the weeper above thedying, "and it is Sunday tomorrow, and - tomorrow." - St. Louis Magazine.

About twenty years ago, says the London telegraph, Lord Macaulay, being at that time member of Parliment for Edinburgh, was breadfasting one morning with an eminent statesmen. The morning newspapers were brought to, and one of the fuests read aloud the announcement that on the previous day the venerable President Routh, of Magdalen College, Oxford, had expired, in his hundredth year. Lord Macaulay received the intelligence in silence, and sat musing some moments upon some train of thought suggested by it to his mind. "President Routh," he suddenly exclaimed-speaking more as though he were thinking aloud than addressing living hearers-"might have shaken hands as a baby with the illustrious Fontenelle, who himself died, aged 100 years, in 1757. Within the lives of Fontenelle and Routh the following events have happened." With rapid and unhesitation fluency, the greatest of English esayists then opened the floodgates of his unrivalled memory, to descant upon the change, material, moral, and initellectual, which civilization had witnessed within the compass of two lives. From England he darted to France, from France to the rest of Europe, from Europe across the Atlantic to North and South America, and then back to what he called "the primeval continent of Asia." "Dr. Routh," he siad, "might have told us that he had seen a man who was present when Charles II walked with his toy spaniels in the mall; who had shuddered at the scowl of Judge Jeffreys; who had chatted and corresponded with Madame de Sevigne; who had seen La Valliere thrown aside by the Grand Monarque for Madame de Montespan, and Montespan for Madame de Maintenon; who had taken snuff from Lord Bolingbroke's box, and seen Swift cut asparagus in the garden of Sir William Temple." The authors, actors, statesmen, soldiers, astronomers, navigators, inventors, and men and women of note, who had illustrated the close of the seventeenth and the dawn of the eighteenth capturies, lived again under Lord Macaulay's plastic touch, as he rehearsed the contemporaries of Fontenelle's youth and early manhood. The vicar of Pershore has written to one of our contemporaries to say that he has an old parishioner, with memory and faculties unimpaired, who was born in 1792, and remembers his grandmother, who was born in 1697. "It is possible," says the Rev. Mr. Bartlett, "that he might have heard from his grandmother a description of the personal appearance of William III." What is such a reminiscence compared with the possible recollections of Fountenelle? As a child he might have remembered the great storm which shook England and France when Cromwell died on Semptember 3, 1658-might have been in company with Milton and Cowley, and heard the guns thunder across the channel when Charles II landed at Dover. Fontenelle and Routh are indeed two fo the most suggestive lives that within the records of history Lord Macaulay could have taken for his text. Both were born in a sphere of society which made them likely to be witnesses of any remarkable event that happened in France and England during their boyhood. The second was born just at the right moment for him to take what Lecretius calls-"the lamp of life" from the hand of his predecessor; nor is it likely two such successive contenarians will again find such a commentator as Lord Macaulay musing aloud upn their experiences.
Some weeks ago, the Republican published an account of the romantic incidents attending and suceeding themarriage of Miss Ray, a Boston lady, to the Prince of Schleswig Holstein Noer, a member of the royal family of Denmark. The prince died, and his widow was refused recognition by the royal family as one of its members. The princess brought suit in the Danish Courts against the King of Denmark in the nature of the mandamus, to compel him to admit her calims. She lived in grand style in one of the finest houses in Copenhagen, and had with her, as companion and intimate friend, a charming young lady of this city, Miss B---w, who had a very remarkable marriage engagement, with a still more remarkable termination, in which Count Rantzow was first the happy and then the unhappy man. In consequence of the abrupt and unsatisfactory manner in which she broke off the engagement, the prince brought a suit for damage for breach of promise, which suit is still in the courts. From Copenhagen papers of a late date it appears that the suit of the Princess of Schleswig-Holstein Noer versus Supreme Court of that country on the 1st of March. The judges decided, however, only by a bare majority of four to three against the plaintiff, on the ground that, upon marrying her deceased husband, she had understood perfectly well that the union did not confer upon her the rank of princess of the royal house; that she received from the Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria, in 1863, the title of an Austrian countess, which she wore during the lifetime of her husband; and that, not being a princess of the blood, she can only obtain the title, rights and privileges of a member of the royal family by a decree of the king himself. The dissenting judges declared that the prayer of the princess should be heard.
No sooner had this decision been promulgated than a police officer called upon the princess. He told her that he was commssioned to exact from her a written pledge that she would not molest the royal family say more and cease calling herself a Danish princess. "Never! never!" cried the impetuous woman. "On the contrary, I shall continue asserting my rights regarless of consequences." "Well," said the officer, "those consequences will be very unpleasant. We have been instructed to remove you from Copenhagen, and send you across the Danish frontier." The princess said she would like to see the King order the police to lay hands on the widow of his cousin, and she solemnly swore that she would never leave Copenhagen of her own accord. The officer withdrew to report to his superior, who, in their turn, communicated with the king himself. The latter was highly irritated because of the conduct of the princess, and instructed the police to carry out his previous instruction. After consulting with her lawyer, the princess arrived at the conclusion that discretion was the better part of valor, and quietly took her departure fro Lisbeck, the German seaport on the Baltic. She was accompanied by Miss B., who, by so doing, disregarded the injuction of the Danish Court that she should remain in Copenhagen until the lawsuit of Count Ranizow against her had been decided. That latter has no other consolation than to pay all the costs of his suit, and to reflect upon the dangers of flirting with American belles.- Missouri Republican.

About two thirds of the way up the side of Versuvius stands a small builkding, plainly visible from the Naples side of the bay. During coudy and wet weather, it is shrouded in the dense veil fo smoke which settles around the summit; and in times of eruptionm, the fiery steams seem to encompass it and flow far below its level. In this structure, thus dangerously located, Professor Palmieri, a well known Italian servant, has established an observatory, and with marvelous intrepidity has remained at his post watching the convulsions of the colcano at times when his house stood between torrents of liquid fire, the heat from which cracked the windows and scorched the solid stone of the walls.
The knowledge obtained at so great a risk has been recently given to the world in an ably written volume, which contains data calculated to be of invaluable assistance in the future investigation of volcanic phenomena Professor Palmieri considers that, to a certain exttent, eruptions may be predicted, a belief which he bases upon late observations that the central crater commences the agitation, which is then followed by a series of light convulsions which terminate in the grand out break. This concluded, the volcano becomes again quiescent. A vivid impression of the enormous force developed during an eruption isconveyed in the fact that on April 26th, 1872, the volume of smoke, ashes, lava, fragments and bombs projected upward from the crater attained the hight of no less than 4,265 feet from the edge. - Scientific American.
The New York Graphic has the following:
If Henry Ward Beecher would consint to lecture generally, he would be unexampled in popularity. He would probaby make $20,000 to $55,000 a season. But as his income from all source is now about $50,000, he can afford to let the Lyceum go. He recently engaged to lecture a few times at $700 per lecture-the largest price ever paid here-and cleared $5,000 or $6,000 in a few weeks.
Wendell Phillipe's terms are $200, and he realizes some $6,000 a season, though confining his discourses to certain localities, Albeit degenerating into a common scold, he is still the most classic vituperators, and deservesto be considered what he has been called - an infernal machine set to music. Phillips, in his pecular line, has no equal anywhere. He can say the bitterest things in the smoothest and most polished manner of any man living.
Curtis is in active request at $200 a night, and could make $5,000 a season without much effort, were he so inclined.
Theodore Tilton used to be in receipt of a regular income of $7,000 or $8,000 from lecturing, but he does much less of it nowadays.
Bayard Taylor is always in good demand at $200 to $250 per night, but he has been for several years absorbed in literary labors.
Holmes has been importoned lately to no purpose. The autocrat prefers rest in his advancing years.   
Emerson is too intellectual and unique for wide appreciation, but he feels inadequate to the task of lecturing generally. His terms a still, I think, $100 to $150.
Chapin has long been out of the field, and his old joke that he lectured for F. A. M. E.  (fifty dollars and my expenses) has become financially obsolete.
Mark Twain is clamored for on all hands at almost any price. He is the only lecturer that can fill a great hall to overflowing is the metropolis. Everybody likes to laugh, and he is one of the most laughter provoking of mortals.
The general rate for lecturers of no special reputation is $100, which few men of any earning capacity can afford to take, if their engagement are few and lie far apart.
A new crop of lecturers is growing, but they are not liked any better than the old, if so well. Among the favorites if the Lyceum are James Parton (he can make $3,000 or 4,000 a season), "Nasby" Locke ($5,000 are within his easy grasp), Bret Harte, Mrs. Stanton, Colonel Higginson, John Hay, Dr. Holland, John Billings (strange to say), John G. Saxe, and a score of others.
"olivia," of the Philadelphia Press, has visited Senator Sumner, and from that distinguished gentleman obtained some interesting particulars concerning noted people:
"Tell us about this wonderful George Eliot How old is she? Whom does she look like, and don't you think her the greatest intellect represnted by the womanhood of the present day?"
"I think her a great woman, perhaps the greatest, but time must decide all things connected with fame. I have a picture amongst my engravings very much like her, so much so that it would answer very well for her portrait."
The picture is found. It represents Lorenzo de Medici, and is ugly to the last degree.
"Not like that. No! It can not be possible that her face is as wide as it is long; that htese are her eyes, that her nose, that her mouth-why, this is the face you see looking out of the moon!"
"It may be a plain face," says Mr. Sumner, "but then it is so strong and noticable, a face once seen that will never be forgotten."
"But her hair is cut short, like man's."
"That is a matter of taste. You see at a glance that she lacks vanity, which is another sign of a great woman. I also meet Mr. Lewes, her husband, at the same time. He is noted for his German studies, but he is not so eminent as his wife."
"About her age, Mr. Sumner?"
"That is a very hard point to settle, but without flattery I should think her beyond fifty."
"Beyond fifty, and still writing the best love stories that the world enjoys?"
"Why not? Genius never grows old."
"But about George Sands?"
"I met this famous woman many years ago on a steamer. We were going from marseilles to Genoa. Among the passenger this woman in particular attracted my attention, because she held by the hand a very beautiful child. I have never observed such hair on a child's head. It was the real gold in color, and fell to her knees, not in curls, but in waves. The lady wore the Spanish costume. I now recall her Spanish Mantilla. She was short, we might call her thickset, no handsome, yet holding her child by the hand. I had a curiosity to find out her name. She was accompanied by a tall, slender gentleman. They kept aloof from the other passengers, and seemed to find society enough in each other. Upon inquiry, I found her to be the celebrated George Sand. At that time she was the topic of conversation everywhere. She madea very distinct impression on my mind. She was comparatively a young woman. On board the same ship I was interested in two other passengers.
"This time it was quite an aged couple. The old gentleman carried his gold headed cane, and bustled around as if it was his mission to entertain everybody. One would almost think that he thought himself in his won house and the people around thim his guests. His aged wife was at his side helping in the good work. I noticed a respect shown them which age alone can not always command. I soon learned the man to be one of Charles the Tenth's Ministers, I am not quite certain which, but I think his Minister of Finance. I shal always remember the extreme courtesy and politeness of these old people, and their endeavors to make verybody happy around them."
"Did they talk to George Sand?"
"No! for the lady and her cavalier kept to themselves, and did not seem to need any exericons in their favor."

The Rev. Charles Voysey, an eminent English Clergyman, come out strongly in a letter to the London Index in favor of the new plan. He proposes that when death has ensued the body should be chemically destroyed, and "then," he says, "it should be placed in some receptacle containing those powerful agents known to chemical science, which would simply annihilate the outward form, and practically destroy it. There would necessarily be the dead; and these might be reverently gathered and placed in a beautiful urn or vase, to be disposed of according to the wishes of the survivors. They might easily be depostied in consecrated places, in niches in the walls of churches, or in mortuary chapels designed for their reception. This, too, might be accompanied by a religious service; so that the religious element is left untouched by my revolutionary proposal. The advantage of all this to people of highly wrought feelings would be immense. I can imagine the peaceful calm which would steal over the mind when one could take reverently into one's hands the sacred urn and say,'This holds all that remains of my beloved.' No horror of dark vaults and damp graves, with their seething corruption. No precious body being eaten piecmeal by worms of the earth, or melting away in a loathsome stream. The form is charged ; the substances really remaining after chemical burning is not in the least degree suggestive of the past or the future. The body is saved thereby from every possible dishonor, purified from every decay. No words can describe the relief which such a process would bring to many and many an afflicted soul. On the ground of health to the community, it would also be most salutary. We little know, in England at least, what mischief is brewing fro us in our seething cometeries. They are getting fuller and fuller, at the rate of I know not how many hundred corpses a day, the later ones being nearer and nearer the surface. Many are within four feet of the turf, and that is not enough to prevent the escape of the most foul and pestiential gases. Iknown of one old cemetery which is now occupoied by a cooperage, and which is constantly wet with stagnant water. All around it typhus fever is perpetually raging. The danger would not be so great if the bodies were buried without a coffin. The earth would sooner disinfect them; but as it is, the mischief is nursed and multiplied a hundred fold by the process of decay being delayed."
One person thinks fo a word, and gives a word that will thyme wiht it. The players, while endeavoring to guess the word, think of those that will rhyme with the one given, and instead of speaking define them. Then the first person must be quick in guessing what is meant by the description, and answer whether it is right or not, giving the difinition tothe question. Here are two examples:
"I have a word that rhymes with bun."
"Is is what many people call sport, or merriment?"
"No, it is not fun."
"Is it a troublesome creditor?"
"No, it is not a dun."
"Is it a kind of firearm?"
"No, it is not a gun."
"Is it a religious woman who lives in retirement?"
"No, it is not a sun."
"Is it the act of moving very swiftly, or what one does when in great haste?"
"No, it is not to run."
"Is it a quibble, or play upon words?"
"No, it is not a pun."
"Is it a word that we often use to denotethat a thing is finished?"
"No, it is not done."
"Is it a weight?"
"No, it is not a ton."
"Well, it is htat lumainary that shines by day, and brightens everything it shines upon?"
"yes, it is the sun."
The one who guesses the word will then, perhaps say:
"I've thought of a word that rhymes with sane."
"It it a native of Denmark?"
"No, it is not a dane."
"Is it used by an old gentleman?"
"No, it is not a cane."  -  Exchange.
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In response to many calls to offer premiums to old and new subscribers, and to treat all alike handsomely, we have to announce that until further notice, every subscriber renewing for one year or more, and paying at least $2.50, will receive, free of expense, finely executed steel plate portrait of Revs. I. D. Williamson, D. D. and J. S. Cantwell, Editors of the STAR IN THE WEST. These are the engravings prepared for the "Rudiments" and "Thirty Days Over the Sea."
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These portraits are executed in the highest style of art, and are companion pictures that can be framed separately or together. We hope to have the privilege of soon sending to our friends a large number of these pictures, which are pronounced by competent judges to be true to life."
To the Universalist Women of Ohio; and to all others who may take an interest in Buchtel College.
You have doubtless heard of Hon. John R Buchtel's munificent offer to enow a Woman's Professorship in the College, providing the women friendly to our cause would do the same. At a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees I was instructed to give this work my special attention. I am confident the women, at our next State Conventionm, can organize and prosecute this work and crown it with success, independent of my special aid. Mrs. John H. Hilton, of Springfield, with her usual generosity, heads the list with $500. Perhaps I am mistaken in this. Mrs. G. W. Goodrich, of Akron, gave at the State Convention last year $1,000. She paid $500, and reserved $500 for the endowmento f a Woman's Professorship in the College. I am not sure but we should give Mrs. G. the credit of projecting this new work we have now on hand.
