
AFTERNOON, MARCH 23, 1830 NO. 12,704.
In Second street,
opposite the Coffee House.
Daily paper Eight Dollars per annum, payable half
year in advance.
Paper (three times a week,) Four Dollars per annum, payable in advance.
To sail from Liverpool
for Philadelphia, full or not full, if the wind is favourable, on the 20th
of every month, throughout the year.
Ship John Wells, Eli
Curtis, master, to sail from Liverpool, 4th month, April 20th.
Ship Arab, John Ball,
master, to sail from Liverpool, 5th month, (May,) 20th.
Ship Julius Caesar, Thomas
L. McMullin, master, to sail from Liverpool, 6th month, (June,) 20th.
Ship Ann, Thomas J. Bird,
master, to sail from Liverpool, 7th month, (July,) 20th.
Ship Delaware,
Charles M. Bartleson, master, to sail from Liverpool, 8th
month, (August,) 20th.
These ships are commanded by able and skilful
Masters, and sail remarkably fast, they are coppered and copper fastened, and are in all respects very eligible conveyances,
having such accommodations as will in sure very great comfort and convenience to passengers. For further particulars, apply
to Thomas E. Walker & Co. 15 north Fourth street.
To sail from New York
on the 24th of every month.
The ship Birmingham,
Isaac Harris, master, to sail on the 24th of 3d month, (March).
The ship Sylvanus Jenkins, F. P. Allen, master, to sail on the 24th of 4th month, (April).
The ship William Byrnes, Wm.
G. Hackstaff, master, to sail on the 24th of 5th month, (May).
The ship John Jay, N.
H. Holdrege, master, to sail on the 24th of 6th month, (June),
The owners of the above ships, intend one of them
shall sail from N. York on the 24th, and one from Liverpool on the
8th of each month. This line is composed of New York built ships
of the first class, of the burthen of 500 tons and upwards, coppered and copper fastened: their cabins are fitted and furnished
with particular regard to the comfort and convenience of passengers. The price of passage to Liverpool,
in the cabin, is 30 guineas. They are ably commanded, and insurance can be effected on them at the lowest rates. For freight
or passage, apply to Byrnes, Trimble & Co. Samuel Hicks & Sons, New York,
or John A. Brown & Co. No. 16 Chestnut street, Philad.
To sail from N. York, on
the 16th day of every month. Encouraged by the patronage which these Packets have hitherto enjoyed, and with the
view of creating new facilities in the intercourse between New York and London,
the proprietors of these ships now intend to dispatch one of them from New York
on the 16th, and from London on the 10th of every month
throughout the year, viz:
Ship Hudson, C. H. Champlin,
master, to sail 16th of April.
Ship Robert Edwards, S. Sherburne, master, to sail 16th May.
Ship Cambria, George Moore, master, to sail 16th June.
These ships are all of the first class, about
400 tons burthen, coppered and copper fastened, and are commanded by men well acquainted in the trade, and will be elegantly
and profusely furnished for the accommodation of passengers-beds, bedding, wine, and the most ample stores, being supplied
by the owners. For freight of passage, apply to either of the commanders, on board the ships, or to John
Griswold, Agent. 69 South street, corner of Pine
street, New York.N. B. – The ships of this line are intended hereafter to touch at Portsmouth
each way, (instead of Cowes,) for the purpose of landing and receiving passengers.
– Steam boats run constantly from that place to the Continent, and to different parts of England.
The subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and the public, that the following vessels, will compose his Line for the season, and sail from Girand’s warf, above
Market street, Daily, (Sundays and Fridays excepted.)
Schr. Free Ocean, Captain Oram
Sloop Ellen,
Mary & Martha, Biddle
Yankee, Blizzard
These are all good vessels, well calculated for
the business, and the masters sober, careful men, the public may rely on every attention being paid to make this one of the
most expeditious, safe, and cheap conveyances between the cities of Baltimore and Philadelphia. Goods shipped by this Line,
destined for the South or West, will be forwarded to their places of destination immediately on their arrival at Baltimore,
by Mr. Jno. Vr Brown Agent, no. 59, Smith’s Dock, free of commission or storage. The
subscriber having been long engaged in the Packeting business, would still solicit a liberal share of public patronage. J. Hand, 7, North Warves. * Boats leaving on Friday will seldom or ever arrive
in time to land on Saturdays, and the Saturday’s boats will most generally arrive in time to land on the following Monday.
Hand’s Line-Direct, via Canal
One of the following vessels will leave Girard’s
Wharf, above market street, every 5 days, say until further notice
Sloop Friendship
Duncan, master
For freight, which be taken at the very lowest
rates, apply as above. J. Hand.
To sai from Philadelphia
every two weeks, full or not full,
Ship Benjamin Morgan, J.
J. Mathieu, master
Ship Ohio,
J. Garvin, master.
Brig. Hercules, Lewis
Paleskie, master
Brig. Swan, H. Harding,
Brig. Feliciana, J. Graves,
New Orleans Packet Office
Walnut street wharf. C. Price & Morgan.
The subscriber begs leave to remind the public
that he continues to run a regular line of Packets between this city and Wilmington, North
Carolina, consisting of brigs and schooners, well suited for the trade and commanded by men acquainted
with the coast and who are able to stand their own pilots in the Delaware. Goods
intended for the interior of North Carolina, will be received and shipped by
this conveyance at the most moderate rates of freight and sent forward by the agent at Wilmington
to Fayetteville, to Mr. Archibald Campbell, or
Messrs. Wilkings & Co. who will employ wagons and have them forwarded agreeably to orders.
James Patton, Jr. Smiths’ wharf, 1st above Race
Via the Chesapeake
and Delaware Canal.
The Proprietors of the above line, having procured
first rate vessels commanded by exper’enced men, will commence running as above on Saturday 13th March from Pine street wharf, and will leave said wharf
every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, during the season.
Goods intended for port Deposit, will be rece’ved
and shipped. W. S. Smith, Pine street wharf , or Charles Mercer,
Port Agent.
The proprietors of this Line for the better accommodation
of their friends and the public, have concluded to dispatch a vessel from each port on the Wednesday and Saturday of every
week, and should sufficient encouragement be given, they propose to dispatch an extra Packet, asoccasion offers. The following
vessels compose this line.
Schr. Diana, Jeremiah
Briggs, master.
Schr. Valiant, A. S.
Farnham, master
Schr. Waterloo, J. Dennison,
Schrs Georgetown, J.
C. Dennison, master
Sloop Virginia, John
Johnson, master
They are all good substantial fast sailing vessels
of small burthen; commanded by men of experience, who have been constantly engaged in the trade for several years, and who
have liberty to act as their own pilots, in and out of both ports. The subscribers solicit a share of the public patronage,
under the assurance that every facility in their power will be given to shippers, and all goods forwarded to their care will
e regularly shipped, free of charge for commission or storage. Apply to J. G. Stacey & Co.
or George Bird, 22 south Wharves, Philadelphia
or N. L’Hommedieu or John W. Brown Old Slip New
Via Cheseapeake and Delaware
Via the Canal – On Wednesday and Saturdays
Via the Canal-On Thursday of each week.
The Proprietors of the above Lines have procured
first rate vessel and experienced Captains, and Shippers may rely upon their freight being taken upon the most reasonable
terms. Apply to Alonzo Wakeman, Packet Office, No. 4 north wharves.
Via Chesapeake
and Delaware Canal,
The following vessels will compose this line the
ensuring season-all good vessels, and commanded by experienced captains, viz:
Schr. Wm Tell
Captain Ortley,
Schr. Dean Swift
do Godfrey,
Sloop Neptune
do Hackney,
Sloop Genl. Washington do
Sloop Kitty Ann
do Stratton,
Sloop John Wall
do Cullen,
Sloop William
do Talman.
One of which, as soon as the navigation will admit,
will sail for Baltimore via the canal every day Sunday excepted. Good shipped
by this line, intended for the south or west, will, on their arrival, be forwarded immediately to their place of destination.
For freight, apply to Alonzo Wakeman, Packet Office, 4 north wharves.
The following vessels will run as a regular line
of packets between Philadelphia, Norfolk,
Petersburgh and Richmond, Va. One of them to sail every
week for Richmond, direct, and one every ten days for Norfolk, and Petersburg, commencing on Wednesday the 3d of March next,
from Philadelphia, and hve reduced the freight on measurement goods for Norfolk, or Richmond at 8 cents per cubic foot, and
to Petersburg for 10 cents per cubic foot.
The schr. Emily Davis, Richard
Davis, master
The schr. Richmond,
Ezra Hand, master
The schr. Hiram, Thomas
Denike, master
The schr. Virginia,
Robert Chambers, master
The schr. Favourite, Lewis
Bernard, master
The schr. Cumberland,
A. Wheaton, master
The schr. Eleanor, Daniel
Morse, master
The schr. Naomi, Thomas
P. Crowell, master
All goods substantial fast sailing vessels, commanded
by men of experience in the coasting treade, who act as their own pilots. For terms of freight, or passage, apply to the master
on board, at Morris’s wharf, 2d above the drawbridge, or to Caleb S. Folwell, At the
Packet Office, No. 58, on said wharf.
The following vessels will compose the Union Line
of Packets to sail from Philadelphia on Thursday, and from Boston
on Saturday of each week, viz.
Brig. Pilot, Thomas Milton,
Brig. Barclay, Nathan
Clarke, master
Brig. Shawmut, Josiah
Wing, master
Brig. Olive, Thomas Howes,
Jr., master
Brig. Benjamin Franklin, John
Clark, master
These vessels are first rate, and the masters
long in the trade, have the liberty of acting as their own pilots. For freight or passage apply to Boston,
to the captains on board, opposite No. 29 Central wharf, or to E. & W. B. Reynolds.
In Philadelphia,
at Gardiners’ wharf, second above Walnut street, or to A. C. Barclay 33 south Wharves.
Via Chesapeake
& Delaware Canal.
UNION LINE-The proprietors of this Line, in addition
to their present route via New Castle and Frenchtown, are now prepared to forward
merchandize, &c. to Baltimore by the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Having provided first rate vessels, they expect to
continue the business in such manner as will give general satisfaction. Goods will be taken at the lowest rates, & with
the greatest dispatch. From the long experience of the proprietors, shippers may feel a confidence the same regularity in
their charges, and attention to the safety of goods will prevail, as has always heretofore characterized this Line. Goods
sent to the Office, Chestnut street Wharf, will be received and forwarded
daily. Wm J. Watson, Agent Philadelphia. Wm McDonald & Son Agents, Baltimore.
HEMP, ONION & MUSTARD SEEDS-For sale by Ralston & Lyman 9 S. Front street.
CORDAGE & HEMP-60 coils American Patent Cordage,
11 bales Italian Hemp. For sale by Haven & Smiths, Corner Walnut and Front streets.
HOPS-Landing, and for sale, first and second sort
Hops. Apply to Waln & Morris No. 34 Wharves.
N. Y. SUGAR HOUSE MOLLASSES-For sale by B. & B. Cooper, Market street Wharf.
CIDER BRANDY-50 bbls Connecticut Cider Brandy, just received and for sale by Davis & Desauque,
29 south wharves.
OIL-6 bbls. Streights, 4 bbls Shore, and 15 bbls
Cod Oil. For sale by Thomas Haven, Walnut street 2d door above Front.
SALEMPORES-20 bales White Madras Salempores, entitled
to drawback. For sale by Joseph R. Evans 31 south wharves.
RIO COFFEE-120 bags high flavoured Rio Coffee,
landing and for sale by J. Welsh, 50 south wharves.
RICE-100 casks fresh RICE. Land from schr. Northern
Liberties. For sale by Haven & Smiths, Corner Walnut and Front.
ROUSSILLON WINE-30 hhds. Full bodied Roussillon
Wine. For sale by J. Welsh, 50 south wharves.
PLASTER-100 tons of Plaster, per schr. Orator,
at the Schuylkill. For sale by Thomas Haven, Walnut st. 2d door above
FOR SALE-69 BALES Louisiana Cotton, 2 hhds. Kentucky
Tobacco, 3300 New Orleans Ox Horns, 20 puncheons do 4th proof Rum, 5 bales Deer Skins, 20 do Moss, 5 bbls Horn
Tips, 700 lbs Yellow Beeswax, 90 hhds New Orleans Molasses. John B. Budd, 39
Dock street.
CAPS for all Seasons, and all Persons.-Western
Mechants will find at our Store a complete assortment of Caps whether for Infants, youths, boys or men, suitable for any season.
Sylvester Brothers. At Retail, Caps on the very lowest terms-Summer Caps repaired and made
equal to new.
WINE – 50 qr casks Marseilles Medreira Wine, landing from Schr. Franklin, and for sale by Davis
& Desquque 29 south wharves.
HEMP – 2 tons clean St. Petersburg Hemp,
landing from schr. Wm. Penn. For sale by Haven & Smiths, Corner of Walnut and Front.
TIMOTHY SEED – 40 tierces New Timothy Seed,
landing and for sale by C. & F. King, 48 south wharves.
N. E. RUM.-20 hhds. And 40 bbls. Pure Molasses
Rum, landing from sloop Collector at Gardiner’s wharf. For sale by Lincoln & Ryerss,
33 south wharves.
SEGARS,-20,000 best Havana Segars, Cabana Brand,
just received and for sale by Wm. A. Rhodes & Co. corner Chestnut and Front
SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES-4hhds. New York Sugar House
Molasses, landing from schr. Georgetown, and for sale by C.
& F. King, 48 south wharves.
100 Indian bbls. Roussillon Wine, 10 pipes Bordeaux
Brandy, 14 years old, entitled to debetture, landing from schr. Franklin and for
sale by Davis & Desauque, 29 south wharves.
of bleached Russia Sheetings, 500 flasks of Quicksilver. For sale by Waln & Morris, 34
south wharves.
TO SHIPPERS-Men’s Mail’d Shoes, and
Monroes, for Spanish Market, for sale by Alden &
Co. 6 Chestnut street.
HORNS-5000 Ox Horns, for sale by C. & F. King, 48 south wharves.
RICE-100 casks fresh Rice, landing from schr.
Northern Liberties. For sale by Haven & Smiths, Corner Walnut and Front sts.
COTTON-50 bales Upland Cotton, for sale by Morris, Smith, Girard’s wharf. Also, a few bales repacked Cotton.
and two dozen bottles, has had the advantage of East & West India Climate. For sale by S. Baldwin, 29 Doc street.
SEGARS.- 60 qr. Boxes of large size yellow Havana Segars, in lots to suit purchasers. For sale by J.
L. Moss, 18 south Front street.
PRIME BEEF. – 50 bbls New
York inspection, in store and for sale by A. C. Barclay, 38 south
FRESH RICE- 130 casks landing from Charleston
for sale by Morris Smith Girard’s wharf.
CHEESE – 150 casks retailing and shipping Cheese, for sale by E. N. Bridges, 30 south
MACKEREL and N. E. Rum-75 half bbls. No. 1 Mackerel,
25 bbls. No. 2 do., 10 bbls N. E. Rum. Landing from schr. Hiram, from Portland
and for sale by Shober & Bunting, 26 south Wharves.
PLASTER AFLOAT-50 tons, cargo of schr Wm. Penn,
afloat, for sale by A. C. Barclay 38 south wharves.
BRANDY, GIN &c. – 25 pipes Cognac Brandy,
5 pipes Gin (Swan Brand), 10 puncheons Jamaica Spirits. For sale by E. N. Bridges. 30 south
SHELLAC-Seven cases very superior Orange Shellac,
for sale by F. & D. Samuel 27 north Third street.
BANDANNAS-6 cases Bandannas, just received, and
for sale by Bevan & Humphreys 35 south wharves.
PELISSE WADDING-100 bales (15 doz. each,) White,
50 do. Do. Do. Black Peleisse Wadding by the bale or dozen, at reduces prices, by Geo. F. Womrath,
Manufacturer 24 north Fourth street. Also, 150 dozen Black Fur collars, (low
priced,) Western and southern merchants in want of the above articles would do well to call and examine for themselves.
MUIRKIRK PIG IRON-Best quality Muirkirk Pig Iron,
for sale in lots to suit purchasers. Cardwell, Potter & Co.
CLOTHS, Cassimeres & Satinetts.-20 cases of
assorted Cloths, Cassimeres and Satinetts, just received per brig. Acorn and for sale by Redwood
Fisher, 22 Church Alley.
RED CEDAR-500 logs prime Mobile Cedar, on Sibbald’s
wharf, opposite Swedes’ Church, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by J. Welsh, no.
50 south wharves.
HOES.-212 dozen Hoes, of superior quality, will
be sold low to close sales Ralston & Lyman, 9 south Front st.
shipping Rosin, Neale’s 17 bbls No. 1 Rosin, 10 casks Spirits Turpentine,
just received from Washington, North Carolina, for sale
by Charles F. Sibbald, Pine street wharf.
GUM ARABIC.-500 lbs superior Turkey Gum Arabic,
just received and for sale by A. S. & E. Roberts, Wholesale Druggist, 76 south Second
SPANISH and German Wools of Different qualities.
For sale by Thomas E. Walker & Co. 15 north Fourth street.
100 BAGS East India Crude Salt Petre, 14 pieces
prime Green St. Jago Coffee, 40 tons Camwood, in stick, 1500 kegs Gunpowder, F. assorted grades, suitable for shipping. For
sale by John Singer & Co. 263 Market street
CHASE CHOCOLATE, in boxes and half boxes, just
received and for sale by W. Sargent, 119 ½ S. Front street.
COTTON – 55 bales prime Georgia Upland Cotton,
now landing and for sale by Haven & Smiths, corner of Walnut and Front streets.
GRIND STONES.-30 tons Nova Scotia Grind Stones,
for sale by C. & F. King, 48 S. wharves.
CAROLINA MOSS-12 bales very superior quality Carolina
Moss, landing this day for sale by Jos. L. Moss, 18 south Front street
SOUTHERN BAGS.-12 tierces fair Southern Rags,
landing from the schr. Ann Eliza L., and for sale by Jos. L. Moss, 18
south Front street.
NUTMEG & PIMIENTO-3 casks Nutmegs, 200 bags
Pimento. For sale by Haven & Smith’s Corner Walnut and Front.
CLOVER SEED.-50 bbls prime new Clover Seed, just
received and for sale by Lea, Newman & Co. 13 S. Wharves.
CHOPPAS & SHEETINGS-200 ps. Choppas, large
size, 400 ps. Do small do. 100 ps Russia Sheeting. For sale
by Haven & Smiths corner Walnut and Front streets.
GERMAN PINS, warranted Schleicher’s, No.
5, and assorted, just received and for sale by Geisse & Korckhauss, 213
Market street.
India Co’s. Nutmegs. For sale by R. & I. Phillips, 75 S.
Front street.
DUMBARTON CROWN GLASS.-100 half boxes, for sale
by Saml H. Thomas, 18 Chestnut street.
PORT & LISBON WINES.-Received per ship Thames,
from London, 12 hhds, and 8 qr. Cass of Figuiera’s Port Wine, 6 hhds. Do.
Lisbon Wine, for sale by Waln & Morris, 34 south wharves.
GREY & BLACK HAIR CLOTH-We have made Hair
Cloth Caps, suitable for warm weather, which are warranted to wear well and serve several seasons. Families will be supplied
with Caps of Cloth, Leather, Merino, or Patent Leather, whether for infants or youths. Gentleman travelling, or desirous of
consulting comfort, should call at the manufacturer’ Store, No. 12 south Third street.
Sylvesters Brothers Stocks, all kinds, for sale.
PORK, LARD, HAMS & SHOULDERS. 25 BBLS Jersey Mess pork, new, 39 kegs do Lard, No. 1, do. 130 Hams, 130 Shoulders, Covered in handsome
order for shipping. For sale at No. 48 ½ South Front street.
LUMBER, STAVES, &e. 10,000 feet panel and
first common inch Boards, 4 M. feet Poplar Boards, Plank and Scanting; 10 M. Barrel Staves and heading, W. O., 7 M. first
quality White Pine Shingles, 5 M. common do. do., 20 kegs Butter. For sale by C. Humphreys &
Co. Schuylkill, 1st Wharf above Walnut street.
No. 35 South wharves, Have for sale, 2000 pieces
Small Choppas, 500 do Bandannas, 5000 do. Company Yellow Nankins, 6 cases blk. Sarsnets, 10 do. Suchon Pongees, 4 do. blk.
Canton Crapes, 6 do. Crape Scarfs, 2 do. Umbrella Senshws, 2 do. heavy damask
crape shwls, 7 do. blk Levantines, 1 do. blk. Satins, 1 do 6-4 Lavantine Shawls, 1 do col’d Levantines, 8 bales Blue
Gurrahs, 12 do. white Sannas and Mamondies, 5 cases Leghorn Hats (Bolivars.) 6 cases Spanish Sewing Silks.
of winter Pressed Spermacet Oil, 3150 do. of summer Strained do. do. 200 boxes Spermaceti Candles, 4, 5 & 6 to the lb.
of the most approved brands. The cargo of the schr Regulator from New Bedford,
now landing at Beck’s wharf below Market st. For sale by Thos. W. Morgan, 9 south wharves.