Is there a Universalist woman friendly to the highest iinterest of female education who cannot contribute something to this noble object? It is Buchtel College where our daughters have equal privileges with our sons. The heart, as well as the head, needs education and a women influence is needed in every college and institution of learning.
Let this become the special work of the women of our cause, and the period is not far distant when the example of this institution will be felt not only in Ohio, but all over our land. We expect to have with us Mrs. Livermore, Soule, Adams and others who will make this a memorable occasion. We hope the women who are intested, and those whoare not even, will attend the State Convention in Akron, May 29. We extend to you all a cordial invitation to be present and take some part in this glorious work. D. C. Tomlinson, Finanacial Secretary.
The Journal and Messenger of this city in reply to a correspondent who inquires. "Shall a member of a Baptist Church that tries to be a Universalist and teaches it in public, be retained in the Church?" says, "By no means. He is a teacher of false doctrine." To which we say, "Amen," for if he certainly has no business in a close communion Baptist Church.
To Our Churches-Next Sunday.
We again call attention to the fact that lay delegates to the Ohio State Convention must be elected by the Churches direct, instead of by the Associations as heretofore. Many of our Churches have already complied with the new rule, and have their representatives already selected.
A large number, however, have postponed this important duty; but we trust that there be no longer delay, as the time fixed for the Convention is rapidly approaching. In order therefore, that this matter may be fully arranged, we suggest that on next Sunday those Churches that have not chosen their delegates, do so. Each Society is entitled to not less than two, and it would be well that they be empowered to appoint substitutes, if unable to attend. Another important particular to be observed is, the Clerk of the Church must furnish delegates with certificates of their election; otherwise they will not be permitted to participat in the business of the Convention.
We hope that the representation from our Churches may be full, so that what ever measure shall be agreed upon for the welfare of the cause throughout the State, may have the benefit of thebest judgment of our friends in all the Churches.
Long Pastorates with some Recent Examples.
The occurrence of two silver weddings of pastors and parishes, in our Church, on the first of this month, is worthy of especial notice. Rev. Drs. Chapin and Miner, of New York both completed twenty-five years of their settlement with their respective Churches, on the first of May inst., and both entered upon the twenty sixth year of their respective pastorates. Both duly observed the quarter centenary in their services of Sunday, May 4th, and in both parishes the event was joyfully celebrated by appropriate observances during the week.
We congratulate all the parties on this happy event; and we congratulate the whole denomination that these instances of stability are found in our religious connection. We wish such instances were more numerous; and we trust that these which have now occurred, may become examples to be emulated among our parishes, both at the East and the West.
The prosperity of these two parishes is an example which speaks loudly in behalf of longer pastorates, than those which prevail among us. Both are among the strong and influential Churches of those two cities. Dr. Chapin's Church is crowded at every service; and its financial standing is shown by its present of a check for ten thousand dollars to its pastor, on the evening of the celebration. Dr. Miner's parish have recently moved into one or the finest church edifices in Boston; and the Dorctor stated in his commemorative discourse, that his Church had, during the twenty five years, contributed between $750,000 and $1,000,000 for the educational work of the denomination, and that "with a judicious management of their present property, the Church would soon exhibit a financial strength unprecedented in the history of religious enterprises in Boston."
It is well for our parishes to ponder these interesting facts. Is there no connection between this unprarlleled prosperity and the long pastorates of these faithful and eminent minister? Could it have been secured by any system of changing ministers, as is the custom of our parishes, every three, five and eight years?
Dr. Miner's partorate has not been without its difficulties. His decided opinions, and his resolute and persistent way of enforcing them, have cost his parish the secession of many a member who had for long years been connected with it. At one time, his Sunday School was terribly depleted, by its teachers and pupils following the junior pastor, who had tried to establish a rival Church in a commodious hall. Many of the pews were relinquished, and the attendance generally was greatly diminished. In any other Church among us, these reverses would have resulted in a dissolution of the pastoral relation that existed at the time, and, in all probability, the permanent decline and tiltimate extinction of the parish. But there were faithful and discrete men in School Street who rallied around their minister with a new zeal, in the midst of these troubles. They said that the Church which had been consecrated by the thirty five years ministry of Hosea Ballou must not be swerved from a consistent course, by factionists, be they few or many. The pastor who has been faithful must not be removed because some of his parishioners were disaffected. They would cling to the old shrine; they would rally anew around their strong and intrepied pastor; and they would press steadily on, in the cause to which their Church had always been true.
We wish all our parishes consider and heed the example set them by the faithful old School Street. There is scarcely an instance in which it would not be for ethe interest of a Church having a faithful pastor, to retain him, let the difficulties resulting from factious members be what they may. When one family or many become disaffected, and the majority yield to them in order to conciliate and retain them, the Chruch is both weakened by the concession, and ever after placed at the mercy of those who are disposed to make trouble, and who will never be long satisfied with any measures in which they can not lead, or with any pasotr whom they can not control. It is this pernicious policy of giving way to the clamors of those whose money is coveted for ministerial support, that leads to the many melancholy desolations of our Zion. There is not a Solciety among us, over which there is stationed a faithful, studious and hard working minister, as every minister should be, that will not be stronger, ten years hence, or twenty five years hence, for retaining him, and working steadily and earnestly with him, than it can be, if it changes, even though by some of its changes it may secure for a time ministers of more eloquence and power in the pulpit.
And we wish our ministers would heed the lessons to be drawn from these two consipicuous examples. They are often too impatient of immediate results. They are dissatisfied with their parishes, and are looking for better places. They are discouraged by trifling obstacles, and instead of quietly and firmly endeavoring to overcome them, they try to avoid them by makinig changes. And, then, when the offer is made them of larger salaries, they are too ready to be lured by the tempting bait. To us this seems to be the greatest weakness of a ministry, which, in other respects, has been steadily increasing in efficiency for the last few years, and which is now a recognized power in the religious world. There is nothing more fallacious than the inducements by which they are led to make these changes. The larger salary is attended with a correspounding increase in the cost of living. The moving is an expensive affair; and frequent removals deplete the purse, even though salaries are better. And then, the same trials occur every where. There is no parish without its difficulties. Financial matters are generally too much neglected. Querulous members are found in every Church; and there isno place in which there are not obstacles to overcome. How much better to overcome them, than to fly from them! How much better to make a good parish than to spend one's life in trying to find one already made by somebody else!
Death of Rev. G. R. Brown.
Another veteran of the cross passes away! Again are we compelled to write of the bereavement of our Zion! Rev. Geo. R. Brown, so widely known, so well beloved and recently by our side in health and vigor, is no more. AS we feared when ourlast paper went to press. his illness was mortal, and on Monday morning a telegram from Rev. H. L. Canfield announced his death at Toledo on Friday night, the 9th inst. His funeral services were attended at Clyde, his old home, on Sunday, Revs. Canfield and Rice, we presume, officiating, and with words of tenderness comforting the sorrowing family and friends.
In. Bro. Brown's decease Ohio mourns the loss of the fourth minister of our faith since the last meeting of the Convention - Bros. Whitney, Messenger and Emmet having preceded him to the heavenly shore. This is a sad record for the year, and the departed brethren will be greatly missed when the Convention again assembles at Akron. But it is the Lord's will to call his faithful servant home, and what He wills must be right.
In our next paper we expect to publish something like an adequate sketch of Bro. Brown's ministrerial life and some record of his last days. We are entirely without material for anything beyond the mere announcement of his death this week.
"The Next Verse."
A Universalist missionary, addressing a congregation of curiosity seekers, inquirers, opposers and a few believers, quated as the motto or text of his sermon (Mark xci.15), "Go ye into the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." Having briefly opened the subjec, he repeated the text; whereupon one of the resient clergymen of the neighborhood, who was present to defend his creed against the assaults of the adversary, arose and cried aloud, "Read the next verse."
The Universalist read it with all due emphasis: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be save; but he that believeth not shall be damed."
There is evident exulation in the assembly on the part of theorthodox pastor and his adherents, but it was of short duration for the Universalist added,"And now, sir, will you please to red the verse next following."
The pastor had a small pocket bible in his hand, open at the place-but scarcely had he read the first three words, when he stopped. Profound silence rested upon the congregation. "Go on!" said the Universalist, "or I will finish the quatation on your behalf."
Shame impelled the orthodox minister to continue: "And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shal they cast our devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
"And now, sir," siad the Universalist, "answer me plainly and squarely: Can you do these things? The context declares that the apostles went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and with them, and confirming the word with signs following. I press the question: Can you show these miraculous signs? If you can not, you will be damned according to your own showing, even if you had been baptized a thousand times.
Ater a frief pause, there came this respectful inquiry: "How can it be explained?"
"That, sir, is as much your business as mine," said the Universalist, "yet that was a part of my purpose in the sermon of this evening. You came hither to distract my endeavors and snare me into difficulties. Having failed in your attempt, I recommend you to take a seat and listen candidly to the Universalist exposition of the matter in hand."
I. The discourse we seek to understand, was not addressed to a mixed assembly of Jews and Gentiles, believers and unbelievers, disciples and opposers, but to the eleven-the chosen apostles, being reduced to that number by the falling away of Judas. Christ appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen. Surely this did not sink them into any final condition of damnation, what ever this harsh word, or the original term, may imply.
2. The test does not say, "He who believeth and is baptized in this life shall be saved in the life to come; and he who believeth not in this world, shall be damned in the next."
3. In that age, faith was the essential thing, as it is now; but open baptism by water, probably by immersion, was then the test of sincerity and the condition of discipleship. In that age it was a hazardous, disreputable thing to make a profession of Christianity. I would still be so in a nation or community of Jews, or in heathen lands. Profession of Christianity is popular, here and now, and the force of water baptism, or a test of sincerity is lost.
4. The command topreach the Gospelto every creature, whether rstricted to the eleven, or including other preachers, seems to run parallel with the promise of miraculous signs. Query also, Whether every believer was not included in the wonder working power?
5. Christ said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall be do" (John xiv.12). I am not sure that I rightly interpret the language, but beyond the command to preach the Gospel to every creature, I acknowledge the regenerating influence of Christ's spirit in healing all the maladies and infirmities of the soul, in all ages and in all lands, and amid the solemn mysteries of the world to come.
6. God is the Saviour of all, in his final purpose, and this is the Gospel Commanded to be preached to all nations for the obedience of faith. And he is especially the Saviour of such as believe. I Timothy iv 10, "Whose believeth not, is, in the darkness of condemnation."
Espisiopalian Biotry Versus Christian Courtesy.
At a meeting of the Northwestern Canvention of the Espiscopal Church held in Cleveland, O., week before last, a resolution was passed disapproving the interpolation in the Church services of any prayers other than those found in the Prayer Book; also one strongly condemning the inviting or permitting persons who have not received Episciopal Ordination, to officiate as ministers in any office, or in any of the Espiscopal churches. We know that there are some Episcopal ministers, as well as a few of the Laity, who are quite exclusive in their feelings, and who are disposed to arrogate to themselves exclusively the title of "The Church," but that any considerable number should be found in the Diocese of Ohio, so long under the care of that most Chatholic minister, Bishop McIlvaine, is quite surprising. The resolutions are so contradictory to his spirit and practice, that we deem it as almost an insult to his truly Christian character that such sentiments should be publicly endorsed so soon after his death and before his body had been laid away in its last resting place.
Bishop McIlvaine was a true Episcopalian, yet he was not so tied up to Ritualism that he could not use oral prayer if he thought best, and what a rebuke is administered to the formalists at Cleveland, by the incident which occurred at his death-bed, when he asked Rev. Canon Carus to pray, and on the Canon inquiring if he should use the Prayer Book, the dying Bishop replied: "No, make the prayer yourself." The Prayer Book is a model of devotion in most respects, but the good Bishop often found it convenient and congenial to offer up the warm devotions of his heart to God, without the intervention of printed page and stereotyped modes of the expression. The resolutions of the Cleveland Convention, if enforcedm, will check instead of promoting spirituality like that manifested by Bishop McIlvaine.
The clause in the Bishop's will providing that ministers of other denomination be invited to attend his funeral, is in marked contrast with the spirit of the Cleveland resolutions forbidding any toleration or recognition of ministers of other Churches in Episcopal Churches. Bishop McIlvaine, no doubt, realized from his own experiences the value of courtesies in this direction; for in many places the free use of churches of other denominations was given to him, as he visited the scattered sheep of his flock in places where there were no Episcopal hoouses at worship. We were well pleased to see present at the Bishop's funeral in this city, on last Friday, a large number of the ministers of other Churches who accepted the invitation authorized by the Bishop's will, and that they united in the procession. They testified by this act not only their regard for the memory of the departed veteran of the cross, but also their contempt for the narrow minded utterances of the Cleveland Convention.
We believe in a rigid maintenance of real principles, and admire the men, or class of men who boldly adhere to their convictions of duty, even if their ideas are opposed to our own. But when it comes to the exercise of courtesy the Christian standard is the only permissible one. This Bishop McIlvaine exemplified in all his life, and to the manifestations of his truly evangelical spirit, the Episcopal Church in Ohio owes much ofits present prosperity. And we kindly suggest to his former associate, and now successor, Bishop Bedell, that if he wishes to continue the good work of his lamented predicessor he must condemn all such displays of bigotry as those proposed by the Cleveland Convention. We trust that for the good of true religion he will assume, rather then reject, the mantle of the good man who now rests from his labors.
Will the brethren please report to the Clerk of the Association:
1. Places where laboring;
2. Time given to such point;
3. Number of Churches under care;
4. Number of Sunday Schools;
5. Membership of Churches;
6. Membership of Sunday Schools;
7. Number of of baptisms of adults;
8. Number of baptisms of children;
9. Total baptisms.
Address, Clerk Universalists Ministerial Association Akron, O, care Rev. D. C. Tomlinson.    J. F. Gates, Clerk.
of spirit, which mingle comprehensivness of mind with large-hearted bravery. Who will not say that in the anti-slavery, temperance, sanative, patriotic, and phillanthropic movements of the age, he has not acted a noble part, always and every where? Nor has he ever publicly vacillated or wavered a hair's-breadth from consistency with himself, under any pressure which has been applied. Sometimes inteeligence and fashion have branded his positions with absurdity, and even old friends have stood aloof for a time, their breath abated with astonishment at his sublime self-sacrifice; but his dauntless courage and serentiy of spirit hae challenged and secured the admiration of all, whether friend or foe. And last of all, it has seemed to me that this studious and bold ministry has been crowned by
III. A TENDER PURITY- I do not mean by this, simply, that in character and reputation he was spotless-that no breath of detraction has ever tarnished his influence, or painted a blush on the cheek of his most watchful friend, although that, withal, is no small subject for thanksgiving. But, I mean that his life has been governed by the gighest motives-by simplicity of aim-by unselfish purposes-by singleness of aim; I mean that the moral qualities of his heart and the graces which adorn his character, transcend even his intellectual faculties, and surpass the endowments of his genius. Tender puity, are the words that best express my meaning. A hallowed fire has burned, shedding abroad in his heart a gentle pathos which has made the influence of his spirit hallowing to others. It is this sanctity of purpose which ash so long given the intensity of moral force to his rich diction and opulent thought, moving other hearts by its refinement and life. Often has it stirred and elevated your own moral emotions until they have glowed in the melting love with which he has unfolded the dying Saviour's goodness, and exalted his condescension and glory. Sometimes I have heard him lead your devotions in a prayer, the wrapt tone of which indicated this inward meeting of spirit to be indeed reallylofty and intense. And what a mass of human beings have felt the urgent pressure of his holy aim as it has throbbed through his ministerial office. Statesmen, scientists, journalists, merchants, magistrates and philosophers; as well as the obscure man, the pennyless woman, the houseless child and the wandering stranger. You have felt this sympathic purity flow through your breasts when he has bowed by the couch of your sick and dying ones; or when he has stood by the hier of your dead. When your heart was fluttered and beaten as if it would break with grief, then you have heard his voice calling you back to composure and trust in God, as if its condolent strains were magic and you have firmly brushed away the tear with the folds in the prophet's mantle. His book. "The Crown of Thorns," lays open his whole being in the tender purity of love for the sorrowing, afflection for the crushed and broken by bereavement-just as his other book, "Humanity in the City," lays bare his love for outcast children, his compassion for lost womanhood-his generosity for the pauper, and his desire to adorn the poor man's home with every sanctity, even though it be a garret, a cellar, or a hovel.