In store, Whale Oil, in hhds. Tierces and bbls. 600 boxes New Bedford Sperm Candles.
FRENCH GOODS Black, White and Green Crapes, Balck
and assorted coloured Florences, Satins and Gros De Naples, print ed Fau la id Silks, Crepes Areophane and Crepes Lisse, Silk
Gros Des Indes, Hat Crapes, Silk Gloves, Balck Silk Cravats, Italian Sewing Silks, Assorted Coloured Mantua Ribbons, Belt
Ribbons, figured Ribbons in sets, Rench and Genoa Silk Velvets, Men’s Beaver and Buckskin Gloves, Linen Cambircs and
Handkerchiefs, French Prints. With a varity of other articles, received by recent arrivals. For sale by Edm’d Fehr, 24 Chestnut street.
WIDOW of the late Wm T. Bladen, the original proprietor of the establishment for many years,
so well known as “Bladen’s Biscuit Bakery,” having taken her brother J. R. Marks,
into partnership, respectfully informs her friends and the public generally, that he business will be in all respects conducted
as heretofore. Sincerely gratefull for past favors, she earnestly solicits a constinuance
of their patronage and pledges her assurance that all orders shall be promptly attended to, on the most reasonable terms.
Bladen & Co., No. 87, North Water street,
between Arch and Race. Pilot Bread, Navy do., Crackers, Sugar Biscuit, Butter do.
$100 REWARD A DARING robbery was committed at
the store of the subscribers on Saturday evening, between 8 and 9 o’clock,
by four villains, who opened the door by means of false keys, and among thegoods stolen so far as ascertained, wee the following,
viz. about 100 pcs 4-4 common Black silk Hdkfs. 60 Black Carpe Dresses, 75 pcs Silk Hdkfs. Imitation of German Foulards, 50
pounds Blue Italian Sewing Silk. These goods were seen put into a Dearborn wagon
at the door, with a black gig top, and a bay horse. The above reward will be paid for the goods and the conviction of the
thieves. Pawn Brokers and others are requested to stop such goods if offered, and owners of carriages of the above description
are also requested to give information. Jas. & P. Wilmer 9 north Front street.
The Crontollers of the Public Schools, for the
first School district, of Pennsylvania, offer a Premium of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, for a system of school discipline, lessons,
and other means adapted to the instruction of children under five years of age; which shall embrace economy, efficiency, and
simplicity in its details, to be accompanied with a plan for constructing apartments, and fixtures devoted to the use of Infant
Schools. Three months from the date hereof are allowed to candidates, and at the expiration merits of the Essays which maybe
furnished, and a plan, which shall be approved by them. Robert Vaux, President of the Board,
Philadelphia, 3d mo. (March) 19, 1830.
a quantity of outside quires imperial Printing Paper. Inquire at this office.
From the Washington Banner MR.
On reaching the ocean, at the distance of several miles from the land, her
commander saw a steam boat ahead, which had gone out of the harbor an hour or two before him, waiting for his approach, as
if desious to speak him. After coming within a short distance, Captain Clark, discovered that her decks were covered with armed men, and that a gun mounted on board with in
hail, Captain Clark was ordered to let go his anchor, and proceed with his papers to the steam
boat. With both of these orders, he promply complied; and, on meeting commander, was informed by him that he had orders from
his Government to detain the Spark by force; indeed this was evident from the hostile attitude of the men on board the steam
boat, who were armed with pistols and swords as if prepared to board and carry an enemy. Upon this information, and upon the
exhibition to him of a documents, signed by the Marquis of Massaio, Minister of marine, which
was declared to be the authority under which the steam boat had been dispatched, Captain Clark
ordered the American colors to be struck, and surrendered his vessel as a prize, without the slightest resistance. Seventeen
Brazilian seamen, a number of marines and officers, were then placed on board the Spark; whilst the American crew, who very
properly and firmly refushed to assist in weighing the anchor, or to perform any other duty under the Brazilian prize officers,
were nearly all transferred to the steam boat, as prisoners, where several of them were stowed so near the boiler that they
nearly fainted.
An attempt was then made by the Brazilians, who were equal in number to the
crew of the Spark, to raise the anchor; but, after an unsuccessful struggle of near two hours, during which time they could
not move it, they were ordered to cut the cable. This command was executed, and without the precaution of attaching a buoy,
so that a loss was at once sustained of about 1200 dollars, independent of 100 dollars damage otherwise done by unskillful
management. After this proceeding, the Spark was got under sail by the caiguns of the Imperial ship of the line, and at 4 P.M. anchored in the harbor, under the guns of the Imperial ship of the line, Pedro Primeiro.
The steam boat was aluted as she approached that ship, with the vivias & the shouts due to the victorious, and immediately
afterwards the American prisoners were transferred to the man of war. After night an order came from the Admiral of the port,
to send on board the flag ship of residue of the crew of the Spark, including the cook and steward, which obliged Capt. Clark to prepare the supper for his passengers with his own hands.
On the morning of the 5th, as if alarmed at the atro city of these
proceedings, the authorities withdrew from the Spark the whole of the prize crew, and sent back all the American crew, with
the exception of two men, who were retained in irons. The Admiral, however, having subsequently received fresh instructions
from the Government, took possession of the vessel again in the evening, by stationing on board of her ten marines and an
officer, who forced the crew of the Spark to go below, where twenty of them were kept crowded in a space so small and confined,
that the actual fear of their suffication, so great was the heat of the weather, afterwards obliged them to permit half of
them to sleep on deck.
ON the 6th instant, at 11, A.M., several officers went on board
the Spark, and in the absence of the captain, proceeded to search and overhaul her. They commenced in the cabin, by turning
the lady passengers out of their berths, and ripping and breaking up the berths, which were permanent fixtures. An eager search
was made through every part of the cabin. They then commenced in the ward room, and entered the run by ripping up the deck.
They broke the lock of the Captain’s chest, and overhauled everything in it. They proceeded to break the magazine lock,
and overhauled four barrels of powder, which were there; and finally went away, leaving the same guard that had been placed
on board the preceding evening.
On the 7th, two launches were brought along side the spark, for the purpose of discharging her, but the wind not permitting it, they departed. In the course
of the day, several passengers went on shore in consequence of ill treatment, from the prize officer. In the afternoon, an
anchor less than half the weight of the one which had been lost, was brought along side, and a number of seamen were sent
on board to shift the position of the vessel. The captors, during this day, continued their search, overhauling everything,
and putting every thing in confusion, as it is expressed in the log book. They had free access to the stores of the brig;
and when a soldier was complained of, as having been detected in stealing bread, his officer said it was too small a matter
to take notice of.
On the 8th, early in the morning, two Brazilian launches came along
side the Spark, with officers and men, who got her under weigh, and anchored her in the inner harbor, near the Island
of Cobras. Here they began to discharge her, by emptying some of the casks of fresh
water among the ballast, and hoisting the empty casks on deck. They took all the fire wood up out of the hold, and hoisted
up the few bales of goods which were on freight. They shifted the ballast from stem to stern and examined the very skin of
the vessel. At length not being able to find anything on board, except what appeared on the ship’s documents, the searching
party withdrew at half past 3, P. M., leaving the brig in possession of a Midshipman,
eight seamen, and six morines, and everything in the utmost confusion, sails half furled, cables full of grinds, and the wood,
ballast, stores, &c., in the hold, have promiscuously together. Since then no further search has been made; but the vessel
still continues in possession of the captors.
From the foregoing details, you will readily perceive that the whole of this
transaction, from the beginning to the end, resembled more the ransacking of a vessel by a band of free booters, than the
discharge of a civil duty within the jurisdiction of laws. At one time, as many as fifty or sixty Brazilians were on board.
But the outrage against our national honor was not limited to these occurrences. To give a coloring to an act of hostility,
deliberately resolved upon by the Government, no doubt many days before hand, in the midst of solemn professions of amity
for the United States, it was necessary to affect suspicious, which, had they really existed, could have been at once removed
by the demanding of bonds or a reference to me. It was necessary, I say, for the Government to pretend a belief that the spark
had on board a Buenos Ayrean commission, a conjecture wholly discountenanced by the circumstances of her being freighted by
women and children. The Ministers had no such suspicion; but they had a suspicion that
as the Spark was for sale, having been first offered to them, she might be purchased at Monte Video, by some agent
of the Buenos Ayrean Government, and fitted out to cruise against Brazil.
The officers of the steam boat who captured the Spark, indiscreetly suffered this secret of state to escape them, in the presence
of American hearers; and , in my own mind, this disorderly proceeding was to break up the voyage of the Spark. So certain
was the officer above referred to of the adequateness of the means to accomplish this end, that he actually ordered for sale
his share of the prize money.
Let us now examine these means, and see how far they were such as become a
civilized nation, towards a Power recently declared to be to be regarded by the Emperor as his “natural ally.”
The vessel is within the jurisdiction of the civil authorities. She is notoriously destined for Monte Video, whither she offered
to carry freight and passengers. She is allowed to clear out at the custom house. No suspicions are there intimated to the
Captain. He is permitted to pass four or five forts on his way to the ocean, by either of which he could be stopped, and from
one of which he must needs be boarded. He receives his visit, as having his clearance and papers in regular order; and, after
passing out of the harbor, under the same good faith with which he entered it, he is made a prize of and ignominiously brought
back; not by a force sent in pursuit of him, in consequence of information obtained after his departure, but by a vessel mysteriously
fitted out, and manned, at midnight, and sent to sea before him, passing within hail of the very forts above referred to.
But even this is not all. To give éclat to this exploit, thus planned for another
purpose but to give luster to the Brazilian arms, and to stain the honor of our Republic, the insinuation is industriously
circulated that the Spark is a piratical vessel. The crew of the steam boat, picked men from the line of battle ship, where
harangued and told that they were going in pursuit of a pirate; when the crew of the Spark were transferred as prisoners to
that ship, they were told that they were pirates; the Admiral of the port pron0outiced, in the presence of a number of persons,
that an American pirate had been taken; and, finally, on shore, the respectable American merchants to whom the Spark had been
consigned, where charged by common rumor, with being concerned in the fitting out of a pirate.
Such imputations against their countrymen, and such atrocious conduct against
their country’s honor; were calculated to arouse the indignation of the American citizens on the spot. They felt as
if their nation was degraded, and as if the star spangled banner, so much boasted of at home, was no longer able to shield
from insult and dishonor, those who trust to its fancied protection. They looked to me as their representative, to demand
reparation. But what could I accomplish? I had been for years a witness of a series of the most unexampled wrongs, aggressions,
and insults, inflicted by this Government and its authorities upon the seamen, the commerce, and the honor of the United
States. I had, against all these outrages exerted to the utmost, the feeble talents which
heaven has been pleased to entrust to my care, and all the little zeal which belongs to my temperament, in complaints and
remonsisiances. But with what unhappy effect the records of your department will show. In not a single instance that I can
call to mind was redress ever afforded. The offence of impressing, of imprisoning, and of degrading an American citizen, was
considered as amply atoned for by his mere restoration to liberty. Ships and cargoes have been unlawfully detained for months,
and in one case, nearly years; and have been either condemned by the corrupt decision of a court, or have been released without
the allowance of a dollar for the damage sustained by the party acknowledged to be injured. In
the case of the ship Spermo, no promise, even of redress, has been afforded against the iniquitous decision pronounced against
her on the tenth of January; but on the contrary a denial of reparation was indirectly proclaimed on the 2d inst. By the equally
unjust condemnation of the English Brig Rob Roy, detained at the same time; and under circumstances precisely similar. For
the detention of the brig. Exchange, in the year 1824, pronounced by a Brazilian court to have been illegal, not a cent has
been recovered, although the claimants have prosecuted a suit for mare than two years, by special agent, maintained on the
spot. For the brutal deeds which accompanied the capture of the brig Ruth, the treatment of whose master, supercargo, and
crew has been unparalleled, except in the instance communicated to you, wherein a Brazilian commander cut off the ear of one
of his prisoners, and was afterwards promoted for the act, not the shadow of reparation has been afforded. After six months
detention, & suffering damages estimated at 20,000 dollars, she is merely allowed to depart free from confiscation; and,
from recent decisions in other neutral cases, it is manifest to me that no indemnity for any of the spoliations committed
against our citizens and commerce is intended to be allowed.
To remain longer a spectator of these multiplying wrongs was impossible. To
make any appeals, in addition to those which had hitherto exhausted my slender stock of arguments, was only wasting time,
and permitting the honor of the country which I represent to be frittered away by degrees. I saw but one course to pursue,
but I was resolved not hastily to adopt it. On the morning of the fifth, having heard of the return back in consequence of
intelligence received subsequent to her departure, I wrote a short note to the Minister, politely requesting that he would
inform me of the grounds of her detention. To this note I received, at noon of the seventh, (the day after the overhauling
had been commenced;) a reply, in which it was attempted to place me in the position of the party complained of, and to throw
the onus probandi upon me I was, forsooth, called upon for explanation as to the “true destination” of a vessel,
represented as detained by the Government on suspicion of intentions hostile to Brazil; and I was requested to weigh the mighty
considerations which had led the Government to adopt this measure. In answering this note, which I regarded as an official
insult, I did so, long delay. I briefly stated that had I been informed before the sailing of the Spark, of any suspicious
of a destination different from that expressed in her clearance, I would cheerfully have lent my aid in easing them to be
removed, but that, in the actual state of the affair, I declined giving any explanations.
On the following day another incident, calculated to aggravate the insult against
our flag which had marked this transaction, was communicated to me. Mr. Wright, our Consul,
had demanded of the Port Admiral the release of the two seaman detained in irons on board the man of war. It had been previously
reported that the ground of their detention was that one of them, James Dwyer, an American,
who has a wife and child in Philadelphia, was a deserter from the Brazilian service, and that he other, Henry Cook, was a deserter from a British frigate, neither of which
allegation proved to be true. To this note an answer was returned on the seventh, in a style almost as inappropriate and indecorous
as that which Admiral Pinto employed at Monte Video in the case wherein he took upon himself, in the most unprovoked and insulting
manner to allude to the affair of the Chesapeake and Leopard. Mr. Wright received on satisfaction.
The British seaman was sent to a British man of war, unasked for; whilst the American, after being kept in double irons for
four days, and after having manfully resisted threats and offers to force or entice him into the Brazilian service, was sent
back to the Spark, with the painful news that about twenty American seamen, had been transferred to the brig of war Carioca,
which sailed on the 6th instant on a cruise.
Under the influence of all these circumstances, seeing no middle course between
national dishonor and a close of my mission, I adopted the latter alternative, on the night of the eighth, by a demand for
my passports. On the ninth, I received a note from the Minister, in answer, to mine of the seventh, in which he undertook
to justify the proceeding of his Government in relation to the Spark. And how do you imagine this justification to have been
supported? Why by a solemn declaration that the Spark was outside of the harbor before the Minister of Marine issued orders
for her being stopped!!! Upon such a declaration from a Minister of State, it is impossible to comment. There is scarcely
a Brazilian or foreigner in Rio De Janeiro, so notorious is the fact, that does not know that the steam boat sailed before
the Spark; and hundreds are acquainted with the additional fact, that her commander received his orders the preceding night,
when the Spark was safely moored at anchor, without the possibility of escape, had such an intention been suspected. In this
note not a word was said about my passports, but on the following day, I received official notice that the Emperor had ordered
them to be made out. I am now accordingly making arrangements to return to the United States, which I hope to each in June,
under the blessing of Providence; and thus terminate an absence of five years, which might have been prolonged for two additional
years, had my sense of duty and respect for the honor of my country, enabled me to pursue any other course than the one I
have adopted, or had I been capable of sacrificing public intreats to private considerations.
A copy of my correspondence with the Minister upon these subjects, which is
all that has taken place since the date of my last communication, I will transmit you by the next opportunity.
I have the honor to be, with great respect,
Sir, your obedient and humbled servant
Condy Raguet.
Estract from the same to the same, dated March
17, 1827.
In relating to you the particulars,
as I did in my last, of the unjustifiable proceeding of this Government in relation to the seizure of the brig Spark, I omitted
to mention some circumstances which preceded that event, and which I shall now relate.
The Spark arrived here from New York
on the 27th of January, with a cargo and a number of passengers, amongst whom was a Brazilian Naval officer. The
object of her owners in sending her to this port was to offer her for sale to the Brazilian Government, which was understood
to be in want of ships of her description. After her arrival, an inventory of
her armament and stores was presented to the Minister of Marine, and she was accordingly so offered. The minister, however,
declined the purchase of the vessel, but expressed a desire to purchase the guns which the captain refused to sell alone.
The Spark it seems had on board ten guns, mounted when she was offered for sale, whilst the number expressed in her clearance,
was but four, and this irregular appearance having been communicated to the Government, I suppose by the Brazilian officer
above referred to, an order was sent on board of her, intimating that the extra guns must be landed before the vessel would
be allowed to go to sea. On the 18th of Feb. Captain Clark called on me to take my opinion on this subject; which
was looked upon at the time as a mere manouvre to compel a sale of this guns to the Government, and gave me the first information
which I possessed of the fact relative to his armament, declaring at the same time that he had told the Collector at New York
when he cleared out, that he had additional guns in the hold of his vessel. Although I knew he must have given bonds at home,
for double the amount of his vessel and cargo, that his guns should not be employed during his voyage against any nation with
which the United States were in amity, yet I thought that as an irregularity
had been committed in his clearance, and as he might be liable to detention by either belligerent on suspicion of conveying
contraband articles, I recommended him to land his guns, and told him that I should report his case to your Department. With
this recommendation he promptly complied; and, after continuing in port without the occurrence of any new suggestions from
the Government, until the 4th of March, he attempted to proceed on his voyage to Monte Video, where I presume he
intended to offer his vessel for sale, in the exercise of one of the legitimate rights of a neutral, of which it is not in
the power of a belligerent to deprive him. With the subsequent detntion of his vessel you have already been advised. [To be
The following is the amount of duties paid by
the different Auctioneers of the city, during the last quarter.
R. F. Allen…………………
S. E. Ford………………….
M. Gillingham……………… 3305.81
J. Jennings…………………. 2976.00
P. Graham………………… 1412.70
S. W. Lippincott……….….. 1216.97
H. Corbit…………………. 1068.06
G. W. Richards…………… 1041.20
M. Thomas……………….. 450.35
T. B. Freeman……………. 262.55
At a respectable meeting of the citizens, held
at the Merchants’ Coffee House, on the evening of March 22, 1830,
to take into consideration the bill now pending before the legistature for continuing a rail road from the borough of York
to the Maryland line. Wm Boyd was appointed
chairman, and J. S. Waln, Secretary. The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That the citizens of the city of Philadelphia
and county of Philadelphia, be requested to attend a general meeting on Thursday afternoon net, the 25th inst.
At 4 o’clock, at the County Court House, to take into consideration the Bill
now before the legislature of Pennsylvania, to incorporate the York and Baltimore
rail road company.
William Boyd,
J. S. Waln, Secretary.
We mentioned in our last, that a man had been
committed to prison on some charge arising out of the sudden death of his wife. We learn that he was yesterday taken before
alderman Badger for examination, and the testimony of several witnesses satisfied the magistrate
that his commitment was called for. We understood that from the bruises on her neck, it is probable that the woman died from
blows inflicted by the hands and feet of the man. U. S. Gaz.
Early on Sunday morning the stables of Mr. Peters, near Mount Airy,
a short distance beyond Germantown, were destroyed by fire. Mr. Peters is one of the proprietors of the Chesnut Hill and Germantown
stages; and his stables were, hence, stored with grain, and contained the horses of the establishment. We learn with regret,
that all the former were destroyed, and that twelve fine horses will be lost – ten were burned to death, and two so
much injured as to be of no value.
The Baltimore American of yesterday contains the
following unpleasant intelligence:
Serious Accident to Bishop
Chase.- The Cumberland Md. Civilian of Friday says:-“On Wednesday night last, as the Western stage was leaving
town, in consequence of excessive darkness it was precipitated off the bank of the turnpike and dashed to pieces, the horses
running off with the fore carriage. Bishop Chase, of Ohio,
was seriously injured-some of his ribs broken and his left arm dislocated. The Bishop had arrived in town a shrt time before
the stage, traveling in a coach presented to Kenyon College
by our late townsman, James Reeside, Esq. – but being unable to reach Ohio
in time to fill some appointment he was induced to take the stage at this place. The stage was much crowded with passengers,
but none of the others were materially injured.