I congratulate this congregation, then, on his long continued labors amongst you, and I trust you have not permitted him to wear out his life without other results than those of profitless admiration-that you have not gazed on his brilliancy as on a mere coruscation, but that rather it has lit a lamp to lead you to everlasting life, and that you have been more delighted with the message than the messenger. Great temptations are incident to those who hear the Gospel from men of distinguished ability-temptations to gratify the emagination and exalt the intellect-to the neglect of the searching functions of the conscience and the renovation of the heart. Remember that in his eloquence he has only aimed at your salvation, and if you have heard him invain, yours is an uncommon responsibility. If the echoes of the vocal past are all forgotten on your hearts, I hope that the yet mute, but pregnant eloquence of his future ministry, may awaken you to faith, to repentance and holiness. You can not well afford to lose the benefit of any part of his ministry, past or present. May its tender purityentwine tiself into your whole being. Phidias, the sculptor of antiquity, in executing the elaborate carving of the shield on the statue of Minerva, over the portion of the Acropolis at Athens, so curiously wrought and intertwined his own name with the work, that it could not be obliterated or taken out anywhere without injuring the whole. So let it be with you, in all that tender purity which couches in your pastor's labors for you. Follow him, then in his studiousness, in his fidelity, in his purity, been all that he laid himself out to be in his early ministry? I think that he has.
A large concourse assembled in the body of the church at 8 o'clock, to participate in the social greetings and the ceremony of presentation to which that hour had been devoted. After music, prayer was offered by Rev. L. M. Atwood, and Mr. A. A. Peterson was introduced, who gave a deeply interesting sketch of the Fourth Society, which we regret our space will not allow us to present here.
The formal duty of presenting the testimonial of the parish to their inister, devolved on the Rev. J. M. Pullman. It was the unanimous judgment of those present that the task could not have been committed to more fortunate hands. Mr. Pullman spoke as follows:
I thought I was going to be late. I was detained past the hour by a wedding at myhouse, and I noticed that young people who can not yet have a silver wedding, are very wiling to take up with most any kind of a wedding, and as I hurried along over here, so as not to be late, I was thining what would be a good thing for me to say, but as luck had it, I was not late, and so I have not got the good thing to say, which I should have said if I had been late.
I labor under another embarrassment to-night. I am out of my regular order; I wa put on for the afternoon programme, and a speech that would do for the afternoon won't do for the evening. I have been detached from the regulars. I  have got away from the formal ceremonies of the occassion and have got into the social element. I don't say but what I feel better there; I do; but again, I shall have to ask you to discount my allowance of grace for the good things that you would doubtless have heard if I had made my regular speech this afternoon, and then again, I labor under a third embarrassment. I thought to myself all of the afternoon that we had got a very good thing on Dr. Chapin. You know among the more serious thoughts that crowd in on such an occasion, there must be alwasy a ludicrous side to it, and it was quite funny to think we had a meeting in this Church, and here was minister after minister getting up and talking, and for the first time in the memory of any man, Dr. Chapin was silent. I thought, "now we are having a good time, we have had Chrysostom bound, the goden mouth gagged," and I regarded myself as fortunate among the other fortunate ones that I could say my few words and get no answer. But now since this change has been made and we have come from the regular and formal, into the free and social; the same etiquette that would have seemed to prescribe his saying nothing this afternoon, insist on his saying it tonight, and of all the brethren who said their word and run, I am alone left, so you must pardon me if I drop enheart prompted me to make this afternoon, and I simply join with you in a little congratulation, of which you have heard a great deal well expressed this afternoon, and let me speak out of my heart a word or two that may, perhaps, touch some answering chord in yours.
Of course we have thought of the twenty five years in various points of view. It is a long time, and the twenty five years that are of special interest for us tonight have been unusual years; they have been years in which the battle of human liberty has been fought in this country; they have been years in which we have been leaving axioms and adopting principles as a nation; they have been the formative years, so to speak, of our national character; they have been the years in which we have been slowly learning; and have been obliged to see that not all the masterial splendor that has accompanied the march of civilization on this continent will at all compensate for the loss, or willl take the place that divine fullness of the spirit, that higher life without which the life of any people is a mere sham, sure to fail in some crisis of its history. And so it is no small thing smongst the other things, for one to have stayed in a central pulpit in the Metropolitan City in this great and forming land and civilization, and to have been bold and brave, and God inspired too, through all these years.
There is another thing. We look at this Church, during its twenty five years of outer life; but there is another way of looking at it. You look at it as man sees it, and you look at is as God sees it; as man sees it you have glorified its reocrd this afternoon. It has been successful in all the externalities of its work. As God sees it, Christian friends, I think I may safely say, the sight is still more glorious. I would not rush in blindly where angels fear to tread. I do not wish to strain my words beyond the dictates of strong judgment and good sense; but if we are here for any worthy purpose to night it is to look broadly and squarely upon what its doctrine have produced, and we can not in such a view leave out of sight the condition of the inner life of the Church. jAnd viewed in that relation, your honored and beloved pastor has been the mouth piece of the Holy Spirit, and what has flowed from his lips has been the very voice of God vouchsafed to you; and in the years in which he has stayed in his place and done his work, there has been more in it than has ever appeared on the surface, glorious as that period has been. There has been more involved in this relation than all your admiration and all your affection for him, testify; there has been more than the place accredited to him amonst all who understand the social forces of our land-there has been at work in this organization, and in this happy union between pastor and people-I speak it with all reverence-there has been at work the Spirit of the Lord God, and there is a sense, I doubt not, in which he felt today, and feels tnight that he was simply an instrument honored in being so used. And as he looks back, all the external triumphs of a most successful career faded away from his eyes and he sees only with the eyes of the spirit, somewhat of the working of the Spiritof God that has been done through him; and he looks more eagerly than for any other thing for the hearts that have been really touched, or the convictions that have grown up under his careful husbandry, for the new graces of life that have been developed under his wise rebuke, and his stirring words.
I thought it would be well if I should touch upon this point. Enough has been said and well said about all the rest but one thing has been laid upon me in addition; I do not know why. I onlyknow what I felt proud and glad when the invitation was conveyed to me to make this presentation on the part of the parish. I did feel proud, but I did not know why I was chosen; and among the thoughts that came into my mind was one like this: I know the peculiar characteristics of the parish and of the Church,m and I have no doubt that they have joined, together to get some good thing for their pastor, thinking it no light matter that they should partake of his spiritual things all these years and that if they did he also should partake of their temporal things, and I guess, I said to myself, that they all feel about it just as I have seen a class of school girls feel when they had made up a little bouquet of flowers to present to some favorite teacher, and eager about the work until it was done, when the dreadful question arose "Who should give it?" and they would jump one behind the other, and one would say, "You do it, " and that one woud say, "You do it," and that one woud say, "You do it," and so on. In that rosy and blushing modesty which is so eminently characteristic of them, and with their suberb bashfulness they came to me and said "You do it;" and I am going to do it.
My dear and honored brother-in transferring to you simply as the instrument of the transfer, this ten thousand dollars or more, gathered here as the gift of your firends and those who truly love you, as some sort of a commemoration of this day, I am reminded of other transfers of sums of money that are commonly made amongst men. I remember, and so do all who are here, that there is money passing current in this world, in sums of varying magnitude; the transfer of which, on some occassions involves the integrity of the Legislator, or it may involve sordid considerations - greed or gain - or it may even involve the sanctity of official oaths, or in amny ways such transfers are made amongst men where it must be and must continue to be a sad thing that a transfer has been made and the medium of it is a disgraced in
End of page 4
such a transfer, because it buys and sells such things, and I wa thinking how far different was the transfer of this money. I was thinking how the base and sordid character was transfigured and illuminated by the feelings that bring it to you tonight; and I thought that when you remembered from whence it came, it would represent to you - every dollar of its ten thousand, then thousand good wishes that flowed straight from other hearts to your heart; that it woud represent ten thousand grateful tears from those whom you have comforted and enriched by the power of the spirit that was in your through all these years. I thought that this would reflect itself in your face, and brighten and make your heart glad and warm when you remember that there was no selfishness or sordidness in it but that it came to you bringing to year heart a message. I was simply put forward that they might have access to you and say in a simplest words - for so I take it, they would rather say it - that beyond the power of any words to express they had appreciated your ministry here during these years, they had honored you for your faithfulness, they had loved you for your sympathy. It is ten thousand thanks to you.
It has been said that I was gagged this afternoon. What do you suppose I am tonight? I am gagged all over-mouth and breath and soul, eyes and brains are gagged with the solid and substantial liberality; and nobody can expect me to make a speech now. I only desire to extricate myself. I  don't know exactly who I am or where I am. I have been beaten about the head, and heart today with kindness until I am completely stunned, and now, tonight, I am overwhelmed with this mountain load, so this generous and blessed encumbrance. What can I do? I think silence on my part would be more expressive than any attempt at speech. I feel all that you have said, and all that this conveys, and this people will credit me enough to is not because I lack feeling, but because my heart is full of feelings; because I am choked with the sense of this kindness and this respect. I know that this is indeed an honest testimony. This is no back pay, I am not in need of it. I have been paid amply and generously by this people and it comes from a treasury of hearts richer than all the treasury of the United States-ten thousand times amplified. Every dollar of it is a warm and loving heart beat, and it throbs with vital sympathy and generosity. My friends, the best I can say to you is, that I appreciate it, and feel it, and from my heart of hearts I thank you.
This is called a silver wedding. this is no mere term of playful fancy, it is no mere metaphor. the union of a pastor and his people is in a very deep and real sense, a marriage, a union of sould, resting upon general spiritual convictions, conscious of common needs, aspiring to the same high end, a union of minds in the freedom of truth, seeking for truth, and working for the truth's sake, which is God's sake. A union of hearts joined, wedded, consecrated by all the changeful experiences of life, the joy and the gladness, the mingled emotions that grow out of those experiences-union of equality-for we stand together. We are not priest and people, we are Protestants we are ministers and people working together helpmeets of one another, partakers of a common joy and heirs of a common interest-a union of confidence or any word is weak. Ah, yes, it is well compared to silver for this union, is pure, and precious and strong; silvered by the touch of age, silvered by the falling twilight of years, still clinging steadfast through the vanishing time until, my beloved friends, it shall turn to a golden bond, in that land in which we shall all be transfigured-that marriage festival of sect names, no party names, where, through God's grace and Christ's victory, we shall know one another, not by sectarian symbols, but by the white robe and the palm; where there are no congregations only one congregation; wehre there are no pastors or people, but one great flock and one fold and one Shepherd.
I thank you! May God bless you.
At the conclusion of Dr. Chapin's brief and touching remarks, Mr. Humphreys sang "Consider the Lillies," after which the company adjourned to the banquet in the vestries. An houror more passed in this always agreeable exercise and in the exchange of congratualtions between the pastor's people and their mutual friends, brought the evening's glad festivities to a close.

Our space will hardly allow us to present all the letters of congratulations the occassion called forth. But from among these received we select the following. It will be seen that thelines of sect and party were crossed with great freedom:-
JAMES CUSHING, JR, ESQ., - DEAR SIR:- I am very glad that you intend to celebrate the twenty fifth Annivesary of Dr. Chapin's settlement in New York, and I trust the occasion will be very successful. I shall do myself the honor of presenting my erspects to your pastor on the occasion of the social reception. But I shall not be albe to take part in the public services in the church. This note is sufficient proof that I am not kept away by any want of interest in him, or respect for you and the congregation. I have known your minister for more than thirty years, and my relations with him have always been agreeable and fraternal. We have been in each other's pulpits as Christian brethren, and we have met generally twice a year, at Christmas and at Good Friday.
I respect him as an honest, earnest, laborious, gifted and faithful man, who has done a great work for practical religion in this city and the country at large. He is master of the best books, a careful observer of life, and a straighforward, uncompromising preacher to the men and the times before him.
He has served you long and well, with constant fidelity, and with a power and eloquence unsurpassed, if equalled, by any other preacher of our day. May you prove your gratitude by your works, and try to return to him and to his children some of the fruits of his service.
Allow me to say, that I have taken decided satisfaction in noting the decidedly Christian churchly tone of your minister's writing and preaching; and his constant affirmation that the Gospel and the Church are gifts of God, and not device of men. The lsat sermon I heard from his lips was full of the heart of Christ, and what I say now I said then, in the columns of one of ourmost weighty popular journals.
AS one of his contemporaries and brethren, I commend him to the blessing of God; and I also give him joy, that he has had so much help and heart from you, his people, in the services of the Church and in the business and charities of the congregation.
The evening shadows are lengthening with us, but "they point towards morning."
With thanks for your remembrance,
Yours ever, Sam'l Osgood
FROM I. D. WILLIAMSON, D.D., A Former Pastor of the Fourth Society.
JAMES CUSHING, JR, Esq. - Dear Sir and Brother:- Your kiind letter, in behalf of the Fourth Universlaist Society in New York, came to hand thismorning, and I hasten to reply. I can scarcely imagine anything that would afford me more satisfaction and pleasure than to be present on the Anniversary to which you invite me. The memories of my own pastorate of that Church are sweet and precious; and my intercourse with your beloved pastor has been, since 1840, that of ardent friendship and brotherly love, without one noteof discord to disturb its harmony; and I assure you it would be a joy unspeakable to be there and join in the offering of thanks which I am sure will go up from many grateful hearts for the abundant blessings which the death Father has, for a quarter of a century, vouchsafed both to pastor and people.
But I fear that it can not be. At this present writing the state of my health is such that it would be imprudent and even hazardous for me to undertake the labor and fatigue of so long a journey. It is possible, (Idare not say probable), that the increasing warmth of the season may so far restore me that I can venture trip, in which case I will surely be there. Otherwise, there is nothing that I can do but to acquiesce in the necessity which compelsme to remain at home. You shall know in due season.
I thank my friends and my dear Bro. Chapin for the kind invitation, and I thank you also for the courteous manner of its communication, and remain, as ever,
Yours and theirs in faith and love
New York, April 29, 1873.
JAMES CUSHING, JR., - DEAR SIR:- Your favor of the 24th inst., inviting me to participate in the exercise of the twenty fifth Anniversary of the settlement of Rev. E. H. Chapin, D. D., as pastor of the Fourth Universalist Society, is duly recieved.
Be assured I fully and gratefully appreciate the Christian courtesy of this invitation, and on many accounts it would afford me very great pleasure to be present on that interesting occasion.
Dr. Chapin and myself have stood side by side as personal friends, as advocates of virtue, temperance and human rights, for the past twenty five years. During that time I have received from him many tokens of personal esteem and brotherly kindness. When in a season of unparalleled and protracted suffering and apparently nigh unto death, he came to my bedside and offered fervent prayer, and spoke words of comfort and hope. Since then my heart has been in full sympathy with him. When the twenty fifth anniversary of my own pastorate was near at hand, and I was desirous that it should be celbrated over a chuch entirely free from an oppressive debt, he was among the first and the freest to respong to the call for sympathy and aid, by offering to give one in a course of lectures, which crowned the effort to relieve the burden. So that I exceedingly regret that a previous engagement, out of the city, officially to celbrate the marriage of a friend and parishioner, will utterly prevent me from being with you, and participatingin the services of the occasion.
It only remains for me to congratulate you, as a pastor and people, in view of a union so happy, so freighted with good results, and solong continued, and to pray the kind and blessed Father of us all that it may yet yield richer fruits-a full harvest to the praise and glory of his grace.
Very truly and respectfully,
Boston, May 2, 1873
JAS. CUSHING, JR.- MY DEAR SIR- Your very cordial invitation to me to participate in the celebration, by the Fourth Universalist Society in your city, of the twenty fifth Anniversary of the settlement of Rev. E. H. Chapin, D. D., as its pastor, came duly to hand. I have delayed my answer with the hope that I might see an open door for its acceptance, which, however, I fail to find. But while the presure of home duties will prevent me from sharing in the festivities of the occasion, it will not prevent a most hearty sympathy with their object, nor the tendering of the sincerest congratulations, in view of the auspicious circumstances surrounding you. Without a peer as a pulpit orator, your pastor shares with but one other, I think, the senior pastorate of our entire Church. During this quarter of a century there ahs been a most gratifying revolution in the states of our Church, as well as a most happy softening of the public thought and feeling about us, in all of which Dr. Chapin has been eminently influential.
Old "School Street," with its pastors, sends most cordial greeting, and prays that God's great favor may long be continued to the New York pastor and his flock.
Yours truly,      A. A. MINER.
The moral of the following pithy remarks by the Universalist is by no means limited to the regions round about that paradisse of Ministers, Boston. We, too, often receive letter of inquiry about places for settlements in which the desire is plainly manifested to avoid hard work. Such places can not be found in our denomination near Boston, or any other place.
The letters which come to us from ministers consulting us in regard to settlements, uniformaly adding, "I would like a situation in some Society near Boston," have recently piled up in our drawer to an extent literally alarming. Hardly a week passes that does not sensibly increase the list. A single mail on Tuesday, April 8th, brought three letters each saying in substance, "I would like to be near Boston."
The brethren who have communicated with us will not take it unkindly that we make the genral request the theme of a few reflections. They will take our pledge that in every case the letter is treated as strictly confidential, alike in converstation and in print. Very likely any one would be surprised if he knew that so many were seeking the same identical parish, the same "nearness to Boston." And then they will appreciate the unpleasant task imposed upon us in replying to so many requests, where we must repeat the same particulars, always being compelled to add - where there are ten supplies there is hardly one call -  a moderate statement of the situation . And then we are reluctant to say in any one, what we will here say to all, that our Massachusetts brethren, particularly those "near Boston," are in most instances shy of ministers who are suspected of seeking them. On thispoint there is a sensitiveness here which we have never seen in any other region. In this they may be wise or not wise, but the fact must be accepted as part of the situation. Of course this state of ministerial competition for nearness to Boston, will soon work its case. Of the ten, the nine are necessarily destined to suffer disappointment; and in time demand and suppy will get adjusted in this as in other matters. But the flow Boston ward is at the present time with out any precedent. In the very anxiety of friendship we give the warning. Look not for this nearness to Boston. Of the ten who heed our admonition, the nine will escape some disappointment. Unwillingly we put these words in print. But the extraordinary emergency would make it culpable in us did we through any weak delicacy hesitate.
It is the simple truth that of those who in any capacity serve the Church in or near Boston-whether as pastor, editor or publisher-very few are here because they sought the position. For ourselves we can not feel that it is any impropiety to write in Boston the warning not to seek-at least not to make confident calculations upon-a post of duty in or near our city.
And then, dear brethren, that serious quesiton, What has become of that iin the lack of which every Church must wither, the Missionary Spirit? We hasten to explain, that our question is not "pointed" so far as regards many of our correspondents. Amont those who now so pile in letters upon us, many have a glorious missionary record-have done a lion's share of pioneer work, and nmight now, with approving conscience, rest a little from their hard toil of the missionary, seeking the not less hard but different toil in the well established historic parish. And we know that they will not only appreciate the spirit of our inquiry, but will thank us for pressing it: Where now is that very blood of the Church body, the Missionary Spirit?
Of course our old Churches must have pastors. And the minister, young or old, with experience or without, who is called directly to pastoral work in a Church having established ways and assured prosperity, may see his duty in prompt acceptance. But woe for the Church when the candidate for our ministry thinks only of a cosy place, in an established parish, always in or near a metropolitan city.
We sometimes fear that our leading brethren have not been sufficiently frank in urgin upon young men the ministerial profession; that they have failed toimpress the fact that the faithful minister's life is one of hardship, of self sacrifice, of frequent and distressing disappointment. The Garibaldi cry, "Come to hardship, wounds, and death!"-going at oncenot to the love of ease, but to the manhood-will yet be the call that shall fill our ministerial army. And to the most faithful enunciation of difficulties, it may in thruth and earnestness be added: the consecrated minister's life is oneof unutterable joy.
Let us not deal with our young men as pampered children. Away with tempting sweetmeats. Let us not forget that they have souls and that the honest word will reach it. The "field" is not the easy running parish where salaries are fixed, and raised without difficulty; the field is not confined to "near Boston"-in easy access to metroplitan attractions; the field is the world-a world not to be accepted, but to be conquered, with parishes to be established. The reward is sure; it may not be a full larder, a troop of admirers, an applauding public; it may be privation; it may be martyrdom. But the reward is real-if a cross, it is a cross that brings the crown.
Rev. G. W. Bricknell, of Portland, is to supply the South Windham pulpit on Sunday afternoons, during the summer. - Sister Fanny W. Roberts has commenced her labors as pastor of our Society in Kittery, at a salary of $800 per year. - Rev. S. S. Davis, pastor for the last year of our Society at Mechanics' Falls, has closed his labors there.
Rev. S. S. Fletcher, our pastor at Waterbury, reports favorably in the Banner, concerning our cause in that city. Arrangements have been made by the ladies to raise the debt from the Church, the gentlemen meanwhile paying current expenses. The Sunday School recently netted from two entertainments over $150.-Mrs. Hetty Cook, who died at Long Ridge, April 19, in her seventy fifth year, left $700 to our Society in the place, the income of which is to aid in sustaining preaching.  
Rev. S. L. Beal has accepted a call from the Society in Provincetown. - The Stoughton parish has completed its quota of $200 for the State Convention fund. - Services are to be resumed at Bernardston after a suspenstion of several months. - The twenty fifth anniversary of Rev. Dr. Miner's settlement with the second Universalist Society of Boston was appropriately commemorated May 4.
Rev. S. R. Ward has removed from Richfield Springs to Syracuse. - The Fourth Universalist Society of New york City, celbrated May 7, the twenty fifth anniversary of Rev. E. H. Chapin's pastorate. In the afternoon addresses by former pastors and others were delivered, interspersed with appropriate music. In the eveing there was a social gathering. Dr. Chapin was called to the Fourth Society from the School Street Church, Boston, where he was assistant pastor with Father Ballou. He was succeeded there by Rev. A. A. Miner, whose "silver wedding" with that Church was celebrated May 4. Dr. Chapin and wife will spend this summer in Europe, which will be a very pleasant and appropriate "silver wedding" bridal tour, and entirely in keeping with the magnificent present of ten thousand dollars from his admiring congregation.
Rev. E. Hathaway, of Hightstown, on returning from a drive April 24, found that his parishioners had broken into his house, and were prepared togive him a warm reception. A pleasant time was enjoyed, and in addition to a number of beautiful presents for Mrs. Hathaway, Bro. Hathaway found hiself the gainer by occasion of $112. Four members were received into the Hightstown parish on Easter Sunday by baptism.
Rev. A. Willson writes under date of may 6, as follows:
"Last Sunday I began my eigth year's work in Brimfield and Kent. Past efforts have been blessed with merited success, and the future is ful of promise. Within a few months nineteen persons have been added to the Brimfield Church, and twelve to the Church in Kent. Both Churches are truly alive, and before them is a golden opportunity for successful labor." We congratulate Bro. Willson upon hislong and successful pastorate, and hope that it may continue yet many years.
To the Editors of the Star in the West:
All the favored readers of your excellent religious and family paper, are interested to learn the status and propects of our Churches in every locality. Hence encouraging news from Hamilton may serve to stimulate friends who have long labored and hope for a better day elsewhere.
Hamilton forms no exception to the present tendency of readers and thinkers to skepticism. The number and arrogance of those who assume culture, look grave and sneer at the mention of inspiration; who substiturre law for the name of God (as if law can be a force without a make and an executor) are everywhere soprominent as to deserve and should receive due attention from all our clergymen who are ready to be witnesses of the hope that is within them.
Impressed with the necessity of eliciting a new and better channel of thought, our pastor, Rev. Wm. Tucker, is preaching a series of sermons which attract grerat interest here. Our congregations have increased every Sabbath, until our house is filled with candid and attentive listeners, who generally express their gratification for his able, logical and eloquent presentation of subjects in which all are deeply interested.
Enclosed, please find only a brief synopsis of one of the two delivered last Sunday. It expresses but a slight impression of what was felt by the audience favored with hearing the preacher. I do this without the knowledge of Bro. Tucker, in the interest of the public, to turn the mind into a healthier channel of moral thought.   S. H. Potter.
[We hope to find a place for the synopsis of Mr. Tucker's discourse thereafter. -ED.]
Lafayette.-Bro. G. Rogers, of Lafayette writes: "We are still having very good meetings and the interest in our cause is gradually increasing under the administration of our pastor, Bro. Guthrie. We had an accession to our Church of six members, May 4."
Rev. J. H. Farnsworth, late of Springfield, Vt, began his labors as pastor of our Society at Des Moines, May 4. Under his judicious labors we trust that our cause in the capital of Iowa may be established upon a firm foundation.
Rev. D. M. Reed has been invited to resume his labors at Rockford, and holds the subject under consideration.-The Woman's Centenary Committee of Illinois makes an urgent appeal for funds to build a boarding hall for ladies at Lombard University.-The Sunday School fo Murray Chapel is in a flourishing condition, and promises to aid much in the firm establishment of the Church in that part of Chicago.-The Sunday School of the Church of the Redeemer, Chicago, had an entertainment recently which afforded much satisfaction to all present.-Rev. W. J. Crowley of Alstead, N. H., is to spend a month with our Society in Urbana, beginning May 18.
We aim to credit this week on the "yellow slip" all money received on account of the STAR IN THE WEST, up to April 25. We request, as a special favor, to be advised of any failure to show the proper credit for moenty remitted previous to the date. Crdits for subsequent remittances will appear in due season.
Wednesday evening, April 30th, at the residence of James Stanley, Esq., near Logansport, Ind., by Rev. P. R. Kendall, Mr. Alonzo Bramfield, of Connersville, and Miss Rebbeca Caroline Stanley.
At the bride's father's, W. P. Sandford, by this Rev. N. Crary, Mr. Frank Bostater, to Miss Kate Sanford, both of Defiance County and State of Ohio.
In Jackson Township, Hancock County, Ind., November the 12th, 1872, Esther, daughter of Anania and Jane Conklin, in the 10th year of her age. Thus in the short space of seven months Death has claimed for its victims two lovely daughters, and has made the home of brother and sister Conklin sad and lonely. They have but one child left-a dear little boy of three summers; but they know that the separation is not eternal; but the time will come when they will be again united forever. Never did we know two children so much attached to each other as Elvira and Esther Conklin were. It seems that it was the will of our Heavenly Father that they should not be parted. So hetook them both with him to dwell forever more.  W, R. Williams
Of Erysipelas, near Pendleton, Ind., on Sunday, April 13th, after a lingering illness, B. F. Darluyton. He leaves a family and large cilrcle of friends to mourn his loss.

Is four miles from Boston, and is unsurpassed in beauty and situation. It presents eighteen instrcutions, three courses of study, four, three and two years, respectively, and a theological department. It is more favorable to students, in charges and pecuniary aid, than any other New England College with equal facilities. For Catalogue address Prof. William R. Shipman, Sec'y, College Hill, Mass.
The next annual session of the Ohio Universalists Convention will be held at Akron, Summit Co., O., commencing at 7 o'clock P.M., Thursday, May 29, in the College Chapel, and continueing over the following Sunday. Preacher of the Occassional Sermon - Rev. H. D. L. Webster; Rev. N. A. Saxton, alternate. Parishes in the States will take notice that delegates to this Convention are to be appointed by the pairshes instead of by the association as toherefore, and that the By Laws require that certficates of such appointments sshall be given by the clerk or parish secretary. without such certificate delegates can not be admitted to the Convention. Each Society is entitled to two delegates.
E. L. Rexford, Pres.
J. F. Gates, Sec.
All persons intending to attend the coming session of the Ohio State Convention, are requested to immediately forward their names, and cards containing names and address of person furnishing entertainment will be returned in due season. Efforts will be made to provide good homes for all who will apply in due season.
Address with stamp enclosed,
Rev. D. C. Tomlinson, Akron, O.
The Pennsylvania Universalists Convention will meet in annual session in the Universalist Church in Titusville, Crawford County, on Wednesday June 4, 1873, at 9 o'clock A. M., for the choice of officers and the transaction of business. The Convention is composed:
1. Of all ordeained Universalist clergymen residing in the State, duly admitted to its fellowship, and actively engagedm, unless disabled by sickness or old age in the work of the ministry.
2. Of the officers of the Convention.
3. Of five Lay Delegates from each parish in fellowship. 
Giles Bailey, Secretary
The parish in Titusville desires a large and profitable Convention and most cordially invites the attendance of Universalists throughout the State, and all friends generally. A Committee of Reception will be at the trains, and one also at the Church, corner of Main and Perry Streets, where friends will convene to receive directions for entertainment. Ministers, delegates and friends are requested to make known their intention of attending the convention by writing the Clerk of the Reception Committee as soon as possible. Entertainment will be assigned in the order names are received; but no cards will be sent by mail.
THE CELEBRATION of the 50th anniversary of the organization of the first Universalists Church in Belpre, Washington County, O., will take place on the fourth Sunday in May. Services commencing at 11 o'clock A. M.  All persons who now are, or who ever have been members of this Church, are especially invited to be present. J. W. McMaster.
ANNUAL MEETING - The annual meeting of the Michigan Central Association will be held in Fenton, Genessee County, Wednesday and Thursday June 11-12.