A melancholy accident occurred in Shenandoah county,
Va. a few days since. The Miller employed to Mr. Pittman’s
Mill, a few miles above Woodstock, had safely conducted over the river in a canoe
a number of ladies, and was crossing for the last time with Mrs. Pittman, a daughter in law
of Mr. P. first named, when the canoe upset, and both were thrown into the stream. The Miller,
however, seized Mrs. P. and was conveying her to the shore, when the canoe, which had lodged
above them on the mildam, broke loose and struck him on the head, with such force as to deprive him of motion, and both he
and Mrs. P. were downed.
Capt. Wood, of
brig Lydia at New York, from Savannah, March 15, reports Freights, to Liverpool, ¾ d; to Havre, 1 ¼ t; to New York $1.50 per
bale to Providence and Philadelphia, ½ ct. – Very few vessels in port to take European Freights. A ship arrived from
Charleston he day previous. Small vessel plenty.
It is said, in a letter to the journal of commerce,
that Mr. Adams is preparing a reply to the self cridnicaton of the late charle Des Affairs
at Rio de Janeiro.
March of Crime.- A late London
paper states that the number of offenders against the laws, committed to the different prisons of England
and Wales, within the last year, has amounted to no less than
ninety five thousand.
The Post Master General has established a post
office at “Smithfield,” in Philadelphia
county, by the name of “Somerton Post Office,” and Grover Roberts, Esq. has been
appointed Post Master.
The regulations of the Department do not admit
of two offices of the same name in any one state, and there being already a Smithfield Post Office in Fayette county, it therefore
became necessary to give to the office above mentioned a different designation. We understand the name of Somerton has been
adopted in accordance with the wishes of a number of the inhabitants of Smithfield,
from respect to the memory of the late Judge Somers.
We learn from Capt Morgan,
of the brig Commerce, from Havana, that the sugar crops were very good, and were
coming in abundantly. Gaz.
From the American Sentinel
Wednesday March 17,
In the House of Representatives-A resolution offered
by Mr. Moore of Beaver, directing the committee on inland navigation and internal improvement
to provide for the future appointment of canal commissioners was negatived.
Mr. Evans reported
an act providing the means of employing and supporting the convicts in the eastern penitentiary of the state [Made the order
of the day for Saturday, the 20th inst.]
The bill making further appropriations for canals
and rail roads was read the third time and passed – yeas 58, nays 31.
Mr. Petriken offered
the following resolution which was adopted:
Resolved, that the committee on inland navigation
and internal improvement be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill directing the construction of river
locks in the Shamokin dam and Muncey dam so as to admit of the passage of rafts, arks and boats.
The following Bills passed through committee of
the whole:
A supplement to the act, entitled an act to endow
the House of Refuge and for other purposes, passed the 2d day of Mar, 1827.
An act for the relief of Catherine
Cryder and Elizabeth Budding, widows of revolutionary soldiers.
Thursday March 18.
In the House of Representatives- Mr. Banks reported an act to annul the marriage contract of Christian Wenger and
Elizabeth his wife.
The bill for the relief of Jesse Smith, of Bradford county, was read the 3d time and passed- yeas 55, nays 20.
The House of Refuge bill was read the second time
& ordered to be transcribed – yeas 55, nays 20
The resolution relative to a revised code of Pennsylvania
was read the second time, and ordered to be returned to senate.
By and with the advice and consent of the Senate
David Porter,
of Pennsylvania to be Consul General of the United States for the Barbary Powers, to reside at Algiers, vice Henry Lee, of Virginia, rejected by the Senate.
Isaac Austin Hayes,
to be Consul of the United States for the port
of Rio Grande, in Brazil.
Francis B. Ogden,
of New Jersey, to be Consul of the United States for the ports of Liverpool, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, in the place
of James Maury.
Daniel C. Croxall,
of New Jersey, to be Consul of the United States
at Marseilles, in the place of Joshua Dodge, removed.
William Daniel Patterson,
of New York, to be Consul of the United States
at Antwerp, in place of Charles Barnet, removed.
Charles Rhind,
of New York, to be Consul of the United States
for the port of Odessa, on the Black
Sea, in Russia.
Frederick Kahl,
of Germany, to be Consul of the United States for the Kingdom of Wiertemberg and the Grand Duchies of Hesse, Dermstadt and
Sidney Mason,
of Massachusetts, to be consul o the United States
for the port of St. John, in the Island
of Porto Rico, in place of Robert Jaques, removed.
John S. Meircken,
of Pennsylvania, to be Consul of the U. States for the Island
of Martinique.
William Stirling,
to be consul of the United States for the port
of Barcelona, in Spain,
in place of Charles Douglass.
William Troost Simons,
to be Consul of the United States for Westphalia
and the Prussia Prvinces of the Rhine, to reside at Elberfoldt, in place of John
Godfre Boker, resigned.
Frederick Schillow,
to be Consul of the United States for the port
of Stettin in the Kingdom of Prussia.
Theodore Privat,
to be Consul of the United States for port
of Cette, in the Kingdom of France,
in the place of Alexander de Tubeurl, deceased.
John Lexon Kennedy,
of New York, to be Consul of the United States
for the ports of Guaymas, Mazatian, and San Blas, in Mexico
Silas K. Everett,
of New York, to be Consul of the United States
at Panama, in the Republic
of Columbia.
Joseph Washington Elliot
Wallace, to be Consul of the United States at San
Antonio in Mexico, in place of David Dixon, resigned.
Thomas F. Knox,
of Virginia, to be Consul of the United States
at Augostura, in the Republic of Columbia.
Peter Hotz, Jr.,
of Pennsylvania, to be Consul of the United States
at Valencia, in Spain.
Daniel Burrows,
to be Surveyor for the District, and Inspector of the Revenue, for the port of Middltown,
id the State of Connecticut, from the
22d May, 1830, when his present commission will expire.
Joshua Carpenter,
to be Collector of the Customs for the district of Penobscot, and Inspector of the Revenue for the port
of Castine, in the State of Maine,
vice Samuel K. Gilman, removed.
John Crowninshield,
to be Appariser of Goods for the port of Boston,
in the State of Massachusetts, vice Isaac Waters,
John Grant, Jr.,
to be Collector of the Customs for the District and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Oswego, in the State of New York,
from the second of May, 1830, when his present commission will expire.
John T. Vernor,
to be Surveyor and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Albany, in the State of New York, from the 6th of May,
1830, when his present commission will expire.
David B. McNeil,
to be Collector of the Customs for the District of Champlain, and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Plattsburg, in
the State of New York, from the 2d of May, 1830, when the commission of Frederick L. C. Sailly
will expire.
John P. Osborne,
to be Collector of the Customs for the District, and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Sagg Harbour, in the State of
New York, from the 1 th of May, 1830, when the commission of Henry Thomas Dering will expire.
John Chew, to
be Survyeor and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Haven
de Grace, in the State of Maryland, from the
10th of May, 1830, when his commission will expire.
George W. Briscoe,
to be Surveyor and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Notingham, in the State of Maryland, from the 10th
of May, 1830, when his present commission will expire.
William Nelson,
to be Collector of the Customs for the District, and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Yorktown, in the State of Virginia,
from the 3rd of April, 1830, when his present commission will expire.
James Wade, to
be Surveyor and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Swansborough,
in the State of North Carolina, from the
2d of May, 1820, when his present commission will expire.
John D. Jones,
to be Naval Officer for the District of Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina, from the 22d of May, 1830, when his present
commission will expire.
William E. Hayne,
to be Appraiser of Goods for the port of Charleton,
in the State of South Carolina, vice Andrew Smylie,
William Joyner,
to be Collector of the Customs for the District, and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Beaufort, in the State of South
Carolina, from the 22d of May, 1830, when his present commission will expire.
John Stevens,
to be Collector of the Customs for the District of Savannah, in the State of Georgia, from the 1st of April 1830,
when his present commission will expire.
Archibald Clarke,
to be Collector of the Customs for the District, and Inspector of the Revenue for the port
of St. Mary’s, in the State of Georgia,
from the 6th of May, 1830, when his present commission will
Lyman Briggs,
to be Surveyor and Inspector of the Revenue for the port f Madisonville, in the State of Mississippi, from the 22d of May,
1830, when his present commission will expire.
Robert Mitchell,
to be Collector of the Customs for the District, and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Pensacola, in the Territory
of Florida, from the 3d of April, 1830, when his present commission will expire.
William M. Loftin,
to be Surveyor and Inspector of the revenue for the port of St. Andrews, in the Territory of
Florida, from the 3d of April, 1830, when his present commission will expire.
Conway Whittle,
to be Collector of the Customs for the district of Norfolk, and Portsmouth, in
the State of Virginia, vice Moses Myers removed.
Gideon Fitz, to
e Register of the Land Office for the district of Lands subject to sale at Mount
Salos, in the State of Mississippi,
from the 10th of May, 1830, when his present commission will
John M. Davis,
of Pennsylvania, to be Marshal of the United
States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, in place of Hugh
Davis, removed.
Charles Slade,
of Illinois, to be Marshal of the United States
for the District of Illinois, in place of Henry Conner, removed.
William Lyon,
of Tennessee, to be Marshal of the United States
for the Eastern District of Tennessee, in place of John Gallaway, removed.
Zephaniah Drake,
of New Jersey, to be Marshal of the United States,
for the District of New Jersey, in place of Oliver W. Ogden, removed.
Garret D. Wall,
of New Jersey, to be Attorney of the United States
for the District of New Jersey, in place of Lucius Q. C. Elmer, removed.
Samuel Judah,
of Indiana, to be Attorney of the United States,
for the District of Indiana, in place of Charles Dewey, removed.
James A. Hamilton,
of New York, to be Attorney of the United States,
for the Southern District of New York, in place of John Duer, removed.
John Speed Smith,
of Kentucky, to be Attorney of the United States,
for the District of Kentucky, in place of John J. Crittenden, removed.
John M. McCalla,
of Kentucky, to be Marshal of the United States,
for the District of Kentucky, in place of Chapman Coleman, removed.
Heman Lowry, of
Vermont, to be Marshal of the United States
for the District of Vermont, in place of Joseph Edson, removed.
Gorge Shannon, of Missouri, to be Attorney of
the United States for the District of Missouri, in place of
Beverly Allen, removed.
Daniel Kellog,
of Vermont, to be Attorney of the United States
for the District of Vermont, in place of William A. Griswold, removed.
Augustus Jones,
of Missouri, to be Marshal of the United States
for the District of Missouri, in place of John Simonds, Jr., removed.
William B. Lewis,
of Tennessee, to be Second Auditor of the Treasury, vice William Lee, removed.
New York,
March 22.
From Carthagena – the brig Athenian, Chapman,
arrived at this port this morning in 20 days from Carthagena. She was chartered to go to Chagres, and
took thence to Carthagena 312 men, 28 officers, and 15 women. The Captain informs, that as soon as Gen.
Montillo had paid off his officers and clothed them, they revolted, and went to Gen. Paez.
Gun boats were fitting out with all possible speed, as was supposed to bring troops to Carthagena. The soldiers were greatly dissatisfied, on account of not receiving their pay.
On the passage of the Athenian from Chages, the
male was knocked down by some of the soldiers, and large gash cut in his head. The steward, also, was stabbed in one of his
A French man of war brig of 24 guns had just arrived.
The British packet Lady Wellington, just arrived from Jamaica,
and sailed for the same port. Con. Adv.
Columbia.-The Journal of Commerce publishes an
extract from a Maracaiho paper of the 14th ult., called the Liberal, which has been lately resusclitated, the Editor
having been banished to Cornona with several other patriots, in the beginning of 1828. The time adopted in speaking of the
acts of Bolivar, and the catastrophe of Ocana, is very strong, and the charge against him of intending to establish monarchy
is unequivocally urged. The same paper contains forty two articles of the Decree of Gen. Puez,
providing for the organization of an independent government. The primory elections were to be held on the first eight days
of March, for the Choice of Electors. The electors are to meet on the 1st of April, in their respective provinces,
for the choice of Deputies to the Constituent Congress of Venezuela. The Congress was to meet at Valencia
on the 8th of the same month.
The following is an Extract of a letter, dated
“Maracorba feb. 20, 1830 – Affairs
here, since you last heard from me, wear about the same aspect as they did. No decisive news from Bogota
has yet been received, though a very short time must inform communication between this and Bogota,
is suspended even the mail is not allowed to go beyond the Department of Zulia. Of course the merchants, whose whole trade
almost is that direction, are very much concerned. I do not think that the non intercourse with Bogota
can possibly continue long. Business at present is very dull.
From the New York
Journal of Commerce.
By the brig Athenian, Captain Chapman, we have
received Bogota papers and letters to Beg. 14th inclusive. We have
also been permitted to copy from a letter of the Colubian Secretary of State
to the Consulate General to this city, the following Bases of a Constitution, which have been approved by the Congress.
1. the integrity of the Republic
of Columbia is confirmed as established by the fundamental law [of 1819].
2. Its government shall be one, [uno] popular,
representative and elective.
3. the supreme power, in its exercise, shall always
be divided into legislative, executive, and judicial.
4. The legislative power shall be vested in a
Congress, composed of a Senate and House of Representatives, whose acts shall receive the sanction of the Executive.
5. the legislative power shall never be delegated
to any person or corporation.
6. the executive power shall reside in the President
of the Republic, and will necessarily be exercised through the agency of Miniters, Secrataries of State.
7. A Council of State will aid the President in
the more important business of his administration.
8. Justice will be administered by Courts and
Judicicatures with entire independence in their exercise.
9. For the better government of the Republic,
the territory will be divided into Deparments, Provinces, Cantons, and Parishes.
10. Chambers of Districts will be established,
with power to deliberate and decide on all municipal and local affairs of the Departments, and to represent [to the government]
whatever may concern the general interests of the Republic.
Sec. 1. Each Department whose population, wealth,
and other circumstances, are sufficient wo sustain such and establishment separately, with advantage to the public, will have
a District Chamber.
Sec. 2. Each Department which on account of the
smallness of its population or other causes, cannot sustain this establishment with public advantage, will be connected for
this purpose with an adjoining Department.
11. the periods of election will be prolonged,
to avoid the inconveniences which result from frequent changes in the high functionaries, or even the repeated elections of
the same functionaries.
12. No power or magistrate shall have unlimited
authority, or any other authority than is given by the Constitution.
13. No power or magistrate shall have authority
to suspend individual security, except in cases specified by the Constitution.
14. Every public functionary is subject to responsibility,
-The President, is irresponsible, except in the cases of high treason specified in the Constitution.
15. The Catholic, apostolic, Roman religion, is
the religion of the State. The government exercising the office of protectorate of the Columbian Church, no other public worship
will be permitted.
16. The Constitution guaranties personal security,
the right of property, equality before the law, the liberty of the press, liberty of employment, and the right of petition.
From the N.Y. Merchantile Advertiser, Mar. 22
By the arrival of the packet ship Lavinia, Capt. Davis, we are favored with a file of Vera Cruz papers to the 2d inst. Inclusive, from which
we subjoin a few extracts.
An order was passed, directing that the custom
house duties accruing after the 3d inst. Should be paid in 40 to 50 days.
The conduct left Mexico city
on the 20th of Feb. for Vera Cruz.
The brig Ant, from Liverpool,
had stranded about three leagues from Vera Cruz. The cargoes of this vessel, and that of the French ship Inez, were selling
by auction. A Vera Cruz paper wonders how they could have stranded in fair weather, and intimates that it was a mere pretence
to introduce their cargoes.
The schr. Oscar, arrived at Vera Cruz on the 27th
Jan, with 340 bales of American cotton goods, which have been prohibited sine Nov. The consignee gave information of the arrival
to the collector, and thereby was entitled to one half of the avails. Some difficulties had, however, occurred in regard to
the disposition of the cargo, and the goods were ordered to be deposited, until an order of Congress could be obtained on
the subject.
Mr. Butler, our
new Charge d’Affairs to Mexico, was presented to the
Executive on the 29th of Jan.
The Mexican Congress have, by a vote of 23 to
17, declared the late election of Gen. Guerrero to be null and void.
The state of Jaline, Gaunajuato,
San Luis Potosi, and Valadolid, had combined to establish an independent government, but
it appear that dissentions existed in these states.
The General Congress had under consideration a
proposition to declare several of the recent elections in the states to be unconstitutional. In anticipation of a decree to
this effect, some of the local legislatures have voluntarily dissolved. That of Valadolid had closed its session in a violent
Some disturbances had occurred in Cordova, and
the capital Durango, originating in the recent elections.
Commissioners had set out from the capital, with
a decree of the Congress, offering pardon to all the leaders in the late insurrection at Yucatan,
who should return to their allegiance to the constitution within a period of 30 days. That state, at the last date, was engaged
in establishing a separate government, commercial regulations, &c.
A committee of the General Congress had reported
in favor of a law to prohibit foreigners from retailing goods in Mexico.
The wants of the Treasury, for the year 1830,
are estimated at 15 millions of dollars.
The language held by some writers in these papers,
in regard to the colonists of Texas, is very severe. They pretend to implicate
our government as engaged in supporting them. In a report of the Secretary of the Treasury, he urges that immediate measures
be adopted for the security of the Northern frontier.
Gen,. Barragan,
who was expelled from Mexico by the late government, was now
in high favor.
The schr. United
States, which was dispatched by Capt. M’Call, of the
Peacock, to Tobasco, for the relief of the crew of an Am. Vessel, had returned to Vera Cruz.
The House of Representatives, by a vote of 28
to 18, passed an act on the 20th Feb. requiring each of the states to contribute 45 percent of all their revenues
to the general treasury.
The Chamber of commerce of Vera Cruz have petitioned
for a revocation of the prohibitory duties of last year; and that the former regulations, both as regards importations and
the interior, maybe re established.
Vera Cruz, March 2. – The Chamber of commerce
of this city, charged 1 real per ton on Spanish vessel; ¾ of a real for vessels engaged in the Gulf trade; ½ real to coasters
and 3 reals to foreign flags. Now that the Federation receives those duties, foreign vessels pay 3 reals 17 per son; and nothwithstanding
these high charges, light money is not included in them.
From the Morning Journal
Before the suggestion appeared, which we made
yesterday, of the expediency of the interference of the Mayor to prevent the occrurrence
of one or more duels which were likely to occur, a meeting took place between William Miller,
Jr. and Lieturenant Charles G Hunter, of the Navy, in which the former gentleman was
shot dead upon the first fire. The duel took place early on Sunday afternoon, below Chester, in the State of Delaware,
and all the surviving parties concerned have fled. The excitement that has been produced in this community by so horrible
and unusual an occurance is very great. Mr. Miller was a young gentleman of the Bar, who has
always borne an amiable character, and although we would not say a word to exculpate any duelist, yet he was certainly dragged
into the measure by the most trivial causes. The dispute between him and his antagonist was the third of a series which has
grown out of a feud between two other individuals. In order to promote a reconciliation between one pair of the disputants,
a letter had been written by the friends of one of the gentlemen, acknowledging that he had been in error, and expressing
a hope that the affair would be quieted without further irritation. This proposal was addressed to Mr.
Miller, as a friend of the parties, who was immediately waited upon by Lt. Hunter,
on behalf of the gentleman alluded to in the letter, requesting the return of the original and all the copies that had been
made of it. The request was immediately complied with by Mr. Miller, who gave up all the copies
within his reach, and the papers were destroyed. On the next day, however, the letter appeared in print, and Hunter at once accused Miller with duplicity, and challenged him. Mr. Miller asserted that the publication was made without his knowledge, and refused to accept the challenge,
alleging the insufficiency of the provocation. Upon this, Hunter posted him in handbills,
declaring at the same time that he held himself ready to meet Mr. Miller. Thus goaded, Miller accepted the challenge, and the fatal meeting took place.
In the name of the public we call on the Mayor
to take the most efficient measures to arrest the principal and seconds, and bring them to justice. And it is our anxious
hope that if secured, no consideration shall avert from them the utmost degree of punishment which the acts prescribe.
That the affair, so far as these parties are concerned,
may be truly before the public, we insert the following documents. The first is a letter from individuals in New
Brunswick, N. J. to Mr. Miller.
Sir: We the undersigned, friends to Mr. Charles H. Duryee of the U. S. Navy, having been informed of a statement made by your friend, Mr. R. Dillon Drake, of the difficulty existing between your friend and Mr. Duryee,
beg to make the following communication.
We are willing to touch upon the unfortunate subject
which has laid the foundation of this misunderstanding, and beg to take up Mr. Drake’s
statement, at that point which is yet unsettled and which involves Mr. Duryee, and that the
grounds upon which we are about to act, may be fully known, we are impelled to state that we disapprove that part of Mr. Duryee’s conduct which has now become the subject of discussion nor do we intend to dictate
to Mr. Duryee what we shall do, as we deem that he has now lost the privilege to trace his
own line of conduct and that it rests with Mr. Drake to point out what step on the part of Mr. Duryee
shall efface the stain which this rashness of Duryee has put upon the character of your friend.