Brethren, this is our yearly feast. Shall we not come up as of old the multitudes went up to Jerusalem. Let every Church, Parish and Sunday School, and also every nieghborhood where we have preaching, be fully respresnted. The Fenton parish send you all a hearty welcome. Do not fail to come, and the meeting will be long remembered for the blessing it shall bring. Per Order.
THE HURON ASSOCIATION - The annual session of the Huron Association will be held at Margaretta, Erie County, on the third Saturday and following Sunday (17th and 18th) of May. Service to commence each day at 10 1/2 o'clock A. M. The Churches and Societies will please send their delegates and statstics. Friends coming on the C. S. & C. R. R. to attend the Association will be met at Castalia with conveyances on Saturday at 9 A. M. and 5 P. M.
H. Bromley, Standing Clerk.
OHIO UNIVERSALIST MINISTRERIAL ASSOCIATION will hold its next annual meeting at Akron, O., commencing on Wednesday evening, May 28, at 7 1/2 o'clock. The first exercise will be the Occasional Sermon, by Rev. N. S. Sage, of Lodi, O.           J. F. Gates, Sec.
The Chautauqua Association of Universalists will meet in Ripley, N. Y., on the Lake Shore Railroad, about twenty miles east of Erie, Pa., on the first Wednesday and Thursday in June next.    I. George, Clerk.
THE SCIOTO ASSOCIATION will convene at the Universalist church two and a half miles north west of Sinking Springs, Highland Co., O., on the Friday before the fourth Sunday in May, and continue over Sunday. Come, brethren and sisters, to this our annual gospel feast.
Jacob Tener, Clerk.
notice and appointments intended for this column, must reach us by the Saturday morning previous to the date of publication. It is also desireable that those forwarding them remember that our space is valuable and taht two or three insertions are sufficient.
Rev. J. S. Cantwell will preach-May 18-Goshen, O.
Rev. D. C. Tomlinson will preach-May 18-Mansfield, O.
Rev. J. W. Henley will preach-may 25-Montgomery, 11 a.m.; Childrens Sunday Concert 8 p.m.
Rev. J. W. Eldridge will preach-
May 18-Dayton, Ind., usual hours.
May 23-Clymer's Station, Ind., 7 1/2 p.m.
May 25-Arrasmith's School House, 10 1/2 a. m. and 3 1/2 p. m.
June 1- Dayton, Ind., usual hours
June 8-Lybrook's School House, 10 1/2 a.m. and 4 p.m.
June 15-Dayton, Ind., usual hours.
Rev. M. G. Mitchell will preach-
May 18-Oakland Ind.
May 19-Boyd's School House, Ind.
May 25-Brooklyn, Morgan Co., Ind.
Rev J. D. H. Corwine will preach-
May 17, 18-Mt. Carmel, Ky.
May 25-Jeffesonville, O.
Rev. S. Binns will preach-
May 18-Tontogany, O., 11 a.m.
May 25-Royalton, O., 11 a.m.
May 25-Ridge, Mich., 3 p.m.
Rev. L. F. W. Andrews will preach-
3d and 4th Sabbaths in May-Minden, La.
Rev. I. B. Grandy will preach-
May 18-Boone county Church, Ky., Basket Meeting.
May 25-Vevay, Ind.
Rev. N. A. Saxton will preach-
May 17-Cuba, 7 p.m.
May 18-Cuba, 11 a.m.
May 18-Farmer's Station, 7 p.m.
May 25-Blanchester, O., 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
May 25-Edwardsville, 2 1/2 p.m.
Rev. R. T. Polk will preach-
May 18-Union, Ind., 3 1/2 p.m.
Rev. W. S. Bacon will preach-
May 18-North Vernon, Ind., evening
May 25-Funeral Sermon (Mrs. Geo. W. Whipple) about ten miles south of Greensburg, Ind., in Hoseshoe Bend, United Brethren Church, 11 a.m.  Bro. Thos. H. Johnson will supply at Mt. Carmel, O., same hour.
How shall I make a living? Where shall I go to for bread for my family? What shall I do? Dull times have thrown meout of employment, and I am suffereing fro something to do. Many and many a time do we hear something like the above from young and old out of employment and out of money. Can anything be so sad? But when a relief is offered, and work and good pay can be found, our sympathy vanishes. In a large double column advertisement, in another part of the paper, Mr. M. M. Tilton offers a new system for selling an old and well tried family medicine, called the Wonder of the World, loaded with testimonials of its healing qualities. His plan is to give, without charge, exclusive right for certain territory, in which the person in such shall have entire right and privilege to sell the Wonder of the World. He also offers a plan by which any person in such territorycan have and use the Wonder of the World free, and thus teet this great remedy without price and see and know for themselves that it is all that is claimed for it. those in need of work can see in the big advertivement in another place that he offers a large margin for profits, and an easy method for securing the profit. Mr. Tilton, who is thoroughly honoest and reliable, should be lauded for his liverality as well as for his genius in presenting to the world his great rememdy, and in a way that brings it tothe door of every one. Write to him, get terms and go to work; and do yourself and all others a lasting benefit and blessing.
THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY sold during the month of April, 1873; 11.471 acres of land, at na average price of $4.92 per acre, amounting to $54,466.00. Sales averaged 91 acres to each purchaser. Total sales to May 1, 1873, 714,908 acres at an average price of $4.28 per acre, amounting to $3,064,877.00. This company has a land grant of 12,000,0000 acres, lying on each side of the track, and extending throughone State and three Territories. 3,000,000 acres of choice farming lands on the first 300 miles of the road, in the State of Nebraska, are now for sale at very low prices, on ten years time with interest at six per cent-no interest is required in advance. A discount of ten per cent, is allowed, when full payments is made in cash at the time of purchase.
Do not be deceived. CABLESCREW WIRE Boots and Shoes are the cheapest, safest driest and most druable ever worn. Try them. All bear the Patent Stamp.
The Atlantic Cable is a naticual benefit; so are SILVER TIPPED Shoes for children. Never wear through at the toe. Try them. For Sale by all Dealers!
It is the duty of every true woman to look as beautiful as she can. It is her duty to brighten and gladden the world with her loveliness. If nature has denied them this power, it can be remedied by the use of a perfectly harmless beautifer of the skin know as Geo. W. Laird's "Bloom of Youth" which will remove all discolorations, tan, freckles, sunburns, and other cutanuous diseases from the skin, leaving it delicate, soft smooth, clear and perfectly beautiful. Sold by all druggist everywhere.
"WHITTLESEY" at the "turn of life"
If you want a most valuable treatise on health, and a thorough exposure of the medical frauds and practices of the day, as well as a scathing rebuke of the quackery commonly supposed to be medical skill, do not fall to read "Saving Sense," the health publication of our friend, H. M. Alcott, 51 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O. This book is mailed to any address on receipt of postal money order, for one dollar, and should be in every house in the land.
For Dyspepsia and Nenralgia
For four years past Ihave had the Syspepsia, very bad. Vomiting up my food nearly every meal, with much pain and distress in my stomach, and could get very little sleep nights. I also had distrssing attacks of Sick Headache two or three times a week which at the time made it impossible for me to attend to my business. I was induced to try your "King of the Blood." In my case the benefit was very striking and prompt. The pain and distress inmy stomach were entirely relieved, vomiting ceased, have had no attack of headache since I sommenced taking the medicine, and I sleep well nights, my bowels are now regular, having been costive before. I have now taken two bottles, and my health appears to be fully restored. I desire to add that my wife was much troubled with Salt Rheum, which the "King of the Blood" has entirely cured.
Benjamin C. Thompson
Frankfort Hill, N. Y.
See advertisement in another column.
Dr. L. F. Faulkner, of Champaign, Ill. says: "I have been selling Kress Fever Tonic for several years past, under a warrant to cure, and have had but one instance of failure. From what I see of its action I believe it will cure in ninety nine cases in every hundred. Such testimonials as this certainly indicate merit in this ague medicine. the propietors warrant it to cure ague. W. C. Hamilton & Co., Proprietors, Cincinnati, O.

A Cloud of Locusts
In an instant the enormous cloud which overshadowed them settled on the ground. Nothing could be seen as far as the horizon but the thickening mass. The camp was bestrewed, wagons and tents alike were vailed beneath the living hail. The Englishmen, moving knee deep in the insects, crushed them by hundreds at every step. Although there was no lack of agencies at work for their destruction, their aggregate defied all check. The birds, with hoarse cries, darted down from above, and devoured them greedily; from below, the snakes consumed them in large quantities; the horses, buffaloes, mules and dogs fed on them with great relish; and lions and hyenas, elephants and rhinoserouses, swallowed them down by bushels. The very Boshjesman welcomed these "shrimps of the air" like celestial manna; the insects even preyed on each other, but their numbers still resisted all sources of destruction. The bushman entreated the English to taste the dainty. Thousands of young locasts, of a green color, an inch to an inch and a half long, and about as thick as a quill, were caught. Before they have depostied their eggs, they are considered a great delicacy by connoisseurs, and are more tender than the old insects, which of are a yellowish tinge, and sometimes measure four inches in length.
After half an hour's boiling and seasoning with salt, pepper and vinegar, the bushman served up a tempting dish tothe three Englishmen. The insects, dismembered of heads, legs and skin, were eaten just like shrimps, and were found extremely savory. Sir Johnm, who ate some hundreds recommendedhis people to take advantage of the opportunity to make a large provision. At night they were all about to seek their usual beds; but the interior of the wagons had not escaped the invasion. It was impossible to enter without crushing the locusts, and to sleep under such conditions was not an agreeable propects. Accordingly, as the night was clear and the stars were bright, the contmplated operations, and deemed it more pleasant than burying themselves to the neck in a coverlet of locusts. Moreover, they would not have had a momen's sleep, on account of the howling of the beasts which were attracted by their unusual prey.
The next day the sun rose in a clear horizon, and commenced its course over a brilliant sky, forboding heat. A dull rustling of scales among the locust showed that they were about to carry their devastations elsewhere; and toward eight o'clock the mass rose like the unfruling of an immense veil, and obscured the sun. It grew dusk as if night were returning, and with the freshening of the wind the whole mass was in motion. For two hours, with a deafening noise, the cloud passed over the darkened camp, and disappeared beyond the western horizon. After their departure the bushman's predictions were found to be entirely realized. All was demolished, and the soil wa brown and bare. Every branch was stripped to utter nakedness. It was like a sudden winter setting in and hight of summer, or like the dropping of a desert into the midst of a land of plenty. The Oriental proverb which describes the devasting fury of the Oamanlis might be justly applied in these locusts, "Where the Turk has passed, the grass springs up no more." - Adventures in South Africa.
Acorrespondent of the Boston Post relates that among the noteworthy things of the woods and parks of Versailles which are remarked by visitors is a find old crow, who is more than usually interesting, from the fact that he was crow in ordinary to Queen Marie Antoinette. That is to say, that he was one of her great favorites, and followed her about like a dog. This worthy old relic of the old regime usually requented the trees and lawns of the petit Trianon, and can be easily observed, as be allows himself to be appraoched, and picks up with pleasure the crumbs that are thrown him. His story is a curious one, and is told as follows by an old requenter of the woods of Trianon: One fine morning in themonth of October, 1785, Marie Antoinette was at the window of her boudoir, opening on the fine lawn that stretches on the east of the Petit Trianon. The Queen had a biscuit in her hand which she steeped in a cup of milk, when a crow came upon the window ledge, beating his wings as though applying for food. The Queen, though rather alarmed by the bird of sinister omen, willingly gave him the remainder of her biscuit, and then, pensive, shut the window of her boudoir. At breakfast Marie Antoinette related to the king of the incident of the morning, and made her royal husband shre the painful impression which the visit of the crow had produced upon her. The following morning the same scene between the Queen and the crow took place. The bird became so attached to her majesty that, when, in her white morning dress, with a simple straw hat on her head, she went to the Hameau to visit her sheep or to fish in the lake, she was followed by the faithful bird, who flew from tree to tree, and only left her when she re entered the palace. From 1789 the bird was seen no more, but when in 1810, the Empress Marie Louise came to occupy the pavilion, she was fond of breakfasting on the island, under the shelter of the little temple, and she one day remarked a crow that kept constantly hovering over the little building, and cawed loudly as if wishing for a share of the repast; it was the crow of Marie Antoinette.
The incident was told to Napoleon, who being rather superstitous, expressed the wish that Marie Louise should leave Trianon, which she hastened to do. But in 1814 the same princess returned to Trianon after the dethronement of Napoleon, and on the 19th of April had an interview with the Emperor of Austria in this residence. The Empress was walking with her father in the winding alleys of the park, and after a few turns both sat down on a stone bench near the little bridge leading to the island. The princess was thinking of the happy days ___ passed there a few years before, and took pleasure in relating them to her father, when suddenly a formidable "caw! caw!" was heard close to her ears. They looked and saw a bird flying from the thickeet behind them. Marie Louise uttered a cry of terror, for she had recognized the crow of 1810. The legendary bird has not forsaken the trees and the lawns of Trianon. The gardener and the servants of the palace are most attentive to the wants of the old pensioner, provide it with food in abundance, and relate its wonderful story to visitors.
Some of the lizards found in the extreme south are very deadly, especially one, undefined as yet, found int he mountains adjacent to Tejon, and of which the author has forwarded several specimens to the Smithsonian Institute. It is straw colored, heavily built, in length about ten inches, head scarlet and black, tail very short and thich yellow ribbed with black. Good speicmens weigh a pound. The tongue is forked like those of a serpent, and the fangs are very long and thick. They are courageous fellows, never running for man, and when suddenly come upon will band themselves in a semicircle, give vent to a loud, angry hiss, and bid defiance to the intruder. Should a person approach near enough, they will give an active spring upward and strike the fangs sharply and deeply. The writer's dog was struck by one while hunting specimens, and died in half an hour, despite the bitten part being cut out. Five or six other lizards in that section are venomous, but not to such a degree as the one above mentioned. -Alta California.
TALE OF A DYING LOBSTER.-It must be provoking (says the London Echo), even to the followers of Mr. Darwin, to reflect that there are smany animals from which they might have been descended, with much greater advantage, than the griddy ape. Why, for instance, instead of evolving themselves from that desultory of illogical beast, could they not have sprung from the single minded lobster? The tenacity of purpose, and practical grasp of a subjec possessed by that crustacean would have been men of one idea, instead of being, as a general rule, "everything by turns, and nothing long." Such reflections are suggested by an account of the spirited conduct of a dying lobster, which lately appeared in the French papers. A gentleman, strolling through the fish market in Paris, stopped before one of the marble slabs, covered with splendid fish, and taking up a lobster which sought refuge in insensibility, remarked that it was dead. To make his assertion, he thrust his dog's tail between the claws of the animal. The expiring lobster was recalled to consciousness by this measure, and, true to its nature, closed them on the intrusive tail with a vigorous snap. Away rushed the dog, dragging the lobster after him, and leaving the discomfited author of the experiment to settle accounts with the fishmonger.
CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, ETC.-Hegemans Genuine Cod Liver Oil.-Our Cod Liver Oil is warranted pure NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It has stood the test of over twenty years experiencem, and can be relied on in every particular. Manufactured by Hegeman & Co. Chemists and Druggists, New York, and sold by all druggists.
THE DAILY GRAPHIC is the title of a newspaper, purblished in New York, which is achieving the most remarkable jounalistic success ever chronicled. It is an eith page evening apper (three editions daily), elegantly printed and conducted by the able_t editorial talent attainable.
As a newspaper THE DAILY GRAPHIC stands in the first rank, and contains regularly.
Its great feature consists in the fact that it is not only a newspaper, but an illustrated newspaper as well. Four of its pages are filled with choice reading matter telegrams, editorials, general and local news, items, gossip, and correspondences on the freebest and most interesting topics. The remaining four pages consist of SPLENDID ILLUSTRATIONS executed in the most faultless and artistic style, and portraying accurately and fully all leading avents within, twenty four hours after their occurrence. Those who have made journaism a study, and fully appreciate the great enterprise manifested in the collection and publication of news by the aid of the telegraph, steam presses, and the development of journalistic talent, have been fond of advancing the theory that the next advance in that field would result in a newspaper furnishing in its regular issues pictureso f all current prominent events. That theory is a theory no longer the newspaper of the future is the Graphic. The processes which render this marvelious acheivement in existing fact are the result of the most careful study and an endless variety of experiments, gradually perfected during the past twelve years They depend upon improvements in lithography and the application of the photographcamera. By their aid a picture is engraved and made ready to print in from 2 minutes to 2 hours. Costly and elaborate plates, works of art, scenes of interest, are reproduced and pictured forth with equal facility and the most scruputious fidelity. Illustrations of leading events are engraved and prepared for the press even before accompanying written narrative, or description leaves the hands of the compositor.
In the great work of ilustrating the events of the day an extensive corps of the best known and most accomplished artists are constantly engaged. The Daily Graphic aims to be in the strictest sinse a newspaper. Striving always to be just and truthful, it discusses all quesitons independently and impartially. It is not the organ of any party, sect or creed.  It is always high toned, and contains nothing to offend any taste. Its contents give it animmense advantage over the "old fashioned" papers. The annual subscription gets A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE YEAR. A volume of twenty four hundred pages, constituting a valuable record of events and a graphic panoramam of our time and progress. It possesses not merely a local interest, but is a paper for every reader of the language. It is, emphatically, THE PAPER FOR THE HOUSEHOLD.  Terms, $12 per year or, $3 for three months. Address THE DAILY GRAPHIC 30 and 41 Park Place, New York City.

The Editor of THE GUIDING STAR, MRS. C. A. SOULE. Is one of the best writers in this country for Children, and she has to aid her in furnishing articles for the columns of THE GUIDING STAR several ladies and gentlemen of marked ability. The contents of each number are carefully prepared, and not a line is permitted to enter that does not convey good in some way.
Now is a favorable time to FORM NEW CLUBS. SPECIMEN COPIES Will be sent free to any address. THE GUIDING STAR IS PUBLISHED SEMI MONTHLY, At the following reasonable terms payable in advance:
Single Copy........................... 75 cents
In Clubs of ten or more ........... 50 cents
Williamson & Cantwell Publishing Co., 115 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
SUNSHINE THE NEW SUNDAY SCHOOOL SINGING BOOK, By P. P. Bliss For 1873, Now Ready Close to the Bible. Close to the heart. Close to the musical and religious needs of the Sunday School. SUNSHINE! CONTAINS GREAT VARIETY! DEEP FEELING! INTENSE MELODIES! Responsive Scripture readings, with many songs.
Illustrating! Enforcing! Inviting!  A novelty for every Christian warker. Hymns and tunes taht never "wear out" for family worship and prayer meeting. A few pages of practice and pieces suitable for Saturday afternoon and concert occasions.
A single specimen copy of SUNSHINE Sent by mail on receipt of 30 cents by the publishers. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati, O.
FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS Those in search of new music for their Sunday Schools, will do well to examine our new book THE WELCOME By J. M. Kieffer, (author of the Pearl) before making their selection.
THE WELCOME supasses all other similair owrks in its great variety of Choice Sunday School Songs and fine collection of new Hymns and chants. Among the contributors to THE WELCOME are Rev. A. Graley, T. C. O'Kane, C. Gallen, W. T. Rogers, W. W. Bentley, Frank M. Davis, Jas. R. Murray, and a host of others.
Send 25 cents for specimen copy. Price in beards 25 cents-$3.60 per dozen. $36 per hundred. S. BRAINARD'S SONS, Cleveland, O.
THE SUPERIOR WEBER Is the Choice of all Eminent Artists  Johann Strauss says to Mr. Weber: "I assure you I have never yet seen any Pianos which equal yours." He bought an upright Piano from Mr. Weber, and took it home with him to Vienna, for his own use. Comment is unnecessary. These Pianos are found only at the ware rooms of JOHN CHURCH & CO 56 West Fourth Street.
Largest Organ Establishment in the World. 7 Extensive Factories J. ESTEY & COMPANY, Brattleboro, Vt., U.S.A THE CELBRATED ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS. The latest and best improvements. Everything that is new and novel. The leading improvements in Organ were introducedfirst in this establishment. ESTABLISHED 1846. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE.
Those Noble DECKER BROTHERS' Pianos are exciting the stonisment of all who hear them. Amateurs and Professional Musicians unite in testifying to their great superiority. Send for circulars. D. H. BALDWIN 158 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O.
1. It contains notes on the entire New Testament in one volume. In the Home and the Sunday School can it, therefore, always be used without trouble.
2. Dr. Cobb was one of the most thorough and realiable theologians in the Univeralist denomination, and this work is uninversally acknowledged to be superior.
3. Being comprised in a single volume, the expense is comparatively small. It is just the book for the Home, the Bible Class or the Sabbath School.

Never Satisfied
A man in his carriage was riding along,
A gaily dressed wife by his side;
In satin and lace she looked like a queen.
And he like a king in his pride.
A woodsayer stood in the street as they passed;
The carriage and couple he eyed,
And said as he worked with a saw on a log;
"I wish I was rich and could ride."
The man in the carriage marked to his wife,
"One thing I would give if I could,
I'd give all my wealth for the strength and the health
Of the man who is sawing the wood."
A pretty young maid with a bundle of work,
Whose face as the morning was fair,
Went tripping along with a smile of delight,
While humming a love breathing air.
She looked in the carriage-the lady she saw,
Arrayed in apparel so fine-
And said in a whisper "I wish in my heart
Those satins and laces were mine."
The lady looked out on themaid with the work,
So fair in her calico dress,
And said, "I'd relinquish position and wealth,
Her beauty and youth to posses."
Thus it is with the world; whatever our lot,
Our mind and our times  we employ,
In longing and sighing for what we have not-
Ungrateful for what we enjoy.
"how to make farming more attractive, so as to keep the young people of the country more generally on the paternal acres," is the question which is forcing itself upon the people of our small rural towns, and he who will furnish a true answer to it will help to stay the tide of emigraton from the old homestead to our business contres.
First of all, the minds of young men should be disabused of their false ideas as to the gentility of the farmer's occupation. It is one of the most honorable of callings. It was man's original work to till to soil. Also it is truly ennobling. It brings him right into communion with nature. There is something exhilarating in seeing themorning sun gild the horizon and fill the landscapewith glory; and breathing the fresh air of the hills; and beholding everything revived by the presence of the sun. It lifts up the mind from earth to heaven, and fills it with pure thoughts. Through the day, the tiller of the field has for his companions sunshine, bright clouds, and sweet sephyrs whisper in his ears. It is not a few patches of sky that we see in the country, but each man can look upon the whole heaven; indeed, philosophers tell us that each one has his own horizon, which changes with every step he takes.
Then there is something ennobling in subduing the soil and making it minister to our comfort. It may be covered with tough hogs, or overrun with briers and weeds, or be a cold, moist swamp, but the skill of the farmer brings it under cultivations, and makes it yield precious grain and the most luscious fruits. I wonder not that an old man lingers upon the place which he has subdued,m and is reluctant to leave the farm in his old age, where his own labor has wrought great changes. In a very important sense the grass grows and the corn springs up where the farmer bids it, and the grain waes where he chooses to scatter it. The trees lift up their heads where he sets them, and roses bloom where he plants them.
The care and the management of the animals of the farm, too, ennoble one. How large I used to feel in driving the young cattle home from the "hill pasture" in the fall of the yar, and you may be sore that my voice sounded very much like that of a young drover. And then, the day after thanksgiving, we boys had "breaking steers" for pasttime, and was it mere fancy that made the little driver step so grandly along by the side of the team, or was there not something inspiring to a boy in suduing a pair of two year olds? And the man who watches from week to week the growth of the petted members of the heard, moves among the graceful, gentle, promising Alderneys, or caresses the sleek, well proportioned forms of his Shorthorns, and knows that his skill and his care have made them nobler works of the great Creator, is he not elevated and made a better man by every hour he spends among the herd? Who would not covet the task of driving on the road a well matched pair of spirited horses. The sun burnt face and the callous hand are the marks of nature's noblemen, and we want our young men to have pride in them. We must more frequently remind them that the dress is not the man, but the mind the soul is, and that it elebates and ennobles that mind to be brought into immediate contact with nature, and to commune with her, as the earnest farmer does nearly every day of his life.
The following sensible advice is given to a writer in the County Gentleman:
"I pass some houses in every town whose windows might as well be sealed in with the walls for any purpose they have but to let in light. They are never opened, summer to winter. In winter it is too cold; in the summer the flies stray in, or, if they are heated, the dust sifts through the nets. Now, we can tell a person who inhabits such chambers when I pass him in the street - there is such a smell about his clothing. I always ____ for a sniff of cologne or hartshorn or ___ feathers, or something of the sort to ____ the taste out.' A house that is never ____ has every nook and corner filed with ____ odors of cooked meats, boiled vegetables, especially cabbage and onions, which, as the week goes by, literally reek in their hidden places. Who has not wished sometimes of cleaning a new servant's clothing out of doors on a frosty night until it should be thoroughly cleaned? But I have seen the fine ladies _______ sweeping into church with their velvets and silks when said velvets are silks gave unmistakable evidence of having been housed in just such sut-up chambers. Oh, what a tale that odor of pork and cabbage tells about the lady's style of house keeping! The very garments of the chidren tell the same story of uncleanliness. It is bad to have unwashed clothes, but there may be an excuse for it. But what excuse can there be for unaired ones, when air is so cheap and free? There is death in such unaired chambers. Better a swarm of flies or a cloud of dust, better frest and snow in a room, than these intolerable smells. Dear girls, the first thing in the morning, when you are ready to go down stairs, throw open your windows, take apart the clothing of your beds, and let the air blow through as hard as it will. There is health and wealth in such a policy. It helps to keep away the doctors with long bills. It helps to make your eyes sparkle and to make your cheeks glow, and to make others love your presence. Girls who live in those close, shut-up rooms, can only be tolerated at the best in any circles.
There are no animals more omniverous than fowls; fish, flesh, herbs and grain being devoured by them with equal relish. We say equal, for though they commonly pounce upon meat with greater avidity than upon grain, this is generally because it affords a variety, and a flock kept for awhile almost entirely on animal food will show the same greed fora few handfuls of corn.
Now, those animals accustomed to use a varied diet should not be confined to an unvarying one. There are, indeed, some species which are natuarlly limited to one or a few kinds of food. Thus, cattle do well enough, although kept month after month on grass alone, and a tiger will thrive with nothing but lean meat upon his bill of fare. But with other animals, as with the human race, for instance, the case is different, for no person can maintain the highest efficiency when confined to one article of food. No matter how fond we may be of a particular dish, we lose relish for it when allowed nothing else for a number of consecutive meals, and the intense craving for variety indicates as its source something more than mere appetite. It give evidence of real necessities of the system which are constantly varying with the changing circumstances of weather, employment and other conditions.
The fondness for variety shown by fowls is as significant of real needs as we have found it to be ourselves. In purveying for them, a judicious variety, selected from the three general divisions-fresh vegetables, grain and animal food -- is at all seasons absolutely necessary for young and old, in order to make them perfectly thrifty. True, they will not starve on hand corn and water, neither will they pay a profit so kept. - The Poultry World.
The Prairie Farmer says: "The rapid disappearance of our forests has not only given rise to the question, 'HOw are we to provide ourselves with fencing material?' but to an interrogation of equal importance 'How shall we provide ourselves with firewood in the not far distant future?' That farmers have been lavish in the past, in the use of timber, is fully known; and the only alternative now is, by economy, to save what remains; and how to do this is the subject we propose to talk about.
A good husbandman will provide a liberal quantity of fuel, and that which is good; but at the same time he may, by care, do this without depreciating the value of his forest, eve if he had but a few acres of woodland. There are more or less trees dying yearly; but if the young growth is left undisturbed, the increase will equal this-including the growth of all the trees. It is scarecly necessary in ordinary cases, to ever cut a living tree, and yet have sound body wood for family use; and when it is necessary, there should be a selectionof such as have fallen into a decline. A good rule is to select trees in summer for winter working up. While the forest is in leaf, the dead and dying trees may be readily detected, and marked, so that in winter they may be at once found.
"Some are of the opinion that because sound, hard wood is desireable for winter fuel, the same is best for hot weather; but here ies a mistake; light, flashy fuel is the better for summer use, excepting for certain occasions, when a continued fire is desired; and enough of that hard material should be kept for such times.
In answering a correspondent the Western Rural says: If you seed with grain at all, wheat, barley, and oats, in the order named, are the best to seed with. We, however, should not advise sowing for pasture with grain, for the reason that it smothers the young grass to a great extent, and since to insure a good sward you must sow a far greater quantity of seed than for hay, the question is one of importance in a money point of view. Sow your pasture after taking off a crop of wheat or barley, or some crop that will allow you to seed from the middle of August to the 1st of September. Indeed, many of our best cultivators now seed fields for hay in the same manner. If clover be used, it must of course be sown in the Spring suceeding the sowing of the other grasses, since it is liable to Winter kill the first season if sown in the Autumn.
In seeding for pasture the greater variety of grasses you use the better pasture, since your object is a constant succession of the best grasses during the season. In England fiftenn to twenty varieties are often mixed for permanent pastures. In our climate many less are used. Our main reliance must be upon timothy, clover, foxtail, or chard red-top, and sweet-scented vernal grasses. rom thirty-six to forty-five pounds per acre is the usual quantity sown.
A good mixture would be meadow foxtail, four pounds; orchard grass, six pounds; sweet-scented vernal grass, one pound; red top, two pounds; timothy, five pounds; Kentucky blue grass, six pounds; rough-stalked meadow grass, two pounds; perennial try grass, eight pounds; red clover, five pounds; white clover, five pounds. This would give fourty four pounds per acre, none too much for a permanent pasture. The second, third and sixth named grasses are exceedingly early, flowering in your latitude in April, May, and June, the others flowering in succession until July.

THE ODD FELLOWS Pocket Companion for 20 years Has been a recognized authority in the Fraternity, and has been an unparalleled popularity. The changes during these twenty years rendered a revision advisable, and the Publishers employed for that purpose the Rev. I. D. Williamson, D. D. Past Grand Chaplain and Past Grand Representative Grand Lodge of the U. S.; a gentleman of great ability, who has been prominently indentified with the Order for forty years,m and whose especial acquaintance with its Literature and Legislation marked him as preeminently fitted to correct any errors in the old work, and to make such additions thereto as might be necessary to reader it in every respect an indispensable vade-mecum of the Odd Fellow. The testimony of James L. Ridgely, Grand Secretary, Has been several times borne to the iminent fitness of Dr. Williamson. We need only quote from a single letter to the Publishers, as follows:
"I can only say, however, in reference to your book (alluding to the "Odd Fellows' Pocket Companion), that no man in our order has superior capacity to edit such a work, or larger claim upon the confidence of his brethren than Rev. I. D. Williamson, who, for nearly forty years, has been one of the ablest exponents of its principles. Yours truly, Jas. L. Ridgely, C. S.  When to the "Odd Fellows Pocket Companion," as emlarged and revised by Dr. Williamson, the Publisher add THE ODD FELLOWS' MISTREL A collection of the Best Odes of the Order, as edited by J. Fletcher Williams, Past Grand Sec., and P. G. Rep. of the G. L. of Minn. in the G. L. of the U. S., thus combining in ONE BOOK So much that is useful and beautiful, and so much that is interesting and instructive, they flatter themselves that they are giving more for the money than has ever before been offered to the Brotherhood of Odd Fellows.