We cannot come forward to shield our friend from
the consequences which may occur, but after reflecting and consulting together we have strengthened each other in the hope
that this matter may be honorably adjusted; that the character and credit of both parties may be equally maintained, and society
benefited by an illustration of the maxim that it requires more courage to acknowledge and atone for an insult then shrink
from the feeling that prompts us to the act. We can confidently advance that Mr. Duryee is
convinced of his error, that he is willing to acknowledge he committed it, while
under such excitement as his reason could not control.
The spirit of moderation which pervades the statement
of Mr. Duryee, has given to those, among us who are not personally aquainted with him, a high
opinion of his character, and we trust that the same spirit will lead to an amicable adjustment of this affair; we would propose
that a committee on our part should meet one composed of the friends of Mr. Drake, at Tenton,
where other reasons shall be adduced to palliate the aggression which this form of communication would preclude should this
meet the approbation of Mr. Drake and his friends, please appoint a day on which our committee
may meet that of Mr. Drake’s friends.
We are respectfully, Sir, your most obedient servants,
R. A. De Russy
Miles C. Smith
James Neilson
Hatfield Smith
Digby B. Smith
To Wm Miller, Jun. Esq.
Mr. Miller replied
in the following letter:
March 9.
Gentlemen-I had the honour of receiving your letter
of the 7th, yesterday afternoon, and lost no time in laying it before Mr. Drake
and his friends. After careful consideration of the subject, I have the pleasure of submitting to you the following reply.
The difference between Mr.
Duryee, and Mr. Drake is looked upon by the latter, as having been already finally
settled, and in a manner entirely satisfactory to himself.
It is the decided and unanimous opinion of the
friends of Mr. Drake, that no stain whatever rests upon the character of that gentleman, from
any circumstance which arose during his late misunderstanding with Mr. Duryee.
The moderation which you kindly ascribe to the
conduct of Mr. Drake, has been exercised by him through every stage of the affair. He has never entertained any feeling of ill will towards your friend, but has acted throughout dispassionately,
and solely regarded what was due to his own character.
Regarding therefore the affair which forms the
subjects of your communication as finally and definitively settled, Mr. Drake and his friends
are unable to discern that any advantage can arise from re-opening, and making it a ground of further and new discussion,
and though they appreciate your motives for interposition, respectfully decline doing so. Assuring you gentlemen, that Mr. Drake, as well as myself, feels gratified by the obliging tone of your letter to me.
I am very respectfully your most obedient servant,
(signed) Wm Miller, Jr.
To: R. A. De Russy,
Miles C. Smith, Jas. Neilson, Hatfield
Smith, Digby B. Smith, Esquires.
Then followed the annexed circular from Lieut.
Sir-On the evening of the 10th instant,
I received a letter from Mr. Charles H. Duryee, requesting me to come immediately to Philadelphia,
as he needed my services as a friend, in an affair which admitted of no delay. The next evening I arrived here, and learned
that a letter signed by five person of New Brunswick, N. J. had been sent to
Wm. Miller, Jr. of this city, on the subject of his (Mr. Duryee’s)
conduct in the affair between Mr. Griffith and R. Dillon Drake.
As this letter was unauthorized by Mr. Duryee, and considered by him as an improper interference on the part of those who signed it, the next morning
at half past eleven o’clock, I called on Wm. Miller,
Jr., at his office, and demanded of him the letter and all copies of it. At first he refused-but I explained to him,
that unless he immediately delivered up the letter and copies, he must meet Mr. Duryee. He
then said that he must have time to reflect upon it; to which I replied, that he had already had time enough since the receipt
of Mr. Duryee’s note which was written to him on the subject two days before, and that
he must give it up immediately. He then consented to give up the letter, and burn all the copies in my presence, as soon as
he could procure them. I asked him what time would be necessary for that purpose. He answered one hour. And upon his promising
upon his honour, that by that time he would fulfill his engagement, I left him. In one hour’s time, he really did arrive
at the United States hotel, and handed me the letter in question,
and said that if I would calla t his office at 2 o’clock, he would burn the
copies in my presence.
At the hour appointed I called on him, and a copy
of the letter, which he declared to me was the only one taken, and the one which he believed to be in existence, was destroyed
by him. I then compelled Mr. Miller to draw on up and sign the following certificate. –
Charles G. Hunter, Esq.
Sir, - I have this morning destroyed in your presence
the only copy of a letter received by me from five gentlemen of Mr. Duryee in New Brunswick,
relating to the affairs of that gentleman, which I know or believe to be in existence. You of course understand that I speak
of copies taken from the letter received by me. If I see or hear of any such copies hereafter, I shall have them destroyed,
Yours respectfully Wm. Miller, Jr.
March, 1830
Wm. Miller, Jr.
assured me that he had not shown the letter received by him from New Brunswick,
to more than two person – if I recollect distinctly, those persons were Mr. Camac and
R. D. Drake. If by any accident, it should be discovered what Wm.
Miller, Jr. did show, or communicate the substance of the contents of that letter to any others than those above named,
he will have an excellent opportunity of displaying his genius, by endeavouring to prove to the world that he has not been
guilty of downright treachery and falsehood.
Notwithstanding that Wm.
Miller, Jr. had declared to me, that he had destroyed the only copy taken, and the only one which he believed to be
in existence, and although he distinctly understood me to say, that I would hold him accountable to me for any circulation
of the same, on the morning of the 17th inst. To my great surprise, I saw a printed copy of it. I immediately addressed
the following note to Wm. Miller Jr. believing and still believing, (notwithstanding any thing
that Wm. Miller, Jr. may say to the contrary,) that he could have prevented its circulation,
and that its publication was not without his knowledge or consent.
17th, 1830
Sir,- After your base and ungentlemanly conduct
in suffering a letter to be published which you declared to me was no longer in existence, I demand of you immediate satisfaction.
My friend Lt. Westcott will hand you this. Charles G. Hunter.
Wm. Miller Jr.
I had requested Mr. Westcott
to leave Wm. Millers Jr., until he should have received a positive answer to my communication;
accordingly, while in his office he addressed the following, note to Wm. Miller, Jr.
March 17th, 1830.
To Wm Miller Jr. Esq.
Sir: You will oblige me by giving a written acceptance
or refusal of the communication I had the honor to make you from Charles G Hunter, Esq. Respectfully,
&c. H. Westcott.
He returned in answer as follows:
Lieut. H. Westcott,
Sir, - having had no connection with the publication
of this letter alluded to from New Brunswick, but on the contrary, havig been altogether ignorant of such publication having
taken place till you informed me of it this morning, I decline receiving the note from Mr. Hunter,
of which you are the bearer.
Yours recpectfully, Wm
Miller, Jr.
During the latter part of the above mentioned
interview, R. Dillon Drake made his appearance, and handed to William
Miller, Jr. a manuscript copy of the New Brunswick letter, saying, that
it had been in the possession of his brother Dr. Drake. Upon which Mr.
Miller observed to Mr. Wescott. You see, sir, that I fulfill my promise to Mr. Hunter, and will destroy this copy in your presence. Mr. Wescott replied “
I do not care about seeing it destroyed, as there are printed copies of it in circulation.
All that William Miller,
Jr. may urge in palliation, will not make me believe that he could not have recalled the copy from Dr. Drake on the same day he destroyed the others, if he had exerted himself in the manner which a Gentleman should
have exerted himself, after the pledge he had given me that effect.
I have no doubt that I will exceedingly gratify
Wm. Miller, Jr. when I conclude by saying, that although I hold him in the utmost contempt,
as a coward, and know him to be guilty of bare falsehood, yet I am, and always will be, readily to meet him, whenever he may
think proper to accept my invitation. Charles G. Hunter.
United States Hotel, March 17th, 1830,
A request was made to the conductors of the evening
Journals to abstain for one day, from any mention of the disastrous incident which is recorded above. As the friends of the
deceased were in great affliction, we deemed that the least we could do would be to comply with the request.
Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Miller. His friends say that he did not consider that in his treatment of Mr. Hunter,
he was doing any thing which would according to the modern “code of honor, “lay him under an obligation of fighting
a duel. Mr. Hunter is said to have been concerned in several affairs of this nature.
It is said that our laws for preventing dueling,
want revision. Perhaps, the Legislature will not have time to make the necessary amendments during the present session.
On the 20th, inst. by the Rev. Geo. Boyd, Mr. Charles H. Godsborough, of Maryland,
to Miss Elizabeth W. Welsh, of this city.
On Monday, the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Helfenstein, Mr. Horatio B. West, to Miss Matilda Barbeir, all of this city.
On Sunday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Helfenstein, Mr. Arthur Lafferty, to Miss Susan
Lutz, all of this city.
On the 20th inst., by the Rev. J. Raines, Mr. David Casperson, to Miss Sarah Ann
Dougherty, both of Camden N. J.
On Monday, the 22d inst. in the 71st
year of his age, Mr. John Graff. His friends and acquaintances, are respectfully invited to
attend his funeral, from his late residence, 303 Arch street, on Thursday
morning next, at 11 o’clock.
On Monday, the 22d inst. Laura
M. wife of Harvey Filley, in the 28th year of her age. The friends and acquaintances
of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, 380
Market street, this afternoon, at 3 o’clock.
On Sabbath, morning, the 21st March,
Dr. George Carll. His friends and those of his father’s family, are respectfully invited
to attend his funeral, from No. 142 north Eighth street, this afternoon,
at 3 o’clock. The members of the Young Men’s Temperance Society, are
also particularly invited.
Yesterday, Miss Margaret
Livingston. Her friends and acquaintance, and those of Mrs. Dougherty, are invited
to her funeral from the residence of Mrs. Dougherty, Mark’s lane, between Eleventh and
Twelfth street, and Race and Cherry street,
this afternoon, at 4 o’clock.
On Sunday evening last, the 21st inst.
Percival Augsutus, son on John F. Lewis, in the 4th
year of his age.
Brig James Coulter, Collison,
11 days from Havana, to Norris Stanley. Passengers,
F. M. Schmudt, and J. C. Peterson, of New
York, and Ed. Rouvert, of Philadelphia.
Sailed in co. with brig Union, Kennedy, for Cadiz.
Left brig William, Martin, unc.; Zelia, Miercken, discharging.
Capt. Collinson states that the late accounts we have had of a conspiracy was very much exaggerated, and most of the persons arrested have been acquitted. About the 15th
inst. off Cape Carneval, spoke brig Leader,
17 days from Tobason for New York, had lost her foreyard.
Brig. Dumner, Blackmer,
12 days from Ponce, P. R. with sugar and coffee, to Bevan
& Humphreys- Left at Ponce, March 9th, brig Susan, Foque, for do. in 3 days, Maine, Gould, Boston,
unc.; Leo, Perkins, do; Cadmus, White, Europe, do, ship Augusta, Woodhouse,
Mediterranean, in 3 days, for Guayanilla, and in 10 days for latter; schooner John Adams, Lewis,
Charleston, unc; brig Martha, for New York. 10 days. List of vessels at Guayama, March 6th, brig. Lunar, Putnam, of and for New York, in 10 days; William, Brown, Boston,
9 days; Lexington, Stockpole, Portland, 12 days; Clarissa, Emery,
unc; schooners Essex, Crowell, Boston, 7 days; Boston Packet, Perkins,
do. 7 days; Two Sisters, Doliver, do. 4 days. – Johnson, New York, 9 days.
Schr. Commerce, Connelly,
2 days from Schuylkill, in ballast, to the Captain.
Schr. President, Mitchell,
2 days from Port Deposit via Canal, with flour, to the Captain.
Schr. Volounteer, Ode,
4 days from Baltimore via Canal, with flour, to the Captain.
Schr. Beaver, Marble,
5 days from Hingham, with mackerel, to the Captain. Reported yesterday as the
Schr. Brunwick, Sylvester,
20 days from New Iberia, with sugar, &c to Washington Jackson.
Sloop President, Keany,
from Baltimore via Canal with mdze to A. Wakeman.
A brig not known,
Ship Edward, Camerais,
New Orleans, T. Haven; brig Emma, Bishop, Mobile, Jos. Hand; schr. Rising
Sun, Ingersoll, Panama, (E.F.), C. F., Sibbald; Free
Ocean, Van Gilder, Baltimore
via Canal, Jos. Hand; sloop Chas. Patterson, Patterson, do.,
W. J. Watson; John Wall, Cullin, do. A. Wakeman.
Brig Myrs, Crowell,
Hallifax, A. C. Barclay.
Ship Wm. Penn, Foulke,
from Liverpool for
Savananah, was spoken 17th inst. lat. 33, long. 73,26
Ship Ruth & Mary, Brooks,
from Massina, for Philadelphia, arrived at Gibralter, 25th Jan.
Ship Helvetius, Patterson,
from New York, passed through Hampton
roads 21st inst.
Ship Benjamin Morgan, Matthieu,
for Port Mahon, went to sea from Hampton roads on Sunday.
Brig Pilot, Fisher,
from New Orleans, for Boston, passed
Holmes’Hole, 18th inst.
Brig Commerce, Morgan,
at New York, in 13 days from Havana,
sailed in co., with brig. Celeno, Furlong, of and for Baltimore.
Left. Zelia, Meircken, for Philadelphia, disg;
Hannah, Freeman, from Buenos Ayres; Superior,
Kennedy, of Baltimore, for Cadiz,
soon; William, Martin, of Philadelphia, unch.;
Plato, Perkins, waiting freight; brig Chilian, Butler, late
of Philadelphia, sold; brig. Spark, of Baltimore, disgd; Combine, from Buenos
Ayres, just arr. Lately arrived from Pensocola, U. S.
ship Falmouth, Elliott, officers and crew all well. The U.
S. schr. Spark gives convoy to merchantmen, weekly, between Havana
and Matanzas.
Brig. Rebecca, Huddle, Midlen, 14 days from Ponce,
P. R. arrived at New York on Sunday. Left, ship Augusta,
Woodhouse, for the Mediterranean, soon; brigs Susan, Cope, and Richmond,
for New York, do.; Maine, dischg;
Matha, of Portland, for New York,
soon; Cadmus, White, dischg.; Leo, do; Dummer, for Philadelphia, in 2 days; schrs. Eliza,
Richmond, and Dollar, New York,
next day.
Brig. Eliza, Warner,
was at Vera Cruz, 4th inst.
Schr. Waterloo, Briggs,
of Philadelphi, 23 days from Tampico, arrived at New York
on Sunday. Schr regulator, Fiveash, of Philadelphia,
sailed a few days before for Alexandria.
Schrs. Salunda, Snow, and Saluda,
Booth, cleared at New York on Saturday for Philadelphia.
Schr. Good Hope, Buddington,
sailed from Maracaibo, 27 days since for St. Thomas.
Sloops Kitty Ann, Stratton,
and Geo. Washington, Raggan, hence at Baltimore
on Sunday, via Canal.
Schr. Monopolist, Johnson,
hence at New York.
Schr. Emulous, Harding,
was advertised at Gibraltar, 28th Jan. for New York.
Schr. Julia & Maria, from Boston
for Philadelphia, was spoken off Barnegat, by the Gen.
Jackson, at New York . – no date.
Schr. Mary Jane, Liscomb,
sailed from Privdence, on Friday, for Philadelphia.
Schr. Cyrus, Short,
from Newburyport, for Philadelphia,
at Holmes’ hole, 17th inst.
Schr. Cumberland, Price,
hence at Norfolk, 20th inst. and cleared for Petersburg.
Schr. Richmond, Hand,
sailed from Norfolk, 20th inst. for Philadelphia.
Temple, Simmons, hence at Charleston,
16th inst.
Sloop Excel, Barrett,
sailed from Richmond, 19th inst. for Philadelphia.
Office of the Commercial Gazette.
March 20.-At ship Heroine, Tilley, (of St. Andrews,) Liverpool,
Jan. 24.
Brigs Magnolia, Stevens, Mobile,
24th, Point, 26th Feb; William, Atwood, Savannah,;
Cygnet, Fogg, N. Orleans, 25th, S. W. Pass, 26th
Feb.; schr. Ida, Gray, St. Thomas via Vineyard.
Cl’d, ship Cabinet, Davis, Havana and Europe;
brigs. Sarah Williams, Ellis, Trinidad De Cuba;
Favorite, Rowe, Surinam;
Geor. Henry, Lane, Halifax; Alexandria, Howes, Alexandria; Marshal Ney, Crowell, Baltimore; schr. Meridian, Carver,
Office of the Beacon,
March 20-At Seawell’s Point, brig Thomas & Edward, Gilchrist, Thomaston, 9 days.
In Hampton Roads, barque Grecian, Blanchard, for up James River bound to Liverpool.
Brig Magoun, Elliot,
from Georgetown, D. C. bound to Cowes and a market.
– Come up, ship Potomac, Condry, before reported in Hampton Roads and its vicinity to
day, including barque Grecian, for Liverpool, and Magoun, Elliot for Cowes.
Offices of the Mercury, courier and city Gazette.
March 16-At ships Robert Pulsford, Candler, Boston
10 days; President, Halsey, N. York, 4 days; Niagara, Beesher,
do. 7 days.
Br Brig Lady Dunmore, M’Clune,
Liverpool – sailed 22d Jan. 20th ult. Lat 30- 20, lon 51 at 5 p.m.
discovered a sail on the starboard bow, it being dark at the time could not discover which way she was standing – finding
that she neared us fast, kept hailing that our brig was by the wind, that she might keep clear, but getting no answer, and
she nearing us fast, put our helm hard a starboard to endeavor to prevent our coming in contact, but in less than ten minutes
she came alongside with a violent crash, carrying our main channel, part of the bulwarks, and topsail backstays; we hailed
her several times when after some hesitation, they answered, Hamilton, an Amer ship. We then parted, and had no further communication.
She lot her foreyard, and apparently her foretopsailyard. Passenger, Mr. E. Beatty, Architect.
Br Brig Czar, Russell,
Greenock-sailed 30th Jan.
Brig Brutus, Bailey,
Portsmouth, N. H. 16 days; sch. Ohio, Heald, New
York, 7 days.
New York,
March 22- Arr. Ship Lavinia, Davis, fm Vera Cruz, March 4th. Left ship Virginia,
Collins, from this port, ar in 14 days; schr Octavia, Bourne,
from N. Orleans.
Ship Restitution, Hammond, fm Manilla, Oct. 31st, touched at Angier, Nov. 23d, via Salem Mass.
6 dys. Feb 10th, lat 8 43, N. long 40 43, W experienced two very severe shocks of on earthquake, which lasted about
30 minutes each time, the ship going at the rate of 9 ½ knots, and a tremendous sea running – it appeared at the time
as though the ship was dragging over a shoal in smooth water. It was reported at Anglers, that there were many Piratical Procos
lurking about the Straight of Suncia, and the Straights to the Eastward.
Brig Wanderer, Gould,
Calcutta, 140 days.
Brig Mary Elizabeth, Allen,
Lanzarotte, 35 days-left no Ams. Schr Volant, Bradford, for new York,
sailed 4 days before.
Brig Lydia,
Wood, Savannah, 6 days.
Brig Peruvian, Churchill,
N. Orleans, 2d, Balize 3d inst. Passengers, Mr. Henry Pevjalley, and
1 in the steerage. Brig Baltic, for Philadelphia, sailed same day. Passed in the
river 3d, brig Roxana, fm Boston, and a bright sided ship dismasted, in tow of
a stearn boat.
Brig Athenian, Chapman,
20 days fm Carthagera. Passengers, T. Davids, S. Grinnell,
F. Navors, and 2 in the Sterrage. Left no Am. Vessels.
Schr February, Allen,
Maracaibo, 27 days. Left no Americans.
Schr New England, Cutts,
Havana, 11 days.
Schrs Albany Packer, Carlow,
fm N. Orleans, 21 ds; Joseph, Hull, Savannah, 7 days.
Below, packet ship New York,
Bennett, from Liverpool, (day of sailing 6th Feb.)
Cld, ships Birmingham, Harris,
Liverpool; Frances, Rider, New Orleans; New London, Rossiter,
Mobile; brigs Margaret, Scudder, Antwerp; Dupue, Beecher,
Gibralter; Syren, Fernold, Ghent; Enterpirze, Allen, Darien,
Geo.; Miles Standish, Witham, Wilmington; schrs Josephine, Crowell,
Halifax; Excel, Heliker, Savannah.
The schr John & Wm, Pow,
which sailed hence on Thursday, was run afoul of the same evening by the schr Wm C. Wright, from Egg
Harbor, had her bows stove in, knight heads, plank shear, &c carried away,
and put back on Saturday. The Wm. C. Wright lost her bowsprit, and received other damage.
HOLMES’ HOLE, March 19, - arr., schnr. Lubec,
Hancock, from Matanzas, sailed 6th
Brig Chatham, Taylor, 6 days from Charleston for Boston.
Passed brig Planet, of Portland, bound E. and ship John Jay, of Nantucket,
from Brazil Banks, with 800 bbls for Edgartown.
Brig Hind, M’Lellan,
from Havana for Portland; schr. Planet,
Eldride, from Charleston, for Boston.
March 19- Sailed, brig Gossypium, for Surham.
March 19,- Ar, schr Gazelle, Strickland, Para, Feb. 24 Left only the
Amethyst, Willis, loading. Lat. 37 ½ , Lon. 64, passed ship Gazette, (a mistake) of N.
March 19,- Cl’d, big Spartan, Drinkwater, Norfolk.
March 11, - Cl’d ship Casco, Choate, Havanna; brig
Forest, Freeman, Matanzas.
March 10 – Sailed, brig Carrier, Powers, for N. Orleans.
GEBRALTAR, Jan. 26.-Arr, Shepherdess, Cook, Marseilles, 10 for N. Orleans. 27th,
Mercator, Leach, Leghorn, 13, for N.
York. Adv. 28th, Nancy, Graves,
for freight or charter.
TOWN MEETING, - A meeting of the citizens of the
city and county, is requested on Wednesday evening, at 7 o’clock, at the county Court House, to memorialize the Legislature,
to institute an inquiry into the official conduct of the county Auditors.
To be Let, in Water street
near to Market street – Inquire at 9 south
Front street.
SMYRNA FIGS – 200 drums pulled Figs, of the first quality. For sale by
W. SARGENT, 119 ½ S. Front street.
CLOVES – 30 bbls. Cayenne Cloves, entitled
to debenture, now landing, for sale by HAVEN & SMITHS, Corner of Walnut and Front.
SAD IRONS – 14 casks of Sad Irons, landing
and for sale by RALSTON & LYMAN, 9 south Front street.
COTTON AND RICE – Landing this day from
the schr. Ann Eliza L, 12 bales. Uplanded Cotton and 21 ½ tierces Fresh Rice. For sale by JOS. L.
MOSS, 18 south Front street.
SHEET IRON – 25 bundles Russia Sheet Iron, of a superior quality, now landing and for sale by E.
N. BRIDGES, 30 south wharves.
TANNER’S OIL, in barrels, for sale by W. SARGENT, 119 ½ south
Front street.
FOR SALE – Cayenne Cloves and Cocoa, entitled
to debenture; Split Rattan; Dun Fish; Russia Duck; Manilla Cordage; Smyrna Figs; Tin Plates, of every variety; No. 1 Chocolate;
Nos. 1 and 2 mackerel; Cod Oil; Potatoes in barrels; Tongues and Sounds; Halibuts Fins. W. SARGENT,
119 ½ S. Front street.
13 Seroons Carracas Indigo and brown Havana
box Sugar, for sale by JOHN C. DACOSTA, 51 south wharves.
POT ASHES – 1st and 2d sort Pot
Ashes – Just received and for sale by A. C. BARCLAY, 38 S. wharves.
MACKEREL – 50 bbls. No. 1, and 50 bbls No
2 Mackerel. For sale by W. SARGENT, 119 ½ S. Front street.
NEW E. RUM AND IRON – 60 bbls N. England
Rum; 20 tons Swedes’ Iron, landing from schr. New Packet. For sale by HAVEN & SMITHS
PORT WINE.-16 qr casks Port Wine, landing from
schr Franklin, and for sale by DAVIS & DESAUQUE,
29 south wharves.
WINE – 58 q casks Dry Malaga Wine, landing from schr Franklin, for sale
by DAVIS & DESAUQUE, 29 south wharves.
just received and for sale by BOLLER & BAKER, 73 south Front
PIMENTO – 225 bags Jamaica Pimento, received per brig Ocean,
from St. Thomas, and for sale by ROBERT HUDDELL Pine street Wharf.
QUICKSILVER – 200 flasks Quicksilver. For
sale by R. & I. PHILLIPS 75
south Front street.
SHELLAC – 20 cases Garnet Shellac, a superior
article. For sale by R. & I. PHILLIPS 75 south Front street.
WHALE OIL – 3000 gallons very per pale Whale
Oil in hhds and trs. For Sale by THOS. W. MORGAN,
9 south wharves.
GLASS KNOBS – 4 cases of Plain, Star, and
Pearl pattern Glass Knobs, from Pittsburgh, of the most
approved shape and make, will be sold at a large discount, by J. L. MOSS, 18
S. Front street.
SHERRY, PORT & MADEIRA WINES, of my own importations,
in pipes, hhds. Qr. And hall qr. Casks, of the choicest qualities, from 5 to 15
years old, and imported from 1 ½ to 4 years. ROBERT ADAMS. 19 Dock
WINE, BRANDY & GIN.-Old Madeira, Pico, Fayal,
Teneriffe, and Sweet Malaga Wine, French Brandy, Holland Gin, (Fish & Loopuyt) for sale by HAVEN
& SMITHS Corner Walnut and Front.
COTTON, &c. – upland cotton in square
and round bales, Virginia Manufactured Tobacco, Cotton Yarn, Twist and Filling, Port Wine in pipes, Madeira do, in bottles,
Claret do in do Scheidam Gin, Smyrna Figs, Virginia Pig Iron, Southern Beeswax. For sale by ANDREW
B. SPENCE, 60 S. Wharves.
CHEWING TOBACCO – 150 kegs of 16 Hand Twist Richmond Chewing Tobacco, landing
from schr. Delight, from Richmond, suitable for shipping, for sale by J. L. MOSS, 18 S. Front street.
TIN PLATES-Monmouth Brand. – the subscriber
offers for sale, at 119 ½ South Front street, a complete assortment of
Tin Plates in boxes, of the very best quality, and upon the most favorable terms. W. SARGENT.
ENGLISH Muskrat Fur and Hat Bodies – 600
lbs English Muskrat Fur, 10 bales Hat Bodies, 100 lbs French Coney, for sale by GILLINGHAM, MITCHELL
& CO 22 N. Second street.
SHOT – A general assortment of Shot, constantly
on hand and for sale, in lots to suit purchasers, on the most favourable terms. Apply to WILLIAM
CRAIG No. 3 S. Chestnut street or WINTHROP
SARGENT 119 ½ South Front street.
29 Dock street-A general assortment of Earthenware and China
just received per Packet Algonquin, for sale by the subscriber, who will receive orders on the most liberal terms. S. BALDWIN.
COMPANY NUTMEGS – 2 casks of E. I. Compnay
Nutmegs, of a superior quality. For sale by J. L. MOSS 18 south Front street.
EDGE TOOLS-Frederick
Stone’s first quality Edge Tools, Drawing Knives, Sheep Shears, &c. Also, first quality Stove Pipe and Door Rivets,
4, 8, and 10 lbs. to M. CARDWELL, POTTER & Co. No. 32 south Front
NEW ORLEANS RUM, of a superior quality, for sale
SCYTHES, WHETSTONES, &c. – Steyermark
double sword and half moon Steyria Scthes, in casks; Hasenclever do; 20 cases Milan Whetstones; 5 casks German Coffee mills,
Slates in cases assorted; blate Pencils in casks, For sale by BOLLER & BAKER, 73 S. Front
st. Also, 30 qr casks Canary Wine, Cogwell’s brand; Baltimore Gin in pipes and barrels.
HIGH FLAVOURED HOLLAND GIN, for sale by HENRY LELAR, No. 64 S. wharves, 1st below the drawbridge.
FLAXSEED.-160 bushels Flaxseed, landing from sloop
Friendship, for sale by JOHN S. MILLER, 79 south wharves.
BROWN SHIRTINGS-30 bales 7-8 and 4-4 best power
loom Brown Shirtings, entitled to debenture. CARDWELL, POTTER & Co.
FANCY PRINTS – 50 cases single and two colored
fancy prints, new patterns, suitable for China or West
India markets. For sale entitled to debenture. CARDWELL POTTER & Co.
SUGAR, COFFEE, & COPPER-70 hhds of Muscovado
Sugar, 115 bags of Prime Green Porto Rico Coffee, 6 barrels of old Copper, will be landed this day from brig Ganniclefft at
Beck’s wharf, below Market street. For sale by JNO STEWART, 7 south wharves.
MUSQUETS, &c – 13 cases Tower proof
Musquets, (with drawback,) 20 bales Russia Quills, 19 cases Gum Elastic, in slabs. For sale by BOLLER
& BAKER . 73 S. Front street.
1000 Five Gallon Demijohns, entitled to debenture,
for sale by HENRY LELAR, 64 S. Wharves, 1st below the Drawbridge.
BEESWAX-500 lbs prime Yellow Beeswax, for sale
by A. G. JAUDON & CO. 8 south wharves.
COTTON – 50 bales inferior Cotton, for sale
low by A. G. JAUDON & CO. No. 8 South wharves.
PORTO RICO SUGARS 140 hhds 17 tierces 73 barrels The cargo of brig Lewis, will
be landed tomorrow morning, at Girad’s wharf. For sale by JOHN STEWART, No. 7 south
COFFEE, PIMENTO, &c. 300 Bags Rio Coffee, 63 do.
Laguira do., 70 do. Jamaica Pimento, 4 chests Bengal Indigo, 7 do. Manilla do., 9 seroons Carraccas do. For sale by BOLLER & BAKER, 73 South Front street.
WANTED BEAR, Deer, and Otter Skins, for which the highest market prices will
be paid, by GEO. F. WORMRATH, 24 north Fourth street.
Who has for sale, - Superior Drab Beaver Skins, in lots to suit purchasers.
SHEATHING COPPER, - 100 cases London Sheathing Copper, of Shears’ superior
stamp, landing and for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by JOSEPH R. EVANS, 31 south wharves.
SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES,-10 hhds first quality Sugar House Molasses, landing from
brig Swan, for sale by BOLLER & BAKER, 73 south Front street.
50 QUARTERS casks M. Madeira wine, 20 Indian bbls Dry Malaga do. Just received
and for sale by DAVIS & DESAUQUE.
WINDOW GLASS-176 hall boxes 6x8
window Glass, for sale by A. G. JAUDON & CO 8 south wharves.
– 147 bales imported direct, an entire invoice, principally wrappers and light, ROBERT ADAMS,
No. 19 Dock street. Who has for sale Choice Sherry, Port, Madeira
and Claret Wines, Old Brandy of his own importation.
HIGH FLAVOURED GIN – 5 pipes Swan brand high flavoured Gin, I the Custom
house stores. For sale by J. L. MOSS 18 S. Front street.
KEG TAR – Tar in kegs of a superior quality, constantly on hand, and
for sale by JOSEPH S. SNOWDEN, first wharf below the Swede’s Church
RICE-First quality rice in tierces and half tierces suitable for retailing,
for sale by JAMES PATTON, JR. Smith’s wharf, 1st above Race
PRIME MISSISSIPPI COTTON, - Just landing from Brig Ella, at Girard’s
wharf, from New Orleans, 71 bales prime cotton, for sale by WASHINGTON JACKSON, 20 south Front
ORANGE SHELLAC-10 cases Orange Shellac, landing and for sale by A. S. & E. ROBERTS. 76 south Second street.
MACKEREL-25 barrels No. 1 Mackerel, 50 do 2 do 100 do 3 do 50 half barrels
1 do, Portland inspection, for sale by SHOBER & BUNTING, 26 south wharves.
GLASSWARE, &c-Heavy English Tale and Flint Tumblers, rough and cut bottom;
Ring and Star bottom do Tale Cylinder do; Tale and Flint Wines; rough and cut bottom Decanters, Pocket Bottles, Hour Glasses,
Lamp shades, Desk lights, &c. Quart Wine Bottles, Lamp Black, assorted in papers, fine ground Litharge; patent yellow,
English milled Sheet Lead, &c. For sale by THOMAS E. WALKER & CO 15
N. Fourth street.
SPANISH WOOL, &c-12 bales fine R. Sheeps wool, 2 do Lambs’ do 2 do
German do 4 do American Lambs’ wool for sale by F. & D. SAMUEL, 27
north Third street.
CADET Mixed, Blue and Wool Green Broad Cloths, - An invoice received from the
manufacturers, by the brig Flora, and for sale by REDWOOD FISHER 23 Church Alley.
COAL TAR. For sale by JOSEPH S SNOWDEN, first
wharf below the Swede’s Church. Also, Bright and Black Varnish, of a superior quality.
ANNISEED & CASSIA OILS-East India Company Anniseed and Cassie Oils, 1st
quality. For sale by R. & I. PHILLIPS, 75 south Front street.
OILS-Winter, Fall & Common Whale Oil, in bbls and tierces. For sale by
STANTON & BROTHER, 25 south wharves.
PITCH & ROSIN-1st quality distilled Pitch, and 1st
and 2nd quality Rosin, constantly on hand and for sale by JOSEPH SNOWDEN, first
wharf below the Swede’s Church.
CHEMICALS- Alum, blue Vitriol, bleaching Salts, Prussiate of Potash, Nitrate
of Lead, Tartaric Acid, White Vitriol, Epsom Salts, Refined Salt Petre, Chromic Yellow, Chromic Red, Chromic Green, Prussian
Blue, Seidlitz Powder, Rochelle Salts, Sulphate of Quinine, super carbonate of Soda, and a variety of other Chemical Preparations,
of a very superior quality, for sale at the manufacturers’ lowest prices, by the
package only SAML H. THOMAS. No. 18 Chestnut street.
BOILER PLATES, IRON, &c-26 tons English Boiler Plates, 60 tons do Bar Iron,
assorted, 15 tons Sweedes’ Iron, 10 do Russia New Sable do. German Steel, Muskets, &c. For sale by HAVEN & SMITHS.
SAIL CLOTH, of various kinds, entitled to drawback, and for sale by RALSTON & LYMAN, 9 south Front street.
RUSSIAN GLUE, - 3000 lbs Russian Glue, suitable for Hatters, and other purposes
where Glue, of superior quality is required, for sale by HAVEN & SMITHS, Corner of Walnut
and Front streets.
SUGAR, COFFE, PIMENTO, HIDES, &c-18 hhds Sugar, 267 bags Coffee, 267 do
Pimento, 500 Hides, 3000 Old Copper, 20 tons Logwood, received per brig Ocean,
from St. Thomas. For sale by HAVEN & SMITHS
Corner Walnut and Front.
THE Subscriber has on hand, a stock of Earthenware of the best quality. Terms
accommodating. He will also receive orders on the most liberal term and has no doubt, the goods will render every satisfaction.
S. BALDWIN 29 Dock street.
HYDRAULIC, CEMENT, constantly for sale by RALSTON
& LYMAN, 9 south Front street.
BEVAN & HUMPHREYS, have for sale at No.
35 South wharves,
300 hole chests 150 half do Young Hyson Tea, of ships Tartar, Gen. Hamilton,
Pilgrim, Maria and Bashaw’s cargoes.
150 cases of Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Imperial Tea, in 2 and 4 lbs. canisters,
25 cases superior Souchong Tea.
800 bags Rio Coffee, 414 do Jamaica Pimento
250 do Pepper, 208 bales prime Louisiana
and Georgia Cotton,
500 bales Cuba Tobacco
100 tons Swedes’ Iron
30 tons Juniata Pig Iron
700 bags Salt Petre, 73 do Tumeric, 100 do Calcutta Sugar.
50 pipes Cognac Brandy, 25 Puncheons Jamaica rum, 15 hhds New England Rum
1 pipe 5 hhds 5 qr casks Sherry
50 qr casks Sweet Malaga Wine
20 qr casks L. P. Teneriffe Wine
144 bales Calcutta Twine, 2 and 3 threaded.
30 cases Manilla, 7 cases Bengal Indigo
100 tierces Rice, 50 boxes Smoking Pipes
6 bales Senna
The subscribers have received by late arrivals,
an excellent assortment of Hardware and Cutlery. Also, an extensive assortment of Looking Glasses, of the newest style and
patterns; all of which will be sold at low prices. Country merchants are solicited to call and examine our stock. F. LEAMING & CO. No. 106 Market street, corner of Franklin Court. Also, Nails and Hollow Ware.
MALAGA RAISINS & ALMONDS-Half kegs and kegs
of Sun Raisins; quarter, half and whole boxes of bunch do, boxes of Muscatels, and half and whole boxes Raisins, Loring’s
Brand; and soft shelled Almonds. For sale by WALN & MORRIS No. 34 south Wharves.
18 Chestnut street
BRAZIER’S Sheets-raised and flat bottoms;
Sheating, from 12 to 34 oz; Bolts, Nails &c from the Gunpowder Copper Works (John M’Kim
Jr. & Sons) for sale at the manufacturer’s lowest prices. SAML H THOMAS.
COFFEE 25 bags prime Green Laguira Coffee, for
sale by F. A. JENNINGS, 48 ½ south Front street.
BUTTONS. UNITED States Army and Navy Gilt and
Plated Military Ball Rich Fancy Vest, consisting of 40 choice patters, Best quality Pearl Shirt and Vest fine and low priced
Ladies’ Dress Boys’ Fancy Ball, in great variety, Plain, gilt and Plated Coat & Vest New style sich fancy
gilt coat Bone, Ivory, Lasting, Jappaned & other Buttons. For sale at the lowest rates by PRICE
& CO 195 Market street.
FREATHERS 63 BAGS first quality, for sale by LEA, NEWMAN & CO No. 19 South Water street.
Also, 6 tierces and 43bbls prime new and old Clover
seed, 10 tons 3d and 4d Hoop Iron for Coopers, 1000 boxes superfine Rose Soap, Fresh Hulled and Pearl Barley and Starch, Allum,
Salts, Cooperas, Barilla, and other chemicals, 500 Sacks Liverpool fine Salt, “Ashton’s” large filled, 2300
South American Ox Horns, 130 tierces New Rice, 600 bags St. Domingo, Laguayra, Havana, and Rio Coffee, 500 bales Virginia
and Carolina Cotton, Cotton Twist and filling for superior quality, to 20; Virginia and Penn’s superfine Flour, &c.
Offer for sale at No. 58, South Wharves, 200 HHDS, Kentucky and Virginia Leaf Tobacco, old and new crop, 200 boxes, kegs and
½ kegs Virginia manufactured Tobacco, various descriptions and brands, and put up for this market. 100 bales Spanish Seed
Leaf Tobacco, long wrapper leaf, for segar makers, 180 bales Cuba
and St. Domingo Tobacco, good quality, 64 bales prime Richmond Cotton, 50 bags Italian Juniper Berries, Sweet Malaga Wine,
in wooden bound qr. Casks. They also offer for rent, the very convenient Counting House over No. 59, South Wharves, recently
in the occupancy of Capt. Joseph Hand – it is in the immediate vicinity of all the Southern
Packets, and where storage can always be had at the usual rates. Terms very reasonable.
IRON & NAIL STORE, No. 20, South Front street,
where we offered for sale, 100 tons P S I old Sable Russian Iron,
250 do. well assorted from 1-4 to 3 inches English
tire, round and square iron,
75 do. Swede’s Iron, of Coleman’s
refined manufacture, assorted in axe Bars, Waggons and Dray Tire, &c. &c.
30 do. English Hoop Iron, assorted sizes.
20 do. American Hoop and Band Iron,
25 do. American Steel, converted from best American
Swedes and P S I Russia Iron,
20 do. American Sheet Iron,
6 do. Half inch English round Iron,
20 do. Boiler Iron, superior quality,
10 do Flue Iron,
10 do. Plough Share Moulds, Spring Steel, Axletrees,
Coulter Moulds, and Land Sides,
1000 kegs of Nails, Brads and Spikes well assorted,
and manufactured from the best Pennsylvania Iron, Bar Lead in kegs.
A general assortment of chain Cables and Anchors,
manufactured in this city and warranted.
Slit rods of all sizes, from Russia,
Juniati and Lancaster Co. Iron,
American Round Iron, from 3-6 to ½ inch, Do. Square
do do
80 PIPES of old Bordeaux Brandy, 30 pipes of Holland Gin, superfine,
Wine, Lisbon
and Madeira, in pipes, half and quarter casks old and fine quality,
113 boxes of White Havana Sugar,
22 cases of Pint Tumblers,
18 bales of Corks, 150 gross each,
800 Burr Stones, of different qualities,
2 ½ tons of Cork Wood,
Coffee in bbls. Demijohns Dutch Herrings, Cuba
J. WELSH 50 south
35 PIPES high flavoured 4th proof Rochelle
Brandy, 20 pipes do do Charante do.
100 pipes high flavoured “Rose” Gin,
50 do do do “Imperial” do,
Imported direct and expressly for this market.
10 puncheons high flavoured 4th proof
Jamaica Rum,
In the Custom House Stores, entitled to debenture.
Also, 40 cases Champaigne Wine, of superior brands,
50 bags Jamaica Pimento, 15 hhds St. Croix Sugar,
100 baskets Sweet Oil,
100 boxes Window Glass, 8x10,
500 French Burr Blocks, of superior quality,
Old Jamaica Rum, in demijohns.