The old prices of the "O. F. Pocket Companion" is retained, though the present edition is more expensive to manufacture, and contains so much more useful and interesting matter, The Price is $1.50 Per Copy. To any one desireing in good faith to examine the book with a view to taking an agency, the publishers will send a copy by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1.25. Liberal terms to Agents. Address, R. W. Carroll & Co, Publishers, 117 W. Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O.
THE OPEN WAY By Rev. G. S. Weaver Contents:
Chapter I-Universalism as a Doctrine, as an Idea, as a Sentiment.
Chapter II-Univeralism as a Head, as a Hand, as a Heart.
Chapter III-Universalism as a Faith, as a Hope, as a Charity.
Chapter IV-Universalism as a Altar, as a Home, as a Heaven.
Chapter V-Universalism as an attraction, as a Duty, as a Destiny.
Chapter VI-Universalism as a Beauty, as a Joy, as a Glory.
A book that should be in every household. 266 pages, beautifully printed and bound, Sent to any address for $1.25 Address Williamson & Cantwell Publishing Co., Cincinnati, O.
Dr. M'Lane's Celebrated American Worm Specific, or Vermifuge.
SYPTOMS OF WORMS. The countenance is pale and leaden-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle fruns long the lower eye lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly iin the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomitting; violent pains throughout the abdemomen; bowels irregular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and occompanied by hiccough, cough sometimes dry and convulsive; unesy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c.
Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, Dr. M'Lanes's Vermifuge Will ceretainly effect a cure. The universal success which has attended the administration of this preparation has been such as to warrant us in pledging ourselves to the public to RETURN THE MONEY in every instance where it should prove ineffectual; "providing the symptoms attending the sickness of the child or adult should warrant the supposition of worms being the cause." In all cases the Medicine to be given in strict accordance with the directions. We pledge ourselves to the public, that Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form; and that it is an innocent preparation, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, PA.
P. S. Dealer and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly and take none but Dr. M'Lane's, prepared by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa. To those wishing to give them a trial, we will forward per mail, post-paid, to any part of the United States one box of Pills for twelve three cent postage stamps, or one vial of Vermifuge for fourteen three cent stamps. All orders from Canada must be accompanied by twenty cents extra. For sale by Druggists and Country Storekeepers generally.

THE MARIETTA & CINCINNATI IN CONNECTION WITH THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD FORMS THE GREAT SHORT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND WEST. THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY. PULLMAN PALACE CARS ARE RUN BETWEEN St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia, WITHOUT CHANGE. Passengers holding Through Tickets via this Route have the privilege of visiting the Principal Seaboard Cities WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. 50 to 125 Miles in Distance and Several Hours in Time Saved. These are Advantages not offered by Any Other Route. Call for Tickets Via PARKERSBURG. W.W. PEABODY, J. W. PILLSBURY, Master of Transportation. Gen'l Passenger A'gt.
This has never been a favorite Eastward Route by reasons of its Broad Gauge, ensuring thorough comfort, and by the freedom it has enjoyed, since the day of its opening to the present, from serious accidents. To these advantages are added its admirable connections, and also the numerous points of interest which may be visited by the pleasure tourist or the business traveler. It passes through some of the richest agricultural territory and themost thriving towns of Central Ohio, the Wester Reserve and North Western Pennsylvania, and is by far the best and only direct route to the world renowned Oil Regions of America.
It is the only Line which runs its Day Coaches from Cincinnati to New York WITHOUT CHANGE. Other lines run through Sleeping Coaches, but change their Day Coahes from one to three times. The ATLANTIC AND GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD runs its Day Coaches without change and without addtional charge for through seats.
A large portion of this Broad Cauge Line has been recently relaid with steel rail, and six new Sleeping Coaches have been added, at a cost of $20,000 each.
Ask for tickets via Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, for sale at all offices throughout the country. L. D. BARTON, General Superintendent, Meadville, Penn. W. B. SHATTUC, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Meadville, Penn.
The best route to and from CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, BURINGTON, QUINCY, ROCK ISLAND, OMAHA, DENVER, SAN FRANCISCO and all point in the Northwest.
The only direct line to and from Sandusky, Toledo, Detroit, Jackson, Lansing, Saginaw, Toronto, Montral, Quebec, and all points in Michigan and Canada. FARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS ANY OTHER ROUTE Trains run to and from Cincinnati as follows
Dayton Express ...........................   8 30 AM       4 55 PM
Dayton Express............................   9 45 PM       6 00 AM
Toledo Detroit & Canada................   7 00 AM      10 10 PM
Toledo Detroit & Canada................   9 45 PM        6 00 AM
Lima and Ft. Wayne......................   9 30 PM        4 55 PM
Indianapolis Peoria & Mattoon.......     7 00 AM       10 10 PM
Indianapolis Peoria & St. Louis.........   8 30 PM        2 10 PM
Connersville Accom.......................   5 30 PM        9 40 AM
Richmond and Ft Wayne................   8 15 AM        9 20 PM
Richmond and Chicago..................    8 15 AM        9 20 PM
Richmond and Chicago..................    8 00 PM        8 25 AM
Dayton Accommodation................    7 00 AM        5 55 PM
Dayton Accommodation................    5 20 PM        9 40 AM
Hamilton Accommodation..............    6 15 PM        7 55 AM
Hamilton Accommodation..............                       6 45 AM
Hamilton Accommodation..............   11 50 PM       11 20 AM
Glendale Accommodation..............    1 15 AM         3 25 PM
Glendale Accommodation..............    4 30 AM         7 10 PM
Cincinnati Hamilton and Indianapolis
Indianapolis and St. Louis ............    7 00 AM        10 10 PM
Indianapolis and St. Louis.............    2 30 PM          2 10 PM
Connersville Accommodation.........    5 00 PM          9 40 AM
Trains run daily except Sunday
The Dayton Express Train departing at 9 45 PM and arriving at 6 00 AM run daily. All other Trains daily, Sunday excepted.
Trains run by Columbus time, which is several minutes faster than Cincinnati time.
Cincinnati Offices are No. 115 Vine Street, Corner of Vine and Baker Streets, No 3 Burnet House, Corner Main and Water Streets and Depot, Corner of Fifth and Hoadley Streets.  SAM'L STEVENSON, Gen. Ticket Agent.
STEEL RAILS EASY GRADES STRIGHT LINES On JULY 1st the Cincinnati, Dayton & Springfield SHORT LINE RAILROAD Was opened, with the following connections: CLEVELAND, BUFFALO & THE EAST, Via Delaware cut off and via Columbus. NORTH AND NORTH-WEST Via Springfield and Sanduskey, WEST AND NORTH-WEST Via Dayton and Union. Until further notice Trains will run as follows:
Day Espress....................... 7 00 AM         5 48 PM
Dayton & Springfield Accom..  4 00 PM         9 45 PM
Night Express.....................  9 30 PM         6 00 AM
Dayton Accommodations......  6 20 PM         7 50 AM
Trains run by columbus time, which is 7 minutes faster than Cincinnati Time. The Westinghouse Air Braze adopted by this Line. Baggage checked to all Eastern Places. Ticket Office 129 Vine Street, and at Pearl Street Depot.
S. F. PIERSON, G. T. A., Cleveland, O.
E. S. FLINT, General Sup't., Cleveland, O.
P. W. STRADER, Gen's Southern Agent, Cin.
P. SHOEMAKER, Sup't Cincinnati, O.
Beautiful inventions for marking Clothing and printing Cards, &c. One will do for a whole family. Movable Type. Profitable, amazing and instructive for the young. Jet Printer $1. Silver $1.25 with Ink, Type and neat Case, delivered by mail anywhere. 3 Alphabets extra 50 c. Agents wanted. Gelding & Co, 14 Kilby St. Boston
FRESCO PAINTING OF CHURCHES, HALLS AND RESIDENCES executed in the highest style of the art, on most reasonable terms by W. THEIN. Office Beld's Building, 174 W. Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O.
12,000,000 ACRES
3,000,000 Acres in Central Nebraska now for sale in tracts of forty acres and upwards on Five and Ten Years Credit at 6 per cent. no advance interest required. Mild and healthful climate, fertile soil, an abundance of good water.
THE BEST MARKET IN THE WEST!  The great Mining regions of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Nvada, being supplied by the farmers in the Platte Valley. Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. FREE HOMES FOR ALL! Millions of Acres of choice Governement Lands open for entry under the Homestead Law, near this Great Railroad, with good Markets and all the conveniences of an old settled contry. Free Passes to purchasers of Railroad Land. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of Descriptive Pamphlet with new Maps mailed free everywhere. Address O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U.P.R.R. Omaha, Neb.  
CAUSE AND CUBE OF DISEASE. Every afflicted person will be deeply interested in the percusal of a pamplet just published by Dr. R. Greene, who has been Physician of the Boston Medical Institute for twenty five years. It describes various diseases and their proper treatment and should be in every family. Price fifty cents; but it will be sent by mail, free to invalids, to any part of the country. Address Dr. R. Greene, 34 Temple Place, Boston, Mass.
BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY, Established in 1837. Superior Bells of Copper and Tin, mounted iwth the best Rotary Hangings, for CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, FARMS, FACTORIES, COURT HOUSES, FIRE ALARMS, TOWERS, CLOCKS, CHIMES, ETC.  Fully Warranted. Illustrated Catalogue Send Free. VANDUZZEN & TIFT. 102 and 104 East Second Street Cincinnati.
Manufacturer a superior quality of Bells. special attention given to CHURCH BELLS. Illustrated catalogue sent free.
TROY BELLS   Old Established Troy Bell Foundry Continue to manufacture those BELLS (which have made Troy celbrated throughout the world, and which have been made at the establishment during the past twenty years) and are now making more bells, anually, then any other Foundry in the country, for CHURCHES, ACADEMIES, PLANTATIONS, etc., made of genuine Bell Metal (Cooper and Tin) Rotary Mountings, the best in use. All Bells warranted satisfactory.
Large Idustrated Catalogue sent free on application to Jones & Co, Troy, N. Y. or MacCeun & Co. Burlington Warehouse, Chicago, Ill.
CAUTION-Beware of parties claiming to manufacture Genuine Troy Church Bells, whose Foundry is not, and never has been located in Troy N. Y. said claims are intended to decieve the public.
MENEELY'S BELLS The genuine TROY CHURCH BELLS known in the public since 1886; which have acquired a reptuation unequaled by any and a sale exceeding that of all others-including more than seventy chimes and peels. One thousand testimonials received during the last six years. Every bell made of best copper and tin and formally warranted. Ne Patents Rotary Fixtures. Catalogues free, New Agencies P. O. Address, either Troy or West Troy, N Y   E. A. & G. R. MENEELY
HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILLIAN HAIR RENEWER. This standard article is compounded with the greatest care. Its effects are so wonderful and satisfactory as ever. It restores all eruptions, itching and dandruff; and the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capiliary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing nothing has been found so effectual, or desirable.
Dr. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts says of it: "I consider it the best preparation for its intended purpose." BUKINGHAM'S DYE, FOR THE WHISKERS.  This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other undesirable, to brown or black, at discretion. It is easily supplied, being in one preparation, and quickly and effectually produces a permanent color which will neither rub nor wash off. MANUFACTURED BY  R. P. HALL & CO.  Nashua, N. H. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE MACREADY & CO. Cincinnati, WHOLESALE AGENTS.
EFFERVESCING Citrate of Magnesia. In 6 oz., bottles, in powder. This Magnesia is a mild purgative and sperient, very acceptable to the Stomach for Sick Headache, Sour or Sick Stomach, and a (Febrile cases. Good for all seasons fo the year. For sale by most druggists, Prepared by ARTHUR ROGERS, 199 Spring Street, New York.
A MAN OF A THOUSAND. A CONSUMPTIVE CURED. When eath was hourly expected from Consumption all remedies having failed, accdient led to a discovery whereby Dr. H. James cured his only child, with a preparationof CANNABIS INDICA. He now gives this receipe free on receipt of 2 stamps to apy expenses. There is not a single symptom of consumption that it does not dissipate. Night Sweats, Irritation of the Nerves, Difficult Expectoration, Sharp Pains in the Lungs, Nausea at the Stomach, Inaction of the Bowels, and Wasting of the Muscles. Address CRADDOCK & CO 1022 Race St. Philadelphia, Pa. giving name of the paper.
STAINED AND CUT GLASS. J. M. COOK, 137 and 141 Congress Street Boston Mass, Manufacturer of Stained, Cat, Enameled, Flock and Embossed Glass of all kinds. Attention is given to getting up Church Window.

[In these columns our readers may regularly expet a carefully prepared summary of the actual news of the week; and we refer to our first page for editorial comments thereon.]
DEATH OF CHIEF JUSTICE CHASE. Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the United States, died Wednesday morning at 10 1/2, at the residence of Mrs. W. S. Hoyt, his daughter, where he had gone on a visit the Saturday previous. He was found in an unconscious condition Tuesday morning, and remained so till his death. His daughters were both by his bedside at his death. He was born in Cornish, N. H., Jan. 13, 1808. His father, Ithamar Chase, was a farmer. In his thirteenth year he came west, and lived in the family of his uncle Bishop Chase first in Worthington, O., and then in Cincinnati. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1826, after which he taught school in Washington City, until he was admitted to the bar in 1829.
He returned to cincinnati the next Spring and commenced the practice of law. He soon became favorably known as a sound thinker and good writer upon vaious subjects, and at the same time took high rank in his profession. In 1837 he became known as an antislavery man by appearing in defense of a colored woman who was claimed as a slave under the law of 1789; and afterward in defense of James G. Birney, who was prosecuted under a State Law for harboring a fugitive slave. He acted with the Whigs till 1841, when he united with the call for the State Liberty Convention of Ohio, and afterward for the National Liberty Convention. He aided largely in developing the antislavery sentiment into a party that continued to grow in numbers and influence till its work was done. He was a member of the Free Soil Convention at Buffalo, in 1848.
In 1849 he was elected United States Senator and served till 1855 whe he was elected Governor of Ohio, and in 1857 re elected. In this position he displayed great abilities. In 1860 he was re-elected Senator; but the day after he took his seat was called into Abraham Lincoln's Cabinet as Secretary of the Treasury, where he did great service to the country. In September, 1864, he re-signed this position. In December following was appointed Chief Justice of the United States, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Taney. Mr. Chase was thrice married; first, Miss Kate Ganis; next, to Miss LIzzie Smith, the mother of Miss Kate, now wife of Senator Sprague, of Rhode Island, and last to Miss Sarah Bella Ludlow, granddaughter of Isarael Ludlow, one of the first settlers of Cincinnati. She was the mother of Miss Nettie, now wife of W. S. Hoyt. For some time Mr. Chase's health has been feeble; but for a few days prior to his decease it was unusually good. The remains lay in state at St. George's Episcopal Church, from Friday till noon Saturday. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Tyng conducting the ceremonies; Rev. Dr. Hall preaching the sermon. The remains were then forwarded to Washington for temporary interment in the Congressional burying grounds.