On consignment, and for sale by
J. G. & D. B. STACEY,
37 south wharves.
OFFER for sale the following articles,
75 pipes Bordeaux Brandy, 200 qr casks Sweet Malaga,
Entitled to debenture.
100 bbls Connecticut Cider Brandy,
50 casks Bordeaux Claret, 500 cases do.
10 butts pale Sherry wisne, 30 pipes Corsica
20 pipes Samos Wine, 10 bbls Irish Whiskey
300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 100 kegs No. 1 Butter,
10 bales Marseilles Almonds, 300 kegs Ginger,
1000 5 gallon Demijohns, 1000 ½ gal. do do.
25 bags Pimento, 75 boxes Castile Soap,
100 dozen Champaigne wine, 1, 2 and 4 doz packages,
10 cases Bengal Indigo, 400 baskets Sweet Oil,
100 chests Flask Oil, 5 hhds S. H. Mosasses,
10 puncheons New Orleans Rum,
20,000 Havana Segars, of superior quality
29 South Wharves.
FOR SALE 100 CASES London Sheathing Cooper, of
Shears and Glasco’s stamps.
20 casks composition Sheathing Nails,
30 tons Spelter,
40 tons English Bar Iron, round, flat and square,
10 tons 3-8 and 7-16 Nail Rod Iron,
8 tons ½ to 5-8 Hoop Iron,
20 sheets Milled Lead,
40 casks London
dry White Lead,
10 casks Ground Litharge,
50 casks London Brown Stout, in quart and pint
50 pipes London
market Cognac Brandy of “Ottard’s,” “Godard’s” and Hennessy’s” brands, 9 to
14 years old,
20 pipes and half pipes Sicily Madeira Wine,
6 casks fine Old Bordeaux Claret,
3000 Sugar Moulds, 10 bbls Nutmegs,
3 bbls Mace, 50 bags Jamaica Pimento,
12 cases Crude Sal Ammoniac,
30 bales Bridgport Shad and Herring Twine,
40 tons St. Petersburg
clean Hemp,
50 boxes Hanana Segars, 5 Anchors,
30 bbls Mess Beef.
4 trunks Madras Hdkfs.
10 bales White Salempores and Long Cloth,
2 bales English Patent Sail Cloth,
12 bales Canvas Paddings, No. 1 a 5,
3 bales Scotch Diapers,
Apply to
31 S. Wharves.
No. 263 Market street
HAVE and constantly keep on hand, an extensive
assortment of Spanish Hides, Tanners’ Oil, Currier’s Tools and Leather, which they will sell on the most reasonable
terms. They will exchange Hides for Leather of like kinds, or sell it on commission free of storage. Orders for Spanish Hides
faithfully attended to.
10 Tons Campeachy Logwood, 10 tons Cuba Fustic,
100 barrels Camwood, 20 baskets Amatto Spanish, 5 hhds Copperas, 1 case Bengal Indigo, 2 seroons Spanich Indigo, 1 cask madder,
1000 lbs. Alum, 1000 lbs Arsenic, 2000 lbs Crude Borax, Oil Vitriol, Aqua Fortis, Muriatic Acid, Woad, Cudbarre, Curcuma.
Together with a large and general assortment of genuine Drugs, Chemicals and Dye Stuffs, also White Lead, Yellow Ochre, Spanish
Brown, and Verdigris, dry and ground, Lamp, Olive, and Linseed Oil, Putty, Chrome Yellow, Chrome Green, Spatulas, Paint Brushes,
Camel Hair, Sable, and Fitch Pencils, Varnish Burshes, Blue and Green Smalts, Verditu, Powder, Blue, Gold and Silver Leaf,
Bronze do &c &c.
N. W. corner Market & 2d streets.
THE SUBSCRIBER Offers for sale the following articles:
BROWN, Yellow and natural Fur Seal Caps,
Real Otter & Nutria (London
Brown) for Gentlemen and Youth,
Chinchilla, Brown, Yellow and Natural Seal, Otter,
Blue Angora and Black Sable Caps for Children,
Also, - Fur Collars, from $5 to $9 per doz.
Fur Gloves, Sable and other Capes,
Pilerins, Muffs, Trimmings,
Coat and Cload Linings, &c &c.
2000 doz White and Black Cotton Wadding, for Ladies’
Coats, of various qualities.
For sale low by GEORGE
F WOMRATH, 24 north Fourth street, above Yohe’s Hotel.
1000 GRO. Steel Ornaments, handsome patterns for
shoes. Apply at No. 6 Chesnut street
In Store,
Men’s and Boy’s coarse Brogans, Men’s
calfskin munroes, Women’s morocco walking shoes, Eastern and city manufactured, spring, half heel, and heeled raons,
men’s coarse shoes, men’s lined and bound shoes, men’s nailed boots, boy[‘s do do. ladies heeled and
spring heel’d lasting, Eastern City make, Misses and lasting Boots, Paste, and Liquid Blacking, Trunks, an invoice of
Letter, Cap, and Wrapping paper, &c &c.
Country merchants and others are invited to call
and view the assortment.
THE Fancy Store, No. 76, Chesnut
street, will be closed on or before the 10th April next, until that time goods will
be sold uncommonly low. Applicants for the purchase of the entire stock, or for renting the store will please apply to PRICE & CO 195 Market street.
WADDING BLACK and White Wadding, by the bale or
dozen, of superior quality, always on hand and for sale by GEO. F. WOMRATH, 24
north 4th street.
The undersigned, Factor for the chief manufacturers
in Baltimore, has constantly on hand, a supply of Castor’s, Berry’s, and Myer’s burnt fire clay Jambs and
slabs for coal grates, and fire bricks of common and arch shape, which he offers for sale at reasonable prices in lots to
suit purchases.
Orders from Ironmasters and others for large quantities,
will be executed, to deliver Fire Bricks in Philadelphia at the lowest Baltimore
prices, with the addition of freight. Direction to forward them into the interior, will be carefully attended to. These Fire
Bricks are superior to any others made in this country. Ample references to qualified judges will be given and testimonials
produced, to prove that they stand the effects of fire equally as well as the celebrated Stourbridge bricks. SAMUEL H THOMAS, 18 Chesnut street.
FALL FASHIONS, City Emporium
S. E. corner of Spruce and Second streets.
Merchant Tailors, respectfully invite their friends and the public to call at the above establishment and view their fall
fashions, received this day, via New York; also by the Julius Caesar, an invoice
of splendid fancy coat and vest buttons, gilt and plated, with a variety of Cloths. Cassimeres and Vestings, from the most
celebrated factories in England, which we will patnent sponge,
(invented and executed by us,) which is more durable than those sponged in the usual way. No extra charge. IN STORE, a large
assortment of Ready Made Clothing, viz: blue, black, brown, green, claret, olive, and citron cloth dress coats; do frock coats,
coatees, great coats, bang up coats, camblet coats, and cloaks, blue, black, citron, olive, gray, drab, and cover pantaloons;
blue, green and braided cloth bests, silk velvet, Valencia, luster, Marseilles, buff, white and black vests; shirts, drawers,
gloves, stocks, suspenders, hose, cravats, and handkerchiefs.
NB. K. & S
have on hand a large and general assortment of cloths, cassimeres and vestings, which thye willl sell by the piece or yard. Also, a large assortment of ready made clothing, which will be sold wholesale or retail,
at recuded prices.
Those wishing to purchase will do well to call
at the said store, and examine for themselves.
HOSPITAL 3d mo 1st. 1830
THE Attending Managers, Wm.
W. Fisher, No. 312 Chesnut street.
Robert Vaux, Office
in Benezet street, back of No. 346 Arch street.
Surgeon-Thomas Harris,
M. D. corner of Ninth and Spruce street.
Physician to Lying in department, Thos. C. James, M. D. No 7 York buildings.
Persons seriously injured by accident in Pennsylvania,
are received at all hours, and taken care of gratis; if brought to the Hospital immediately after the occurrence.
In all other cases, than those of accidental injury,
it is necessary to obtain a certificate of disease from the Physician or Surgeon, and an order of admission can be received
into the hospital.
N. B. the above named Managers and Physicians
meet at the Hospital every 4th and 7th day, (Wednesday and Saturday) at 10
o’clock A. M. to admit and discharge patients.
Southwark, March
11, 1830
BY virtue of the authority vested in my by the
Commissioners of the District of Southwark, I hereby give notice to those who may be disposed to subscribe to the Loan, sealed
proposals to be endorsed “Proposals for Loan”, will be received by the subscriber until 4 o’clock, P.M.
of Saturday, the 27th March 1830, for the whole or any part of the sum of twenty five thousand dollars, at a rate
of interest not exceeding five per cent per annum, payable half yearly on the firs days of January and July, for which certificates
will be issued in the usual form. The said loan to be redeemable on the first day of January, 1850, and not before, unless
with the consent of the holders of said certificates, which shall be transferable in like nammer as other certificates of
corporation debt.
No. 21, Christian street.
NOTICE, is hereby given, that a certain Certificate
No. 750, dated 25th day of January, 1805, for two Shares in the Chesapeake
and Delaware Canal Company, in the name of John W. Swift, and afterwards transferred to Jas. Kitchen, has been lost or mislaid and application has been made by the subscriber to the President
and Directors of the said Company to renew the same. PHEBE KITCHEN, EX.
WHEATONS’ JOURNAL- Just received and for
sale by WILLIAM STAVELY, No 99, South Second street.
“A JOURNAL of a residence during several
months in LONDON; including excursions through various parts of ENGLAN; and a
short tour in FRANCE and SCOTLAND;
in the years 1823 and 1824. By NATHANIEL S. WHEATON A. M. Rector of Christ Church,
BOOK-by T. H. GALLANDET, Principal of the American Asylum for the Education of the Deaf and
March 8, 1830
TAKE Notice that we have applied to the Honorable
Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia,
for the benefit of the several acts of Insolvency of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania,
and they have appointed Wednesday, the 24th day of March, inst at 10 o’clock,
A. M. to hear us and our creditors at the County Court House, corner of 6th and Chesnut streets in the said city
of Philadelphia, when and where you may attend if you think proper.
John V. Ballenger,
Cordwainer, Paradise alley.
Lewis Norman,
Cordwainer, no. 1 Hinkel’s Court
John Simons, House
Carpenter, Haynes’ Court, Kensington
Thomas Rowand,
10th street, above Button Wood street
David Christy,
Cordwainer, no 322 S. Third street.
HAS resumed Business at the Old Establishment
No. 118 Germantown Road, near the intersection of Second street. He informs his friends and the Public in general, that he carries on the above Business
in all its various branches-where may be had at the shortest notice and lowest prices.
Andirons, from the largest to the smallest sizes and newest fashions; Shovels and Tongs neatly headed, to match the
Andirons. All persons who use the article of Brass Casting, will find it to their advantage to call and make trial, as my
design is to please by having castings made of the best materials, clear of sand wash, dead shots, dross, &c Having much
experience in the Business, I flatter myself with giving general satisfaction.
Grate Fender and Stove Heads of the newest fashions.
Old Metal bought, or taken in exchange. Orders left at the Factory, or with J. H. HATCH, No.
6 north Front street, or with JACOB WONDER, sign of the Plough,
north Third above Market.
N. B. One Apprentice Wanted.
Insurance Company of Philadelphia,
LATELY incorporated by an act of the Legislature
of Pennsylvania, with perpetual charter, for the sole purpose of Insuring from Loss or Damage by Fire, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE,
that they are prepared to effect Insurance in town and country, on Houses, Barns, Manufacturers, Stores and other Buildings,
Ships in harbour and upon the stocks, and on Goods, Wares, and Merchandize upon the land or lying in port, and on Agricultural
Products, upon as liberal terms as any similar institution.
Applications made at the Office, No 163
½ Chesnut street, third door below Fifth street,
either personally or by letter, with description of the property, will receive prompt attention. CHARLES
N. BANCKER, Sec’ry.
FIRE INSURANCE COMPNAY FOR INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. Capital authorized by law, 400,000 Dollars. Charter perpetual.
THE public are respectfully informed that this company continue to make Insurance, either permanent or limited, on property
and effects of every description against loss or damage by fire, on terms as liberal as any similar institution.
By its charter it is confined to the single object
of insuring property on land, or lying in port, from loss by fire, and affords the best security against the distress and
run too often occasioned by the ravages of that destruction element.
Applications made personally or by letter, at
the office no. 134, Walnut, between Fifth and Sixth streets, Philadelphia, will
be promptly attended to. JONA. SMITH, Secreatary.
THE Trustees of “The Fire Association of
Philadelphia” Incorporated by an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of Insuring houses and other
building, Insure on the most reasonable terms either perpetually, or for a limited time.
On this Association, which is composed of forty
two fire companies, possessing Apparatus, Engines and Hose of very great value, for the extinguishment of Fires, the principal
security of the city from conflagration depends.
The funds obtained by insurance are designed,
first for the payment of losses to the insured, and secondly a part of the interest arising from their investments may be
applied for keeping the fire apparatus in good order.
For these purposes the public confidence has hitherto
been extended to the Association to an unprecedented extent, and the trustees respectfully solicit a continuation of the public
patronage for public benefit.
Application for Insurance may be made to either
of the Trustees, or at the office, no. 39 ½ north Fifth street. MICHAEL FOX. President of
the Trustees of the Fire Association.
STEAM SAW MILL. THIS establishment at Panama, East Florida, which was destroyed by fire in the month of July last, has been
rebuilt on an enlarged scale, with a new engine, and machinery on the most recent and approved principles, and went into complete
operation on the 24th ultimo, with eight gangs of Saws.
The Mill is situated immediately
on the river St. Johns, E. F., seventeen miles from the Bar, which will admit
vessels drawing 10 ½ feet water, which draft can be carried to the mill, alongside of which vessels lay and take in their
cargoes, bright and dry from the saws, the power and capacity of the mill to execute, the excellence of workmanship, of the
mill, engine and machinery, (the latter of which is nearly all of iron) the superior quality of the yellow an pitch pine timbers
in its immediate vicinity, the good health which has prevailed at the establishment, are all objects calculated to recommend
it to those desirous of having orders executed for Lumber, which will be received by the subscriber and who will contract
for the delivery of any reasonable quantity deliverable at the Mill or elsewhere, on the most reasonable and accommodating
terms possible. CHARLES F. SIBBALD, Proprietor, Philadelphia Pine
street wharf.
JAMES WOOD & CO of Nashville, Tennessee owning and being interested in some of the finest
Steam Boats, running on the Western waters, running regularly between New Orleans and Nashville, will receive goods at New
Orleans, intended for Memphis and the several landings above as high as the mouth of the Cumberland, as well as all the landings
above and below Nashville on the Cumberland river.
one of the above firm will be in New Orleans, from 1st November to
15th July, and will receive and forward without delay all goods intended for any of the above landings, free of
commissions for receiving and forwarding as well as free of storage. The price of freights will be what is usual and customary
in good and regular boats. Those who may have goods to ship for any of the above places, may rely on every attention and care
being paid by J. G. WASHINGTON, in the receiving and forwarding.
Those who may be unacquainted with the character
and standing of J. WOOD & Co are respectfully referred to JAMES PATTON, Jr.; JOHN HASELTINE, WASHINGTON JACKSON, and C. PRICE &
THE Subscriber respectfully informs the Ladies
and Gentlemen that he continues to give lessons in Penmanship, in a superior style to any other taught this city, and to write
with double the facility of any other system taught in the union. Specimens of improvement will warrant the above. From twelve
to thirty lessons will enable a person to write a good, hold, legible hand, and three lessons will show the great utility
of this system over all others.
N. B. His rooms are open from six A.M. to ten P.M. Ladies write in a separate room.
He also informs then that he has completed his
new treatise on Book keeping, and its superiority over all other systems is fully tested by Merchants and book keepers of
the first taste; his system and perfect mercantile manner of instruction will enable his students to acquire in from ten to
twenty Lessons generally, a superior knowledge of that science, and his long practicein teaching together with the examination
of more than one hundred sets of books, in the first counting houses in this city, enable him to give a superior form of Books,
and most extensive explanation on this very important science. R. MEGONEGAL, No.
206 Race street, opposite Franklin Square. REFERENCES will be given to merchants,
book keepers and teachers.
NOTICE-Notice is hereby given that application
will be made for the renewal of the following Certificates of 4 ½ per cent stock standing in the name of JOSEPH LEO WOLF, N. Y. which have been lost or mislaid.
Dated Philada. January 19, 1830 No. 103 $20,000
“ “ “
“ “
No. 49 10,000
REAL ESTATE OFFICE THE subscriber takes this method
of informing his friends and the community, that he has opened an Office for the PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE, at No.
33 North Sixth street corner of North Alley. He will keep a Register, wherein all property placed
in his hands for private sale, will be entered free of charge, unless a Sale be
made. He will also attend to the Renting of Houses, and lots on ground rent;
and will, in person, direct all repairs to be done to property in his charge.
Charges for advertising will be much lower than
usual, he having arrangements with the principal editors of the city to publish by the year. GEORGE
W. WILLIAMS, Late City Commissioner.
N. B. Communications, post paid, will be thankfully
received and promptly attended to at the above Office, or at the dwelling of the subscriber.
8 South Third street, opposite the Mechanics Bank.
THE Subscribers, Commissioned Auctioneers, respectfully
inform the public generally, and more particularly the Gentlemen of the Bar, that they have, in compliance wit the suggestions
of many of their friends interested in Real Estates, fitted up an office in the rear of their auction establishment expressly
for the registering of Real Estate for public or private sale, or giving any information within their reach, which may tend
to promote the interest of sellers and buyers.
They have made such arrangements in the different
branches of their auction business as will enable the senior partner, who has many years been engaged in the purchase and
sale of Real Estate, to give his whole attention to that department.
To the Gentlemen of the Bar particularly, they
beg leave therefore to solicit their patronage for sales ordered to be made in pursuance of decrees from the Orphan’s
Court. It has been their invariable rule to keep a register of all such sales made by them, believing, as they do, that such
a course is important, in as much as it affords, upon all occasions, a certain reference as to time of sale, amount of purchase,
&c. &c.
No charge except for advertisements and Coffee
House fee, will be made for offering Real Estate at Auction, if sales are not effected-or if the property should be bought
in for the owners. When sales are made, the commissions are charged shall be as moderate as those of any other individual
or establishment in the city engaged in the sale of Real Estate. T. B. FREEMAN & SON
Pursuant to a decree of the Orphan’s Court,
of Philadelphia county, made on the 19th day of February 1830, will be sold by public vendue at the Merchants Coffee
House, on Thursday the 18th April at 7 o’clock in the evening, the following described, real estate late
the property of John Hardis, deceased, to wit:
A brick house and lot situate in Reley’s
alley between Front and Second street, in the city of Philadelphia,
containing in front and in depth 33 feet. Also a frame building and lot situate at the corner of Reley’s alley and Front
street, between Lombard and South streets, containing in front about 16 feet and in depth about 75 feet. Also a vacant lot
adjoining the two former lots, situate on Front street, between Lombard
and South street, containing in front about 24 feet and in depth about
65 feet, which said three lots are subject to two ground rents amounting together to 280 dollars per annum.
MARY HARDY, Administratix
Clerk O. C.
CITY, LOSTS IN DELAWARE CITY, (about 7 miles below New Castle,)
for sale, or to let on ground rent.
The Buildings now erecting in Delaware
City are extensive; Capitalists, Tradesmen, mechanics, and other persons desirous
of making improvements, may make profitable investments, yielding great income for the capital employed. The Chesapeake and
Delaware Canal, now open, runs through the centre of the city plot, and it will eventually become a place of great deposit,
with an extensive coasting trade, having the benefit of the trade of the Susquehannah, that come from the waters of the Susquehannah
to the Delaware. The immediate vicinity of Delaware City furnishes an abundant supply of the best clay for making bricks;
wood and lumber of the best quality, can be had at the most reasonable rates, as well as any other materials for making good,
cheap, and profitable improvements. Steam Boats run daily, during the season, to Delaware
City, whence the canal boats take the passengers to the other end of the Canal,
to the waters of the Chesapeake, where steam boats convey them the same day to
Baltimore, it being the shortest and most convenient conveyance from this city
to Baltimore.
Every encouragement will be given to person disposed
to build, improve, and settle in Delaware City.
A plan of said city, can be seen at the Counting
House of the Subscriber.
Apply to
No. 28 south Wharves, or to
Delaware City.
AT PRIVATE SALE, A valuable Plantation, very pleasantly
situated on the public road, dividing the two counties of Bucks and Montgomery just at the corner, where the post road from
Doylestown to Norristown crosses; the same in new Britain township Bucks county, 2 miles from Montgomery Square, 5 from Doylestown,
12 miles from Norristown and 23 from Philadelphia; containing 105 acres of land, adjoining lands of Captain Baker, John Ambler,
John Todd, and others. A good proportion thereof is wood land, and watered meadow, the residue is arable land of an excellent
quality, and in good state of cultivation, having been well limed, and conveniently divided into fields, all under good fences.
The improvements are, a new two story stone dwelling house finished in a very superior style, together with a piazza and balcony
attached in front, finely decorated and surrounded with ornamental trees; a large new stone barn with stabling underneath;
and a large carriage house attached to it, all built of the best materials, two never failing wells of excellent water with
pumps therein, the one at the door of the dwelling house, the other at the barn yard, a stone milk house, over a never failing
spring of water, also a still house and cider works, all under roof with the conveniency of a stream of spring water passing
through the same-a blacksmith ship and smoke house, and other necessary out buildings;
also, a young apple orchard of 280 thrifty apple trees, the greater part of them in prime bearing, and the most of them grafted,
besides a variety of other fruit trees, there is on the premises also, an excellent quarry of building stone, and several
valuable springs of water. The said property is situated in an exceeding healthy part of the country, in a very good and genteel
neighborhood, convenient to schools, mills, and places of public worship; and is an excellent site for a store, tavern, or
any other kind of public business. A good and indisputable title will be give; terms will be accommodating; possession may
be had at any time to sort the purchaser. Any person wishing to view the property, will apply to MICHAEL
HARTMAN, living on the premises or to JACOB CASSEL, near the same.
Girard’s Wharf.
No. 1118 Freeman &
Son’s Real Estate Register
TWO sixteenth parts of an undivided lot of Anthrocite
Coal Land, containing 18 acres, situate in Wyoming Valley, Luzerne county, within about one mile of the Susquehanna River,
and half a mile from the contemplated route of the Pennsylvania Canal; the mine is now completely opened and in successful
operation, and the coal is esteemed superior for burning in grates to any other in the valley and is considered an object
to a man of enterprise. For further particulars, apply to T. B. FREEMAN & SON Auctioneers.
BRICK YARD TO LET. ONE or more brick yards to
let in Delaware City the clay is of a
superior quality, well calculated to make the best brick; wood can be had cheap, and the situation is very convenient to supply
the New York market with pressed bricks where they meet already sale. Apply
to EYRE & MASSEY 28 S. Wharves.
NEW LAW BOOKS-Just published and for sale by J. GRIGGS, No. 9 North Fourth street, Condensed Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the United
States, containing the whole Series of the decisions of the Court, from its organization to the commencement of Peter’s
Reports, at January Term 1827, with copious notes of parallel cases in the Supreme and Curcuit Courts of the United States,
edited by RICHARD PETERS, ESQ., Counsellor at Law, and Reporter of the decisions of the Supreme
Court of the United States. Vol 1st from April Term 1791, to February Term 1806, inclusive. An extensive assortment
of all the late new law books for sale as above.
Regular Line
HAVING resumed the regular, dispatch of their
packets for the season, will continue to send one from each port every Wednesday, and Saturday. The vessels comprising this
line are as follows:
Schr. Franklin, Reuben
Snow, master
Schr. Thorm, Ezra Crowell,
Schr. New York,
Nathaniel Snow, master
Schr. Scrates, Thatcher
Ryder, master
Schr. Saluda, Mark Snow,
Schr. Triton, E.
Flinn, master
They are all fast sailing vessels; the masters
are experienced coasters and have the liberty of acting as their own pilots, both here and in New York.
The same punctuality in the sailing that has always distinguished this line will be strictly observed, and goods sent for
shipping will be forwarded as directed free from commission. The rate of freight will correspond with the other lines. Applicatons
tob e made to BALDWIN & FORBES, No. 96 Coffee House Slip New York.
E. N. BRIDGES No. 30, south wharves, Philadelphia.
For Norfolk,
Petersburg, and Richmond, this day,
direct, via Chesapeake and Delaware
Canal. Packet schr. Dean Swift, Captain GODFREY,
for Norfolk, Petersburg and Richmond,
via the Canal, will sail this day, 23d inst. For freight or passage, apply to ALONZO WAKEMAN
Packet Office, 4 N. Wharves.
day. Hand’s Canal Line. Packet sloop Mary & Martha, BIDDLE, master, loading at Girard’s
wharf above Market street, and will sail as above. For freight at the
lowest rates, or passage, apply on board, or to J. HAND Southern Packet Office, 7 north wharves.
(Hand’s Line) Direct, via Canal, The Packet sloop Dolphin, C. PETIT, master, will positively
sail on Wednesday, 24th inst. For freight at reduced rates, apply on board, at Girard’s Wharf, above Market
street, or to JOSEPH HAND, Southern Packet Office, 7 north wharves.
day, (Despatch Line) The schr. Rochester, SWAIN,
master, will sail as above. For freight, apply to C. & F. KING, 48 south wharves.
50 QR casks Colmenar Wine, 25 do Sweet Malaga
do., 200 boxes Bunch Raisins, 75 do. Bloom do. Just received and for sale by A. F. POLLARD,
Comm. Merchant, 25 south Wharves.
77 HIDES and 1200 Cocoa
Nuts. Just landing from the brig Panama, from Pernambuco,
and for sale by SCRAVENDYKE & SON, 237 south Second street.
Just received and for sale, 10 cases Eastern manufactured
Combs, superior quality, comprising a large assortment, by A. F. POLLARD Comm. Merchant, 25
S. Wharves.
RIO COFFEE-1155 bags strong scented Rio Coffee,
landing from on board brig Post Captain, from Rio de Janeiro. For sale by ROBERT HUDDELL, 92 south Wharves.
TO RECTIFIERS-N. E. Rum, - 20 hhds, 25 bbls high
proof first quality Salem Rum. For sale by WM. A. RHODES & CO. S. W. corner Chesnut and
Front streets.
CHEESE-100 casks of large Cheese of superior quality.
For sale by D. W. PRESCOTT, 65 south Front street.
DAMAGED COTTON-A few bales partially damaged Cotton.
For sale by F. A. JENNINGS, 48 ½ south Front street.
PORT WINE, in butts and pipes, do. of a superior quality in quarter casks, and a few cases of do bottled in Oporto.
For sale by WALN & MORRIS 34 south wharves.
PRIME NEW RICE-150 casks, just landed from Charleston.
For sale by MORRIS SMITH, Girard’s wharf.
PRIME NEW RICE-151 whole, 51 half tierces Rice,
landing from he schr Lucy, and for sale by BEVAN & HUMPHREYS, 35 south wharves.
GUM COPAN & CARDAMON SEEDS-20 cases superior
scraped Gum Copal, 200 lb Cardamon Seeds, just received, and for sale by A. S. & E. ROBERS.
76 south Second street.
prime St. Domingo Coffee will be landed this day from brig native-for sale by TUNIS & CO.
8 South Wharves.
LIQUID & PASTE BLACKING-An invoice of Liquid,
Paste and Sponge Blacking, of superior quality, in lots to suit purchasers, for sale low, by E. N.
BRIDGES 30 S. wharves.
MACKEREL-200 bbls. Nos. 1 and 2, first quality
retailing fish, now landing and for sale by B. & B. COOPER, Market st wharf.
PALM LEAF HATS-4 cases Palm Leaf Hats, just received,
for sale by E. N. BRIDGES, 30 south wharves.
ORANGE & BROWN SHELLAC, &c-15 cases Orange
Shellac, 20 cases Brown do 6 cases crude Borax, all entitled to debenture; 50 bags Juniper Berries, fresh, 30 bbls Allum and
Blue Vitriol, 35 bbls. Epsom and Glauber Salts, Bleaching Salts, Manganes and Ol. Vit. Landing and for sale by A. S. & E. ROBERTS, at their Drug & Chemical Warehouse, No. 76 south 2d street.
SHIP BAINBRIDGE-Consignees per sip Bainbridge,
are requested to send their Permits on board, as permission has been granted by the collector to send all goods to he Custom
House not permitted in five days.
Second street, has constantly for sale, a general assortment of CUSTOM HOUSE BLANKS, BILLS OF LADING,
THE store of the subscriber, at the corner of
Spruce and Third streets, was entered last evening, by false keys, and the following property stolen there from:
One box marked No. 5-70 lbs and containing 70
pounds of the same article.
One box marked E. containing 608 dozen Ivory Combs.
One box Tortoise Shell Toes.
The above reward will be paid for the recovery
of the articles on application to THOMAS HOWARD.
GRISWOLD’S Discourses-Disourses on the most
important Doctrines and Duties, of the Christian Religion, by ALEXANDER V. GRISWOLD, D. D.
Bishop, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the state of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine.
Just received and for sale by E. LITTELL & BORTHER, cor. Chestnut and 7th sts.
A new three story brick building suitable for
either a Hardware or Drug store. Inquire at No. 33 north 6th st. corner of North alley.
WANTED, a two story building suitable for a small
store, situate in 6th, 7th, or 8th st. between Market & Race sts., for which willl be
given in exchange a good 3 story brick house, suitable for a private residence. Inquire as above.
No. 1131 FREEMAN &
To be paid at public sale at the Merchants’
Coffee House, on Thursday evening, the 31st of March, at 7 ½ o’clock.
That three story brick messuage and lot of ground
situate on the south side of Walnut street, between 8th and
9th streets, No. 226, having a front of 22 feet 4 ½ inches, and lot 90 feet deep to a 15 feet alley. The house
is in good repair and has a small bath house on the end of the lot. N. B. Further particulars and terms of payment will be
made known at time of sale.
First Night of the New Local Bulesque Parody of
THIS EVENING, Will be presented, the Farce of
: : : :
After which, (for the first time) the new Bulesque
Parody of
Or, a Touch at the Times.
Doctor Foster, :
: :
Mephistopholis, : : : :
To conclude with the Farce of
Mr. Bromley,
: : :
: Mr.
Mrs. Bromley : : :
Stage Manager,
Doors open at 6-the curtain will rise at 7 o’clock precisely
Boxes, 50 cents-Pit, 25 cents-Gallery, 12 ½ cents
Places may be taken at the box office from 10
until 3 o’clock.
respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he will commence serving TURTLE SOUP on Sunday next, any time after
11 o’clock, A.M. and continue to do so during the season. N. B. Families supplied.
NOTICE Passengers for Easton
leave Chesnut st wharf by the steam boat Swan, daily, Sundays excepted, at 6 o’clock,
A.M. and arrive the same afternoon. Far through $3
THE patrons of the Drama and the public in general
are respectfully informed, that on Friday, March 26, 1830, a Benefit will
take place for the GENERAL THEATRICAL FUND, Established in Philadelphia,
Dec. 21, 1829, on which occasion MR. E. FORREST
had kindly volunteered his valuable aid in the character of MACBETH.
The Managers of the Chesnut and Walnut
street Theatres have consented to suspend all performances on this evening, and the united exertions
of the Actors and Actresses it is confidently hoped will render the evening’s performances worthy GENERAL PARTONAGE
Box Tickets………………..One
Gallery ……………………Twenty-five
Of the Members and Pupils of the American Conservatorio
of Philadelphia
A New Oratorio,
Composed by PHIL. TRAJETTA,
To be performed at the Saloon of the Musical Fund
Society, on Thursday evening, the 25th inst. (Leader, Phil. Trajetta)
No. 1 Overture
2 If burning beams of noon conspire, Chorus
3 Our humble prayer to Thee we bring, Duet
4 Return O God of Love,
5 Hear, O thou Shepard of Israel, Chorus
6 Of foes a numerous band,
7 Dress Then in arms, most mighty Lord Chorus Finale
No. 8 Concertone Sacra (Orchestra)
9 Tho’ in the paths of death we tread, Chorus
10 I cry’d and from his holy hill,
11 The great, the wise, the dreadful God of Isarel, Terzetto
12 We pay this holy sacrifice
13 How long, O Lord, shall I complain Solo
14 The Voice of the Lord
Chorus Finale
Tickets $1, for sale at Messrs.
Willig’s, Hudson’s, Blake’s, Kemm’s, Rodolph’s and Edgar’s
Music Stores, where subscriptions will also be received for three Oratorios to be performed during the year 1830. subscribers
will receive their tickets at the hall, on Wednesday afternoon, from 2 till 5 o’clock,
P.M. The first private rehearsal will take place onSaturday evening, and the general rehearsal, to which subscribers will
be admitted on Wednesday evening next. Performance to commence precisely at 7 o’clock,
and tickets may be obtained at the door until that hour.
CASTOR & GUM SANDARAC-1 small lot of Genuine
Caster, 2,000 lbs Gum Sandarac, just received and for sale low by ISAAC THOMPSON, N. W. corner
of Market and 2d sts.
MADEIRA WINE-50 qr casks Marseilles Madeira Wine. Landing from schr
Sea Horse, for sale by BOLLER & BAKER, 73 South
Front st.
N. ENGLAND & CITY SHOES-350 cases of Eastern
and City made Shoes, direct from the manufacturers, comprising a large and general assortment, which is offered to City dealers
and others, on pleasing terms, by ALDEN & CO 6 Chesnute st. Ladies Shoes of every description
made to order.
Bristol Pint Porter Bottles, 150 do do do Quart do do 100 do handsome Wine do for sale in lots to suit purchasers by J. L. MOSS, No. 18 S. Front st.
POTATOES & FISH-1400 bushels of potatoes,
and a quantity of Cod fish, per schr. Polly and Clarissa, for sale by THOMAS
HAVEN Walnut street, 2nd door above Front.
SHERRY & PORT WINES, of the choicest qualities,
in butts, hhds and qr. Casks, imported and for sale by ROBERT ADAMS 19 Dock street.
TORTOISE SHELL-1 box Tortoise Shell, just received
and for sale by GEO. MERRILL, 87 south Front street.
MACKEREL, Newburyport
Inspection.-57 bbls No. 1 mackerel, 218 do No. 2 do, 76 do No. 3 do, 42 half bbls No. 1 do, 18 do No 2 do. Landing from schr.
Brillant from Newburyport, and for sale by SHOBER &
BUNTING, 26 south wharves.
CAPS & STOCKS, Wholesale and retail, at the
Manufacturer’s, No. 12 south Third st.-Country merchants are requested to notice the above. SYLVESTER
BROTHERS, Nearly opposite Congress Hall.
ONE hundred casks Codfish, two hundred boxes do;
one hundred bbls Mackerel-For sale by GRANTS & STONE, No. 35 South Front st.
COFFEE-300 bags Rio Coffee, now landing, for sale
by HAVEN & SMITHS corner Walnut and Front st.
PLASTER & OLD COPPER-60 tons Plaster and 350
lbs Old Copper, afloat, cargo of schr Cyrus, for sale by C. & F. KING.
PRINTING CLOTHS-11 bales, for sale by WM. A. RHODES & CO. corner Chesnut and Front sts.
RICE-75 casks prime Rice, now landing from brig
Lucy, from Charleston, for sale by HAVEN & SMITHS
corner Walnut and Front st.
BOOTS-An invoice of mens’ sewed Boots, on
consignment. For sale low, apply at No. 6 Chesnut street, to ALDEN & CO.
SUPERIOR GARNET SHELLAC-20 cases of thin Garnet
Shellac, entitled to debenture. For sale by J. L. MOSS, 18 south
Front street.
PRIME NEW RICE-151 whole, 51 half tierces Rice,
will be landed this afternoon, from the schr Lucy, and for sale by BEVAN & HUMPHREYS,
35 south wharves.
LINENS-12 cases 4-4 Irish Linens, in whole and
demi pieces, 3 do 7-8, do do 2 do superfine Long Laws, just received, and for sale by WM. A. RHODES
& CO. corner Chestnut and Front st.
MACKEREL-No. 1 and 2 Mackerel, last fares, Portland
inspection, for sale by C. & F. KING, 48 S. wharves.
TAR, &c-Landing and for sale, 108 bbls Wilmington
new Tar, in fine order, 50 bbls pure distill’d pitch, 50 do common Rosin, 10 bbls Bright Varnish, 5 do Spirits Turpentine.
Apply to JAMES PATTON JR. Smith’s wharf, 1st above Race
Chesnut Street
106, Market Street, Corner of Franklin Court.
ship Tobacco Plant, will commence loading on Monday next, and receive immediate dispatch. For the bulk of 500 lbs only, on
freight, or passage, apply to STEPHEN BALDWIN, 29 Dock st. or BENJ.W.
FRAZIER, Supercargo, at BEVAN & HUMPHREYS, 35 south wharves.
& LIMA. The brig Caroline, N. Briggs, master
will have dispatch from this Port of Valparaiso
and Lima. A supercargo will go out in the brig to take charge of Shipments if
required. Freight of the bulk of eight hundred bbls is wanted. Apply THOMAS & HAVEN, Walnut
street, 2d door above Front.
The packet ship Thames, George Robinson, master, a first rate vessel,
with superior accommodations for both cabin and steerage, passengers intended to sail early in April. For terms for freight
or passage, apply to Capt. Robinson on board, JOSEPH R. EVANS,
31 south Wharves.
from New York, 24th March, The packet ship Birmingham,
Isaac Harris master. For freight or passage, apply on board, at pier 18, foot of Maiden lane,
or to BYRNES, TRIMBLE & CO 143 Maiden lane New York.
of engaging passage for their friends, in a ship of the first class, to sail from Greenock in may next
for this port, may do so by applying on or before the 20th inst. to THOMAS HAEN,
Walnut street, second door above Front.
FOR GIBRALTER, the fine fast sailing coppered
brig Ocean, Capt
DEWLING, will sail on Saturday, next. For freight or passage having good accommodations, apply on boards, or to J. H. LINN or J. B.M’ILVAINE.
FOR VERA CRUZ. The fast sailing coppered and copper
fastened schr Comet, Capt. HUTCHINSON, is now ready to take in cargo, at Perot’s wharf.
For freight or passage, apply to the master on board or to BEVAN & HUMPHREYS, 35 south
regular packet brig Ganniclefft, E. M. DONALDSON, master, is now loading at Latimer’s
wharf, above Arch street, and will be dispatched on the 19th
inst. For freight or passage, having elegant accommodations, apply on board, or to JNO. H. LINN,
83 South Front street.
Who has for sale, landing, 100 kegs Ground Ginger,
warranted pure; 10 hhds prime Green Coffee, 21 bags old white do, 50 bags fresh Juniper Berries, 20 bags Pimento, Old Copper,
The first sailing coppered brig Herone, C. VAN DYCKE, master, now loading at Walnut
street wharf, will sail on Saturday next. For freight or passage apply to J.
G. & D. B. STACEY, 37 S. Wharves.
The regular trading brig Native, WILLIAM SMITH, mr., will commence loading on Thursday, will
sail in a few days, having most of her freight ready to go on board. For the remainder or passage, apply to JAMES PATTON JR. Smith’s Wharf, 1st above Race street.
COFFEE, & LOGWOOD-Landing from said vessel, and for sale, 57 bags prime mountain Coffee, 32 tons Logwood.
The brig Milo, H. SHARP, master, has two thirds of her cargo engaged,
and will sail in five or six days. For freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to the master on board, at Lombard
street wharf, or to PELEG HALL, No. 100 South wharves.
The regular packet A 1 brig William Henry, ROWLAND JOHNSON, master, now loading at Girard’s
wharf, above Market street, and having about one half her cargo on board
and engaged, will sail without delay. For freight or passage, apply to capt. JOHNSON on board,
or to JOSEPH HAND, Southern Packet Office, 7 north wharves.
N. B. The Wm Henry will take steam up the Mississippi,
and being of a light draught of water, will meet with no detention at the Bar.
FOR CHARLETON, 24th inst. (Regular
Line), The packet schr Transport, Capt DOILES, having most of her freight on board and engaged,
will sail as above. Aply on board, or at the Packet office, to MORRIS SMITH, Girard’
, N C The regular packet schr Caroline, JAS. M. AVRILL, master, nw loading at Smith’s
wharf, 1st above Race street, and will be dispatched immediately.
For freight, which will be taken low, or passage, apply on board or to JAMES PATTON JR. on said wharf.
FLOORING BOARDS Afloat, a small cargo first rate Carolina
seasoned heart pine flooring boards. Aslo 30 bales prime Upland Cotton, and 100 bls Wilmington Tar, for sale. Apply as above.
FOR RICHMOND Direct (The First Packet) to sail
on Wednesday next. The regular line schr. Zillah, JAPHET TOWNSEND, master, having part of
her cargo engaged, will positively sail as above. For freight of the remainder or passage, apply to the master on board, at
Morris’s wharf, 2d above the Drawbridge, or to CALEB S. FOLWELL, At the Packet Office,
58 on said wharf.
Maine. Freight of the bulk of 400 bbls is wanted for Portland.
Apply to THAMES HAVEN, Walnut street,
2d door above Front.