The Anti Monopory Convention.
The Farmers' Club Transportation Convention met in New York City, may 6th and 7th. Josiah Quincy, of Boston, was chosen President. The attendance was good and the deliberations earnest. Resolutions defining the objects of "The National American Cheap Transportation Association" weree adopted, and a general determination manifested to labor steadily for the establishment of such rates as would enable producers to realize fair products on their crops. The next Convention is to be held in Washington, in January, 1784.
A Kansas Horror
Some time since William A York, brother of Senator York, of Kansas, disappeared, and after diligent search his body was found at Cherryvale, Kansas near the house of a family named Bender. Other persons being missed about the same time, further examination was made, and the bodies of the following persons were found under Bender's house: Henry McKenzie, G. Loncher and child, W. F. McCrotty, B. Brown and Mr. Greary. All had been killed by a blow on the back of the head with a hammer and had their throats cut, except the little girl.  The Bender family left the country over two weeks ago, but their arrest is considered certain.
Stokes not to have a New Trial.
The Genreal Term of the Supreme Court of New York has given a decision denying Edward S. Stokes a new trial. It is said that he received the intelligence with indifference, merely saying to his father: "They denied me a new trial. My case will now go to the Court of Appeals." He will be resentenced to day, and whether further delay will be granted depends entirely upon the Court of Appeals.
Death of John Stuart Mill.
John Stuart Mill, the celebrated social and political philospher, died at Avignon, France, May 9, of erysipelas of the throat, of less than three days duration.
The Louisiana Troubles.
Since the massacre in Grant Parish, the details of which were by no means exaggerated, the troubles in Louisiana have continued to increase, and reports of conflicts and assassinations are numerous. The McEnery party is arming throughout the State, and will offer desperate resistance to Gov. Kellog's forces. In New Orleans the excitement rose high, and the Grand Jury has passed resolutions summoning Kellogg and his officers, to answer to the charge of usurping the Government of Louisiana. The jury has also reported against the Metropolitan police. An attempt was made to assassinate Kellogg, while in his carriage May 7. Gen Emory has received orders from Washington to call for whatever troops may be necessary to preserve order, but not otherwise to interfere except to aid the authorities in carrying out the processes of the Courts.
The Cincinnati Musical Festival.
The series of Musical entertainments in Cincinnati, known as the May Festival, began on Tuesday evening of last week at the Exposition Hall. Concerts were also given on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoon and evenings, and the affair closed by a grand Matinee Saturday afternoon. The attendance on all occasions was large, and the performances are pronounced by competent judges to have been great successes. The music was under the direction of Theodore Thomas, except on Thursday asfternoon, when 1250 children from the Public Schools formed the chorus under the direction of Prof. Chas. Aiken. We have not space for details, and can only say that the enterprise has met the expectations of its originators.
Death of Oakes Ames.
Oakes Ames, of Credit Mobilier notoriety died at half past ten, May 8, at Easton Mass.
Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad.
Since its reorganization, and the establishment of its close relations with the BAltimore & Ohio Railroad, the business of the Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad has increased at the rate of forty percent per year, and its prospects for the future are decidedly encouraging. Its officers in the main have been connected with the road for years, having literally grown up with it. At a meeting of the Directors held in this city, May 1, the following classification was made: Superintendent, W. W. Peabody; W. H. Lankester, Master of Transportation; S. W. Stone, Master of Road, J. W. Pilsbury, Esq., continues as General Passenger Agent, and C. F. Lowe as Auditor. The Presdient is John King, Jr. of the Baltimore & Ohio Road.
Points of News.
The Governor and Legislature of West Virginia are having a misunderstanding-The Ohio Legislature adjourned sine die, May 7.- The American National Medical Association met in St. Louis last Tuesday.-The Union and Confederate soldiers in Louisville Ky., will unite in decorating the graves of both sides May 30.-Miss Susan Eberhart was hung at Preston, Ga., May 2, as an accomplice of a man named Spawn, in the murder of his wife.-Boston had an $80,000 fire May 3.
The first structure occupied in the burnt district, Boston, was dedicated May 3,-The Cleveland O., Bar Association has voted to request Judge C. T. Sherman to resign.-Frederick Hessigs, who was stabbed April 28, by Peter Ritter, in New York, died may 4.-John Serlinger of Bellville, Ill, shot James Lang, his room mate, while in bed May 3. Cause, opposition of Serlinger to the marriage of Lang with his sister.-The question is now being discussed whether Columbia, S. C., was burned by Confederate or Union soldiers. The decision involves considerable money, as most of the cotton destroyed belonged to British subjects, who are anxious to axcertain who is responsible.
The business portion of Trenton, La., was burned May 6. Loss over $300,000.-Dr. W. H. McGuffey, Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Virginia, and author of the propular series of the school books bearing his name, died at Charlottesville, Va., May 5.- Hon. James L. Orr, United States Minister to Russia, died in St. Petersburg, May 5, of inflammation of the lungs.-During April 386,414 dead letters were received at the General Post Office, of which 26,475 were held for postage.-Gen. Francis Train has been pronounced sane by the proper authorities, and will be prosecuted for publishing an obscene paper, by the District Attorney of New York.-The Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Company has consolidated with the Western Union.-Robert P. Bleakley has been sentenced to imprisonment for life for the murder of his niece, Maud Merrill, in New York, some time ago.-Heavy floods prevail in Virginia.

Cincinnati May 12
The upward tendency in gold received a check on Thursday evening, and the rate declined 1/4 from the highest prive of the week. Quotations are now 117 buying, and 1173/8 selling. The decline was from the sale by Government of 1 1/2 millions. The market fluctuated rapidly, and closes unsettled. The chief cause for an advance is in the increased rate of discount by the Bank of England, that institution having raised it 1/2 percent, on Thursday, now 4 1/2. That Bank paid out $2,500,.000 more gold during the week than it received. And the promised payments by France to Germany of the balance of the war indemnity renders European markets extremely sinsitive. Last month France paid fifty millions of dollars, and she will pay a like sum in June, July, August and September, together with 25 millions interest; in all 625 millions being the total balance of this unexampled war indemnity. These large sums can not be withdrawnfrom their natural current without affecting the equilibrium of foreign exchanges. The surprise is that so little effect has as yet been experienced, and of the marvelous wealth of France in being able to spare so much of theprecious metals without convulsion or bankruptcy. The local offerings of cash gold have not been large, and the demand is limited. Eastern Exchange is in better supply, while the demand is also less active. Rates are unchanged at par to 1 20 premiums buying, and 1 10 premiums selling.
Government securities were strong with gold, but they eased off when it declined. The closing price of 5 20 bonds are 115 1/2 buying and 116 selling, an advance of 1 percent from last week. 10 40s are 113 1/4 buying and 113 3/4 selling.
The Secretary of the Treasury has announced his intention of recalling the clerks of his department who were sent to London to negotiate the new fuding loan, as he finds the persent condition of the European markets not favorable to further sales of U. S. Bonds.
The weather is still fickle, and at time unpleasant. Our Musical Festival, and sales of fancy dry goods, have both been checked in consequence. But the grass is coming up with great strength, and the trees are bursting into verdure. We presume Nature will make good all deficiencies and delays by increase of enrgetic action. Business slowly improves. Produce is stronger, with only moderate receipts. Grain is steady. Oats only are lower. Wheat is held a shade higher. Provisions had a pull back, and some speculative purchases were made of Mess Pork at $18 on the spot, which is 50c per brl. decline, but themarket is now firm. There is great confidence in the future of meats though a few weak holders make, now and then, concessions. Lard is quiet, and held firmly at 9c for prime steam, and 9 1/2 for kettle-rendered. Bulk meats are inanimate. One could not buy or sell larely at quotations. Shoulders, 7c; clear rib,9; clear sides, 9 1/4. These are for future delivers. There were no buyers for cash. Bacon is quiet, few orders being on hand. Small sales made at 7 7/8 to 8 for soulders, 9 3/4 for clear irb, and 10 for clear sides. Sugar cured hams in fair but not active demand. Best brands bring 13 3/4 to 14 3/4, can vassed and packed. Flour: receipts light, and not equal to thelocal demand. The market closes more firm with larger sales. Winter family, $7.60 to 7.85; spring ditto, $6.75 to 7.25. Rye 44.50 to $4.60. Wheat in light offerings, and the market stronger. No. 2 red held at $1.72 to 1.75; white, $1.94; hill, $1.85. Rye, firm at 85 for No. 1 and 83 for No. 2. Corn steady at the advance. Mixed ear, 49c, with shelled at same rate. Oats in escess of demand, and prices have yielded. Mixed nominal at 42 to 45; white, 45 to 48. Barley is in good demand for est greades: fair to good, 90c. to $1; choice, $1.10 to 1.20. Cotton continues dull with light receipts and large shipments. Middlling, 18 3/8. Butter: low grades accumulate, and but few buyers take them on their own terms; packes will not pay over 15 to 10 c. for poor qualities. Choice is in fair demand at 28c. by packes, and a rare make will bring 30 for local consumption. Cheese is slow of sale at 14 3/4 to 15 for best factory, and 10 to 12 1/2 for new. Eggs are in adundant supply, selling at 11 1/2 c per doz.
Coffee: The prices are improving in the East and in England, and are very firm with us, Rio, 21 to 22 for common, to 24 1/2 for choice; Java, 26 to 28. Laguayra 23 1/2 to 25c.
The demand is active. Mosasses: stocks are ample for the demand, which is good. N. O. range from 67 to 75c for common to good. Sugars show a good demand and firm prices. N. O. common, 9 to 9 1/4; prime 10 to 10 1/2.
Fruits: Green apples find a moderate sale at $2.50 to $4.00; dried, 2  1/2 to 4 1/2 per lb. Peaches-hlaves-5 to 6c; quarts, 3 to 4c. Oranges in good demand at $5.50 to 6 per box; lemons, $6.50 to 7; raisins, $2.65 to 2.75 seeds are without charge. Clover, 8 3/4 to 9c from store; Timothy, $2.40 to $3 per bushel. Salt, steady; Domestic, $1.62 to 1.75 per brl.; Dairy, $2.25. Potatoes have a slow, steady sale, at 85 to 90 for peachblews; common 40 to 75 per bushel. Sweet potatoes, $4.50 per brl.
Let us rejoice that the absurd and pradoxical idea that sick people coud be restored to health and strength by violent cathartic treatment has been pretty generally exploded. If there are still to be found any medical domatists who believe such practice, they sooner theiry sands of life are fun out the better it will before their patients. A more rational mode of dealing wiht human ailments was inaugurated some twenty years ago when Hostettler's Stomach Bitters were introduced, and that powerful vegetable invigorant began its triumphant progress to triumphant popularity. The world now understands the importance of strengthening, refreshing and regulating as well as purgin the disordered system, and is aware that all these processes go on together under the fourfold operation of the Standard Resterative of the age. Prepare the system for the debilitating best of Summer with this vitalizing specific.
Only those houses who have facilities for offering real bargains, can now do the business. I offer the following stock, all of which I am selling at an immense reduction, and all of which is first class goods only. If you have ever felt a desire for any of these articles but thought they were too expensive, you can now gratify yourself for very little money. Pearl and diamond engagement rings, of my own manufacture, ladies' gold hunting watches of every grade and descritption, Ladies' Opera and Royal Opera solid gold chains, The Gotham solid silverware, gents' vest solid gold chains. rich and elegant sets of jewelry, $125; sets for #32.50 $50 sets for $25. The new spring catalogue (illustrated) now ready and free to all. Goods C. O. D. privilege to examine before paying. F. J. Nash 712 Broadway New York. "Worthy of the fullest confidence."-Christian Advocate. "Whose goods are just what he represents them."- Christian Union.
Constitutional Tendencies. The way in which different individuals are affected by the same causes of disease depends upon constitution and temperament. Some persons, for instance, are prone to fevers, some in billous attacks, and others to nervous affeclictions. In all cases where a pecular susceptibility to any variety of disease exists, the toning, regulating and purifying operation of TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT will be found the surest safeguard against an attack. Individuals of a billous and constipated habit, or subject to dyspepsia, or whose nerves are easily excited, should frequently resort to this refreshing saline corrective, especially in warm weather. It is no less potent as a preventive than as a rememdy. Sold by all druggists.
Every mand, woman, boy and girl who would like to engage in the business of selling Pictures, Hooks, Charts, etc., etc., shoud send us their address at once. From $3 to $15 per day can easily be made. Send for private terms and Catalogue. Address, J. C. & W. M Burrow, Art Emporium and Publishing House, 200 Main Street, Bristol, Tenn.
We will pay all Agents $10 per week in CASH who will engage with us at once. Everything furnished and expenses Paid. Address A. COULTER & Co., Charlotte Mich.
Three through trains leave Cincinnati daily for Indianapolis and Lafayette.
One through train every Afternoon to Kansas City, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS.
For time of departures from Cincinnati see the Railroad Time Table, in another column, or call for information and tickets at the Ticket Offices: No. I Burnet House, north west corner of Third and Vine streets; Public Landing Corner of Main and River. and at Depot, corner Pearl and Plum streets.
GEO. L. BARRINGER, Master of Transportation
C. K. LORDS, General Ticket Agent
STAR IN THE WEST, a Universalist Family Newspaper, [Established 1827]
Eight Quarto Pages. Issued every Thursday, at $2.50 per annum, in advance. EDITORS: I.D. WILLIAMSON, D.D., REV. J. S. CANTWELL.
THE GUIDING STAR.  A Sunday School Paper for Boys and Girls. Edited by Mrs. C. A. Soule. PUBLISHED SEMI-MONTHLY, Terms invariably in advance. Single Copy, for one year, 75 cents. To Clubs of ten and upwards, (to one address) 50 cents.
Rudiments of Theological & Moral Science             $2.00
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Rev. D. K. Lee, D. D.
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(The late Rev. D. K. Lee's well known "Tales of Labor.")
Ely and Thomas' Discussion                                   .65
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letter of Rev. John Foster, a Baptist Minister, against Endless
Pumishment), by T. Southwood Smith, M. D.         1.25
Marriage and its Relations, by Rev. G. W. Quinby     .75
212 Questions Without Answers,
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by Rev. J. J. Austin                                             .75
Life of Rev. Seth Barnes, of Minnesota,
by Rev. Herman Bisbee                                     1.00
Juvenile Books
Merchant's Widow, by Mrs. C. M. Sawyer                .50
Friendless, by Mrs. L. M. Baker                              .50
Louisa Murray, by Mrs. L. M. Baker                         .50
The Flower Basket, by T. J. Sawyer D. D.                 .50
Queen Love and the Fairies                                    .35
Beechdale By Kate Carlton                                    .40
For Sunday Schools
Rhode Island Catechism Per hundred                        1.25
Class Book by Rev. W. S Balch per dozen                 1.25
Profession of Faith and Lord's Prayer, Cards per dozen  .15
Any book in the market furnisted by mail on receipt of the retail price. Address Williamson & Cantwell Publishing Co., Cincinnati, O.