FOR PORTSMOUTS, N. H. The regular packet schr
Martha, DAY master, will sail in a few days. For freight or passage, apply to the captain
on board, at Beck’s wharf below Market street, or to LINCOLN & RYERSS, 33 south wharves.
REGULAR LINE, The packet brig Thorn, Captain LUCE.
Apply on board, at the first wharf below Market street, or to GRANTS & STONE, 35 south Front street.
ON WEDNESDAY. Regular Line. The packet schr. Thorn, E. CROWELL, master, now loading at Evan’s
wharf, 2d below Chesnut street, will sail as above. For freight apply
to the Captain on board or to E. N. BRIDGES. 30 south wharves.
No. 29 and 31, North
Front street.
CARD.-The Cloths advertised to be sold. This afternoon,
at the stores of Messrs CARDWELL, POTTER & CO. is postponed to Friday morning.
CARD.-Catalogues of the desirable assortment of
seasonable dry goods, to be sold this afternoon, are now ready, and the goods open for examination. The assortment comprises
new spring prints, foulards, fancy 3 and 4 col’d plate and two blue prints. Also an invoice of indigo blue cloths, terms
6 mos. Credit.
This afternoon, at 3
o’clock, on 6 months credit, 120 packages fresh imported Spring Dry Goods, comprising a good assortment of
desirable articles.
Also at 3 o’clock,
10 cases new foulard and 3 and 4 coloured fancy spring prints.
5 cases super new Two Blue prints
On Friday morning, on 6 months credit, 100 pieces
extra superfine London cloths, comprising blue, blks, browns, olive, mixed &c.
On Tuesday afternoon, the 30th inst.
60 cases French goods, received by the late arrivals via New York, comprising
a choice selected assortment of fancy and staple goods.
Catalogues will be ready and the goods open for
examination early on the day of sale.
No. 73 Market street
On Wednesday morning, at 9 ½ o’clock precisely
on 4 and 6 months credit, from the shelves.
100 pieces surperfine cloths, consisteing of,
blue, blk, mixt and medleys.
Also, 75 pieces super Cloths, being part of a
wholesale stock.
Also-Retail Stock-Consisting of cloths, cassimeres,
flannels, bockings, prints cambric muslins, Swiss muslin cravats, ginghams, checks, plaids, lastings, mens’ and womens’
cotton hosiery &c&c
At 11 o’clock precisely, will be sold, at
the Sky Light Store, Henry Pratt’s wharf, below Race street, 10 tons iron hoops, rods and American bar iron, of superior
quality: sale will be preemptory to close consignments.
At the Manufacturers’ Market No. 13 and
15 north Water street.
On Saturday morning next, the 27th
inst, at 10 ½ o’clock, for approved notes at 6 months, An extensive assortment of American manufactured Goods.
Also, 100 trusses Franford Prints, of 1 and 2
col’d work, new and handsome style.
Also, an entire invoice of English goods, received
per SILAS RICHARDS, at New York, consisting of, fouled work; cotton hosiery,
cambrics, ginghams, &c &c.
Particulars will be found in Catalogues, which
will be ready and samples arranged for examination one day before the sale.
The attention of purchasers is particularly requested,
and they are assured the sale will be peremptory.
No. 34 south Front street.
On Thursday morning,
The 1st April, at 11 o’clock, at the auction store, no. 34 south Front street
Will be offered for sale, the following stock
of superior wines, of the well known brands of Howard March & Co., Payne & Co, Tellas, Ornellas, Rego & Co. under
the Custom House lock, and entitled to debenture, imported by A. & G. RALSTONS, 20 pipes, 33 half pipes, 14 qr casks,
and 16 half qr casks choice old L. I Madeira wine, 7 half qr casks choice old Malmsey Madeira do, 17 pipes, 22 half pipes,
3 qr casks choice L. P. Madeira wine do, 1 pip, 4 hhds superior tinta Madeira do, 9 boxes, 59 doz supeor old L. P. Madeira
bottled in Madeira, 1814; 64 boxes 100 doz do. do. do. do. do. do. 16 hbls 50 do do do do do do 19 do 12 do superior brown
sherry do, 11 hhds, do do do, 17 pipes superior Port Wine, 1 box do do do 68
qr Bucellas do, 4 qr casks do do Portilla do, 5 pipes Lisbon, 12 qr casks Maseilles Madeira, Grousett’s brand; 1 jjd,
10 Indian bbls, and 100 boxes muscatt wine, 25 qr casks Calabria Port wine, 20 hhds claret do, 56 Indian bbls Dry Malaga sherry
do, 1824; 2 do do do sweet do do 1824, 5 kegs old rich Mountain Malaga do, 5 kegs old Tint Madeira do, 1 hhd and 76 qr casks
Citte Malaga do.
200 bags strong scented Rio Coffee
100 boxes Sperm Candles
200 boxes Roll Brimstone
50 chests Young Hyson Tea
50 chests Hyson Skin Tea
60 bales 37 inch brown Shoestrings.
LINE The schr. William Penn, GEORGE WING, master. For freight or passage, apply on board at
the Boston packet wharf, second above Walnut street.
The schr. Regulator, Capt. ____ to sail on ___. For freight or passage apply to THOS. W. MORGAN,
9 south wharves.
& PROVIDENCE. The fast sailing sloop Collector, HEATH,
master, will sail without delay. For freight or passage, apply to LINCOLN & RYERSS, No
19, south wharves.
– UNION LINE. Schr Georgetown, J. DENNISON, mr, is now loading at the upper side of
Chesnut st. wharf, and will sail on Wednesday. For freight, apply to JOHN GOODIN, JR, or GEORGE BIRD, No 19 South Wharves.
FREIGHT OR CHARTER, A good schooner of about 600 barrels burthen. Also, a brig of 1100 bbls. Both ready to receive cargo,
and can be sent to sea with out further expense or delay. For terms apply to JAMES PATTON, JR.
Smith’s wharf.
FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER The copper fastened A.
J. British ship Bainbridge, capt. JOHN WILSON, burthen 429 tons, will be ready in a few days
to take in a cargo, of proceed to a Southern port. A freight to Liberpool or London
would be preferred. Apply to SAMUEL MOSS & SON. All persons are cautioned trusting the
crew of the Bainbridge, as no debt of their contracting will be paid by the Captain or Consignee.
FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. The new schr. Lucy, TISDALE, master, apply to THOMAS HAVEN, Walnut
street 2d door above Front.
FREIGHTOR CHARTER, The schr. Argo, coppered last Spring, and in complete order, extremely well found in sails and rigging;
lies at Sibbald’s Wharf, opposite the Swedes’ Church. Apply to A. MONGES, 83
south Front street.
FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER The schr. Hiram, Capt COFFIN, is a good vessel, carries about 450 bbls, and is ready to receive a cargo. Apply to
SHOBER & BUNTING, 26 south wharves.
FOR SALE Ship TobaccoPlant, burthen 278 tons,
carries about 3400 bbls. Copered and copper fastened. For further particulars, apply to JNO. A. BROWN
& CO. 14 Chesnut street.
WANTED TO CHARTER, A vessel from 60 to 80 tons
burthen, to proceed to a southern port. Apply to CHAS. F. SIBBALD. Pine st. wharf.
WANTED, 2 small or one large vessel, to carry
225 tons weight to Boston. Apply to RALSTON & LYMAN
9 south Front st.
WANTED. A good schr. Of light draft water, from
80 to 100 tons burthen to load at a Southern port. Apply to C. & F. KING, 48 south wharves.
A GENERAL assortment of Misses’ Black, Brown
and Drab Beaver Hats, for sale at the Franklin Hat manufactory, No 114, market street. N. FOWLE.
No. 39 North Front street.
having procured a commission as Auctioneer, for the City of Philadelphia, and
having associated with him his brother, JOSEPH CORBIT, they will transact the Auction and
Commission Business, under the firm of H. C. CORBIT & CO. They have taken the spacious
Store and Ware Rooms, No. 39 north Front street, and are now prepared
to receive consignments. They are enabled to afford every facility that may be required, and respectfully solicit the notice
of the Trade.
On Wednesday afternoon,
At 3 o’clock,
from the shelves,
50 packages British and French Goods, consisting
in part of the following articles, blk bombazines, silk velvet, gros de maples, blk and col’d lusterings, cravets, No.
6-16 and 9-22 fancy gros de naple and gauze ribbons, spring col’d and blk taffeta do, ass’d nos., New style belt
do. No 7, 9 and 12; rich gauze cap do, blk and white silk gloves, boskin gloves and mitts, yet and blue blk stains, blk, white
and green crapes, linen cambric and cambric hdkfs, Swiss capes and children’s caps, cotton and silk hosiery, &c&c.
Also 4 case large size madras Hdkfs.
Also, 3 cases blue and blak Italian Sewings.
This morning, at the new auction store,
Plain cote pafey, ladies’ hoskin gloves,
blk crapes, cap ribbons, piping cords, thread laces, gros de nap hdfs, yellow nankeens, barrage hdkfs, sewings, blk lusterings,
gros de nap hdkfs, thibet shawls, &c. MERINO SHAWLS
Also, scarlet, blk and white merino shawls, long
and square.
No 4 North Third street.
On Thursday morning, March 25th, at
11 o’clock precisely,
120 packages fresh Spring Dry Goods, by the Monongahela
and other late arrivals.
Catalogues will be ready for delivery, and the
goods arranged for examination early on the morning of sale.
Remaining on hand, a few very superior make gold
and silver watches, which will be disposed of at liberal prices to close an an invoice.
JAMAICA RUM-3 hhds very superior and fine flavoured
4th proof Jamaica rum
Tobacco-35 hhds. Prime Kentucky
Leaf Tobacco.
No 383, Race street.
Every Saturday, at half past 1 o’clock, at the store.
Furniture will be received for public sale, any
day during the week, till sun down, and on Fridays till 9 o’clock in the evening.
On Thursday morning,
At 10 o’clock,
in Cherry street, first brick house above Jacoby
street, north side, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.
All the well kept household furniture of a family
declining house keeping, consisting of mahogany high post bedsteads, field and low post do, hair matrass, good beds and some
bedding, mahogany breakfast and card tables, bureaus, sideboard, settee, fancy and Windsor chairs, large and small looking
glasses, tea setts of china, large brass andirons, shovel and tongs, good large and small stoves, kitchen furniture, &c&c.
WANTED, 2,000 Dollars on Mortgage of Real Estate,
well secured at 6 per cent. Apply to ISAAC BILLINGS.
No. 13 and 15 north Waters street
EVERY Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, will be
arranged for Private Sale,
A large and general assortment of American Manurfactured
Goods, comprising all the varieties made in the city and neighbourhood, with an assortment of American Printed Calicoes.
Also, a quantity of British and Canton Goods.
RAGS-200 bales Sicily Rags for sale by GRANTS & STONE, 35 south Front street.
RICE-80 tierces, 50 half do. first quality retailing
Rice. For sale by BANKSON TAYLOR, or SAMUEL BROOKS, No. 6
North wharves.
The subscriber offers at very reduced prices,
a lot of superior half inch Yellow Poplar Boards. Also, 2, 3, and 4 inch Poplar Plank. E. W. COOK,
21 Pear street.
HAS taken store, No. 87 south Front street, and tenders his services to
his friends and the public, as a General Commission Merchant.
NOTICE. THE owners of unseated lands in Clearfield
County, will have an opportunity of paying their Taxes to the Treasurer of said
County, by calling at Yerk’s Tavern, sign of the Red Lion, in Market street
above Sixth street, between the hours of 11 and 3
o’clock, until Saturday, 27th inst.
CHRIST REJECTED. THE magnificent Picture by the
late BENJ. WEST, is now placed in the Hall of Independence in Chesnut st. where it may be
seen Daily, by the public, from 9 to 4 and from 6 to 9
o’clock. It is the largest piece ever painted by that celebrated AMERICAN Artist, and has been unequivocably
pronounced by artist and the best judges, to be the greatest of his performances, Ten Thousand guineas were offered to MR. WEST for this picture, which he declined accepting. It was exhibited in Pall Mall
under the patronage of the King, and the receipts of a brief season amounted
to twelve thousand pounds sterling, and in New York, during its short stay there,
nearly Six Thousand Dollars were rereceived at its exhibition.
The room in which it is exhibited is admirably
adaped to that porpose, affording the best light of any room in the city.
Admittance 25 cents, children half price. Catalogues
explanatory of the painting may be had at the Mall, price 12 ½ cents.
TO LET, A house in Spurce
street, south side near Thirteenth.
FOR SALE OR TO LET, On a term of years, a lot
of ground, with two brick tenements, on the south side of South street,
between ninth and Tenth-front 105 feet, running back in Shippen street
270 feet. Apply to JOSEPH DUGAN.
HOUSE TO LET, The house at the South East corner
of Queen and Swanson street. Also, three houses adjoining, newly fitted
up, with folding doors, marble mantels, &c&c having the hydrant water in the yards. Appy to SHOBER
& BUNTING, 26 south wharves.
Two lots No. 32 and 34 soth side of South or Cedar
street, between Third and Fourth, containing 20 feet each by 80 deep, the western house is occupied as a tavern, the other
has a frame on the front with a two storied brick home in the rear and occupied by separate tenants. This property will be
disposed of on reasonable terms. Apply to ISAAC LAWRENCE, No. 103
Market street.
VILLAGE PROPERTY. To Be Rented. One mile west of the Schuylkill permanent Bridge, 2 Brick Houses, in
one bk ck; which can be used as one if required, having communications with each other, both up stairs and down.
This property is well calculated for a Young
Ladies Boarding School, (having been occupied as
such for a considerable length of time,) or would make a good Boarding House. There is on the premises a large Stable and
Carriage House, together with a garden abounding with all kinds of fruit. Also, a good kitchen garden, and every other convenience
to make it a desirable situation for either a public or private family.
To property will be let either together or separate.
N. B. Pasture lots can be had if wanted. Inquire
at the south east corner of Callowhill and Sixth street.
LOST OR MISLAID, A CHECK drawn by Sappington & Gemmill, on the Farmers’ & Merchanics’ Bank, dated march 22, 1830, amount Five
Hundred Dollars, payable in No. 201 or bearer-The finder will confer a favor, by leaving it at the drawer’s Market street,
between Second and Third streets, or at No. 22 north Second street.
Payment being stopped it is of no service to any
but the owners.
& CO
No. 22, north Second
street near Market.
PORT WINE, CORDIALS, &c-Positive Sale
On Wednesday morning,
At 11 o’clock,
without reserve, to close a concern,
47 doz very superior London
particular port wine
8 bbls. Cordials, 2 do wine.
Also, 1 copper still and iron doors, nearly new,
2 do boilers, 1 composition worm, 1 copper measure, 1 do crane and measures, instruments, &c.
TONGUA BEANS – Also 1 bag Tonga Beans.
Also, 1 Brussels
carpet, nearly new.
Also, the following silver ware, 12 silver table
and dessert spoons, 1 pair silver candlesticks, 1 cruit stand 2 gravy spoons, 1 marrow do and fork, 3 silver ladies, 1 do
mug, 1 do box, 1 do fish slice.
They may be examined early on Wednesday morning,
and will be positively sold.
YARNS, &c.
On Saturday morning.
At 10 o’clock,
on the premises, in Thirteenth street, below Spruce, will be sold, by
order of Assignees.
The following articles appertaining to a dying
and manufacturing establishment, viz: a quantity of dye tubs; warping and indigo mills, spools, cotton yarn, press, &c
On Monday morning,
At 10 o’clock,
back of No. 315 north Third street, above Tammony street.
The remains of a Cordial Distillery, consisting
of rose, perfect love, noyeau, cinnamon, aniseed, peppermint, lemon, life of man, &c of different quantities.
Also, common gin and brandy, wine bitters, 1 large
boiler nearly new, 1 small still and worm, stand casks, fixtures, &c appertaining to the distillery.
Also, a quantity of household and kitchen furniture.
No. 8, south Third street
Put the Sale
of Second Hand Furniture,
At the auction store, No.
8 south Third street, every Wednesday and Saturday morning
Book Sales every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Regular sales of Hardware, every Tuesday and Saturday
evenings. Advances in cash will be made whenever required.
T. B. F. & Son respectfully notifies that
they have just received from Europe, an extensive assortment of rare, fine and valuable Books; selected by an eminent collector,
containing an excellent collection of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, German and Italian Books of many of the ancient authors;
suitable to college, antiquarian and scholar. They will be sold on Monday, the 5th April next, at their long room
over the auction store. Catalogues are now preparing and will be ready for delivery to residents in the city seven days previous
to sale, and in a few days catalogues will be forwarded to the principal cities in the United
This evening, at 7
German scythes, sad irons, pad locks, centre and
plain tea trays, small waiters, brass candlesticks, Windsor soap in boxes, steel knitting pins, Brazilian shell side and tuck
combs, plated castors, fancy bridles, cards fancy scissors and knives, needles, pearl buttons, gilt coat do, awl blades, shoe
and butcher knives, &c.
Also, a general assortment of superior wood screws,
of all sizes and numbers.
On Wednesday morning
At the auction store, will be sold,
Numerous articles of second hand furniture.
Buggy-Also, a good second hand buggy.
On Thursday morning,
At 10 o’clock,
at no 361 north Second street
A quantity of household furniture, consisting
of tables, chairs, bureaus, bedstands, beds, and bedding, looking glass carpets, with a quantity of kitchen furniture.
Also, a large sign window frame, and a number
of sashes.
On Saturday morning
The 27th inst. at 10 o’clock, at the auction store,
A large assortment of gold and silver patent lever
watches, fine jewellery, English silver do, fine plain English, Swiss and French watches, gilt and composition do, silver
plate, cream and sugar dishes, soup ladles, table and tea spoons sugar tongs and silver forks, jewellery, gold chains, seals
and keys, fine diamond, pearl and plain finger rings and breast pins, ear rings, &c. violins, flagoletts, flutes, guitar.
Also, double and single barrel screw pistols, dirks, walking canes, umbrellas, several patterns for coats and pantaloons,
Angola in lot, with several looking glasses, dining tables,
and a very superior traveling trunk.
has removed his Counting House, from No. 189 to 125 South Front street,
where he offers for sale,
New England Rum, in hhds, and bbls, pure, and
from first quality Molasses.
Chocolate, No. 1, and Spanish.
Canary Wine, a few qr casks, very old
Do Malmsey,
Do in cases, bottled
Blue Sugar Paper,
Binder’s Boards.
THE whole stock on hand of DRY GOODs and MILLINERY
– the person having sold nearly al her goods, and wishing to quit business, she will sell the remainder at a very low
price, and expecting to remove soon, wishes to sell the fixtures of the shop, and also the awning and posts. The house is
the sixth door below the Hay scales in the street leading to Wharton’s market, below Christian
street, formerly called Moyamensing road or new Second streetm, Southwark.
An Invoice of assorted Sheathing Copper, just
received per packet ship Montezuma, and for sale by JOHN A BROWN & CO. 16 Chesnut street.
LOW priced Cordials by the chask
Rose Cordial, Lemon do, Noyau do, Orange
do, Cinnamon do, of superior quality.
Also, Perfectlove Cordial, Anniseed do, Peppermint
do, Life of Man do, Clove do.
For sale by JOHN ANGUE,
JR. 30 north Third street.
THE Subscriber offers for sale at his Piano Forte
Warehouse, No 144, South Third street, a variety of Square, Upright and Sarcophagus PIANO FORTES, of superior marksmanship
and tone, warranted in every respect. C. F. L. ALBRECHT.
NOTICE-In the District Court for the City and
county of Philadelphia –
Levad Facias to march Tenn, 1830 No 151
Notice is hereby given, to all persons having
any claim, whether by Mortgage, Judgment, Mechanics, Lien, or otherwise, on the fund in Court in this case, arising from the
sale, under the above writ, of a lot of ground on the west side of Laurel street
In breadth 26 feet and in depth, 80 feet more
or less, with the three story brick house and two story brick shop there on erected; to appear at the office of the Subscriber,
No. 150 Arch street, five doors below 7th street, in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 23d of march 1830,
at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
10th, 1830
A CREEABLY to a resolution of the Board of Directors,
passed this day, the Stockholders of the Bank of Philadelphia are hereby notified to attend a special meeting at the said
Bank, on Thursday, the 25th inst. at 10 o’clock in the morning.
E. CHAUNCEY, Cashier.
JUST received and for sale by WM.STAVELY, No 99 South Second street. Debate on the Evidences of Christianity, containing an examination of the
“Socal System,” and of all the systems of Skepticism of Ancient and Modern times, held in the city of Cincinnati,
Ohio, from the 13th to the 21st of April, 1829, between ROBERT OWEN
of New Lemark Scotland, and ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, of Bethany, Virginia, reported by CHARLES H. SIMMS, Stenographer, with an Appendix, written by the parties.
A Cellar in new street, below Fourth
street, under St. Matthew’s Church. Inquire at No 80 north Fourth street